st croix squadron - jan 2009

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8/2/2019 St Croix Squadron - Jan 2009 1/5

The AviatorSt, Croix Composite Squadron, Civil Air Patrol

Minnesota Wing -U,S, Air Force Auxiliary

Upcoming Events

10 Jan MN Wing' Informat ion Officer Couraeat SG S

15 Jan Spacial Spa-aka-r Mr. Jack Port.lanes

23 Jan Winta-r SurriTal Wa-a-liendat Farmington, MN.

31Jan Co:wma-rcial(Imt.ruJ:na.n t Ground school at N. Ha-nna-pin ;:qdrn.

06 Fa-b C - 130H Cada-t Orienta tion Flig'ht at MSP(AF'RB

O'i'Fa-b Staff Sa-laction E xercise (S SE) at Camp Ripla-1

2'i'Fa-b Group NAREx at Red Wing'

28 Fa-b MN Wing' Squadron Leadarahip School (SIB) at St.Croix Sqdrn.

ume 23, Numb er 1, January 200Q

st. Croix Aids Woodbury LionsVeterans Memorial Dedication

Tues day, 11Nov emb er 2008, 'i ' Memb era 0 fthe st. Croix Squadron help ed the Woo dbury Lions Club, 'iJFW&

eric an Legion dedic ate their Veterans Mem orial at 3: 00 pm on the grounds 0 fW 00 dbury City Hall.

ther the rain, sleet or snow 0 r all three could no t Eo P tbi Ededic atio n from going forw ard. The day was cold

dy, but the atmo Ephsre was upbeat and celebratory. 0 v er a 130 people were 0n hand and turned out illr thi

i cati on cerem ony including gov emm ent 0 lficialE, coram unity help ers, Veterans, supp 0 rt group E and otherations in supp ort of 0ur v eterans.

Emem orial has been in the workE for over two yearE with :fund rais ing opp 0 rtunitiea, corumunity awarenes E

d work 0 fv 0 lunteers to make thiE Memo rta l a reality. The City ofW 00 dbury has donated the plot of land in

ch the m emorial iE10 cated.

Emem orial has been the longtime vision of Tom Grezek from the Amen can Legi on, Bob Fitche from the VFW

tt Anders 0n &Di ck Krunrr.a (Architect) from the Woodbury 110 ns who hav 13worked hard to make thiE happ

Dick Stafford, retired WaEhington County CoruruiEEioner &veteran has also been an instrum ental force in

ling all the effurt.Eto getherill

r thiE dedi cati on Ceremony.

Croix Squa dro n memb era turned 0ut to help with the Dedic ati on Ceremony by aiding VeteranE in asEiEting

raising the 'i ' Servic 13fiagE10 cated aro und the Memo rtal. The fiagEin 0 rder were: Army, Marines, Navy, Air

rc 13, CoaEtGuard, National Guard and las tly the POW/MIA fia g.

era 0 fthe 10 cal Army, Navy &Marine Corp Ewere 0 n hand illr the rai sing 0 fthe National ColorE along with

National anthem play ed by the Woo dbury Corumunity BraE EBand.

Memb era 0 fthe st. Oro ix Comp 0 sit.e Squadro n who turned 0 ut the help with thiE e¥ ent were: Cap t. David

at, C/SrA. Zachary Langer, C/SMSgt. D avid Trudeau, ClMSgt. Grady Bell, C/SSgt. NoahHire, C/CMSgt. Robe

ar, 2Lt. Scott RichardE on.

hank you to all 0 fthe memb era who dedic ated their tim 13to pay tribute to our Nations Veterans on thiE day.

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n Thurs d aynight, 13 Nov 2008,the st. Croix Squadron held it' Emo ntbly pilot

required by CAP Regula tiOnEfor Pilot Safety pro gram.

St.Croix Squadron Dedicates ES Training

for Pilots &Aircrews

few mo nthe ago the st. Croix Squadron has re- dedic ated itEelf to a regular

ehedule for Emergency Servic eE (ES) Training iEaues .The firEt and third

hurE days of ea ch month hav 1 3 b een desi gnated fur General Safety and Pilo t

afety iEEues and training fur allmem b erE ofthe Squadro n who WiEh to

arttcip ate.

oth Maj. Michael Bordo naro and Capt. Stefan Sylvand er are the Squa dro n Safety 0mc erE and hav 1 3 embarke

regular training Eehedule for Aircrew training. ThiE training iEno t jUEt for pilo tE but for allm emb era who wis

in aircrew training 0 r Ob Ee rv e ra &Scanner SQTR Etraining as well.

eep checking the Squadron calendar fur future training opp 0 rtuntttes and topic Eto be covered, Ifyou hav 1 3

uestto ns or comments or even Eorne to pic Eyou would like to E 3 1 3 C overed in the future, contact Maj .Bordo na

apt. Sylv ander directly .

hanks go to Maj. Michael Bordonaro, Capt. Stefan Sylvander &Capt. David YoEtfur the fine pil ot &Safety

ro grams they put 0n.

CAP Celebrates 67th Anniversary

n Monday, OlD ecernb er 2008, The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) will Celebrate it' E67th Anniv erEary as an organis at

he 57,000 memb era of the Civil Air Patrol will observe the organiaatton's 67th anmvers ary aervice to America

1. The anniv era ary will be celebrated aero EEAm en ca by the organi aatio n' E52wings and mo re than 1,500

quadrons .

ivil Air Patrol was fuunded Dec. 1, 1Q41,by a group 0 f avia tion enthus iaEtE and priv ate pilo tE who wanted to

onate their tim 1 3 and aircraft. to protect the nation'a co asthnea during World WarII and to perform other crit

il defens 1 3 mnsione. The all-volunteer, nonprofit organization was founded IeEEthan a week b efore the

1 3 attack on Peart Harbor led to Amen ca's involvement in World War IT

E m emb era EOon prov ed their worth by conducting a erial p atro IEthat dia c0ura gsd, and eventually Eto pp ed,

eadly GemI an U-boat atta cka 0n shipping along Americ an Eeac 0 aste. Fift.y-nine CAP memb era died during

ort d War II, 26were 10Et at Eea and Eeven 0 there were Eerio UEly~ured while carrying 0ut CAP mis EiOnE.

ur citia en vo lunteers have a pro ud legacy of EelfieEEEervic 1 3 to their country and their commumtiea. They tru

o above and beyond each day, giving their best as needs ans e,' said Maj. Gen. Amy Courter, CAP'Enational

ommander. 'ThiE 0 coaaio n provides citiaens acro EEAmerica the opportunity to honor CivilAir Patrol and itE

em b ers. Be sure to Eay 'thanks' to thea 1 3 unsung hero eEin your comm untttes who provide such vigilant Eervi

ften without fanfare. Each day, through their volunteer effu:ttE, 0 ur m emb era help Eav 1 3 liveE and preEerv 1 3 lib

r all.'

he National Headquarters, Civil Air P atro 1 (CAP) will be celebrating our organi aatio ns anniv era ary during th

rat week of December, each year. National Headquarters encourages each Region, Wing, Group and Equa dro

get the word 0ut ab 0ut CAP and the Eervic eEwe pro vide.

gra tula tiOnECivil Air P atro I!

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MN Wing CAP &Wreaths Across AlnericaSaturday, 13Decem b er 2008,Memb era from the :MhmeE0 ta Wing, Civ UAir Patrol p articip ated in a Natio n w

ent cailed Wrea ths Acro EEAmeric a. Siruult.aneously at acro EEAmeric a at 0 ther National &State mil; tary

metery' E,wreaths were plac ed up on the gra v eE ofAmeric as v eterans.

em b erE from v ano UESquadro ns from around the Minnes 0 ta Wing, Civ UAir P atro 1were inv 0 1v ed both 10cally

Fort Snelling National Cemetery 10 ca ted at the Mirmsap olis Intematio nal Airp 0 rt and at the MnneE ota St

teranE Cemetery, 10 cat ed near Little Falls, Minneaot a.

" Wing Commander, Col. Thomas Theis and m embers of hia ataff'parttcipated at the Ft. Snelling National

10 cation for thi E 1 3v ent. Here iEa copy 0 fhiE memo he Eem. 0 ut to all mem b er a 0 fthe MN" Wing thankin

illr their tim 1 3 and effortE.

om Col. Tho mas Theis -Minnes ota Wing Commander,

to 1 3v eryone who to 0k the time to p articip ate and/or attend the WreathE Aero EE

a thiE p aEtweekend. It was a challenging day with the Enow and cold, but we Eurvi v ed,We'v 1 3 had nothin

t goo d rep orts and comments 0 f appreciatio n for your effortE.

t.e.rthe Ft Snelling National Cemetery Ceremony, Lt Co1M1ki tta, Lt Nonne 0 IE0n and crrSgt K aelyn OlEon

gt 'I'inl. BleEi and I alE0 pla ced wreaths at the gra v 1 3 Eiea 0 f Ca det Marc MeCollum (Viking SQ) who p enshia firEt X-country EO0 fiight at the age of 16, Colonel JOEeph K asp er and Colonel AIan Brandon, former

nneE ota Wing comm anders.

r Thanks goo ut to all mem b er a 0 fthe MnneE ota Wing who particip ated in thiE 1 3v ent and who tireles ElyEol

eaths for thiE ev ent to take pl ace.

st. Croix Mell1bers Gather for Year End

Celebration Traditionn Tues day night, 30 Dec emb er 2008, Senio r Memb era 0 fthe st. Oro ix Squadro n gathered to gsther to celebra

e end 0 f ano ther year 0 f Euc CeEEe a .

Ewhat has b ec 0me a tra dition, illr the st. Croix Comp 0E t. e Squadron memb era gather at the White Bear La

FWto share a meal and to to aat another year0

f EUCCeEEeE to gsther in an informal Eetting.

hiE giv eEUEa chanc 1 3 to get to kno w 0 ne another a litt! 1 3 better, meet the spOUEEand to ha v 1 3 EOme casual tim

way from the formal Eetting ofthe Squadro nThi Eyear 8 mem b erE and

0UEeEgot to gs ther and celebrated the new year 20O Q and the p asEing of

e 2008.

ways. thank you illr all you do !

l Thoma ETheiE

he reEtiv itieE were joined thiE year by l..t.Co1 . Bill Rutten and hia wife Joan,

Co1 . Ro ger Bro grsn and hia wife Kim, Maj.Mchael Bordo naro and hia

ife.Anne, Maj. Dav i d Kenan, Capt. Dav id Yo at , 2Lt. Chart eE J ents and 2Lt.

0 tt RichardE 0n

ere iEto a Eucc eEEu.l 200Q for the st. Oro ix Comp 0 sit.e Squadro n!

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st. Croix Mell1bers on Local Access TVWednes day ni ght, 1 'i ' Dec emb er 2008 at ' i ' : 30pm, Three mem b erE from the st. Croix Comp 0E t. e Squadron

cip ated in a Iiv 13 bro adc ast 0 f' Off the Rec ord' a 10 cal a cceEETV Ehow from White Bear Lake, Minnes ota.

E. Diana Longrie, the ho Et of' 0ffthe Reco rd', iEa 10 cal weekJ.yand liv 13 tele v is ion pro gram in which Ehe interv

ereEting p eople from around the coram unity in an informal queEtion and answ er forma t. Capt. David Yoat ,

CMSgt, Robert Sp ear &CIMS gt.M aha 131Westo n both app eared 0n the show for an hour of ques tiOnEand

sw erE ab out the Civil.AirP atro 1 (CAP). ThiE was an excellent chanc 13 for CAP and the St. Cro ix Squa dro n to

13 v iEibility 0ut amo ng Et the community.

0pp ortuni ty was preE ented to the St. Croix Squadro n b y Group 3, PubIi cAffairE om cer (PA0), 1l..t.Georg

p an, a m emb er 0 fthe Ano ka Comp 0 sit.e Squadron. Hew as a EEiEed in arranging thi Eopp 0 :ttunity with the h

both MN" Wing PAO, Capt. Richard GeiE&Group 3 Commander, l..t. Col. MIre Moen. lLt. George Supan wa

trum ental in arrang ed the intern ew Echedule with ME.Diana Longrie and pro v iding a furmat fur the show a

0ur mem b erE prep are fur thiE e¥ ent.

ant to thank Capt Da v id Yo at , Cadet ChiefMaEter Sergeant Robert Spear, and Cadet Ma at er Serg eant Mich

esto n for doing a profes sional preE enta tion of CivilAir Pa trol on the 0ff the Rec ord NeWETV show ho sted by

Longrie 0n Decem ber 1' i ' , 2008. They shared CAP infu rmatio 11, ans wered Diana' Eand callers ques tions wi

se fur one hours.

0 Ire with Diana alter the pro gram and Ehe was v ery impres Eed with the infu rmation shared by 13v ery0ne, the

E3 and answ erE 0 fthe CadetE. She eEp eci ally identifi ed the awarenes Eto detail aEan item the CadetE shared

e trained to do. Diana, wanted me to thank 13v ery 0 ne im 0 1v ed fur the opp 0 rtunity to ha v 13 CivilAir Pa trol on

o gram.

r Thanks goo ut to all of the m emb era who participated to make thiE ev ent a EUCeEE!

st. Croix Senior Mell1bers Tour NWA/DeltPilot Training Facility

Thurs day night, 18 Dec emb er 2008, Eight mem b era from the st. Croix Squadron were giv en a p er a 0nal tour

Northw est Aininee fD elt a Pilot training fa cilitieE 10 cated in Eagan, Minnes 0 ta.

P ersonaliaed tour ofthe faciIitieE was giv en by Airline Capt. Mahael Huttner who iEalso Colonel in the U.S . .

rc 13, ReEerv e. We were able to to ur the entire fa cility and get

cloE13 up look a t all of the training ro 0ms, briefing ro 0ms,

p er trainers ,no n-motio n mo ck up E&fullmotio n simul ators.

13 al a 0 to ured the other areas which included training

ilitieE for aircre:w to get familiar with other equip ment 0n

craft.. We rec eiv ed a 'handE on' 0pp ortunity with emergency

or operations ,p aEEenger window do 0 r eEcap 13ha tches, do or

&life.raft. 0p era tiOnE,ELT operatio na, air

ask p ro cedures and fire ex tinguieher operations .

oup 3 PAO, 1Lt. George Sup an wrote.

ory continued on page 5.

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Awards &Achievements

Wright Br-obhera

New Promotions


The Looking Glass


lln.:l1] & f g . L ! ed tQ e Public L.: i!w ta « tillcorpore ted

e C A P .: i! & .: i! ben e YOlen~ non-prot. t crg.: i !n1x.: i ! t1 . 00 ?

you thinkyouknow what itia, send your

wers to LtCol. Rutten at


ood luck!

New Memberslcome to th 1 3 fOli owing new memb era



STX Seniors Tom NWA I DeltaPilot Training Facility Oont'd,

W 1 3 had a chanc 1 3 to v i ew simulat.o rE in a etion froru the

v iewing gallery such aEB-737'E,B-757'E,B-747'Eand the n

B -787which iEjU E t corn ing 0 n line illr training a new

g eneratio n 0 faircraft.

Alter the tour of the facility we were all giv en a special

pri vileg 1 3 of getting an up cloE 3 and p era 0 nal tour imide

B -757 training Eimulato r. Each mem b er was able to be s

in the right/lelt Eeat of the Eimula tor and rec eiv ed a 'hand

on' EeEsion by Col. Michael Huttner. Each member had t

opp ortunity to do a take 0:II and a landing in the simulat.o

from San Francis c0 Intema tional Airp ort. ThiEwa Ea thr

each and 1 3v eryone of us .

Memb era who had the opp 0 :ttunity to Parb cip ate were:

Lt. Col. Bill Rutten, Maj. Mike Bordo naro ,Maj.Dav id Ke

Maj. Paul Prior, Capt. Da v id Yo at , Capt. Bill ReinerE, 2l..

CharieE JentE &2Lt. Scott RichardE 0 n.

Our thankE, one 1 3 again goeEto Col. Michael Huttner for

taking hia tim 1 3 and giv ing U E all a p era 0 nalia ed to ur whic

othere 0 uta ide of N "W AID 1 3 1ta get to ha v 1 3 .

Thankyou, Col. Mchael Huttner.

Continued froru page 4.

62 SeniOrE: 30 Patrons: 3 CadetE: 2Q

PubI.t:atD n D:l!br:tD..;,1tDn

st, eron 1>quadron

ctvn Alr Patro 1

327 & M:mnrng A ,,8-. N.

Box 9, Hal:lg;.ll' 39B

I...;.Ua- Elmo, MN & &042

1 3 & 1-77.3-1210

lIt.tP : « 8tc ro n, :tIW.C;,1p.0 IS


Da"tl Y "o 8t, capt CP..P

108tow@'::o nnas tna-t

Editor:1>cott ~o n, 2Lt CP..P

pao- 8u-cap@comcastna-t

Publ1c A t r : : i 1 . : c : : 0 m e Ell'

Co m.fng March 200P I B i 3 l I . e

e ov srs 8 -- va- nts ! rom .J 3..ll. & r 8 -b.

z 1> a-c:b.1 G1E-8 t 1>a-at 8 -r

z 0-13OH cadat. oJia.ntation r light

Z Ground Ta-am ' I' I' 3 : :b : r l l: l ( BX8-rct: a

Z B h J . a . a::!J' 'I'ra:Il:l:b:lg ac ili'i.ja:

Z cada-t Award .: :: ( Promotions

Z MU::h, mu::h mora-

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