squirm script

Post on 07-Feb-2016






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Play - Squirm



Joe Ferriero

Music & Lyrics By

John Jacobson & John Higgins

This Script Belongs To

My Character Is


WelcomeSQUIRM is a musical. A musical is a show that tells a story with songs, dances and dialogue. The songs are written by a composer. Sung words are called lyrics. Lyrics are written by a lyricist. Spoken words, or dialogue, are called lines. Lines are written by a book writer. Together the composer, lyricist and book writer are the authors of the show.

Stage DirectionsIt’s very important to know the different parts of the stage and the different directions that the director might ask you to go in. Keep in mind these important terms:

□Upstage: away from the audience

□Downstage: towards the audience

□Stage Right: to the right of the actor when facing the audience

□Stage Left: to the left of the actor when facing the audience

Your director will teach you all of your blocking. Blocking is where the director wants you to stand during your lines.

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CharactersHere’s a list of the characters in this show:

Little Miss Muffet

Alex – a child

Devin – another child

Sam – another child

The Spiders

The Worms

The Snake

The Bats

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Scene 1There are a few chairs set up on stage left and a small table with some books. The three children; Alex, Devin and Sam, enter and each take a seat on the chairs.

ALEX: Wow, I had so much fun outside playing!

DEVIN: Yes. Basketball is one of my favorite games.

SAM: Mine too.

ALEX: It’s nice to just come inside and take a break.

DEVIN: We should read a story.

SAM: That’s a good way to relax.

The children start to look through the books. Each of them finds one to read. ALEX chooses a book of nursery rhymes.

ALEX: Oh, I remember this one. My mother use to read it to me all the time.

DEVIN: Nursery Rhymes?

SAM: I love nursery rhymes. Which one is your favorite?

ALEX: I love, Little Miss Muffet.

DEVIN: Is it in there?

ALEX: Yes.

SAM: Let’s read it.

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ALEX: Alright.The curtain opens and LITTLE MISS MUFFET is sitting on a small stool in the center of the stage.

MISS MUFFET: I love to eat curds and whey in the morning. It’s a good breakfast.

A little spider enters from stage right and walks up to Miss Muffet and sits down beside her.

SPIDER #1: Good Morning!


SPIDER #1: What are you eating.

MISS MUFFET: Curds and Whey.

SPIDER #1: That sounds yummy.

Miss Muffet looks at the spider and screams and runs to hide.

SPIDER #1: Was it something that I said?

A Worm enters the stage and talks to Miss Muffet.

WORM #1: Hello?

MISS MUFFET: Eeek! What are you?

WORM #1: I’m a worm.

MISS MUFFET: And what is that thing on my tuffet?

WORM #1: That’s a spider.

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MISS MUFFET: A spider and a worm! I don’t like those things!

WORM #1: That’s because we make you squirm!SONG: SQUIRMAs the song begins all of the cast members creep their way out onto the stage

ALL: What are the things that make you squirm...A snake, or a bat, or a mouse or a worm?We have ’em all here, so we’d like to confirmThat today’s the day, we’re gonna make you SQUIRM!We said today’s the day, we’re gonna make you SQUIRM!

Some things ’ll seem like they’re too gross!You don’t want to let them get anywhere close,Any maybe you’d like just to say “Adios!”But today’s the day, we celebrate things GROSS!Come on, today’s the day, we sing a song about GROSS!

Squirm like a worm; wiggle ’til you giggle.Something gross might be good for you...Slimy and grimy, squiggles with a jiggle.It might be good, but we still go EWWWW!

What are the things that make you squirm...A snake, or a bat, or a mouse or a worm?We have ’em all here, so we’d like to confirmThat today’s the day, we’re gonna make you SQUIRM!We said today’s the day, we’re gonna make you SQUIRM!

ALEX: Your socks are wet!

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DEVIN: You forgot you had a test!

SAM: There’s gum on your shoe!

WORM #1: You’re under arrest!

SPIDER #1: Your buddy ate a worm!

MISS MUFFET: You have to give a speech!ALL: You’ve got a little itch that’s just out of reach! Arrrgh!

What are the things that make you squirm...A snake, or a bat, or a mouse or a worm?We have ’em all here, so we’d like to confirmThat today’s the day, we’re gonna make you SQUIRM!We said today’s the day, we’re gonna make you SQUIRM!EWWWW!

Scene 2The bugs all exit the stage. The three children are back in their chairs.

ALEX: I didn’t know that Little Miss Muffet talked to a worm.

SAM: These must be funny Nursery Rhymes!

DEVIN: Yeah. I love worms. There is so many great things about them.

The worms enter the stage.

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WORM #2: People always think that we are just slithery and slimy.

WORM #3: When most people see us they just say – Ew!

WORM #4: If they would just give us a chance they could see all the good that we can do!


ALL WORMS: It’s so cool! It’s so cool to be a worm.Pick me up, tickle me, and just watch me squirm.I can wiggle way down low, but I think I’m a cut above.A worm is a critter that ev’rybody can love.A worm is a critter that ev’rybody can love.

I’ve got no eyes, and no legs, and no arms,But it’s all a part of my many charms.If dirt in your garden is hard in the ground,I’ll just spend my days mixin’ it ’round and around and around!

It’s so cool! It’s so cool to be a worm.Pick me up, tickle me, and just watch me squirm.I can wiggle way down low, but I think I’m a cut above.A worm is a critter that ev’rybody can love.A worm is a critter that ev’rybody can love.

I’ve got no nose, and no hint of a chin,So it’s good that I can breathe through my skin.I always say bein’ a worm is so great.If I break in two, I just regenerate.

WORM #1: Let’s kick it up a notch!

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WORM #2: Hey, worms don’t kick, remember?

WORM #3: Right ... OK, let’s just sing it up a step!

ALL WORMS: It’s so cool! It’s so cool to be a worm.Pick me up, tickle me, and just watch me squirm.I can wiggle way down low, but I think I’m a cut above.A worm is a critter that ev’rybody can love.A worm is a critter that ev’rybody can love. AHH ...

WORM #4: I love being a worm!

ALL WORMS: Me too!

All of the worms wiggle around.

Scene 3The three children are laughing in their chairs.

DEVIN: I told you worms are cool.

SAM: You weren’t kidding. They help the environment a lot!

ALEX: Well, what about spiders?

DEVIN: I’m not sure.

SAM: Spiders are pretty cool too.

DEVIN: Look! There’s a bunch of spiders!

Spiders enter the stage.

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SPIDER #2: Attention spiders! Let’s recite the official spider pledge!

ALL SPIDERS: The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout.Down came the rain and washed the spider out.Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.

SPIDER #2: Excellent job!

SPIDER #3: That’s my favorite thing to do!

SPIDER #4: I know something that is even better!

SPIDER #3: What?

SPIDER #4: The spider song!!



ALL SPIDERS: Welcome to my web! I hope that you can stay.“Hang” around for a little while, and you will make my day!

Spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, We’re spinning ev’ry day, and we’re spinning ev’ry night!Spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, We’re working on a web ’til it comes out right!

Dancing on eight legs is better by far than two.

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Watch as I do a little dance, and spin a web ’round you!

Spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, We’re spinning ev’ry day, and we’re spinning ev’ry night!Spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, We’re working on a web ’til it comes out right!

(rap)The itsy bitsy spider . . . . . . climbed up the waterspout.Down came the rain . . . . . . and washed the spider out!Out came the sun . . . . . . and dried up all the rain.And the itsy bitsy spider . . . . . . climbed up the spout again!

SPIDER #1: Oh, no!

SPIDER #2: Looks like he’ll never make it!

ALL SPIDERS: Spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning,We’re spinning ev’ry day, and we’re spinning ev’ry night!Spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, We’re finishing the web, and it looks JUST RIGHT! Yeah!

Scene 4The spiders crawl around the stage.

ALEX: Spiders are pretty cool.

DEVIN: And they make beautiful webs too!

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We hear a HISSSSS from off stage.

SAM: What was that?

ALEX: It sounds like a hiss.

DEVIN: There’s only one thing I know that makes that sound!


Snake enters.


ALL SNAKES: A snake in the grass...sss can be sensational,Inspirational, even educational.And if you come by me, stand back and let me pass...sss.There are many things taller, but no better crawlerThan thee sensational sss...snake in the grass...sss.

So don’t run. We’ll have some fun.A snake can be friends with almost anyone.We all have a place in the sun.If we can be friends, the fun has just begun.

A snake in the grass...sss can be mysterious...sss,Oh, so serious...sss, even “Will Shakespearious...sss.”Look down and you will see;We’re low, but we’re not crass...sss.Call us “one in a million, truly reptilian,”Thee sensational sss...snake in the grass...sss,Thee sensational sss...snake in the grass...sss.

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Scene 5The snake slithers around the stage.

ALEX: Snakes are good because they eat mice and rats.

SAM: That reminds me of one of my favorite animals.

DEVIN: Which one?

SAM: It rhymes with rats.

ALEX: Cats?

SAM: No.

DEVIN: Gnats?

SAM: Nope.

ALEX: We give up. What is it?

SAM: Here they come now – bats!


ALL BATS: Bats are so beautiful, we’re even colorful ...Black or grey or red or brown.And bats are a lot like any old animal,’Cept we choose to snooze upside down!

Bats have a built-in mosquito detector.We eat up your bugs, but we don’t gain weight!

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When feeding on seeds and when slurping up nectar,We’re lookin’ for more plants to pollinate!

Bats! Bats! Put out the call!The bat is a friend to us all.Bats! Bats! No time for long chats,But if you need a friend, give a bat a call!Yes, if you need a friend, give a bat a call!

BAT #1: Okay! Batter up!

BAT #2: Batter up??

BAT #1: Yeah, we’re bats! ... BAT-ter up ... Get it?(Bat 2 just shrugs)

BAT #1: (very disappointed) . . . Whatever!

BAT #3 (girl): Hey Buster Bat, what’s the first thing that bats learn in school?

BAT #4 (boy): Okay, Beulah Bat, what IS the first thing that bats learn in school?

BAT #3: The Alpha-BAT!!

ALL BATS: A bat is a mammal, the same as a camel.But bats are still diff’rent, we testify!A bat-’ll grow hair like a new little lamb-’ll,But a camel ’r lamb-’ll never ever FLY!

Bats! Bats! Put out the call!The bat is a friend to us all.Bats! Bats! No time for long chats,But if you need a friend, give a bat a call!Yes, if you need a friend, give a bat a call!

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Scene 6The bats fly around the stage.

ALEX: Woh, wiggly, slithery things are all over the place now!

DEVIN: Yes. I like it!

SAM: Me too.

DEVIN: Maybe they would all like to play more basketball with us?

ALEX: I get the spiders – they can toss the ball all over!

SAM: I get the bats – they can fly the ball into the hoop.

DEVIN: Don’t underestimate the worms – they can pass the ball all over!

ALEX: What about the snake?

SAM: The snake can be the referee!

MISS MUFFET: I want to be the cheerleader!

DEVIN: You got it!

ALEX: Time to squirm everybody!!


ALL: What are the things that make you squirm...A snake, or a bat, or a mouse or a worm?We have ’em all here, so we’d like to confirm

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That today’s the day, we’re gonna make you SQUIRM!We said today’s the day, we’re gonna make you SQUIRM!

Some things ’ll seem like they’re too gross!You don’t want to let them get anywhere close,Any maybe you’d like just to say “Adios!”But today’s the day, we celebrate things GROSS!Come on, today’s the day, we sing a song about GROSS!

Squirm like a worm; wiggle ’til you giggle.Something gross might be good for you...Slimy and grimy, squiggles with a jiggle.It might be good, but we still go EWWWW!

What are the things that make you squirm...A snake, or a bat, or a mouse or a worm?We have ’em all here, so we’d like to confirmThat today’s the day, we’re gonna make you SQUIRM!We said today’s the day, we’re gonna make you SQUIRM!

ALEX: Your socks are wet!

DEVIN: You forgot you had a test!

SAM: There’s gum on your shoe!

WORM #1: You’re under arrest!

SPIDER #1: Your buddy ate a worm!

MISS MUFFET: You have to give a speech!

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ALL: You’ve got a little itch that’s just out of reach! Arrrgh!

What are the things that make you squirm...A snake, or a bat, or a mouse or a worm?We have ’em all here, so we’d like to confirmThat today’s the day, we’re gonna make you SQUIRM!We said today’s the day, we’re gonna make you SQUIRM!EWWWW!


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