st. elizabeth parish

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St. Elizabeth Church Main at 75th Street Kansas City, MO 64114

Web site:

Parish Staff Rev. Terry Bruce, Pastor .......................................... ext. 3403 Rev. Christian Malewski, Associate Pastor………….ext. 3405 Deacon Don Schmit, Deacon Emeritus

Deacon Mike McLean, Pastoral Minister

Deacon Charlie Cecil, Pastoral Minister

Mrs. Sandy Nickel, School Principal

Joann Aubuchon, Assistant Principal

Mrs. Pat Dennis, School Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Vicky Kinney, Business Manager .................... ext. 3409

Ms. Sandi Lombardino, Parish Secretary ................ ext3401

Mr. Steve Christensen, Buildings & Grounds ........ ext. 3414

Ms. Susie Adams, Director of Music ........................ ext. 3408

Mrs. Joanie McLaughlin, Seniors Coordinator ..........ext. 3411 Mrs. Rachelle Lawlor, Social Services…………………….…ext.3404 Mrs. Margaret Haik, Confirmation Coordinator..…...ext. 3405 Mr. Bill Egelhoff, Parish Relations………………………816.309.1042 Mrs. Eileen Iammartino, DRE…………….……………..………ext. 3417 Leslie Guillot, Diocesan Victim’s Advocate………….816.361..2666

Sunday Masses Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30, 10:00 am

Weekday Masses Monday—Friday 7:00 am Wednesdays 8:30 am (September ~ May) Tuesday & Thursday 11:30 am Reconciliation Individual Confessions Saturday: 3:00 – 4:00 pm

Seasonal Communal Penance Services

Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm (And by appointment)

Office Phone.............................................................523-2405

Rectory .................................................................... 523-2155

Office Fax .............................................................. 444-9858

School Office .......................................................... 523-7100

School Fax .............................................................. 523-2566

St. Elizabeth Parish October 4, 2009

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Our Mission Statement St. Elizabeth Catholic Parish answers the call of God to further

His Kingdom on earth through celebrating the sacred Liturgy and in building community through service.

W E L C O M E T O S T . E L I Z A B E T H P A R I S H • K A N S A S C I T Y , M O 2

Vocations Cross Exchange September 27—Debbie Whittaker Family October 4—Steve and Mary Beth McClain

BOW for Children in Grades K-2 Breaking Open the Word (BOW) takes place on

Sundays during the 10 am Mass. Children in grades K-2 leave the church after the Opening Prayer for their own Liturgy of the Word in Seton Hall and return to their parents after the Prayers of the Faithful. We encourage parents to send their children forward when Father calls for them, but please do not send children younger than kindergarten age. Contact Eileen Iammartino at 816.523.2405, ext. 3417, for more information about BOW.

Young Active Parishioners (YAPs) is a group of twenty-and thirty–something

married and single parishioners who gather for social events, community service projects and spiritual enrichment.


~Happy Hour in the Community Garden~ For more information or to help with this event,

c ont a c t Ca r r i e Ma dd e n 8 16 . 3 6 1 . 2 9 18 o r

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults RCIA

All parishioners are welcome to join us and support those who are actively seeking a better understanding of the Catholic Faith. The topic this week is God, the Son—Jesus. We meet in Seton Hall Tuesday, October 6, 7:30—9:00 pm.

Preparation for Infant Baptism Our next Baptismal Preparation session will

be Thursday, October 15 ~ 7:30 to 8:45 pm in the Parish Ministry Center. If you are a registered parishioner and wish to attend this session call Sandi at 816.523.2405.

New to St. Elizabeth Parish? Register on October 15

We invite all those interested in joining St. Elizabeth parish to join us Thursday, October 15 at 6:30 pm in the Parish Ministry Center (northeast corner of Main and 75th Streets). The registration form is quick and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have. You must be a registered parishioner for sacramental preparation. To sign up for this session call Sandi Lombardino at the parish office, 816.523.2405.

Homily Focus Group What it is: St. Elizabeth parishioners meet for an

hour and reflect on the Sunday Readings in the current liturgical cycle. This is done by looking at how the Scriptures apply to concrete situations in our lives and in the world. Reflections will assist the priest to prepare a homily that is suited to the needs of the community. In addition to this, the exercise will help one to grow in deeper appreciation of Scripture and prepare one to better hear the readings proclaimed at Mass. Several parishioners have already been involved in this and have enjoyed it very much. I myself have found it very helpful and enriching to my own spiritual life.

When it is: There are several dates I have set aside for the remainder of the year. The meetings will be from 7 pm to 8 pm on the following days.

Wednesday, October 14

Readings for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary time Year B

Wednesday, October 28 Readings for All Saints

Year B Thursday, November 5

Readings for the 32 Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Wednesday November 11 Readings for the 33 Sunday ion Ordinary Time

Year B Tuesday, November 17

Readings for Christ the King Year B

Thursday, December 3 Second Sunday in Advent

Year A Wednesday, December 9

Third Sunday in Advent Year A

Wednesday, December 16 Fourth Sunday in Advent

Year A

Where it is : In the PMC conference room. I hope to have approximately 7 people at each

meeting. You can sign up for as many or as little as you would like. First come first serve.

Please call me at 816.300.0755 or email me at to reserve a spot or for any questions.

T W E N T Y – S E V E N T H S U N D A Y I N O R D I N A R Y T I M E ~ O C T O B E R 4 , 2 0 0 9 3

Hospitality in Time of Need Thanks to all who help with this wonderful ministry

that serves those in need. Thanks to our September volunteers. What a great job you all did this month.

The names of the volunteers for the month of October are:

FOOD COORDINATOR: Mary Meysenburg and Dorothy Hauser FOOD PREPARERS: Regina Albright, Coly Bryant, Teresa Chaurand, Sue

Miller, Kathy O’Toole, Florence Pilsl and Sue Rhodes. If you are going to be out of town or unavailable

please notify Sandi, 816.523.2405, in the parish office.


Save the date for Bonfire 2009. Get back in the saddle for

Bonfire, the annual benefit for the Foundation for Inclusive Religious Education.

Saturday, October 10, 2009 6pm to midnight,

Archbishop O’Hara High School, 9001 James A. Reed Road, Kansas City.

The mission of FIRE is to provide children with special needs the opportunity for an inclusive Catholic education in their home parish schools. For more information about FIRE or Bonfire, visit our Website,

Girl Scout Sunday Come celebrate with the St. Elizabeth

Girl Scouts at the Girl Scout Mass on

Sunday, October 11 at 10 am. We will be

having coffee and donuts in Seton Hall

immediately following the Mass. Support the

Phyllis Harris food drive by donating items for the

food pantry. There will be a collection at school as

well as at Church. Items Needed include: canned

meats, rice and pasta, boxed dinners, jelly and jell-o

and hygiene items.

High School Youth There’s SO much going on!

Mission Trip/Young Neighbors in Action— Have you ever thought about going on a summer

mission trip? Its time to sign-up for next summer’s trips with St. Elizabeth’s & St. Peter’s Youth Groups. Go to for permission forms and other info about our trips.

NCYC—National Catholic Youth Conference The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph and the

Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas will host 23,000 teens, November 19-21 for the National Catholic Youth Conference in downtown Kansas City. It will take over 1,200 adult volunteers to make it all happen. Volunteers are needed for a variety of jobs! Go to and look for the volunteer link. Questions? Call Margaret in the PMC.

Friendship Club We are planning our annual Fall Festival. We will

begin by having a Bake Sale and Silent Auction in Seton Hall during Coffee and Donuts on Sunday, November 8 following the 10 am Mass. We will also be selling raffle tickets for a King-size Quilt. The drawing will take place on Saturday, December 5 as we help the Knights of Columbus host an evening of watching the final ―Big-12‖ championship football game in Seton Hall. For both events we are in need of help preparing baked-goods. Please consider donating one of your favorite goodies for others to enjoy. If you can help, please contact Joanie McLaughlin at 816.361.0913.

Retrouvaille is a program for married couples who feel bored, disillusioned, frustrated or angry in their relationship. Most don’t know how to change the situation or even talk about it. Call: 800.470.2230 or go to

Please Pray for all the Sick: Pease call back to let us know when your loved one is out of harm’s way...816.523.2405. Bernadine Hiebl, Dolph Schaefer, Judith Mayanja, Jana Moynihan, Paul Lark, Virginia Haake, Lois G., Mary K., Susan H., Doris Schworer, Regina Steinbacher, Maria Metz, Steve O’Halloran, Pete Egan, Fairy Palmer, Kathleen Cassidy, Liam Mcgillycuddy, Marilyn, Kathleen Matthews, Clarence Wiedel, Mary Jo and David Ryffe, Anne Quinly, Jacque Curry, Lucas Nedelco, Alice Brock, Hugh Dulle, Marc Saviano, Donna Dilks, Kaiya Delgado and Ernie Hastings. Please Pray for the Hospitalized: Kathy Burdolski Please pray for those who have died and the consolation of their families: David Bolby and Kathy Burdolski.

Liturgical Ministers —October 10/11, 2009 4:30 pm Servers: Lauren Lanter, Nate

Meysenberg, Sam King Lectors: Teresa Schwartze, Bill Knipp EME: Patricia Allen, Carl Struby, Jim VanDyke, Peggy VanDyke,

Kathy Haug 7:30 am Server: Mike Gabhart Lectors: Bernie VanArsdale, Virginia

Lawless EME: Michael Schaefer, Mike Hayes,

Betty Novak, Regina Albright, Sue Rhodes

10:00 am Servers: Matthew Wallace, Elena Rush, Bridget Jones

Lectors: Vicki Saviano, Pat Saviano EME: Dan Fish, Joyce Fish, Carolyn

Sawyer, Anne Randolph, Mike Jenkins, Bob Reiter, Jodi Reiter

Weekday Servers: October 5-9 Shelby Curfman, John Eisele October 12-16 Maddie Shramek, Anna Shramek

W E L C O M E T O S T . E L I Z A B E T H P A R I S H • K A N S A S C I T Y , M O 4

October 5, 2009 Monday 7:00 am Ed Stockbauer Requested by Katherine Stockbauer Tuesday 7:00 am Sam Saviano Requested by Sandi Lombardino 11:30 am Rose Haggerty Requested by Norma Hagerty Wednesday 7:00 am Special Intention of David Ryffe Requested by Mary Jo Ryffe 8:30 am Dorothy Harris Requested by Alice Merrigan Sheehan Thursday 7:00 am James McCormack Requested by Mike McCormack 11:30 am Hank Maggard Requested by Dan & Mary Cofran Friday 7:00 am Peggy McKenna Requested by Mary Cullen Saturday 4:30 pm Sam Saviano Requested by Kerm & Ellen Fendler Sunday 7:30 am Regan Thomas Holmes Requested by Tom & Mary Lou Holmes

Altar Cleaners for October Norma Hagerty and Solomons

A big thank you to our September cleaners

Mary Dunham, Sue Miller, Kris Zondca

Readings for the Week of October 4, 2009

Sunday: Gn 2:18-24/Heb 2:9-11/ Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12

Monday: Jon 1:1---2:2, 11/Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday: Jon 3:1-10/Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday: Jon 4:1-11/Lk 11:1-4 Thursday: Mal 3:13-20b/Lk 11:5-13 Friday: Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2/Lk 11:15-26 Saturday: Jl 4:12-21/Lk 11:27-28 Next Sunday: Wis 7:7-11/Heb 4:12-13/

Mk 10:17-30 or 10:17-27

O C T O B E R 4 , 2 0 0 9 5

All Lectors

Extraordinary Ministers!

Formation and Spiritual Renewal Sunday, October 11, 2009

3:00—4:30 pm in the Church An informative, practical and spiritual workshop for

all of our active Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers. Learn, practice, pray and be renewed.

A Celebration of Hope SAVE THE DATE-Saturday, November 7,2009 we

invite you to join us at Celebration of Hope at the Downtown Marriott. Formerly called Savor the Flavors, this evening will be a joyous event for the friends and supporters of Catholic Charities of Kansas City-St. Joseph. Just as important as the celebration, the proceeds of the evening will benefit the many programs that provide strategic assistance to families struggling to reach financial stability. To sponsor, volunteer or RSVP contact Moira Healy at Visit for more details.

Come and See Did you think God may be calling you to Religious

Life? Have you felt an urge to give yourself totally to Christ and His Church? Have you tried to ignore it but it keeps seeping back into your soul? Then Come! Come and seek the miracles God wishes to work through you!

Come and spend a weekend seeking God’s will for you at Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Eucharist in Independence, MO.

Young ladies between the ages of 13-17

October 30-31, 2009

Single Women 18-40 November 13-15, 2009

The weekend consists of: Prayer (communal and

private); Eucharistic Adoration; Listening to conferences on the Eucharist, St. Francis and Religious Life; Visiting with the Sisters and hearing their stories Becoming Aware of God’s voice deep in your heart.

To register or for additional information contact: Sr. Andrea Kantner, OSF Vocation Director, 2100 N. Noland Road, Independence, MO 64050. Phone 816.252.1673. E-mail: or

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