species - skinchangers

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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  • 8/6/2019 Species - Skinchangers


    Species of Mithbar Skinchangers

    Generic Traits of the Skinchanger RacesAlso Known As: ShiftersAppearance:Architecture:Arts & Entertainment:Calendar:

    Crime & Legal SystemDaily LifeDiet & Eating Customs:Fashion & Dress:Foreign Relations:Favored Classes:Government:Magic & TechnologyMedicinePhilosophy:Population:Racial Bonuses:Racial Weaknesses:Settlements:Social Organization:War & Weapons:

  • 8/6/2019 Species - Skinchangers


    Species of Mithbar Skinchangers

    DaegrawAlso Known As: WerecatsAppearance: When in Human form, only their cat eyes

    and fangs can betray them, features they make sure to hide.When in feline form, their fur can have any combination ofspots, stripes found in nature. They have a feline's head clawed

    hands and paws and a tail.Architecture:Arts & Entertainment:Calendar:Crime & Legal SystemDaily Life: Selfish and cunning, most Daegraw have

    their own agenda. Secretive in nature, they like to move in theshadows. Manipulating others is a hobby and most are good atit. Some that stray from the path are benevolent and like tooffer advise to others.

    Diet & Eating Customs:Fashion & Dress:Foreign Relations: Although most Daegraw are

    infiltrators in mixed cities, they actually come from smalltribes, ruled by a single male or female. They have a grudgeagainst Lycanthropes who are constantly try to ruin their plansand have a taste for Tritons.

    Favored Classes:Government: Even though as a race they are ruled by

    the Tigress Queen, Daegraw hold positions of power withingthe human societies they infiltrate. The mantle of the Tigress ispassed on the most cunning and vicious female Daegraw afterthe demise of the old.

    Magic & TechnologyMedicine

    Philosophy:Population: Daegraw can live up to the age of 150, but

    don't age that much. Till they reach the age of 40, they agenormally but then their looks remain the same and only theirhair and fur turns gray. As they get older their reflexes aredulled and eventually they lose their ability to shapeshift.

    Racial Bonuses:Racial Weaknesses:Settlements:Social Organization:War & Weapons:

  • 8/6/2019 Species - Skinchangers


    Species of Mithbar Skinchangers

    GnollsAlso Known As: HyenasAppearance: These skinchangers have a hyena's head

    and feet. Their body is covered with fur and their hands areclawed. Shorter than Humans they walk slightly hunched andwhen attacking, their laughter can chill the blood of any

    inexperienced defender.Architecture:Arts & Entertainment:Calendar:Crime & Legal SystemDaily Life: Noisy, sly and treacherous, Gnolls never

    stop fighting, even among themselves. Not very brave theyusually rely on bigger races to take the damage as they go forthe loot, or use their shapeshifting abilities to sneak in. Whenthey feel they are overpowered, they either attack together orflee.

    Diet & Eating Customs:Fashion & Dress:Foreign Relations: Gnolls like to tag along any raiding

    party coming their way but tend to steer away from Gargoylegrounds as they hunt them down relentlessly. They live ingroups of 50 or more individuals and the stronger fighter, orthe more cunning, becomes leader.

    Favored Classes:Government: Each group is ruled by a Witch, usually a

    cunning and magically adept female. All the Witches, in turn,answer to the Ravagers, a conclave of Gnolls, male and female,that show signs of strategic planning and leadership skills.Most males however tend to be the base of the pyramid, as footsoldiers.

    Magic & TechnologyMedicinePhilosophy:Population: Gnolls don't live long. Usually after the

    age of 50, they are thrown out of the tribe as they are unable todefend their place in it and spend their last decade wanderingalone, usually as a Human or a Hyena. With age, their furgrays and they are unable to hold their natural form.

    Racial Bonuses:Racial Weaknesses:Settlements:Social Organization:War & Weapons:

  • 8/6/2019 Species - Skinchangers


    Species of Mithbar Skinchangers

    JaephemAlso Known As: CopycatsAppearance: Jaephem look the way Jaephem want to

    look. Dark or fair, long or short hair, blue or black eyes, it isall the matter of a whim. And usually they change theirappearance every few minutes, to match their mood.

    Architecture:Arts & Entertainment:Calendar:Crime & Legal SystemDaily Life: Jaephem are very open, social race. As they

    are very much ruled by moods, though, they are sometimeshard to get along with, especially when they lose their tempers,and start changing visage every second. But they are quick toforget, and rarely remain angry long enough to get aggressive.Jaephem love witty company and good jokes.

    Diet & Eating Customs:Fashion & Dress: They tend to wear practical clothes

    in neutral tones, and no jewelry, as even they have no ideawhat will suit them the next minute.

    Foreign Relations: Jaephem are very social, they likebeing in diverse, and amusing companies, since they keep theirmood steady, and good. It is other races that have a problemwith Jaephem, as their all the time changing visage creepsmany. Generally, Jaephem stick to big cities, or villages, andare likely to be seen in any company ready to have them.

    Favored Classes:Government: Jaephem fail to fully perceive the

    importance of hierarchy, especially when it doesn't suit theirmood. As they are so unpredictable, societies they live ingenerally tend to not trust them with any positions of power.

    Young Jaephem revere the old ones though, and more oftenthan not listen to their counsels and are ready to do theirbidding.

    Magic & TechnologyMedicinePhilosophy:Population: Jaephem live up to 200 years. Whether

    they age normally or not, nobody knows, since whether theylook young or old is all the matter of decision. One thing thatchanges with age, though, is their temper. It becomes graduallycalmer, and more predictable, by the end of their lives theyeven settle on one visage... for most of the time, at least.

    Racial Bonuses:Racial Weaknesses:Settlements:Social Organization:War & Weapons:

  • 8/6/2019 Species - Skinchangers


    Species of Mithbar Skinchangers

    LycanthropesAlso Known As: WerewolvesAppearance: These proud protectors of life spend most

    time in their Human form. When they take their normal form,they have a wolf's head, clawed hands and feet, fur coveredbody and a tail. Their fur has the same color as their hair and

    their eyes are golden or blue.Architecture:Arts & Entertainment:Calendar:Crime & Legal SystemDaily Life: Most Lycanthropes stay true to their noble

    cause and follow a path of virtue, but some stray and infectHumans in order to gain followers for their own agendas.When enraged, only a few can stop them and not without greateffort and maybe the loss of a limb or two.

    Diet & Eating Customs:Fashion & Dress:Foreign Relations: Either living as Humans in cities or

    roaming the wilderness in their true forms, Lycanthropes haveto interact with other races in order to keep Mithbar free fromevil-doers. They are friendly to most, but go berserk when theyspot a Daegraw.

    Favored Classes:Government: A council of Elders that guides the Alpha

    is the core of Lycanthrope hierarchy. Any male or female canclaim a place in it, as long as they have killed or captured aDaegraw and have not infected any Humans. Those who have,are considered tainted and lower than those they infected.

    Magic & TechnologyMedicine

    Philosophy:Population: They live for 200 years. If born a

    Lycanthrope, they age normally till they reach 50 and thenremain the same. If infected, they retain the looks they had atthe point of infection. In their wolf form, as they grow older,silver fur replaces the old one.

    Racial Bonuses:Racial Weaknesses:Settlements:Social Organization:War & Weapons:

  • 8/6/2019 Species - Skinchangers


    Species of Mithbar Skinchangers

    SatyrsAlso Known As: Goats, Stags, TailchasersAppearance: While male Satyrs look like a hybrid

    between Human and ram or deer, female ones look less likeanimals as they don't have the legs of an animals and generallyhave smaller horns on their forehead. Male Satyrs like to grow

    beards.Architecture: Satyrs seem to go by where I lay my

    head is home so they do not build houses of any sort. Or atleast thats what most people think. In truth, Satyrs are masterbuilders when it comes to shelters that are easy to get up, easyto hide, easy to carry and easy to pack when the time arrives tomove.

    Arts & Entertainment:Calendar:Crime & Legal SystemDaily Life: Passionate at everything they do, Satyrs

    can be joyful or grumpy, forgetful or vindictive. Sometimesthey have one drink too many and can cause trouble but mostof the time they just wander in the woods having fun. Neverones to shy away from carnal pleasures or anything that wouldmake most blush.

    Diet & Eating Customs:Fashion & Dress:Foreign Relations: Living in pairs, Satyrs won't

    actually look for the company of others but when they smell afestivity, they are among the first to join and contribute, asmost are good musicians. They dislike order and steer clear ofplaces with a strict set of rules.

    Favored Classes:Government: Due to their complete disregard of rules,

    not even the Cuerryn are able to stand Satyrs around for long.Thus they remain without any form of hierarchy, adopted ornot and they prefer it that way. In the rare occasion more thantwo pairs of Satyrs gather, there still is no hierarchy.

    Magic & TechnologyMedicinePhilosophy: It is no secret Satyrs have no love for

    rules, so Chaos aligned orders are first in their list ofpreference. Life ones come close second, as do Nature alignedorders. Might and Order ones are last and few Satyrs would becaught claiming allegiance to the latter.

    Population: Usually living up to the age of 150, Satyrsgrow more gentle as time passes by. Their horns grow till theydie and their fur and hair turns gray. They age at a reducedrate, but not much slower than Humans. When over 120, theylose the ability to shapeshift.

    Racial Bonuses:Racial Weaknesses:Settlements:Social Organization:War & Weapons:

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