spm marking scheme and answering techniques - paper 2

Post on 16-Oct-2014






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Henry Nicholas LeeSMK Kolombong

OUTLINEIntroduction to Paper 2Marking SchemeAnswering TechniquesMistakes done by students

Paper 2Section AObjective QuestionQuestion 1 to 8Types of Questions- Graph- Proverbs or Idioms- Labels- Advertisement - signs

Paper 2How to find the Clue?Graph – Keywords are:Lowest - HighestIncrease - DecreaseConstant - Mostly preferredMore - Less

Paper 2Proverbs and IdiomHow to find the clue?

It is actually very hard to find the clue if the students are not familiar with the situation. What they can do is to make sense of the proverb or idiom or to find the logical meaning of them through the answers.

Paper 2LabelsAdvertisement signsHow to find the clue?Search for the keywords!!Examples: The answer contains the same word mentioned in

the question.Questions normally ask True or False statements

Paper 2Malacca Hotel Promotion

RM100 applicable to all rooms per dayInclusive of breakfast and lunch during stayQuestionMalacca Hotel is promoting its hotel bya) Offering Dinner per stayb) Lowering its rate to RM200 per stayc) Offering breakfast and lunch upon stay

Paper 2Section A - Question 9 – 15Types of Questions- Vocabulary- Tenses

Paper 2How to Answer?Look for the keyword.What is the keyword?The Tenses.

If the sentence uses present tense then the answer should be in present tense.

Paper 2Examples:The bear ______ the leaves of the tree. It is very hungry.Choices of answers….a) Eatb) Eatingc) Ated) eats

Paper 2Example 2The number of accidents (7)_____increased in the past seven years. The government has yet to overcome this (8)_____.Choices of answers..7. 8.a) Has a) Blessingb) Have b) accidentsc) Was c) problemd) Are d) agenda

Paper 2Section BInformation Transfer Clues…What AnythingWhere Place, VenueWhen Date, Day, Month, Year, TimeWhy Because, ForWho NameWhich Choose one

Paper 2Section B

Remember not to change anything from the text given. If You Change even 1 letter then the whole answer is considered incorrect!!

Students may lift the whole sentence as the answer. This is not accepted as the question asks only for specific detail not the whole explanation!

Paper 2Section C - Reading ComprehensionHow to Answer?Remember that the questions are in order. It means that question 1 will be inparagraph 1 and so on.

Paper 2Section CHow to answer?Normally, the keyword is in the question.Example. Mountain climbing has always been hispassion. For the records, he has climbed upmore than 30 times around the world. To makehis activity more challenging, he would climbalone until three to four days at the peak.

Paper 2Question How many times has he climbed

mountains?He has climbed mountains more than 30times.

Paper 2Other types of questions:1.Meaning of words2.Steps/ Procedures / 3.Opinions

Answering techniques1. For meaning of words, student may take

words that are found in the passage only. 2. Normally, questions that ask for steps or

procedures or two answers at one time, the sequences (a & b) will be provided. One mark for one correct answer. Students who provide both correct answers in one sequence will only be awarded one mark.

3. For opinion-based question, answers should be personal and NOT taken from the text. As long as the answer is accepted then marks should be accepted.

Paper 2Section C – Summary1. Check for the given linesExamplesWrite your summary from lines 5 to 45.It means that your summary must not beelsewhere from these given lines.

Paper 22. Only take the main points not theelaborations.Question:Write a summary on flowers..Examples:Flowers like daisies, roses and carnationsare beautiful.Answer:Flowers are beautiful.

Paper 23. If possible, students need to use their own words

because marks are allocated based on the use of their own words.

Examples:Flowers like daisies, roses and carnations arebeautiful. Their petals are red, yellow and white.Answers:Flowers are beautiful. They have many colours.

Paper 24. For those who do not understand the

passage at all.. Try this….a) Take the first sentence from each

paragraph.b) Take out the a, an, thec) Add firstly, secondly, next and etc at every

beginning of a sentence

Paper 2Remember to use the sentence given in thequestion and count the number of words. There are marks given for this…

Marking CriteriaSection C – Reading ComprehensionNormally, all questions should carry 1 mark

and the overall marks should be 10 marks. At the end, the last question should be an opinion-based question that carries 2 marks.

Marking CriteriaSection C – Summary10 points - 10 marksLanguage - 5 marksRephrase - 5 marks

Rules: Even if the students provide more than 10 points, still, marks awarded are

10 marks. The marks for language and rephrase are divided by two.

QuestionCan the students lift the whole sentences and how many marks are awarded for this style?

Yes! However, there are two types of lifting:1.Intelligent lifting (3 marks)2.Whole lifting (1 mark)

QuestionWill the marks be deducted if the students write more than the required number of words?

No. However, marks will not be counted after the required number of words. A double slash is marked at the end of the required number of words to indicate the end of the counting of points.

QuestionAre there any specific marking symbols to mark Summary?

Yes:C1, C2, C3 to C10. C - ContentSome students may jumble up all the points. Teachers still need to put the marking symbol accordingly.

Paper 2Section DLiteratureIn Literature, there is no RIGHT and WRONG!Students must give the evidence or proof from the text.

Paper 2Types of question in Literature for question 32 and 33. (POEM and SHORT STORY)

The questions may have different types of format, for example:1,1,1,2 OR 1,2,2,The last question is always opinion-based question and as usual, as long as students provide answers, they are awarded marks. However, if the students contradict their answers, no marks are awarded!

For example, Yes and No question.

QuestionCan the students take words or lines from the text to support their answers?

Yes, they can. However, they need to put theinverted commas.

QuestionHow many sentences, the least, that students can give to get the desired marks?

1 mark - One sentence only.2marks - One answer in one sentence and

One evidence in one new sentence

Paper 2Example: Poem (In The Midst Of Hardship)Why do you think the people in the poem do not

complain even though their life is tough?this?Answer:

The people do not complain because they are used to hardship. They are born in and grow up with hardship.

Paper 2Short story No questions for short stories in 2011.

Question 34No marks awarded for language in Questions

32. However, there are 5 marks awarded for language in question 33.

Paper 2Example – Novel (The Curse)Which character that you like and why?The character that I like is Azreen. (1 mark) Azreen is a responsible daughter (1 mark) She decided to

take care of her sick mother before she went for further study (1 mark). She is envious (1 mark) of her sister Madhuri as Madhuri embodies the true characters of a Malay lady(1

mark).In the novel, Azreen is portrayed as being a helpful friend

(1 mark)when she took the blame of Asraf in the bull incident.

Paper 2NovelThere are 15 marks given10 marks - points5 marks - language

QuestionWhat happens when students provide the points in incorrect grammar but the answers make sense?

Marks for points are always awarded as long as the meaning is there. Students will only loose marks in the language section.

QuestionIs it accepted for students to write the answers in point form?

Marks will still be awarded for points but marks

for language will be deducted.

QuestionAre there any specific marking symbols to

mark question 33?

Yes.C - contentE - Elaborations

Paper 2Points5 marks for your answers5 marks to support your answer5 marks for language

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