spring 2014 insights

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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Springtime newsletter from Bristol Bay Resource Solutions, a shared services administrative subsidiary company of Bristol Bay Native Corporation. This newsletter discusses the assistnace BBRS gave in launching a new BBNC subsidiary, plus another segment on controlling stress in the workplace.


Bristol Bay Resource Solutions, LLC

I n s I g h t s

1.Human Resources support - employee paperwork, personnel manual

2. Benefits enrollment

3. Payroll

4. Accounts payable/receivable, general ledger

5. Employee hotline

6. Computers/software

7. Reviews – business license, contract administrative services

8. Strategic plan

9. Brand – logo, tagline

10. Marketing materials, business cards, website, brochures

setting the stage for success: 10 things you need

In this issue:President’s LetterDepartment UpdatesMeet the TeamProject Spotlight

Solutions Start Here.

Bristol Bay Resource Solutions is proud to have helped launch WorkForce Resources, LLC, a new wholly owned subsidiary of Bristol Bay Native Corporation.

WorkForce Resources, based outside of Camp Pendleton, Calif., provides military training support personnel, administrative staffing and training support staff for role-playing scenarios. The company is experienced in recruiting people of different ethnic backgrounds to create authentic immersive environments to teach local customs to American military personnel largely headed to the warzones. Training can include assistance in logistics at a command post or field operations.

All BBRS departments participated in efforts to launch WorkForce Resources. (See inside for more on each department’s roles.) WorkForce Resources started official operations in early 2014, but BBRS’ efforts began weeks in advance in preparation for the transition.

“WorkForce Resources’ staff creates safe environments to help train our military service men and women, as well as others who may be placed in harm’s way, for a variety of situations,” said Carol Giannini, general manager of WorkForce Resources. “We hope these training scenarios will help the men and women who serve our nation to be better prepared so they can come home to their families. I am excited about the opportunity to provide a cost-effective and accessible solution for customer staffing needs. I am also greatly appreciative of the truly outstanding services provided by BBRS staff in meeting our start-up and operational requirements.”

WorkForce Resources fills a unique niche in the military training sector by providing more than field support. The company is also focused on solidifying contracts for at-home services for soldiers who return from deployment and private sector corporate training.

In addition to California, the company also has operations in Hawaii, North Carolina and Virginia.

spring 2014BBRS helps launch new subsidiary

BBRS can help with any or all of your needs. Visit our website to learn more about our administration services.

I am also greatly appreciative of the truly outstanding services provided by BBRS staff in meeting our start-up and operational requirements.”

- Carol Giannini,General Manager,

WorkForce Resources, LLC

Aligning communication for a healthy workplace

In the last edition of our newsletter, I wrote about keeping stress low for our employees and how that creates a healthier

workplace for everyone. In this article, I’d like to briefly address how we can easily eliminate a large portion of the stress-causing activity in our offices and projects.

We can eliminate huge stress catalysts (which drain energy and make us less productive) by making certain that our communication is fully aligned within our organization and teams. What does this mean?

Direction is set at the top – the very top. Bristol Bay Native Corporation, as the owner of all subsidiaries within our organizational family, plots a strategic course for the enterprise as a whole (the “big picture”). Subsidiary strategies and plans should dovetail into that big picture and support the short- and long-term objectives of the parent/owner company. Communication with staff at the subsidiary management level and, in turn, at the project level should also be consistent with the same message.

The effect is that employees perceive that we’re all pulling in the same direction. This is vertical alignment of communication. The absence of this kind of alliance creates a sense of conflict for everyone and, rather than

Continued on back page.

President’s Letter

Contracts Manager, Contract Administration

In one sentence, describe what you do all day: Oversee the management of BBRS Contract Administration. The work includes processing credit applications, subcontract and contract reviews, contract modifications, Federal Acquisition Regulations flow down reviews, teaming and non-disclosure agreements, and more.

How my job helps BBRS clients succeed: We work to streamline the processes and simplify work flows. These efforts create efficiencies and lower costs to our affiliates.

Education/work experience: Master’s degree in Business Management and Marketing, bachelor’s degree in Public Administration – Public Finance/Budgeting. I have more than 28 years of professional experience in contracting, subcontracting, finance and budgeting. I have worked in the public and private sectors, such as in defense contracting, medical research, aviation, IT and state government. I even did a stint as a legislative aid.

Read more about Louise on the BBRS website.

Meet the Team: Louise Underwood

BBRS President and CEO Terri Bozkaya spoke recently at a gathering of the Village Leadership Workshop, sponsored by Bristol Bay Native Corporation. See the video, filmed and edited by the BBRS Communications Department, where Terri introduces BBRS and its services to business leaders from the Bristol Bay region.


Department UpdatesAccountingThe BBRS Accounting team had a long list of tasks

to complete to help WorkForce Resources get up and running.

Here is a short list of what Accounting accomplished or is working to complete:

• Set up WRL in Spectrum v14 (new software).

• Uploaded all employee data.

• Set up the banking.

• Trained WRL staff on entering/maintaining new hires.

• Registered states for tax purposes.

• Created custom reports for billing.

These efforts ensured WorkForce’s nearly 600 employees were ready to work from day one.

CommunicationsBBRS Corporate Communications department worked

with WorkForce Resources to develop its brand identity – a look and feel that will set it apart from companies that provide similar services, and demonstrate WorkForce’s professionalism.

Market research indicated other role-playing companies incorporate military themes or photos of field training operations. Although WorkForce Resources primarily holds military contracts, the company also provides administrative support, and wanted an identity that would reach beyond military clients.

The BBRS team created a logo tagline and brand guidelines that meet WorkForce’s marketing needs.

BBRS helps client reach the CloudBBRS’ Information Technology Department is helping

parent company Bristol Bay Native Corporation migrate to “the cloud.” BBNC will use Microsoft Office 365, an online platform to access Exchange, Office 2013, Lync and SharePoint.

The IT team started by leveraging the planning vouchers from BBNC’s Microsoft licensing agreements and hiring an outside vendor to do a survey of BBNC’s network to determine suitability and any technology needs.

Once all is ready, BBRS will work out a schedule for the migration, which will take place over a weekend.

The move to the cloud will allow BBNC to eliminate an aging physical exchange server that has reached its operating capacity. It also reduces the amount of backup storage space required. And, because Office 365 is readily accessible, the cloud provides BBNC users all the benefits and features of Microsoft products from virtually any location and device.

The cloud version selected is targeted toward businesses that work with government clients. It provides real-time updates and storage options for files and documents, and all is readily accessible with an internet connection.

Overall, the move will help BBNC achieve some of its IT risk management goals while modernizing its productivity tools. During the planning phase of this project, BBNC was able to save $4,000 by utilizing vouchers that were already paid for as part of their Microsoft licensing agreement.

Project Spotlight

Department UpdatesContractsBBRS Contracts Administration is working with Carol

Giannini, of WorkForce Resources, as well as with Attorney Sara Peterson at Dorsey and Whitney LLP, to develop an employee leasing agreement in conjunction with an upcoming Role Player contract. Significant progress has been made and a draft agreement is in the final stage. In addition, William Gornto at Bristol Bay Native Corporation has been instrumental by providing input regarding workers compensation regulations and law as it varies by state. The team looks forward to implementation of this agreement soon.

Human ResourcesRole player personnel need real-life human resources

support. BBRS’ Human Resources Department worked to ensure the more than 600 WorkForce Resources employees had everything they needed for a successful start to their new company. HR worked on a personnel manual and set up e-verify accounts. The team worked to ensure all the new hire paperwork was in order and oversaw the open enrollment period for health benefits.

The team will provide general HR support to WorkForce Resources into the future.

Information TechnologyThe BBRS Information Technology team set up the tech-

groundwork for WorkForce Resources. Because accounting will use a cloud-based version of Spectrum, BBRS IT built a virtual “Queries and Dashboards” server on our local network to be used for reporting and check processing. The department created a voice mail hotline on the BBRS phone system so WorkForce employees can call about human resources issues. IT also coordinated the purchase and delivery of a check printer for WorkForce use.

This section relays information about what our department teams are doing for clients or how we are working to improve services.

Bristol Bay Resource Solutions, LLC111 W. 16th Ave., Ste.100Anchorage, AK 99501-6206

Phone : (907) 793-9200FAX : (907) 375-2924bbrs-llc.com

Bristol Bay Resource Solutions, LLC, is a subsidiary of Bristol Bay Native Corporation, and 100 percent Alaska Native-owned.

• Anchorage, AK• Bristol Bay, AK• Fairbanks, AK• Huntsville, AL• Golden, CO

• Coral Springs, FL• Shalimar, FL • Jacksonville, FL• Augusta, ME• Sneads Ferry, NC

• Oak Ridge, TN• San Antonio, TX• Ft. Lewis, WA• Marysville, WA

BBRS serves clients across the country:

5 ways to cut stress1. Divide and Conquer. Work in 20-minute

chunks, followed by a few minutes of physical activity.

2. Challenging project? Devote 30 to 60 minutes to it each day. Chip away at it.

3. Visual aid. Keep a progress bar for big projects, and check them off when completed.

4. No distractions. Set aside times each day to review email, phone messages and other communications.

5. Kudos file. Keep positive feedback in a separate file. Review it when you are down or stumped.

See more stress tips at http://visual.ly/work-hacks-10-tips-reducing-job-stress-and-improving-efficiency

allowing employees to focus totally on their work, it often places them in the awkward and difficult position of trying to walk a fine line in a “war zone” to avoid being a casualty.

An imaginary example of this kind of problem (I say “imaginary” because I don’t believe this particular issue exists anywhere within our organization) would be if, in spite of the very clear objective within the BBNC family of companies for shareholder hire and development, a subsidiary were to adamantly oppose this initiative and purposefully instruct staff not to recruit potential shareholders and to avoid spending any resources toward shareholder development. The result would be quite sad; not only would staff members know that their actions were out of sync with the mission of the overall organization, they would likely feel some personal level of responsibility for not supporting that mission, even though directed to withhold support by their immediate leaders. End product? Stress (and worse).

By vertically aligning communication within our organizations (parent company to subsidiary to project), we create a strong and clear support structure that we can build upon by fostering continued organizational alignment of communication in a “horizontal” fashion: team to team, department to department, and subsidiary to subsidiary. If each subsidiary is aligned with the mission of the parent company, working across company lines becomes much easier. If department heads consistently communicate a message that is consistent with the strategy, vision, and values of not only their own subsidiary but also the parent company, teamwork is fostered. Team members who are well informed of the direction and objectives of their department, subsidiary and parent company can confidently use their talents to move toward those goals.

The result of this level of total alignment of communication: a workplace that is energized by the corporate mission, focused on a clear path, and which has much lower levels of stress.

Community Involvement:

Bristol Bay Resource Solutions, along with sister company Bristol Alliance of Companies, raised nearly $450 this holiday season by holding a bake sale in the Anchorage offices. Money was donated to the United Way of Anchorage.

BBRS currently is planning its 2014 community involvement schedules now. As a group, BBRS employees elected to support causes aimed at helping children, the homeless and to promote cancer awareness.

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