spiral of silence tip

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Com 103-03Katie Cahill T.I.P.

Brief Exercise

By a show of hands, how many people in this room are Pro-Choice?

{How Many People In This Room Are Pro-Life?

Before I even conducted this experiment I knew that a large chunk of the class would look around the room before raising their hands




The Spiral of Silence Theory

Originated in the ‘30s & ‘40s by Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann

Became “Spiral of Silence Theory” in the ‘70s


Those who are apart of the majority viewpoint will feel more confident speaking out on public opinions

Those who are apart of the minority viewpoint tend to remain silent about their opinion

Media will cover and focus on majority views, leading those in the minority to descend down a “spiral of silence”


Core of the theory Founder Noelle-Neumann feels

it was misconstrued Separated into 2 distinct


Public Opinion & The Theory


Legal Public: “Public Lands” Concerns of Issues of People:

“Public Responsibility of Journalists”

Social-Psychological Side of People: “Public Eye”

3 Different “Publics”

Usually Neglected Aspect of Public Opinion Until Noelle-Neumann

“This Is The Meaning Felt By People In Their Sensitive Social Skin”

EX: Little voice in your head that leads you to conduct yourself in a socially acceptable way when meeting someone newSocial-Psychological


An Expression of an Attitude

Interchangeable With “Acceptable”

Level of Agreement of a Particular Population


“Public” + “Opinion” = Public Opinion

Behaviors People Engage in Which are Socially Acceptable

Will Not Lead Those Who Engage to Feel Ostracized

With Matters that are Controversial, Public Opinions are Those We Feel Comfortable in Expressing Without Worrying About Isolation

Because Our Opinions Constantly Change Over Time & Are Often Encouraged By the Mass Media, “The Spiral of Silence Only Holds Sway Over a Society for a Limited Period of Time”

Example: Gay Marriage

Media are the Gatekeepers of Controversy

Ultimately Decide News & Interests of Society

Tend to Create Controversy on a Given Subject

Our Opinions are Therefore Shaped By Our Relationships + Media

Mass Media & Public Opinion

Society Threatens Deviant Individuals With Isolation; Fear of Isolation is Pervasive

This Fear of Isolation Causes Individuals to try to Assess the Climate of Opinion at all Times

Public Behavior is Affected by Public Opinion Assessment


Society Threatens Deviant Individuals with Isolation; Fear of Isolation is Pervasive:

Society Wants People to Conform to the Public Opinion

Difference in Values = Fear of Isolation ^

Agree on Common Set of Values = Fear of Isolation ∨

1st Assumption

Asch’s Study

Average Subject Conformed to Group 32% of the Time

74% of the Subjects Conformed at Least Once

Individuals Feel the Need to Agree with Others, Even if they are Wrong

This Fear of Isolation Causes Individuals to try to Assess the Climate or Opinion at all Times:

When we are predicting the viewpoints of others we are using our Quasi-Statistical Sense

(Our Ability to Estimate the Strength of Opposing Sides in a Public Debate)

2nd Assumption


Our Quasi-Statistical Sense is Set Off by Our “Organ”

Organ Heart

When we are feeling nervous or unstable our heart or “organ” is on high-alert

Pluralistic Ignorance: Mistaken Observations

Overestimate People’s Opinions Based on Media Perceptions

Through his we Can be Disillusioned

3rd Assumption

Public Behavior is Affected by Public Opinion Assessment:

Our Behavior is Influenced by Our Evaluations of Public Opinion

When we Gather this Information we can Either Speak or Not Speak

Tend to Avoid Controversial Topics to Which we Lack Majority Support WE KEEP SILENT

Scope: Broad Logical Consistency: Lack of Logical

Consistency Parsimony: Simple Utility: Quite Useful Testability: Easily Testable Heurism: Highly Heuristic Test of Time: So Far…


{ {Criticisms

Charles Salmon & F. Gerald Kline (1985): EGO

Carroll Glynn / Andrew Hayes / & James Shanahan (1997): CONFLICTIONS

Carroll Glynn & Jack McLeod (1985): ISOLATION & COMMUNITIES

Noelle-Neumann’s Defense Media Instrumental Not Once Did the

Theory Contradict the Media’s Position

Not all Behaviors can be Sensibly Explained

Logical Consistency


English as Official United States Language

Religion in Classroom

Persian - Gulf War in ‘90s

Communication Apprehension

College Student Sexual Values

Computer-Mediated Communication

Personal Account

Discussion Question

Due to the Internet and Its Social-Networking Capabilities, Do You Believe that the Minority in Our Country is Disappearing & that We All Have a Fairly Equal Voice?

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