spiritualitate & stiinta: experienta “eu sunt” si stadiile post-autonome de dezvoltare a...

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Experienta “Eu sunt” este corelata cu starea de martor, cu abilitatea de a-ti observa gandurile, emotiile si corpul fara a interfera. In ultimele decenii, aceasta experienta a devenit din ce in ce mai frecventa in cadrul umanitatii, si nu mai este considerata a fi apanajul misticilor, ci o noua caracteristica a psihicului uman, un nou stadiu de dezvoltare al personalitatii, numit post-autonom, integral, non-dual sau “persistent non-symbolic experience”. In cadrul cercetarii mele privind coeficientul de constientizare am conceptualizat cele doua tipuri de experiente ca fiind generate de doua fatete ale psihicului nostru: latura non-conceptuala (witnessing awareness), si latura cognitiva – mintea (cognitive consciousness). Eul non-conceptual este in general asociat experientelor de transcendenta sau trezire spirituala, si in functie de cultura si personalitatea individului sunt descrise ca experiente ale “pogorarii harului”, “channeling” sau pur si simplu ca experiente dincolo de cuvinte. Activarea acestei laturi non-conceptuale a psihicului declanseaza un proces de transformare interioara care poate duce la aparitia unui nou tip de Eu, a unui nou tip de personalitate, diferit de personalitatea rezultata ca urmare a procesului de implinirea a Sinelui sau individuare. Procesul de evolutie nu este insa liniar, disolutia vechiului Eu si constuirea unui nou Eu poate duce la experiente de tip “spiritual emergency”, bipolaritate sau psihoza. In multe cazuri, acestea fac parte din procesul de evolutie, si intelegerea lor ca simptome ale procesului de evolutie (si nu ca disfunctionalitati) ajuta la depasirea lor si la finalizarea procesului de transformare a personalitatii. www.consciousness-quotient.com


Experienţa “Eu sunt” și stadiile post-autonome de dezvoltare

a personalităţii mature

Ovidiu Brazdău

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Lumea în care trăim nu este ceea ce credem noi că este

Philosophy is not a luxury. A book by Jeff Carreira (photos by Simon Hosberg)


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TU nu ești ceea ce crezi că ești

Philosophy is not a luxury. A book by Jeff Carreira (photos by Simon Hosberg)


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Viteza cu care lucrurile în jurul nostru se schimbă este mai rapidă decât ritmul nostru de adaptare

Philosophy is not a luxury. A book by Jeff Carreira (photos by Simon Hosberg)


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Cum și când ne schimbăm mintea și personalitatea?

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Oamenii au niveluri diferite de libertate a minţii

(trasăturile de personalitate și abilităţile minţii sunt dezvoltate diferit)

Keywords: Clare W. Grawes, Spiral Dynamics, Ken Wilber, Robert Kegan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vy-l5ni-Vws



A fi

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România (educaţie, patternuri cognitive) este predominant


Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpXTUvbds_U


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Unică perspectivă vs. Multi-perspective

* Moralitatea nu are legătură cu evoluția personalității și a minții.

“Nu ai dreptate. Adevărul este..”

“Opinia mea este...”

“Ai dreptate. Perspectiva mea este...”

Toți avem dreptate

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O memă de dezvoltare, activă (și) în România:

Trezirea interioară / “spirituală? (new agey style) Dezvoltarea personală / Mindfulness / Trăiește în prezent

îmi creez propria realitate, sunt fericit/ă cu ceea ce am, am tot ce îmi trebuie...

(după ce am depășit frica de a încălca normele)

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Stadiile post-autonome de dezvoltare ale Eului

O teorie despre evoluţia minţii și a

patternurilor de gândire

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Stadiile post-autonome ale dezvoltării Eului

Modelul dezvoltat de Susanne Cook-Greuter este legat de psihologia dezvoltării. Critica modelului lui Wilber, despre autoritarism și elitism: http://www.kheper.net/topics/Wilber/Cult_of_Ken_Wilber.html

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Stadiile post-autonome ale dezvoltării Eului – descriptori (1)

* Dane Craig Hewlett: A qualitative study of postautonomous ego development: The bridge between postconventional and transcendent ways of being (2003)

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Stadiile post-autonome ale dezvoltării Eului – descriptori (2)

* Dane Craig Hewlett: A qualitative study of postautonomous ego development: The bridge between postconventional and transcendent ways of being (2003)

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Stadii de dezvoltare vs. Stări modificate ale minţii (stări modificate de conștienţă)

It is important to distinguish between stages of consciousness or human development and states of consciousness. Stages of consciousness represent the individual’s most consistent way of making meaning.

Developmental psychologists have identified a number of

different stages, or meaning making systems, through which individuals progress through in a sequential fashion.

In contrast, states of consciousness are internal experiences

that individuals temporarily move in and out.

* Dane Craig Hewlett: A qualitative study of postautonomous ego development: The bridge between postconventional and transcendent ways of being (2003)

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Neurotheology A forensic look at the Buddha's transformation

Todd Murphy (2002): Enlightenment as a Neural process.


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”Eu sunt” & Neo-advaita teachers Este oare suficient să fim prezenţi?

Cum îmbinăm neo-spiritualitatea

& știinţa?

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“Eu sunt”, witnessing awareness

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I am, the ability that has no operational definition

The witnessing awareness experience is a type of subjective experience that is been described in most of the religious and spiritual traditions as a non-dual experience, beyond the mind and the self, without any possibility to use more than two words to describe it: I am. The actual paradigm in religious thinking describes this experience only in terms of what is not: it is not the mind, not the attention, not the emotions.

Though we do not have a scientific consensus on the words

that describe this experience, we do use some kind of technical terminology pointing to it: mystical experience, spiritual enlightenment, awakening, spiritual revelation, transpersonal state.

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Witnessing awareness mode: a natural dynamics of the psyche

This experience is covered in mystical terminology. What people report after this state is an interconnectedness between all there is, between the I and the other human beings, and all the other life forms and nature around you, with a strong emotions of bliss accompanying the experience. These events are reported frequently using the concept of spiritual enlightenment.

After this first I am experience, one become gradually capable of re-living the experience, and to increase its intensity and clarity, until it habitualizes and become permanent. Yoga Sutra describe this as a range of experiences, that starts in savikalpa samadhi and ends in nirvikalpa samadhi, and then into Sahaja. The Buddhists describe this process in terms of Jhana. However, is this witnessing awareness mode the end of human evolution? Is that all? Having a permanent witnessing awareness that is experienced as one, as both inside and outside, is that the end of the journey?

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The witnessing awareness mode Pot fi prezent simultan în minte și să îmi observ mintea?

Consciousness experience encompasses awareness, attention and the cognitive representation of the object or objects perceived. The process of concentrating/focusing and receptively diffusing attention, provides heightened sensitivity to both a limited and large range of experience. 1

1 Imagine: Jeff Warren, Head Trip, 2007

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Cele două faţete ale psihicului Being (Witnessing) vs. Doing (Organizing) My terminological proposal separates the two experiences: the Witnessing awareness experience (witnessing awareness mode), and the Self experiences (cognitive consciousness mode), related to cognitive processing.

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Activarea modului de funcţionare de tip witnessing – martor (prezenţă)

(simţită subiectiv si descrisă în spiritualitate ca fiind trezire interioară, iluminare spirituală, pogorârea Duhului Sfânt, comuniune cu Tao etc.)

“Activarea witnessing awareness nu este un proces,

ci o alegere conștientă”

The milestones of the transformational journey to the deeper parts of the Self are presented in a very simple but technical way in Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, when he describes the path to Samadhi, and then through different stages of Samadhi, until the final realization is obtained and habitualized.

But, there is no need to sit in meditation to achieve the witnessing awareness mode. It is exactly the opposite. Your mind is imagining that you need a journey, but in fact you don’t.

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Toţi oamenii au momente de prezenţă aici-acum, dar nu își exersează această abilitate

Starting the witnessing awareness mode may be a serendipity

event or a guided result, with simple instructions: paying attention to the present moment and letting go of your mind. Many of the simple techniques are provided by the teachers of Advaita and other non-dual movements.

I think most of us have at least once in our childhood the

experience generated by the witnessing awareness mode, but we forgot the experience. A glimpse of the witnessing awareness mode is sometimes activated when we are in love, while the Ego barriers are temporary down

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După activarea witnessing awareness, Eul NU dispare.

After the first occurrence of the witnessing awareness mode, witnessing become more present, for some minutes a month, or for some days a year. Sustaining conscious awareness, which includes witnessing, takes time, as any other new capacity . And it is not a certain fact that having the witnessing experience once will lead to its habitualization. Ramana Maharishi describes the process of cleaning the patterns of the mind as following:

“Q: Should all vasanas, (memory imprints, patterns) be completely overcome before Self Realization takes place, or some may remain for Self Realization to destroy? Ramana: Vasanas which do not obstruct Self Realization remain. In Yoga Vasishta, two classes of vasanas are distinguished: those of enjoyment, those of bondage. The enjoyment vasanas remain ever after Mukti (Freedom) is attained, but the bondage vasanas are destroyed by it. Attachment is the cause of binding vasanas, but enjoyment without attachment does not bind and continue even in Sahaja.”

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Experienţele mistice-spirituale sunt de multe ori experienţe ale minţii (stări modificate) și nu includ întotdeauna activarea observatorului (witnessing awareness) Some mystical experiences and altered states of consciousness are related to cognitive consciousness mode, and not to witnessing. The mystical experience many times is disconnected from the reality we live in. Techniques such as meditation are many times focused on individual, and doesn’t create a sense of interconnectedness, but separateness, creating a sense of alienation in the individual.

De cele mai multe ori meditația este doar o excursie în minte, nu are legătură cu prezența aici-acum...

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”Eu sunt” & Neo-advaita teachers Este oare suficient să fim prezenţi?

NU Este nevoie de activarea witnessing awareness

+ Dezvoltare personală clasică (autoanaliză sau


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Dinamica identificare-detașare-prezenţă

În occident, conceptul de mindfulness este prezentat mai aproape

de minte – observare fără a judeca-evalua situația 2

2 Imagine: Carlo Monsanto & Marta Dijkhoff, Language of emotions (2013)

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Ipoteze Microtubules, Orch-OR and the speed of processing

Witnessing awareness mode may be correlated with

the microtubules processing, while the cognitive consciousness mode may be correlated with the regular connections between neurons. Looks like the microtubules communicate through a wifi system3, and they process the information of a higher speed than the neurons (see Orch-OR theory4). The witnessing experience is described by individuals as being in present, here-now, and the reaction time and processing is described as being more speedy than during the cognitive consciousness experience.

3 Sahu, S., Ghosh, S., Ghosh, B., Aswani, K., Hirata, K., Fujita, D., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2013). Atomic Water Channel Controlling Remarkable Properties of a Single Brain Microtubule: Correlating Single Protein to its Supramolecular Assembly. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 47, 141–148 4 Hameroff, S. (2010). Clarifying the Tubulin bit/qubit - Defending the Penrose-Hameroff Orch OR Model (Quantum Biology). Retrieved May 10, 2013, from transcriptvids.com/v/LXFFbxoHp3s.html

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Poate fi îmbinată spiritualitatea cu știinţa?

o DA. Psihologia transpersonală, psihologia integrală sunt câteva exemple.

o DA. Includerea experienței de witnessing ca o

funcție a Eului susține integrarea experiențelor așa-zis mistice în metodologia științifică.

o NU. Terminologia utilizată în spiritualitate

(religie, culte, mișcări spirituale sau religioase) este non-științifică sau pseudo-științifică.

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Poate fi îmbinată spiritualitatea cu știinţa? Pseudoștiinţa & new age

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Poate fi îmbinată spiritualitatea cu știinţa? Opinia unui expert

Susan Blackmore, one of the scientists from the consciousness

research, describes her personal scientific efforts to check if a presumable psychic field can be accessed by humans:

I believed that all minds were connected through a psychic field and that memory was

a special case of telepathy. So I set to work on a long series of experiments comparing ESP and memory. The results were a shock. Whether I looked for telepathy or precognition or clairvoyance, I got only chance results. I trained fellow students in imagery; chance results. I tested twins in pairs; chance results. I worked in play groups with very young children; chance results. I trained as a Tarot reader; chance results. Occasionally I got a significant result. Oh the excitement! Then as a scientist must I repeated the experiment, checked for errors, redid the statistics, and varied the conditions, and every time either I found the error or got chance results again”.5

Pseudoscience or visionary thinking? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/deepak-chopra/reply-to-chris-anderson-t_b_3119890.html

5 Blackmore, S. (2010) Why I had to change my mind. In Gross R. Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour. London: Hodder Education

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Spiritualitate & Știinţă


Dezvoltarea psihologică:

Dinamica witnessing &

thinking – feeling – sensing

Dezvoltarea personală clasică & transformările generate în personalitate și în pattern-urile

cognitive de activarea modului de funcţionare witnessing

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Cum se schimbă paradigmele?



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Cum se schimbă paradigmele? O perspectivă cognitiv-colectivă

1. Connecting to new collective ideas – Joining paradigms My new thoughts are not my own? Discovering that some people are already there :-) Exploring the idea lines, and going further. 2. That paradigm becomes as real as everything else Witches Psychiatrists and Evangelicals with Tanya Luhrmann http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWrxx2HLEis Experiencing bizarre (non-drug-induced) hallucinations and generally "hanging out in the magical world” 3. Abandoning paradigms – old ego is dying Abandoning paradigms becomes a life& death situation while witnessing is active! It is like one really feels that they are dying!! A free mind: Developing the ability to abandon the paradigms as

long as they are too stable, going to the next level

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Exemple de paradigme non-duale We are one experience – we are one paradigm


everything-as-one-what-is.html The awakening meme the world of awakening-related concepts – it supports awakening by seeing people as awakened beings and support them to awaken Seeing people in their minds, in their stories, seeing people as automatic people...

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Cum se schimbă paradigmele? Ce se întâmplă în minte?

Re-writing the programs – conceptual systems All the subpersonalities are being re-framed with each new understanding. Physiological correlates while re-writing the patterns of the bodymind (body&emotional cleaning, emotional traumas) Pranotthana, kundalini awakening. Old patterns vs. new patterns While neuroplasiticy works for us, old habits and new habits come in waves. After a while, just by being present, the brain is changed, and the old patterns no longer appear. Using old/personal terminologies for new experiences The mind trying to fit in eg. the holy spirit is in us – I feel Jesus in me... An engineer will be using their terminology to describe it, a monk their terminology.

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Cum se schimbă paradigmele?

Ce se întâmplă în minte? (cont.) Life Review process Natural re-loading the autobiographical memory, especially the blocked parts, the refused parts – a natural unstopable personal development. Similar to NDE life review. Cosmological journey – reorganizing the archetypal identity Cosmology exploration – my theory of everything – part of rewriting the archetypal identity—reaching we are one. The cognitive purification is accessing the symbolic world The emotion of the cognitive world – interconnectedness – felt cognitively . Mind is extatically attracted by the connections! We are one – all have a meaning – the seduction of connectedness After this cognitive purification, the mind is in the flow and the connectedess is felt emotionally. Love is everywhere :-)

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Activism - Hijacking the process of psychological development

Because it is always the same: the moment we are clear. The moment it appears, it is instantly snatched up by the vital, which uses it for its own brilliant flights of exaltation, its own "divine" and tumultuous emotions, its possessive loves, its calculated generosities or gaudy aesthetics; or it is corralled by the mind, which uses it for its own exclusive ideas, its infallible philanthropic schemes, its straitjacketed moralities – not to mention churches, countless churches, which systematize it in articles of faith and dogma. Where is the psychic being in all that? It is there, nonetheless, divine, patient, striving to pierce through each and every crust and actually making use of everything that is given to it or imposed upon it. It "makes do" with what it has, so to speak. Yet that is precisely the problem: when it comes out of hiding, if even for a second, it casts such a glory upon everything it touches that we tend to mistake the circumstances of the revelations for its luminous truth.

SatPrem (Sri Aurobindo’s teachings)

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The guruness hijack Preaching paradigms, instead of asking question and listening while being hand-in-hand with the person. Worse, they are being sidetracked from the true path and their personal development delayed. The cognitive answering machine blockage Blockage into one paradigm – ego-mind as answering machine – teaching machine – not connecting to the people, but replying the ideas, instead of flexibility -everything is answered from that perspective. Not asking Why do you say this?

http://www3.telus.net/public/sarlo/RatingsA.htm http://nondualityamerica.wordpress.com/2014/01/31/the-non-


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Activarea witnessing awareness &

dezvoltarea de noi abilităţi cognitive Ability to empathize fully - samyama Connectedness phenomena – telepathy, syhnchronicity Spontaneous absorption, a new mode of knowing, by direct connection. This brings extra intensity to some experiences. Language updating process Abandoning the terminologies, using simple experiential words. Cognitive openness & acceptance Fully accepting other’s points of view.

+ Post-autonomous psychological features

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Are we all connected? Of course


Discovery of quantum vibrations in 'microtubules' inside brain neurons supports controversial theory of consciousness.

We are made of star dust - The Most Astounding Fact - Neil deGrasse Tyson


Can we get conscious access to the “collective information”? Just randomly, for now...

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We are The Borg – Side effects of interconnectedness Being a part of the whole, accesing the collective mind, having a collective memory... Some people intepret this connections as: - past lives – instead, they just connect to other stories, based on

their resonance - alien messages – their mind prefer to translate the deepest

meanings as alien message - channelling


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Psychopatology & Spiritual Emergency

While the old ego is no longer active, the subpersonalities are being rewritten as belonging to one person (through setting own and balanced life values to be followed by any subpersonality).




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Cum funcţionează mintea & subpersonalităţile (programele, rolurile, eu-rile)

O perspectivă cognitiv-computaţională

Our mind is made of stories, thoughts grouped in concepts (me as wife, me as husband etc)

# Story

Subpersonality 1 2 3 4 ... 30 31

# Composed of ideas

10 15 20 27 22 15

---- accepted 8 15 17 25 22 14 ----- not accepted (rejected,


2 0 3 2 0 1

The scanner (Life Pulse? ) is programming that idea to be included in the

awareness at the exact moment when needed. (eg. I need to take cake from bakery tomorrow. When I arrive there, I remember)

Câte subpersonalități aveți?

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Cum funcţionează mintea & subpersonalităţile O perspectivă computaţională (cont)

Scan 1 – story 1 ok, story 2 content blocked (refused access), story 3 ok, story 4 blocked Scan 2 - story 1 ok, story 2 content blocked (refused access), story 3 ok, story 4 blocked Scan 3 - story 1 ok, story 2 content blocked (refused access), story 3 ok, story 4 blocked

If not blocked, the scan is programming what to do, and at the right

moment, it is bringing into conscious awareness that idea. After a transformational time / personal development process /

psychotherapy, the stories are re-interpreted (re-framed), and the scanner is no longer stuck in the stories.


Actually, there is no “karma” left after the person is accepting the stories, as there is nothing to block this process. And one can consciously create

new stories, but without blockages, so that the life pulse is passing through naturally, arranging and programming everything.

No redundant rumination. Thinking when needed.


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Development of CQ construct and CQ-i ©

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Development of CQ construct and CQ-i (cont.)

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Development of CQ construct and CQ-i (cont.)

Acknowledgements 2003-2013

to Cornelia Guja, Matei Stircea-Craciun, Gheorghita Geana, Cristiana Glavce, Leon Zagrean,

Strephon Kaplan-Williams, Gina Gheoca, Andrei Ion, David Lukoff, Wilfried Belschner, John Drew, Harris Friedman, John Rowan, Jonathan Shear, Bernard Baars, Grigore Nicola,

Ioan-Bradu Iamandescu, Claudiu Girniceanu, Cristian Mihai, Andreea Butucescu, Petru-Madalin Constantinescu, Iuliana Constantinescu, Ramona Sbircea, Sofia Dumitriu, Ioana

Pielescu, Catalin Chites, Ned Block, Sona Ahuja, Aurora Szentagotai, William P. Banks, Christopher Surridge, Cristian Vasile, Keith Fiveson, Carlo Monsanto, Sperry Andrews, Cristi

Opariuc, Cristina Mirea, Dragos Iliescu, Thomas Goddard and Gina Hayden. Acknowledgements also go to the peer reviewers from Nature, the International Journal Consciousness and

Cognition, and the Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies that provided feedback in 2008, and to my students and the individuals that took the test in the pre-testing stage of


Good Journeys!

Photo by Alina Pachițanu

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