spiritual warfare 2

Post on 30-Jan-2022






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Spiritual Warfare 2


What is Your Foundation?

Matthew 7:24-27

Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock; and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on the house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand; and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.

The Weapon of Deception

• The Encarta Dictionary defines de.cep.tion as the practice of deliberately making somebody believe things that are not true. Something intended to mislead somebody.

• An act, trick, or device intended to deceive or mislead somebody.

• How do you know when you are deceived?


• Our mind

• Our heart

• Our mouth

• Refer to pages 9-14 in handout, “Practical Tools for Engaging the Enemy.”

Satan’s Weapon is “the Lie”

• Satan sows lies (lie-based thinking) into our hearts through false doctrine (e.g. works righteousness, wounding, poor parenting, dysfunctional family experiences, cultural norms, trauma, etc.

• Lies produce emotional pain and demonization; our lie-based beliefs are producing sin against God and those around us.

How do we recognize a lie?

Lie-based beliefs are any beliefs, decisions, attitudes, agreements, judgments, expectations, vows, and oaths that are based on an inaccurate picture of God (His Word, His nature, His character and our identity in Him.)

More Lies

• Lies about God.

• Lies about our identity.

• Lies about what we have.

• Lies about our authority.

• Lies about how to get our needs met.

• Lies about our purpose and destiny.

• What is God’s role in resolving the attacks?

Another Source of Lies

Our society and culture has a belief system . . .




This system is called in scripture, the kingdom of this world or the kingdom of darkness. It’s belief system is anti-Christ and anti-love.


▪ You are God’s beloved. ▪ You are acceptable to

God.▪ You are secure in Christ.▪ You have the peace of

God.▪ Your significance or

worth is based on Jesus, God’s most beloved Son, who gladly gave His life for you.


▪You’ll be loved if . . .▪You’ll be accepted if . ▪You’ll be secure if . . .▪You’ll have peacewhen . ▪Your significance or worth is based upon what you do and what other people think about it.



Doing DoneTrying harder, work Receive, trust, resLive through self-life Spirit (Christ’s Life)My ability God’s abilityMust, have to, ought-to Faith in what God saysI am what people see I am who God says I am“Do, in order to be” “You already are!”Defeat, condemnation Love, forgiveness,

security, acceptance, valueBondage, duty, fear Freedom

The Test

• Ask yourself, “Is this belief consistent with what Jesus modeled in his life;

• Is it consistent with what Jesus would do;

• Is this consistent with Jesus’ message (the word); and

• Is this belief consistent with what Jesus accomplished on the cross?

Discerning Voices

I John 4:1 – Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God for many false prophets have gone out into the world deceiving many!

You have 3 voices that talk to you in your head:– Your own—analytical, unemotional

– Satan’s—critical, condemning, inciting fear

– Holy Spirit—truthful, life giving, peaceable

Recognizing Demonic Influence

What’s in your heart?

• worldly mind set; can’t understand spiritual things, such as reading and remembering God’s Word; cold; insensitive; distrusting; self-protective; self-centered; proud; bitterness; hatred; unforgiving; unyielding; prejudice; troubled, and self-hatred.

Truth Encounter

Freedom from spiritual conflicts and bondages is not a power encounter. It is a truth encounter. Satan is a deceiver. When his lie is exposed by the truth his plans are foiled.

• It was for freedom that Christ set us free therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.

Galatians 5:1

God’s Weapon of Warfare

• Knowing what changed at the Cross through Jesus Christ.

• Knowing your true identity

• Knowing your position and authority in Christ.

• Knowing where to go to get your needs met.

My True Identity“I AM WHO GOD SAYS I AM . . . NOW”


I Have A New Nature That Wants To Please God Perfected by Christ

I Am Complete In Christ Deeply Loved by God

In Union With God, He Lives In Me Completely Forgiven

My New Identity Is Changeless No Condemnation

No Separation Highly Valued

This is the Ultimate Reality Already True of Me Now

I Died to the Law . . . My Identity Is No Longer Based

on My Performance or My Appearance


What is Visible Now

I’m Still . . . I Am My Source In Process

Have Familiar Feelings & Beliefs

Feel Inadequate

Feel Unloved

Trust AppearancesFocus Is Still On Me

Old Habits & Responses

Orphan Mindset

Trying To Become . . .

Solution: I live by what God says about the things in my life … situations, people and myself.

“I am who God says I am NOW.

I live by what God says about

the things in my life . . .

situations, people, and myself.”

Jesus, Our Example

Jesus received His identity from God.

He never forgot who He was and why

He was here. To fulfill the purpose for

which He was created was His entire

focus because He loved God.

Self Deliverance

• The most important aspect of deliverance is for the individual to come into agreement with God --- with their body, soul & spirit.

• You have more authority over your lie-based thinking and disobedience than anyone.

• You may not experience anything when you are delivered----but later on you will see that you don’t do the same things anymore; you are more sensitive to the Holy Spirit; you experience freedom and peace.

Test the Spirit

• Beliefs about yourself and others

• Decisions (choices) you have made or not made

• Attitudes towards yourself, others, authorities

• Agreements

• Judgments about . . .

• Expectations of God, yourself and others

• Vows (I will always or I will never)

• Oaths (verbal promises)

Steps to Freedom

• Identify the lies you have agreed with

• Repent and ask forgiveness for believing lies

• Break agreement with these lies

• Renounce and severe ungodly soul ties

• Cancel curses and assignments

• Bind, cast out, and send

• Forbid any return

• Receive truth from Jesus where lies existed.

Test the Spirit Prayer

Father, in the Name of Jesus I bind any demons that are afflicting me and especially any causing me to (Insert your feeling/s, thought/s, and/or behavior/s).

I confess my sins and ask for forgiveness if I’ve listened to or given in to the demons’ lies, thoughts, or feelings. I break all of my agreements with the demons and take back all the ground I’ve given them.

In Your Name, I break the power of every curse the demons are putting on me. I renounce all ties I have with the kingdom of darkness through these beliefs. I command these demons to go straight to the feet of Jesus.

I pray all this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus, “What is your truth?”

The Legal Basis of our Authority

• Jesus also sent to the other side of Hades, the domain of Satan. While there He established the legal basis for our authority. He stripped Satan of the authority he had stolen from man. Jesus took from the devil the legal right to the balance of power on this planet.

(Col. 1:13-14)

• “When he had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them having triumphed over them through Him.” Colossians 2:15

• I give you all authority over the power of the devil---Luke 10:19.

Renounce and Declare

Here is how we do warfare . . .

To constantly affirm the things that God is to you and you are to God, and the things you are in Christ and what Christ is in you.

Learn to apply it to all that God has made available to you through the Blood Covenant.

(In Christ passout)


Our Job Description

• The job description of every Believer in Christ is to enlarge the Kingdom of God here on earth . . . Do what Jesus did while on earth and make disciples of all men throughout the world.

• The Atonement for man’s sins brought to all –salvation; deliverance; healing and prosperity.

Spiritual warfare is coming against the obstacles to receiving our inheritance!

Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind

• Romans12:2

• Do not be conformed to this world (the kingdom of darkness), but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.12:1,212

Messages I’ve Received About Myself


Spirit, Soul, Body DVD

How Is This Possible?

John 3:3 – Jesus let Nicodemus know religion could not save him: “I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that unless a person is born again (anew, from above), he cannot (know, be acquainted with, and experience) the kingdom of God.

The Holy Spirit

The real thing is that which is born of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit restores and connects us to the real thing, to the reality of humanity as God intended.

Through the Holy Spirit, man can make himself available to God, and through the Holy Spirit, God is prepared to make Himself available to man.

The Spirit becomes the agent of a mutual inter-availability: All there is of God is available to every human being who is available to all there is of God, and the Holy Spirit brings this into our reality.

God’s Goal for You:To Become Like Him

FLESH (Romans 8:8)

The crucifying of the flesh is the believer’s responsibility on a day-by-day basis as he considers himself dead to sin.

BODY (Romans 12:1)

Present yourself as a living and holy sacrifice.

The Flesh

Personality (mind, will, emotion)operating apart from Holy Spirit.

The Source (Me)

• A condition in which man operates out of his own resources, doing things his way.

• The flesh is committed to “no pain.”• The flesh attempts to develop a self-identity that is

centered around one’s self, not Christ’s life within.• The flesh responds to feelings and circumstances, not

God.Romans 8:1-17

God’s Goal (continued)


Transformed (Roman 12:2)

Single Minded (Philippians 4:6-8)

Girded for action (1 Peter 1:13)


Peace (Colossians 3:15)

Joy (Philippians 4:4)

God’s Goal (continued)

WILL (Galatians 5:16-18)Walk after the Spiritlove, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control

SPIRIT (Romans 8:9)Salvation (John 3:3, I John 3:9)Forgiveness (Acts 2:38, Hebrews 8:12)Assurance (Romans 8:16)Security (Ephesians 1:13, 14)Acceptance (I John 3:1)Worth (Ephesians 2:10)

The Great Exchange

1. God’s goal is not to strengthen or improve our flesh, but to EXCHANGE it for His life. He guarantees you an eternity with Him once you die, but while you’re alive, He wants to use your earthsuit to accomplish His purposes here on earth.

2. You must make a conscious choice to make the “exchange.” God will never violate your will. You must change your ability into availability, and look to Him as the “Source and Ability” who now makes the decisions about how your life is to be used.

3. Understanding the Exchanged Life makes all the difference in the world how your life plays out. We have to come to a place where we see ourselves as the failures that we are and grateful that we can rest in Christ’s perfection and get off the performance treadmill which belongs to System #1.

4. What does “surrending your rights” look like? (refer to next slide).

• Total Surrender Covenant

• I give you my mind, will and emotions, my body, my future plans, hopes and dreams. I give You my home, my marriage, my mate, my children, my geographical location, my recreation and entertainment, my career. I surrender to You my past successes and failures, my habits, my finances, my problems, my time, my integrity and character, my attitudes, my business conduct and relationships, my Christian walk and my response to authority.

• I further surrender to You the following “rights”:

• my right to possessions

• my right to a good reputation

• my right to have acceptance

• my right to be successful

• my right to have pleasant circumstances

• my right to presume on the will of God

• my right to life itself

• my right to have friendships

• my right to be heard

• my right to take up an offense

• my right to avoid reaping from what I sow

• my right to be right

• my right to see results

• my right to

• I give you permission to do anything You wish to me, with me, in me or through me. I willingly make this commitment and covenant and realize that this is an agreement that can never be broken. I do all of this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Jesus lived each day in total dependence upon His Father to live His life

through Him. His life was a vehicle for God to express His

life to the world.John 5:19

Jesus dominated the laws of nature and He spoke words of faith. You are a partaker of His divine nature (2 Peter 1:4) when you have accepted Christ as your Lord, and Savior.

That creative nature that lives in you operates through you by the Spirit of Christ. It is not you, but Him. You just release His creative power through your words and action of faith.

The End Product of Salvation

• Salvation is not just to get you out of hell and into heaven, but to get God out of heaven and into you, so that Christ living in your heart might bring God out again into the open where He can be seen.

• You exchange your humanity for His life so that you can place all that you are at His disposal

• Others who look at you will see Him behaving, just as people who looked at Jesus and saw the Father behaving. This is the gospel.

Your Purpose

• You do not need to know what God plans to do with you . . . you just need to know Him, know His voice, and be obedient to His promptings and His Word.

• As you practice “abiding” in Him and obey His word and direction, you will never miss the purpose for which He created you.

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