speech & language therapy ucc class 2013

Post on 16-Mar-2016






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Preview of the yearbook



remember the good times


Fiona Gibbon PhD FRCSLT

Professor, Head of Department Speech and Hearing Sciences

University College Cork

Congratulations on your graduation. I don’t underestimate the high demands that the course (and the staff!) made on you over the past four years. You may have had times when you wanted to give it all up and do something easier, less challenging, less demanding. But you kept at it and you’ve finally made it. You deserve a lot of credit and should be proud of yourselves.

I was in your position many years ago when I received a license to practice as a speech and language therapist. That was the most valuable thing I ever received. That event shaped my life more than anything before or since. My parents understood the importance of education and told me that the most important thing you can get in life is an education.

I have come to realise that this is really true, it is worth more than a million euros. It’s something you will have for the rest of your lives, and no one can take it away from you. Whatever you do next, it is inside you now and it will influence the way you think and everything that you do in your lives. And remember, this is not the end of your journey because learning is a lifelong experience. You are well on your way though. You have reached a milestone.

letterfrom thehead


I know you are going in to a challenging jobs environment. I hope that in time you will find jobs in Ireland and become practicing members of the Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapy. But there are plenty of opportunities out there and alternative paths to take when you have an education and a clinical qualification such as yours. Whatever you choose, make sure that you enjoy what you are doing because that makes life fulfilling. I am sure you recognise the invaluable support that so many people have given you over the past four years. You can best show your appreciation by having wonder-fully successful lives! Congratulations once again to you all and

very best wishes for the future.


Our course has meant that who we have really come to know and be friends with over the past four years has been largely determined by who we been coupled with for placement or who we happened to sit next to during ‘Sally’s First PBL’ session.

Nevertheless, as class rep I would like to say what a privilege it has been to be part of a class that has never stumbled from being wholly supportive and encouraging of one another. There are many different personalities among us, however I feel everyone has a character that most can only aspire to and I am certain that everyone will go on to achieve many great and wonderful things.

So before I get all P.S. I love you on this introduction, I would like to wish you all the very best, and I hope all our paths cross again in the ever-nearing future. All the best!

Zoe Rooke Class rep

to all the slt girls of 2013,


good lUCK message


good lUCK message


without them in the first place

College friends become kind of family,you eat together,

you take naps together, fight, laugh, cry,

and do absolutely nothing togetheruntil you can‘t remember

how you everlived your life

good lUCK message


“Family” Following our 4 years in college, I am now fortunate to have gained 21 new “sisters” that I never had. Not only that, but I think we can all consider ourselves “aunties” to the one and only Isabelle! Imagine how much our families have grown…

“Eat together” Let’s face it, Brookfield canteen isn’t anything fancy, but it got us by through the 4 years of all those beloved PBL tea breaks, or any excuse for a cup of tea in general! What does it matter what the food tastes like anyway, they say it’s the company that matters ;)

“Naps together” Numerous times did we feel the need to have a quick snooze during a certain lecture on an early Friday morning…

“Fight” Thankfully, for a group of all women, there was no fighting! But if anyone in our class did need us, we’d be there, all guns blazing!

“Laugh” A fond few memories… • A certain lecturer and his tendency to bump into things during our lectures…• Longing for the minutes to tick by in some lectures…• “Spit or Swallow” enough said!! • “Hmmmm… Hmmmm” ***Head nod***• “Bilingualism!!!”


“Cry” Many a tear has been shed by all! They didn’t really go easy on us did they???

“Do absolutely nothing together” Sorry but when again have we ever had nothing to do? The joys of continuous assessment…

Even so, we really did make the most of the time we had together and long may it last! We all might not know what is around the corner and god only knows what part of the world

we all could end up in, but we are finally finished!!!

Finally, I would like to wish you all the best of luck in the world. I can’t describe in words how much I will miss you all (ye all know, I am quite the emotional fish) but I would like to sincerely thank you all for making my 4 years of college a pleasure. Many a time did I curse the course, but NEVER the people that got

through it with me! Remember:

because it happened! because it’s over, smile

don’t cry

Finn xxxYearbook Class Co-ordinator

good lUCK message


Wemade it!

deirdre o‘leary, Julie hayes

rosie geaney, fionnuala devlin,maire ring, Catriona lynam,

rachel Cleary, Zoe rooke,

Winnie o' sullivan, leanne hickey,

Kimberley spivey,

maeve barry, shinann o'sullivan,

maria bracken, sinead ashe,

meghan butler, elaine Kerins,

Cara teahen, audrey falvey, elodie grape

Yvonne mcevoy,Vanessa o‘ Connor,


dear felloW stUdent,

We made it!The past four years have been challenging to say the least, but

we’re here, we’re Speech and Language Therapists! I personally would not have made it to graduation day without the amazing support of our class. Whether we’ve been crying over Praat, tearing our hair out over the VIVA, having a com-plete meltdown when the laminator breaks or drowning in the seemingly endless sea of the FYP, we’ve supported each other the whole way through, whether with endless cups of tea (with our own teabags of course), messy nights out or just

listening to each other complain.

I think the traits of compassion, empathy, and of course, a good sense of humour (to keep us sane) that make us such fantastic Speech and Language Therapists also make us a great group of people to be around, and have allowed us to form

some wonderful, life-long friendships.

We are all a mix of nerves and excitement as we begin to follow the uncertain paths of our future, and I want to wish everybody the best of luck in your future careers, and lives! Really hope we all stay in contact and have plenty of reunions!

Rosie xxxYearbook Class Co-ordinator


Lorraine Walsh

Geraldine Daly

Girls, congratulations on your graduation. Wishing all the best for the future. It was great working with you all. Let the hunt for the graduation shoes begin!

The very best of luck to you all.I have great confidence in your ability to take your places professionally in whatever capacity you work in the future.In time, you might come to value the skills you‘ve honed during the PBL process, over the three years-even if its your staying power to engage in three hour sessions! Or your confidence to speak up on your own or anothers behalf.I hope you all have made lasting friendships, that you will treasure for a long time to come.


Dear Graduates!

Congratulations on completing what is a very intense and difficult course and coming out the other side!

You are entering a wonderful profession which I hope will always inspire and motivate you from the range of clients and families that you will meet. Best of luck for the future whatever path you decide to go down and I hope that you will fondly remember your days at UCC and stay in touch with each other

and with us here at the Department. No one else will understand how hard it is to finish a reading form on a Monday night while colouring in pictures for clinics the next day when the rest of the University are out partying!

All the best

Dr. Ciara O’Toole

Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences

good lUCK message


from oUr

sPeeCh andlangUage

theraPY Class

rememberall ladies

ProfilessPeeCh andlangUage



What is mY faVoUrite memorY:Sitting in Maeve‘s flat eating penguin bars with Elodie and Maeve on one of the first days of college :)

most memorable qUote:„Touch it, it‘s just Dura Mater! Why you do Anatomy if you no like the Dura Mater?“

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:Buy a pair of Louboutins!

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:TOUGH! late nights, tears, laughs, rewarding, fun, interesting, enlightening, surprising!

final Words to mY Year groUP:Best of luck everybody! Wish you all the best! May we always meet for tea (with our own tea-bags of course)

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:Living by the sea with Ben and our TEENAGE daughter Isabelle (scary!) hopefully with a rewarding ID job :)

Personal email:rosiegeaney@hotmail.com

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:108434131@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013



What is mY faVoUrite memorY:Class dinners at Scoozi‘s, SLTs on tour hols, Tea breaks in Brookfield,

Final Year Ball – one of the few but best nights we had as a class!

most memorable qUote:#FMC, Work hard, play harder!!

SLUTS for Life (Speech and Language Undergraduate Therapists!!!)

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:God knows how long away this will be...

But I would only love a killer pair of designer heels to dance the night away in!

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:TOUGH! late nights, tears, laughs, rewarding, fun, interesting, enlightening, surprising!

final Words to mY Year groUP:Although it was a tough 4 years, thanks to one and all for making it an entertaining

and truly enjoyable experience that I will miss! :(

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:Maybe by then I will have gotten a job...

Otherwise lying on a beach in some foreign country working on my tan!!!

Personal email:finnydev@hotmail.com

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109335960@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013




science ball Januar y 2012

elaine, maeve, rosie 2011


engineering ball 2010

ivor y Closet disney Princesses! final Year ball!



rachel & maire’s tipptastic 21 st!


rosie, triona, maire december 2011

edinburgh 2012


What is mY faVoUrite memorY:Geraldine PBL

most memorable qUote:my wife‘s cousin, why is the mom on ritalin, tis awful sad

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:A pair of christain louboutin‘s, or a car that can go up hill fast!

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:Hardest, most horrible, best, funniest and weirdest 4 years ever

final Words to mY Year groUP:Its been a blast, I wont forget any of ye if ye don´t forget me!

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:Sitting on a beach, sipping cocktails, taking a year off from SLT work!!!

Personal email:catrionalynam@gmail.com

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109824758@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013



What is mY faVoUrite memorY:The „SLTs on tour“ to Budapest and Edinbudgh, travelling the country to celebrate

the 21sts, class meals in Scoozis, and the final year ball.

most memorable qUote:André Toulouse with „All good, all fine“ – the man spoke true words, as the friends

made were all good and the work turned out to be all fine.

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:Treat myself to a brand new designer handbag or pair of shoes – definitely

something to show off!.

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:Hard work, tears, celebrations, laughs, great friends, fun, chats, tea!

final Words to mY Year groUP:Congratulations, we made it! All the hard work has finally paid off!

I wish everybody the best for the future wherever life takes you all.

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:Employed, hopefully! :) Enjoying life and meeting up with the

life long friends I‘ve made over the last 4 years of college!

Personal email:leannemghickey@gmail.com

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109335978@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013





tea time!!!





drunken first years

final year ball


first year babies

slt’s all dressed up


What is mY faVoUrite memorY:Building all the friendships over the last 4 years especially in Brookie, too many memories to pick one!

most memorable qUote:„Your face“ a burn from a client on my second year block.

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:Go straight to Brown Thomas and buy either a bag or shoes and get some folwers for my parents on the way home!

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:Funny conversations, stressful days, memorable dances and life-long friends.

final Words to mY Year groUP:Well girls we have been through thick and thin together if we can get through this we can get through anything! Best of luck :)

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:Still debating whether I should have done teaching! Hopefully happy healthy and loving life.

Personal email:maeve.barry@hotmail.com

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109432361@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013



What is mY faVoUrite memorY:Elaine‘s speech from the Final Year Ball! Classic!

That and meeting Caroline Bowen and Barbara Dodd!

most memorable qUote:

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:Go shoe and clothes shopping!Such a typical girly statement

but that doesn‘t make it less true :) I‘d also buy a bottle of champagne!

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:Ten measly words would not do the experience I‘ve had any justice :)

final Words to mY Year groUP:

I don‘t have any final words as this is not my final goodbye to any of ye :) Oh but BTW, Ciarraí Abú!

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:Celebrating my 32nd Birthday!! :O

Personal email:shinannosullivan@hotmail.com

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109347488@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013

shinann buckley

o‘ sullivan







shinann and Zoe celebrating the end of anatomy first Year!

final Year ball 2013

shinann buckley

o‘ sullivan


Clubs and societies ball 2012

now i ’m lying on the cold hard ground! second Year banter


What is mY faVoUrite memorY:Ghetto dancing with Elaine Kerins, The Gables, Bracken one-liners, clock shop ladiezzz, the ball, sunshine creeping, Budapest, Edinburgh...

most memorable qUote:Too busy laughing to take note I think.. Maria Braken definitely features heavily though..!

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:Spend it immediately! With possibly a Michael Kors/ Marc Jacobs bag to show for it...

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:„Tis all about the experience“.. ten words wouldn‘t even begin to cover it.

final Words to mY Year groUP:We all need to make the extra effort to keep in touch!! I‘ll miss ye terribly and really and truly wish everyone the best.

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:God knows where doing god knows what!

Personal email:rmeghanbutler90@gmail.com

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109304568@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013



What is mY faVoUrite memorY:A 1st year class night out in Gorbys when Maeve & I had dance-offs with loads of

random people. We busted some “killer” moves that night! :P

most memorable qUote:“Ooooh yeah!!” [‘Cashel’s Talking’ Communication Group in 3rd year, 2012]

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:Buy something shiny and sparkly! I will also buy a big ‚Thank you‘ present for my

Mom for being my biggest support every step of the way! :)

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:“Occasionally“ stressful but an overall happy, exciting and unforgettable experience!

final Words to mY Year groUP:You are a fabulous group of people who I am delighted to have the honour of being

friends with. You all truly deserve very happy futures!

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:Probably juggling my TV presenting (!) with looking up flights

for my next travel adventure while printing off my session materials!

Personal email:ker.ela@hotmail.com

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109346759@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013



What is mY faVoUrite memorY:Too many fantastic memories to just pick one! Everything from exciting nights out to much needed PBLl breaks. I loved every mintue of it:)

most memorable qUote:Everyone freaking out about the Anatomy exam and Elaine says ‚I don‘t think it‘s going to be all good all fine!‘ Good old Andre Toulouse!

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:A ticket home because I‘ll have emigrated no doubt! And a flight back to Edinburgh to get a battered Mars bar-how did we forget?!

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:Wiggling in Reardons, stress in Brookfield, banter in Boole, boldness in the Clock shop, laughter in Connaught Ave & ridiculously good friends!

final Words to mY Year groUP:Thanks for the adventure:) It was hard work but we made it. Let‘s keep the contact up. And let‘s not still be doing STAPs when we‘re 50!

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:In Bali running my own private practice from a beach hut and sipping cocktails with Bowen (2005). I owe her....

Personal email:yvonnmcevoy@yahoo.co.uk

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109703632@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013



What is mY faVoUrite memorY:Where to start?! All our nights out .. I couldn‘t write all the funny moments

even if I had an unlimited word count! And Budapest :)

most memorable qUote:having the TIME of our lives, An bhfuil tu go maith?..

mar ta tu ag feachaint go maith ;), its all about the experience

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:Invest in a pair of Louboutins!

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:Bucket lists, living in the library but having the lols and

the bants gatting with friends I‘ve made for life :) x

final Words to mY Year groUP:Thanks to everyone for making the last four years unforgettable, ye truly are an

amazing bunch of people and I wish ye all the best :)

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:Starting the 10 year plan me and Leanne figured out.

Personal email:

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109507833@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013




the bracken pose!maria is not impressed!

maria & i at the account-ing & finance ball 2013 – mexican themed!

random night out in 3 rd year!


happy days on the dance floor :)

halloween of 3 rd year – no caption necessar y! halloween in the bower y!


What is mY faVoUrite memorY:Second year placement up the north side with Cara... „Bat and lobster, because them live in cave and them live in sea“, „Shut up youuuu!“

most memorable qUote:„I like make it hot... sometimes I make it hot, sometimes I make it not hot“ „Lovely... Very niiiiiiiiiccccccceeeeeeee... ALWAYS!!!“

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:Buy an owl!

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:An extremely enjoyable and memorable four years of my life!

final Words to mY Year groUP:Good luck with the job hunting girlies... and hopefully we‘ll all bump into each other at some stage somewhere in the world!!! :)

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me: Creeping up on middle age and probably questioning the authenticity of ten years‘ use of anti-wrinkle cream!

Personal email:kimberleyspivey@hotmail.com

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109317040@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013



What is mY faVoUrite memorY:If I could recall the entire night, I would say

our final year ball was my favourite memory!

most memorable qUote:Oh jesus, Awful sad, She doesnt even go here, Aint nobody got time for that,

Can I just say 1 thing, Cos we‘re the 3 best friends, Twinning

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:Do what I do best; hit the town... no need for those shneaky naggins anymore!

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:Endless days in the library and dangerously forgettable nights out.

final Words to mY Year groUP:I wish everyone goodluck and I want to thank ye

for making this such a memorable 4 years!!

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:Good question?!

Personal email:rachelyasmin@yahoo.ie

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109408363@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013




miss speech and miss language 2012 ;)



science ball


how are we still single!!! :P


What is mY faVoUrite memorY:All the bizzarre conversations with Rosie and Catriona :), Elodie‘s stories, Headway, getting scoozies with Kim!

most memorable qUote:„eHmmm...“ – hours of entertainment coming back from Listowel.

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:Go back to India (v. jealous of Miss Butler!), travel on the railway drinking darjeeling tea and spotting bengal tigers – a girl can dream!

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:It was, Soul destroying Laughter inducing Time consuming... and more :)

final Words to mY Year groUP:Go forth and exit the library...

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:A deranged neuroscientist, opening the first SLT clinic for late talking baby chimps.

Personal email:zoe.ann22@gmail.com

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109668896@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013



What is mY faVoUrite memorY:Huntington‘s disease Assimilation Workshop... the TERROR when we

repeated failed to explain he was not going to get better!!! haha

most memorable qUote:Winifred Anna O´Sullinvan: ‚alternative‘, ‚Do you have any land?‘. ‚TG‘,

‚Pray to Saint Anthony‘, Meghan‚ ,Christ on a bike‘!

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:Buys as many clothes as possible! Nice and Simple.

Maybe an Iphone, if I get insurance on it... for obvious reasons!

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:TOO MUCH WORK ! But the girls were great :)

final Words to mY Year groUP:Girls, its been a pleasure. We‘re had the craic, even when we should

have been studying! Made some amazing friends for life!

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:Living in a fab house wearing fab clothes (hopefully) ;)

Personal email:109324381@umail.ucc.ie

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109324381@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013




me with miss buckley-o’sullivan

With the all-time Pop-Up Pirate World Champion






What is mY faVoUrite memorY:Group night out in second year when I was really in the mood for shots!!!

most memorable qUote:‚I‘m protected by the freedom of speech act so I can say whatever I want when I‘m lecturing‘ I just remember thinking what‘s coming here?

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:Buy a new car or a holiday to someplace fancy.

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:Busy college days, crazy nights out, completely life changing experience!

final Words to mY Year groUP:Good luck to everyone, I hope all the hard work will be worth it! xxx

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:Still unemployed if things continue the way they‘re going!!! – but hopefully in a well paid job!

Personal email:SineadA20@gmail.com

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109311424@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013



What is mY faVoUrite memorY:Handing in FYP and celebrating with everybody!

most memorable qUote:„I‘m so cross“ Julie Hayes

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will: Buy a Beamer!!! Or else some new shoes...

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:Rewarding, challenging, friends, late nights, banter, worth it, never forget it!

final Words to mY Year groUP:Best of luck with the future girls...

I wish ye success and happiness in everything ye do Xx

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:Married to Ryan Gosling

Personal email:DSOLeary@umail.ie

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109339931@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013

deeo‘ leary




spain 2012 Vegas baby! :)



ex oh ex oh



myster y tour


first night out!

final Year ball!


What is mY faVoUrite memorY:Probably would have to be us all dancing together at the clinical therapies ball #wine #Taylor Swift – I knew you were trouble

most memorable qUote:I‘m soooo cross!!! „Supposedly“ I‘ve said it a couple of times :)

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:Quit my job in New Look and go celebrate in Havana Browns... Sure what else :)

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:Hard work, PBL, FYP, FML, Friends For Life, Worth it!

final Words to mY Year groUP:Best of luck to everyone with whatever life brings you after UCC :)

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:Hopefully in a hot country having one of my several, yearly holidays (which I can afford due to my fabulously well paid job!!!).

Personal email:Julz445@gmail.com

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109325760@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013



What is mY faVoUrite memorY:Too many to fit into 140 characters... Finding Audrey sound asleep

under the table at the ball, Amsterdam, Class nights out, Final Year Ball!

most memorable qUote:

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:buy not a lot with our salaries haha but will no doubt treat myself all the same!

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:Psychosocial, a laugh, funny, a few mental breakdowns along the way,

oh and psychosocial!!

final Words to mY Year groUP: Girls we had such a great four years... Best of luck to all of you in the future

and we‘ll no doubt cross paths along the way!

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:More than likely working in Community Care loving the excitement

that every new day brings with it there... :)

Personal email:carateahan@hotmail.com

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109394311@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013




science ball 2012

monster ball , dublin :)


Clinical therapies ball 2013




Christmas par t y 2010

science ball 2012



our first class night out . . . .

me and audreyamsterdam for swedish house maf-i-a


and one of our last . . . : (

‘because we’re the five best friends that anyone could have. . ’


What is mY faVoUrite memorY:Don‘t have one in particular... nights out, RAG week/days, giggles during PBL, trip to Amsterdam, Final year ball... probably forgetting loads!

most memorable qUote:Do you know how to play the fishing game?

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will:Book an amazing holiday to the Carribean!!! Oh wait..... I did SLT.....

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:Probably as the Dictator of a small country.

final Words to mY Year groUP:We made it!!!

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:Probably still looking for a job!!!

Personal email:audreyfalvey@hotmail.com

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109401318@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013



What is mY faVoUrite memorY:Think one of my favourite memories has to be our final year ball! :)

Such a good night and a great catch up after the year! :)

most memorable qUote:Some great ones from Cashel! „ohhhh yessss“

„ohh jayyyysus yehhh“ and Elcatrose – „foooool!“

With mY first PaYCheCK i Will: Be absolutely delighted! and spend it immediately on shoes! :)

Or maybe on a flight home if I‘m working somewhere foreign! :)

desCribe mY exPerienCe in 10 Words:PMemorable! Eye-opening! Tough! Tea Breaks! Brookie! Laminating! Laughing!

Rewarding! Friends! Pop-up Pirate!

final Words to mY Year groUP: BEST OF LUCK EVERYONE!!! Hope everything works out the way ye want it to :)

I‘ll miss ye all! Aurevoir Friends! See ye soon! :) xxx

in 10 Years time YoU Will find me:Hopefully still working... somewhere nice and sunny maybe! :)

Personal email:elodie_grabe@yahoo.co.uk

institUtion: University College Cork

CoUrse: Speech & Language Therapy

stUdent email:109460225@umail.ucc.ie

Year of gradUCation: 2013



little first years

another quiet night in



Clearly we don’t have a bad angle when it comes to taking nice photos

molesting shinann. . .Jagerbombs in amsterdam!


little first years

another quiet night in



Clearly we don’t have a bad angle when it comes to taking nice photos

molesting shinann. . .Jagerbombs in amsterdam!



me and some friends i made in college

myself , Julie & alan from the hangover


We scrub up well! despite some of us in our bare feet haha! :)

a first year outing. . . in gorby’s! :)

for Cathal! :)



remember all the nights












YoU shall go to the ball

Over the years, we have foregone our own lonely Clinical Therapies Ball (until 4th year, when we de-cided to attend and make it cool), to attend a variety of balls from other disciplines, the ones that actually have male students, from accounting, to engineering, scienceand commerce with great success...


remember all theseWUnderVoll moments


remember all these WonderfUl moments











tUrning 21over the four years

we have had much to celebrate, including. . .

turning 21!







oUr faVorite




isabelle Celebrating her birthdaYisabelle celebrating her first bir thday with her slt aunties



and our beautiful miss speech and

miss language getting into the finals

of miss Cork.

el aine´s Presentation

CliniCal theraPies ball – 7 th of marCh, 2013

Good evening everyone! My name is Elaine and I am going to be speaking tonight on behalf of all the final year SLTs. For those of you who don’t know us already, I am going to tell you a little bit about us! So as you can see for yourselves, we are a group of 22 very ‘classy ladies’.

Over the last four years, we have become experts in many different areas and have attained a unique set of skills. Such as… spit or swallow,

We love to go out and have fun. We are typically the type of group that you will hear before you see! We do work very hard, however, so we only get to enjoy the occasional alcoholic beverage!








and eYeContaCt.


We loVeProPs


although there is one prop in par ticular that we seem to have a cer tain liking for!

Photo 21


Over the years, we have become very close as a group and are like one big happy family! We have celebrated many happy occasions together. We have all made life-long friends as part of the course. I am sure and confident that we will continue to remain friends in the many years to come, no matter where we end up jet-setting across the globe. I just know that there are many poles out there just waiting for us to find them!

As I’m sure you will all agree, each of us as individuals are more than deserving of a number of different awards for our various attributes and for the many funny situations we have all found ourselves in over the years, be it on nights out, placement or college in general. However tonight, we are going to give out a few select awards.

nominees andWinners


biggest mess Nominees: Rachel Cleary, Fionnuala Devlin and Cara TeahanWinner: The fabulous Ms. Fionnuala Devlin

most liKelY to end UP in a&e Nominees: Vanessa O’Connor, Sinéad Ashe and Deirdre O’ LearyWinner: The wonderfully chic Ms. Vanessa O’Connor

most liKelY to Come on to a PatientNominees: Winifred Anna O’Sullivan, Audrey Falvey, Máire Ring and Kimberly SpiveyWinner: The lady that is Ms. Winifred Anna O’ Sullivan

best interPersonal sKills Nominees: Shinann Buckley O’Sullivan, Catríona Lynam, Maria Bracken and Elaine Kerins Winner: The fantastic Ms. Maria Bracken

best PoP-UP-Pirate Pl aYerNominees: Yvonne McEvoy, Elodie Grabe, Maeve Barry and Julie Hayes. Winner: The lady that knows how to get the very best out of her patients - Ms. Elodie Grabe

oVerall sUPerWoman of the YearNominees: Leanne Hickey, Rosie Geaney, Zoe Rooke and Meghan Butler. Winner: A very deserving Ms. Rosie Geaney

el aine´s Presentation


let us all now raise a toast to the final year slts!


let us all now raise a toast to the final year slts!


final year

ball 2013

















remember all thesemoments in bUdaPest

„tis all about the experience“,„the more we stick together, the drunker we can get“ ,

„szia“, „stage V Clinger“, „madra rua“, „tommy Kelly“, „ár n-athair“











remember all thesemoments in gran Canaria




remember all thesemoments in amsterdam






On the 13th of December 2013, eight SLTs packed their thermal underwear and headed for a well- deserved break in Edinburgh. Oh, but a wonderful time was had, between spontaneous ceili’s in Finnegan’s wake, eyeballs that could be described as nothing else, but hairy, and a surreal night in an episode of ‘Made in Chelsea’. And let’s not forget, Maire Ring’s true love of the Ferris Wheel, Rosie’s complete and utter nervous breakdown in the dungeons, and gracefully running away from the walking tour, only to repeatedly hide behind telephone boxes every time it caught up with us. We’ll always remember Maria’s new nickname of ‘Squats’, and the very cross Australian lady, who couldn’t for the life of her understand why we had brought our own teabags. And all we wanted was a bit of (cheese) tea.

We must return at some stage girls, as we never did have that battered mars bar...

remember all thesemoments in edinbUrgh










and finallY. . . What We haVe to looK forWard

to for the rest of oUr liVes!


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