st. jgiin'8, foundljc d, · s!'t.vrdj y, -...

Post on 16-Mar-2018






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' :.


Per Lo~eliJ o~lfary. and .Sp1·u~ .• from I...Jve11p0~ fllld Jt,,swa, frt1111 {.;.rt.•enuck,


' . ~ GEN Ell:\.f. AS~Oill'l\lf.NT UJi'

DRI1'1&11 ·'l'URbil GOOD s \\'t11ch ttre ofi'~rt!d at ha:t u~<Uill low pnce~


TOb";CC~ Pipes, J.t a ,·educed p,.ice.

And daily CXpt!ct t:d, 811 a~:~orlm4lnt or LE,\ 'l'llE.I:. \l ~.

F'rom H dlllhUr!!h. S rpt. j 14 N l\J :\ C DO U Gr\ L L

R1·ick, Ilea~· ~ and l .. uanhi!a·,

Ex B.ritish Q·w~,J, froafl SI.J,~hn, N.U..

l'i ~ 1 Pit~ ·:;ED BRiC K l 1\ • 55, M. ~tuck. d1llo U ;,1 Cum •unn dtuo.

1':! :\1 Plant>d Flooring Bu•ud~ t 0 ;\I H.elue~e dill o 7.i .\1 Sawed J...nJhs . a ~~ Lknl~ 17 B•wdles l'nme Uplaull H~ty T he auoV«j will uc aolc.J IU lo\V rates

ap~I10J lor aul.met.ilale ly . St'pt, 14 t: . H. CARTER & Co,

P.. II. ' C.ilt~'E.R .t· Co.. .. I J.\ V t·: 0 :-.l ll.\~ 0

ItU~I AND Gl~~ j


'\ hich lhf'y wall St>ll oy the cu:k, or In L IS

to tWil Purch<Ut!C:!, Stiplc!UIOCI' 1-l .

--- ----------SYU.\l!:Y <.;0.\L.-f·:X 1.. \U'i YOU:i( . •

FHUJ1 :::-\'DN~l(..

.N.uw Laodio~ lq the :-iuhscriLcrii, a. 0

of~ h o l&osl

SJ.-dncy Pit Coal .. \ Carts iu c&llt~~d.Lllt cc.

~rpt. 14 P. II t ' AK. f'ER & Co .

Ncn: l •'r wt- 1:' roan l·'a~·:at.

By P ·. II. t ; .llliTE.ll. ••• t ·o. A ft:\V. Ham pc rs anrl ~a lf· lla111per.s vrun 0

~dve r l'ecl U eta ilJUg.

O~lO:\S, II 01lsekeepers w tH dJ w~!i to appl y im nte -

d1a td)· . All!!U-il 30 .

llRJl.~-WC. tl.£~ .. '

~JlPo m.J ©.£~l1l])ill~-(~~o. 100 llags. HltAN ..

Augu., l :3 L.

l) lCI·~. Sugn r , l.\Jl,fft.;!ics. lJ 'L'B.A, Cru~th,ed !::lugnl'l

}'~ ,\ Sl!:. , Cuudles SUA P. 13t"Rns, H·~o~y :SOOT:i ' \V lutl! lead BLAt;K PAL~. l'

B\L\IETT & l\llTCHELL Aug. ~4..


-3 flANDSO·:\~E )h~lOf.! tny BEDSTt:AD~ 10 Uuz"n CHne Seal CH:\IH.$ B:r EJ)L\lETT &. i\llTGHb:LL.


Auau:~l 10 .

<D~Ulli!So ~rn-=-~~(1 __.

lly P. H. VA H.T£lt &. Co. 8 CANE So11t Rock ing Chn1 r4, Do Lndy'

Sbwing do ; llD D-4ning, do; Wood :::,uu Hoc'kinar do ; Uo Ladttts' ~ew1ng do ; Ch al

I .. - dren'4f Hagb. do ; . l>o Rockang do ;. Com~r

Sent do. · I


4 RoUin;: omce CIIAIRS,.

20 C \131!:5 CAPI:!:R:3-r.onlainlllg 12 llotlett •. euch ;.. 20 clo tt0~1-dn do do ;. pu

up npreasly for fca ul Ude. r For MJ" l,y July ;H . ./ ~ .. \JM I;:'I"C &. MLTCH tt.;LL

WES'l'l•tl£.Litl. ll .1ll~ and Po­looe !'liaU8age8, ver{ prime, by

. E-1\1~1~1''1' ~ 1\1 f<Jtit.:.L~

ST. JGIIN'8, NE'U FOUNDLJC D, · S!'t.VRDJ Y, . S·EPT~~lBillR 21, 1850. -



'fJI~. FOL ~ fU~Ml8E&, flt·lwginr;: to the Est oj the late Uigltt R ev . • lUlCll.llb;L Jl.JK'HO.NY PLB.!t1l.\ G I h:ct:ustd, by, lite · ·,/cuiors of lite said · .l:J:;tule, at m:nlerat11 R.c!llals, tmd u.;,ou. a·,

· ~ummodaling (.,'unditions,

I'OR A TER:'It OF YEA.RS 1 \I JZ · -

That p:(c·cllcnl FAlC\1 ~1\UUit!d en \he L "ng P urul R tad, odjOIUiog tlu: prup.erly of L.,U• I~E~CE O 'BiliE~, l~:1 q,, eoJ, cunAaJIIIn.g abo\.Lt Ht\o:I::S":n:~c:.s ACtti~S ul good LJwd,. tho greater Llurtauu «1! wnacla 1:1 ~. a tugh Sill ' ~ of cui ivll­twn . Bt:in~ an the \'lciUoU)' of St . Jollie's, tlli.of piUC~ i tt '\:ell ati .,pled m. \:llcJ:y rt:~~cct foP

Jl!r·;n w~ puq~n,.cs. • -ALSil-

That D\VELLlNV HOU:>E' & GA RD.E.~ Cor luc rly lwo.wn Uti tho .• n~u ./1/J.·y:. Ill tht! rf-' Ur 'JI alw ltumun Coa ho lac Clitlll·orul Grouud w ath o r Without u ri~C& oE L-';o;o uri ll10 !!:a.; .

h · ru :~ 1Je uf th.e t~limu, a~Ld tht~ LL\J 1:.; KiLN tiJ.oa uvn .•"~ r d rnoet citglllle UUJ.LDIN.G L0·1'S,

uc•ur lht! I .Jitl Pro:Jetl :aliullCul£.'/t:IUo uu L&A..S£:t

i'UU 9!)9 T. E .UtS~ ; ;

J! .. :~ .. uo~<IUII o/ OJI}l of the abu1'e nnmed proper-. 11\:e~Cu 11 Ut.' ~IYt!n Wlltlll rcq_•aartH.I, .C'u d l/ U r I<' WII rs CU-41. be kil l.' \VII Ull nppliCilliOU u.J. th~ offiL:o vf tho t;Uh:-crauer. •

P. F . LlTTLE,

The r:onrion 'Pi~s. of 1h1 2; b of August,. hll' the lu)L.,,w·w~ orttcl.,, l!ll~d83te•1 .Uy thd corro::t,,u n­d~nc" ~lucll luut l:ueh jMtfoSecl· bt:t wet!U Sir ll!inry Unlwer u-ud 1he Cul)llwst ul \\'u::tllln~tuu \v.Jt h r., .. lcr~nce 10 u aro.t·y, \VIcach w 1s ::~uppu:t~J t\l havo Lcen Clllttfet l• 11\IU lly ,\lr. C o~tt ti o11 ol, Oil lh ·i vnr l of J<:u:.:luud; w11h tll•l Siut~:t o( YuctScun oucl Ch::!llt lt .CJ 1 tlce 8UI'P •l 1S t:~ O J'Urport ol sw:h lrt:aty buant; to qJto SIItUI~ l!:l!gluuJ U18 prutcctor of lh d.:.~ two ~IUIC ~ :-

\•\' uh. 1he corn•spon leoce it:tclf (l"ny::. the 1'im.u) we lc uvc uu luuh to fi nd , -n., · t h '! r d ll 1\'•l ohjo\!l lu t h~ c ouuuct which 11 tJ . · :;cra be~t l•:uglan•J lu have 1 •uuu~:tl, or wida the mu ~a m~ lu1 .J n:t ~~~~ ru le lur our fu · ure pro ·~~ dill:{:!. ti ir H. ti ·y U.rl­wl'r ~tot,:11 10 Mr. Gtuy th.1t Mr. Cha•ti ~ ld IJ . &:! l1>1•J DO ISUtbnrll).' 10 t!IIUH ll olOo "IIY ti U.:h lf~·' ' Y ~ ht: purl ol E• •~: la au.l, untl be lur. ber U<!CitJ re:t tit II uut lilt' Jlullcy of E.n ~ luud l o con11 l1tute • •t!t:~t:l l p co-ector of Ul:ltllnt ::) ulu:!. Su far ttll 1:1 well, bJI ~ hu l .. wo u~k.. wa~ tho princit1lu lauJ dowo lly i\lr. C ltty u~ chat wb. ch g;avu th b U.111eJ :),alud a r1~ht. 10 ne-k tf C: •~o:lnuJ huol ~&llurccl lUlu 311)' :JUch lrc.t .. I): II ll•f •rmuatou Wt<re 611 11 j.lly l.'ou,.; ta t 111 crd o.; • 1ha1 \Ito ~Juilt!d titult!d mi:;ht thape 1·$ cour~u of co••cluct wuh r~ ft! . 'to tht! u .: w p O:!Illvll 01

aff,ar~t wh •clt, uut.le.r tla;cb a. arc:uty, woul.J ox.i:~a, thou ahert: w o u l•l he 110 reut!on to co .11pla•n, 110

~·uum.l lor r .:dclllillg I he IIIC} II ' y L n .• t if thiS wcro a tueuu•·ang eufJ.•my-al lltd · du.:ttin t~ w e ru IIIIIJIIIUIIIt'cl tlll\l ~gl.ltld 110 rl~hl 10 t:Otl! f

IIIl O tUCh 1111- llllll\IICt:-1( It Wt~re IS:I:ttlrtCU 111111 touch " trcn Ly "ou!ll , hy t he U ti td .! :Slit ' 0 :1, ut! cl tt: IIICU UII,V ltrCUIIIUIJie lll lt: rlcrciiCft Ill :\mur t..:llll ..(f ·• r.; by d E tHIIjiCU II tiaule-bc , Ill ru~t 0 casus belli 111 •l•o t:. llmuuou o l A rot:riC·•Il otu t~:!IU •m­III JII "e :>..ty thu ~r.Cotl IIIL~-: ::IId of th~ Wu1IJ h u Vc

I .Mnna; in; E ..cecu.lur oj the said Estate Si-plernhur 1. .

ll(tm ~:~ut: 1 itk~·•l hy :.a,:;~ ut o u~ tu. u m . i:tt ah11urtl pre · l tJ14c iVII o l llltJ Uuiact.l S t ttlt::i, IUttl IJy. remlHI III!;

hl" r .o t::.l i\Ull:ih u • que::~uollt!U u ,J.,c.n •. e ~haclt, 111

rue• , lu; oj :1t Jccr fu0:1l thu wuulc A : ll 1 111!11ll c;..,u u · I

'\! Ai\ '1:' I~D ... \ Gr.od Activts Gl.R.L. to prococd. to

11. U ullt!U ::i1u•ttd vJ Atn.eru:a·, fld

110. U ti 8 ::; E l t Y A N.T ,. \\\l'he t e eh~_ w.all 1Je at.eu1cd as. or.~ o(


tbc Fnml ly. . .

1-!. H -Ouo who um)ers-tnods Iturmiug wilt bb prcl~rretl,

Apply aJ. t h.e O!fu:e of lhe Cuw·itr. September Ll,

- -- 1L--------------------------~0'1'1CE IS ll~n£DY ~IVEN ...l' hy !Ius .l.!:"ecUJO r:t of the Lu14t \Vall tlll}

l t'::.IAIIleu t .vf tl·u la•c lhc.HT k£\' Eilt::~u ~ll .. C II A I!: 1... A NT Jl 0 N. \' F W:.\ll :iiJ, toru~ url,y H.u111au Cathullc Ba:,h OlJ of 1\ewfuuntlluutl,

dcccu:tt:d.., tlt~tl ull pCrli•HuJ. ha.vaug cl~tams up.tu hln C::ttlllt! u1:u n · tjiJ : t~lc tJ. to !u,·u_a t-h. a !leU' ac ·

c ult II~. d uly. ult c~t c:d , tu 1hu ~ub:~craocr. lor utJj,ualancnl. 111 whmn all pcco~uu:,.· llu..lcl.>lcJ au. llw t~u1d C::~taL~ lU'., a.JtJo a cq·ur~d t o uu1.ku Ji lt Y·lllt:UL .

P F . LI.TTLE, & t:cu.l.or of 1/~ 1rlld £$/.ate

Sup em her 7 .

uuut, lrvlll tlte N.v ralt l'vld to l,;utlu IJ.Jru. ,\lr. Jt:flcJr~on, the. cu.l s_t cxc u · iv-e A 111ricnn. nud

IHIIIJiliUU:t uf lht! SUYt!IUI l're~:Jo lll:i Ul 1be U :ll tc.tJ

S a l., :t , rir:tt bro ;c ueli th~ t.Jo~ t raue thut 1bu m.ur• ~ us :s of Alllc:rlctt 11ll 1Jcruu~~ly cvmpollc:ll h ur 1(1 llt!•

•~l.trt: tl•tst uo l!:.urop~ull ti ula . c:~llu , tc.J t.uu~c: forlll t&t q.:/}.rrild,tf~l PMSL -!f" !eJlHUf1 lJ ~l&:'df ICU. l•;coJ:IolUc.t lux: IIIUIIJ •Y.l!llrS.tcr I 10 '"'~ or tll ·l~p.:ihi~IICIJ uy Ill!! Uuatrd :::; u c:~,.. \Vc! 3 Ill tJI.ld~tl.') ' 11 1o i • .JI T~:rr11urcu:1 ou the N •rt11 A ucrh: O. 1 cuu11~ nc.:ut m o18 tX-1!11::11\I..S than 1110.'111 uf uny o ch oc._ uu· 1111111 \\hcc httr J!:u:ovuuu or A;ncr i''.uucu, .;uuu alter tlus t:Velll 1 c;ui.J h e r A .lll.:flc:w.,d ullll· ll tUIIS Ill tile Uoll tetl titat~!l, -~11Uill l.:, :it lt u r ~::r c: . cl l'ru VIt•C tl vf. i\ld .U~o,-,ulli lhtl Wliolu CUUlllhHll

'~Ud cvuleutly tl c:Sl llle•J 10 be the pro.,.:ny ol the two et:Cli.Jit::l uf thtJ A ng l ••:::idX-•U rncu - lht: ouc uuclt:r thu fi..L;; ol l:: u~ i11111 1, Lh t: o :lu~r u111l t> r l llu l ol t h~ U u llt:u tiltilu::!. 'fuc llhllit ll l ! ul AIOe C•OIJ.II pu .. 114~) thue ti r dt ~:nuiH .. I .l ltl' l lty Jdlcr3vll1 w,,s •l•rcC• l • d a~!lllt .') l l·.u~ lan.J, •• au.l. wu uru uuw ceJ .o IIIII III t:

Wh) "'"\Jil t: e t: t:liVII ul l..;, ,~ la.;h c u c: u , WIIO Cvii.S. tiUic lh•: ,,: 1.c l hi1C v i lilt: U1ll t CII ;:,Lll l C:f 1 til t.)' IICl}U tre l CI•

ll tury uu•l cll!lucucu upv u . lltU cuullu~ul.; uf N -H IU u11J :"oll t h A aucflcu, wbcl~ alluSJ "IJ0- 11111 t,t: IIIU IIl

~~~gJ:I'IIl 11111U ~.J • I :tii • II I C 11oe C:. l011:!11 U11 l1 Uil 1 llrC 10 be , Xt: •uut:•l lruut uuy J'Uil•C' jl•1l•uu. 1u lhe.:.c ulvan· a u~ · d. \V 1111111 I h e I .lSI hull Ct:IIIUry th~ U lllltH.J

::'i•llt: S hnS 1110 t: lhull 'tU:tdfUj'1 '1d lhl! t:Xlt:ll \ O f

f'. lHE SUBSCRIB£RS lid l l'rll ovrl t: r-- tJUI II)• lty purcl.a:se, 11urdy lly 111 trll!llu, tJ.H II~ by cuuq!lt!:ll. Til~:~ lluiiU ol wiJacp ;- Ill

17.::);3 , "ud cuuliuct.l 011 thd uurtb . II)' li.ltl :!h 1\ 11 .: ~ (ll ' U

1 Ull lh o eo~:ft I.Jy the :\. . .J.aUIIC 1 Ull l ltU Wt',( hy

t h e Mubi::I .. IJ•jJI , •lllll uo lllt: t'UUIII lly c'.unda, Ull!l 11 u\V 110 eAir.lll.l c J lld t-OU h t: rn IJO,tii Jti fJ U::l to

: :







BEG to noawuocu 1hut tht-y lun··fl t a k~n. th" H1·1ck Pc t:"OIIrJCS ( \Jr . U.. 0' Dwyer·,

bualdiu~~.). 111 B t! ck 's Cuvu, \ .\!utt:r 81 r.~~~ wlwro 111.-y auteud lu lr:uu:.uc l t,udiiiO•ij us

COU.ULSSlU.'\ ruHI\CU.l~ 'rS, AU~TIU~.l!:EI(S,. iHD. ~lllP MR-QKIH\S •. et• ndlrt,: GouJ.t, either full Public Auct1vn or. l'r.lY-at., ~tUtt, wall meet ' "llh cv.crJ &l.llldfU(;IJUO. '

R. A. ~l'C.OUBREY &. C:>·. August :u .. ---· ·- ----------------

J U $1

. Ut!Ye! r.cncJIIt:U the U~l ul M.:.~I C0 1 1111.! ro~ otrete:1 ~ 1l 11~ 1\'odlt:ria IIIItH a , to h a vu IIIli l!ut:llh: O ..:c:au wu:~ lt· lltg II.Je \~hv lu h: ugth uf ll:t Wd:!l8fll U..I U· Id<lfy . ­

J'ue lJr Op lr~ w11o1 "he ll lilt~.)' cJ , clurt! •l ti~I:.Lil_$• Vt:o uu.le p tH. t.:t:llt,. u lt.l 110~ c· xcc,. t..l :.J,OJO,OOO .;u t.l.., , uo.\1 UI:IOIIIII IU lSbUVC :.!5 10UU,00J, uut.l 1111::1 (I.JWt! t t'ul 11t:opt" wfuru,,. Lll t1 '"'' ' lOUd ol .b: J rupe tl~col ll:t bUit!ly I~ IIICOIIInutuiJi c:l With Ullj Ud l.II •:IILIOII Ul

ccrrllu• y hy 110y ~urOJI!!llO· ::) tHo o.a th u i\IOIHIC.tll

COIII Hl r lll •. lmlc:cd, Wa h u Vc:l lltiO.I6 ft!U .:Oca 10 IJC:· ht~Ya lllUt Lilt) llt(\.utry laltlJ 1UOJ11 OJ lUct t,;ubiuut P lJ U.J: LS JL E.LJ,

PttlC£ T.WO ttHlLLI~GS\



· ol \V;uhaugluu tt!:!lJ t~ Ctlllg the:~ dUJ),J•JS"tJ l o lti.IY~ Lt!t:ll c .. ucluJt~d Uc:IW~:eu t;aa;ld~:1 aut!. 111"

J St~lltld ol Yu\.·utuu. uuiJ Cu:tlts wu sugg~:H t:cl ,. bl u,., l~dwg ~ hll' ll tir~tt g.tvu 1Jcr11t tu tha. t!lclu•

dl;e lllttx.Jm, aud Wlla tueuut to cuuv"y IO· Eugl .. lld

It hiut llJllllltt! UJIItc:lt.l ::i\dctl :t IIIIJUIH , IO· u ssc:u1. IUIJ

6uch mtarlert:ucc:~ 111 A1iuHu:uu ulf..a ttd IS:t too 011~

St~rling Jtlo1t ie:~ in Cw·rency. AND

Currency in Sterling •. Couies may ue lwtJ or cho BrokHr to tier Ma·

e"y'd t:udtouul1 "'all the BuoK-~ttore~t 1 uuJ. ct Utf:{_ Otlice ol thl) l\J.oR.l'fiNO CouRJ KR. ,I

• A FEW Cea&e:i very Superaor l!:AU Dl!: GO·

LO'JN£, tor~ulu by July J1. l::MMET'f &. l\JITCHELL

OtJSTOM..H.OUSE. P.OBM~ :Shtpl'aog favtsrtt l Utlls of Kxcbauge ~111uou'd NulCit llllld of LM.Iiog l'racelf CutnHil A ud the N &'W. 'J'AJu r r; roR U .L& .41: Tflt: '' L <ilfDOI'I. BOOK 8T081:

Aflral ti J :\c\ll:;~ JUd~t·u UlLAtiA)l

P ltllllli Canada llanu.&BtJUet· it".,.. :s&LJ" l) 1 I

. dllf'P"oecl. 'l:laat I•OI1Ct: duuulll . u, u ul.n:uauoJ IJ~ . , .,~c:u BuglruuJ nnd. lha Uuu~:tl.dltlte:t aull:tl ljc:~ lilt: wittD 01 ~very rauouttl Ulilll ou lxuh ~ll..l~:~d (,f lhc All611ltC, uu1• peuco ro.n ouly lJo Ulain t ttlucu.J by p ju:tl coah.I U•:t ou tbe ~urt- of both DtthoD~ aud uo,­llll .. 111pt UU lho JJitrt ol tbe U~lllell ti .alt 1$1"[U JIU~!Stllf:» he rae II ol I urataur terrctory wuuhJ!r it. 1t u).&tlllr ol aWoiW6 u~Ct!li:tiiY ou tlut pllrt uf J:;ug t .. uJ lo tllle1181 e ttuJ 4•rO\I-OII l ciUCb HggJe:i:UOII, !\Lt XICO, ut prelreut lu:11 lldJIIt!M, sou 11 Bu~lun;J · ~:~ nvuul •t&JHi Idly j)y 1 DlllJ DOt iusi,t 0!1 liltS lll lll lllaiiUII CCI

ul Jttt t:XI&lllll{ in. e~rir,t, 008 would ilu l · fie LO auld alae cbtt~f ::>aate of C c u 1rlll A,u .:riC.A l•t

' ' '"already foranid~tl>le coutol.l~rat•oo of tuts Uunt~!l :Saatt:a. t;ugluucl hu• h8rdelt' no lhs:sare to •u·~uru ltJrrnorruf \Jt: utrttl Amtnoo, but al tb.,ro U12 uuy djlfi}HUUI or u11 IU~OIIUU ll,l tsiiCI'Oo40h UjiOU M c XI

·co -..~h•IJitt:cJ oy tbd C~tu n 1t at tV uluu,;tv~ . ' wu ~11ouhJ 110 wa:sdy to bllout.l our woac:o11u 1~ to th~

·- 0/ ~


-';· NO. 76.

un all iun •:e of prolecrion, not only with Yucll'• ton an •J Coil!l lt•c.J, ll tll wi•h ovary ous of tb~t rdnuauc .. ~ R,publlc1, M-: " icc> incluJ .,d. 'l'uij iaa :!&Jhj ::s,:t w na.:!l ft~r Ill any ruasnns rn Ill conlinu-J l.J uc•~upy lh~J ~~ ~ riu ui nuen:ion of }!: a~lish sttucsrn -,n. hid th l t d' t ortly a com ·nu 1ictt iou will lJ-' co ·npl '.ll r:sJ bJt.vea n 1ha two o.;u.w:l, an I w~ havd s~oo tha · o VtHy whol r! j on the part uf J::.1gla.uJ h ·1:5 b l•:n eXh iOII I) . j W ll il rc:!JIUCI tO this \~h1~ 1 1 i; ul .. nn 10 b~ '"" :;ro 11 h•g 1 w •Y of na1iou:!: ::>·J f11 r U:l 11 tl.ll iOll C 1 I h.! I,)..,)Ull j b-y trt:;s lifi ~

1 \\'0

1ltC ll •Y.l !'t! th It the U IIIQ 1 ::) II ".f uru ut lbi:S IIIOe

IIIJO I , hy tlao lrtlo lrC l ty_, u cd J r u atlict o bligu: i .,n 10 P"fllltl tu 1111 11·111011.;! I dl fJ :UIIll ~!I I O I loJ U:iJ •VIlh•

u:Jt ltl •• l ruu t:o. th ' · lll' tHI..IcJ c~u d uu I rttalway.­Uut 1h 1:1 ~ubJ :c:t IS to U:! ut d ·J \'J :st un imp•Jrt• ll ii CtS n.:J re::tp:lC" ou~ ll b:fd.H to:H i o Mlu u••cl

· .\u:~lru l :t:! Ht tlall IY 7 tsrtl l1o 111 J 10 td k':l 8Vory JIV.i:!l­

bla IJrc ,:autao u n;; 11 a-.t au•o rrlljl~ tolll 111 lh:S J:t ah :u u:t or P ... n 1111..a. 'l'u : U citc.l ~ a . \! ::1 11.1 1 aJcu.• uoJ tbo jll !l t i~d .01 til :t a•s.:rl iO I bf t h ..J l.&ld tft!UIJ 1 ID

"!t;ullt&lleot; w111c11 ::>•r ll.!•try UJ· ,v~r hu:s :.ll<>wu ~rt:ut,;m.,nt unJ pru ~f::ucc:. Uul ll ~VI:IO (JOticy

:tu ..; ~clll:t t~a UdCc: ssHy ul ::1 nuu I urth ':"r J.lrt:C.auuou hy meun:t ot nu huua,Jtut" arrung..,m .JI•' wun abu ~l tJII!~ ol Ctw· c,tl A •nericu. will\. rcft~rcuc:~ to o.n 11n ut:U;JO p.Jrtcon uf 1110 co 11 n ercc ot thu w urlJ. If uu~ tWI 1uu l•u.:J. It ~i~h~ tv Ot JC.Jious w ith re :<pGct ·"' lO 11113 I!Ul.IJ I!Cl U a., !::JJ,.:I.tlll.l : Lh o U uit~d ~:h..ttd~ 1!1 \YIIhout uuy pre:c!:< l fH f d JC U}I.Jtl lh~ Ot.:CildiOO, t~ut.l mu. a II..:) I uo ullo .\'OJ 10 l..t)! t.J.., .vn unJ 1Gillll •u1u ll•ll.Xt UU vi lll : tJ I" Ua.t tO . tlll J' JIIC}l alto only OhJ dCl of "'ht•:n 111 J:H l><.l to pr~ p.uu f<Jr Ju:r:t ... l t' U.!l tt:r~llt JO{JIIIliou upou lhl'l couuum ot Amt~rtco.

'fuc ~UP. £:-c'~ Va .rr TJ J~u.-TiJ~ royal ;•l l1·lr<Jn o~rri\· .:c l 1 : 0 J' C'Id atlur :·,.,, 1~t eldvc: n Yll~ .. ltrd 'Y ( L' mur uauo , after 0. li .l d l'll::llfli"O.

' 0 ( . , ~ Ju uuJ Pr111cu were r uCOIJdd tho K.!u;; ,

tt ll•l ~r"utly. c!Juercd by th6 p l•>fiiO. T •e r uyal party woull rem ain nt O j ldll I du · iu; tbd... night,

·and lt!nvo nt lw..: IYc: ou F racl Jy fur t; 10­Trl.llmu, Jl.uguJi ~.i.

Y '~ltl': £ ~N o :na•11u£.-1'lte San E'ro1ncid~O cor. r~~ l' '" l t:u l ol th ~ l'un'l:r, n~eak 1 11~ of the great fi. 8 w.h icll r~:cc:ntly d .n\:•~t alt!J a~ IOifn, rdate~, thoo in ouo plncu tho f~ 1:11Al of a hous .s W11c1 laiJ . ·~ - _. -a~., ns"the Rr\rn"a hll..l p:u~<> 1 o o~o,. •b .. 8 ,..,,,,...J .. ·aud u ~puco could be cle tr<! J (rum the ~, .• •-·

' " ~:S ~, nud whtl ~ 1he fouuJu t ioo wa.e CJIII)..., hor~ By nightfall 1ht: fubric wa'J up, :tah.l CO\' t!'rc:d wic.ll a

~u l.ic<J roof; nnJ t lr"'"b .JIItl n;; wnrused u 8 e """ blw.,; ··housll on the evun in~ of tl~ firt>.

i f

Ttl.! P. .l~ iP lC i o.: TM l RAH. Y/ AY~ I .

lt is most COCflura~a:tg to know t~tat th~ all engru:Ui u;; IOIIIC o( C tlUV t!r:14li UII in thi:t CO:O• cn,ually -11 uo; llt rOUJ h n ul tho whole provmcu -i::l tho propvsud lt..lahvay t\l · Portland. l t i~ nut le::~d g rlltllylng. lu ICil.!'O tha~. nn uuidtna bo.

f ' c:t lte a:~ eulortuauoJ, aud ~xpre:~:~od, of tltu spc o ... dy con:~uultnctllon of thi:s .nost roagn1fi.:~ot and pa·o.ntdang · ont~Jrprt:itl. Tue aparits of our popuhhwu huo already risen 'to a pi 'ch co·n. munsunllo Wath the importance of wluu tbcy klluW anu.fteJ will prove Lbu 8iliYUliOO of the province:~. lt is q)Juo na~ ural • h~ y ahould be 1.111Htt ioul of eve ry Jeluy , n:~ 'veil as nnx1out 10 lwo IV what w .. ll bo 1ho course adopted by tbtl Lucal GvvnrutneJlt. Alth•JU " h wo cuunot a ~~ Ul lly the pullhc l>y pu '1lasluug &be offi:nad lll lorlll.liiOU on th iS hllpulul suojdCl-wc can, . aluvcr .. hcl~:t:~, as:~uC"o lhtJtn lhitl &lro mernller:~

•ul ~UVCrillllOOt aru UltV-d 1,0 ltl:f j18td.II)UUUl im­

J?OCIUOCC, .oOl.llrave tllken the noceuary steps to a l lt,:ll th o op1n1vns of' the Brilaeh Gove.r11 ..

mout _on th i ~ g rectt q }lestion. \ "V-tJ presume the ,/V,agura, wh1ch l~lt 'for Engtan;i Jut efon .. 111b, t t.kcs ho •ue tlu: despatch a~kjiJ,, whether

• C\ _ a ' 111 tbu cvuot ot the PruVlliQtl plud~ipg itself f..,r

.the nece:~nry sutn. to cooatruct th'O H.atlway, 1helmperanl Guvernmunt wall eudo;~t'l the credat of Nov .... ~COllll. ' l :tatire never-W4tl Cl ·docu .. ment trausuutled. acaoss. llto Atlantic "hacll

.tnJre douply. conc.,rus the people of the4o

.JlNV&ncu• l hd.o tho one in q!Jb~tlaun . Hoa ven

gra.rat lhtS noble co~ner o. •uftt and pro:tporou~ . vu) u~! W..e tna:tt a bat on her ret uro slut w11l . a fuvouuole rel,lflO the ordoul request of thtt pt:oplo or N.ovG .Scolitl. II'

. 'l>te l arnUt would ·seem lo .be sing hrly BUR• • J I n ac a ou:~ ur :tucuraog... ltte r~ qut~IW guarauteo

lrulll thO aratt:»h gv\· c:rUIOt' lll. \ V.ath a :tUr"'

p, .Ud ot 3,6UJ ,UUI) f>I)UOI.h Ul thd hnncJ:t ot tuu Claancdlor oa' tb·o ~xcbcquor, and 20.J,,. OOJ a!ltu JH!Uuus bittierlo t:aupluyQtl in th6 co:t .. str ul!taou ot H.atlwuya in tbu Hriliath lodluod~t,

July J3. • P H CA..B.TE &. Co .. •

llldOptsUdtslll re}'UlJiir• WhiCh ' tt t lJf&tltlt ltOiJ U rlt;IIUuiiiO•ch:douci liltS w'lcoltt ol Ceutrul ... \m.:r.c.~ • Aud. thu U111tt1tl. could lun•e 110 .rutaoual grouu"' of OJIJI{llllaut 11 .Eca0luu"'. went to en .er &uto

1 ~ tJtuy rull4UIIllU:y o.c hoped tha i thu · mo~t ·at• LOo:awu ·awd i.&vourablc:~ YltHY wtll be taken o( the l:lUIJjucl, A\ld~d to tlll:t, thu pruauau uu. exllanphd prOSj)or~ t.v of we hl1•tnur Country euu:tl uoceattun(y tut.luce thQ Hc)tntt G.,vero .. aucsnl co tho UlO.lnl tor aucurtog a ltko progrCIJtttVts etllto ol thH1~11 for ber culomu11 a.l~tu.-Halijcu .Jllu1o.ning Ulu·cmiclc , .!.lug. 31.

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' .Si' • ) 0 liN'~, ·~AT U ~ D,_.\,'{1 ~CrT. ~l. 1!;.30 . . --:::Z:----~ -

'fm: Fulili.c l!!,nd i:t uo w iu a lively t!l tlle of a~i­, t .Hiou on the su t.j ll~t of tho funlrcoru i ng t: h•c tiUO

' ,lor ~•is cliacr lc t. A ti iQtt'OGO •n Jc r el!; pervaties ., • J

oud conve r:tatiutt i6 e••"ros •.eJ in ~ pcculbtion:~ alh lUI B •

lho rda tive merit~ nu•l clu iro:s ol cl!r (niu i~t cl tvt-

, alunl~ 'who UJtir.6 10 tbe ht>nor of 1tc i111: cu tn istccl \\< ith tltu rt:pres t: tt,otion of ! l•t! ll ll e r~s l :t uuJ opin} ou!>

.of chtd imporrn111 tl,vi c:.ion •• r .tltu . cuuntry. _:l'he,constl t.uency s t•::u n l t lr ul.dlcr . in n lnu•la

. .t.lo t:pirrt of euruetl' t;cr- · 1 b :(.OU-30 ttlcy see iuvoiV..:ll

in. the i:.~116 ot tl11s cl.:c l ion importnll l ittflu t: ••cc .. ,upon thli futur.c ,itdl •t'tiCts. wh.ich." ill tl ~tllrllline tltu pro~pess, s tll~ll31 iou, t.r rc \rogrudlltiun of our. po•

lnical iruti tUitOn• . Tlrc re ure ~tl(lso Ut1t•1 11 g thu

clumoroutt cro.wd wJJo , O)'e•luttkinf! rltu I.HIIII' tplc!

'"htc h 1:1 to Lo v i u.J tca tt•d. Ot·c upy tl,em~cln:s in

. tlt: lllll t llg nlJuut tiJ~ ll!tii-IIO( tho 11\0ili' UrCt!-OIId

un.le r certnin Jleculiuri .ics of tho · (Hl.'~<'C IIt c ri:-i :~ we

arc not ~urpri~ctl to find o ~'t• i rit ol lu1·ul jt::s luu-y 11rou:wcl, whi c h we c u ll ;uor o r e:HI1I y t:.,.x cu~c 1J t311

C.CJt:mrc ; but tl .o roll~id t: rat i oll "fa l11do tinto \\til

cvnporo1o thut~o crro n t:outt mi · ltt , \\1 10 11 ull wrll t:Wc tftlll thO fror,ch iSO i:t IU l,c I' X t:rf' i~t:d IU rt'C' IIre II

,fatrltful •'ei'rel!t:u ut ton .. r publ•c up.n on, nn•! 11111 .lo ~-; ~a : lfy tho nrn\Jitro n uf tile C311\Jidu ·t·1 11 v r 10 t.ts I" ivatc iua·rcstl". I '

· 'l'he <J Jii~io utt \\lJ icl. Wl' concri\·e . oug ht to be t01Jree-C;llcJ urc thulip \\ luch f'lllolid y t•xprc:o~ th r s a·

tt ~fu l tOII lO\\Otds vu~ p~t: ::lt: lll llh llllll iolltt ' f ~"\'t iii­Jll e lll. .\ Yo ltcur dull ) , u oy l!uu rly, thH Ll.'"''l of evt:ry gr it"Vu nco diUrgcd u pu ll II . ::J Exct l lt: tt t·y the

(; ,1\•eru or ; Otul it is !;OOJ p t' lit·y ol our lctl!ld oli - , e n rCII.)', WljOSe illh:rct-1 it I~ l u " t! t')J l;llll ;!::l l:illll iOII •

!l ' y , to eccretly f11o tltt::l ,jecl in,z, uud bccrcdy lu

rP 11 11t at I be Uuvorno.r 11!1 tlt c j l • o por lnq;c 1 of puh .

I c uJc- Cull!e n l, Hy th r!" p olw: y tltc d decl:t of e 11 clt · tlurc t.l •1d iii<Y .ldtniiiiSifollW II a rc .11 au dll t l upo n tho ·

d ... I.J.trturo ~ {' t ho l~v >' uru tt r h •r tltc time; t:v··• y ubu · e 1

,ii l.:!ut 10 111~ a c,·uuut wl11· u J,c i~ go11r ,uu.t d 10 mlvt .. ~r :-< 1 IJy the tJ ~· I ti:>IUII, l' tr iiJIO. UJ ot-I' Utln :•J, ll UJ pre •

s• II'C lo r t!pruducc t b •! u:.J nAt• l f lluc rlltc Cl · xi (;o

\' c rour. T Jz c 'fau lt ' "nu t l it e (; , , \· crnor 'e~; ,;11d Wr!

C a ll l ' :\ CII::h, tho l'o u uc tl , Ito r •· ll:t: l t ll llo Ua II II I U r c

IIJ::I I IIICIIV c ly cf 1111::< I ll !JO \\ t•r ll t rU ad \ 1111111g• • 1 f:u r

w e 1 h a r ;! d the ll , : u~u o f r\ :-'•' 1111 •1) lt•r 1101 It \'fll jl

• J • -/J "''l'r •·Vc t! v ur L · o'' . t lt VO II Ji> II · U .• UII ~ . 1111 \\ e clr ur~c tl ze c ou ; t l' tt• ' l ,. c :~ lur h . Vll •f.! St' lll 1uen iu to

I he H o u•(; "'" tf.: rc ll l u u u ut or tl\.IV , r .. u IU ti ll.; tld­

,CC:i.;h r) c h .w ;;c!l .

T i.e rr r .. :o p• lll~ilJi e C n uncil ill · .. u o w mur l1 more

g•· 111 ra ily th t. nl J• Ct ol r u l ,c ul r• 1111111 n i:. of r t:S J•UCI ·

I t .. ~ r • }.: ortk d 111 liS 1 : \I' &'U ' t \ ' U C'IIJ 'hCtly tl!l ll lll t:rc (orrn .·aw.o d rc "Jl' •j ull l)' ,,f i1 ::1 ln\.. IU Ut' llS 11 1M

\ iic Ab u J' tire {; ,l \ t' rl olll f' ll' 1 Ulld r t f. O l:Uid i Of ol t he (;., ,., rn or ; nr.d 111 11~ l.r ;,! l:. lu,l\·1! c l• o ructc r it

V t • ' l \ ' 1' I a • H 11 11'rc l·: '< el'll l t\'•• C ~l . tt ll lltiC • · , thd

th I ll l t. lt ; 11 f \\ fn l'f t i ~ I ll :. t 1 11 1111 /.! t h~ IIICCI • Uf•!:i o f l lr l.l .\ ·tit'll•b l )' , I I t ' II I I • .;C rd .l tO U lf i ll! UCI:f t t!II J IJl .!

10 ret. r 111 unJ prro :,:r•·:o-' 0 a•1t l to s •t.C I .\la I"IJCh m .- 11•

t-llr t: :t on ly lb wdl uvl .t :J f..t~ l' til e (' r t: d t: ll l "y :o~t •• 1 n cJI' · · ~~~uu ru11 . )' ,,, 1:1 11· •~ l h !! f.t11 l1 ur' .lt., Guu11c1

to r the rcu~>•Ht ~' c lt :t \ ' C g . ,·c•• Ut:!fOrt'. Jr hti:J tllf• 1

-. . . .

.. . • I

. .

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:a £ I

~rliE !IORNING COURIER. - . . .

peurlcnt up?ll rho opiuion of. a til :tj rity oJ tile A~ ··tlm ' •l):, antl wltQSII oltlfUliu n nf ullicu ~ ill CCJ O'i ll.

U d.,Uo' y ii,U lun;;~·a:j it COli 6l't'J ll.0' lh~ .i..lfl!JOrl .

JH•j:,ri ty .of t l~ rcp~c~cti t.lltV c . --- .

T hti uum:lt! r · of the m emltc rs of ns~enc lt ly, \1 ill, lVI! SUJIJI II ·O, li t! !II •' I C I~OJ rru1~1 Ji(lo •:ll 1.0 tlll~f' l.O''

tho hu~t ho us • ull \lt lta t incn·uoe, with lire prirtc •.­

jtl tJ of l::xe clllivc rt'~puo:~r}llllly in~duct J, \\ i ) tll uk d tlto hOUt t.t \VhUI i1 011 0ht h) lJCt thc l'CUI rb · ,r ,• scntri t o 1 ~, ( tftu opini l)ll o f d1o c o.uut ry . 'l'ht!'

utlic t: tl ul th P. I! \'•:rnuw ul 111111 tl'llt:h u f itd pntrou­

u·•c ~ JIIl•o ol l'.- 1~ tl tt ~ iuduc•·anen•s 10 " " ' " of JI Uit e ,

he spirit t:ll•l n!ul rty tu pJl. ... u~ "'" I etbd y l t'l-J I:.In ·

t iOU It ~ 11 t- C H. :lC U . U:!yi: l\ l~ of Otnv fll111 e 11l ~'' o a ly he llll:ti1u: ..y ~ teu o~r ) lll ' •v rnc; Wit h t ho cut­,rcut. or public , ., j, , ,ll) l • 1111 w l.flu tho p u li ticinu ill

uttu1 ' l 4 tl hj: the tJu~i rr : 1, l·rz , hll w il l l c •· l that ht·

c:a ~ouv r s r.cutc it t·xc•!l/' ~ )' dl curir•~ 4 Lhl cutd i lcucr

ul t ltc r u uu tq. TltJ r t~ t. ~ ~-:c ii •' IU t i uu w il l " "'" t\.1 tl~o i iJ b lti ii iiiJOS ul _tlte rr l:UU II II Y \\ i lh lw po Htttl

pliJ ,•, Lcc.llbu th ey \'loll trn ·rtc to e.tmly 111111 cmu J,,, . ti n u It) b uldi :1g u ul c" ldl' ll u ttd h..> r u ri,lJic r.: w .trd:c

lor tl. o .- ll wh~ III II } cl•~ · r t• :.;ur - 11 , IJ,·~~chcs l1y the "

le :lrll tllt; :: 11tl n l.rl rty , T h oJ C••tlllt ry lloll!l l a dvut .C•

IJ,· ca usu u, i fll :-. lc r~ \\'t il f ·t:! ' II tl tC tr l ll l t! f t::f l l u f, r. ward i111p 111\' t 1U t 1Jf 1' 1 GII J \\' 1ll l. rtO W ll.nt J t~ llll:. ·

Sid w rl l UU t hO f' l' II Ui ty l { i ii iiCI, \' 11)'.

Theso flro oplll ll.lll:t .\\h ~t· h o re J'I C\'alrnl, nn •l

tlw CII II S! II IIt' III'Y \\ 1fl :11h .tli CU lh t:ll l lr y II IIo k i ii;! :1

.:~c l t:t· l iuu o f u 1113 ' 1 .\\ ltiJ \\· ti l lo l'>l r•·p rt·scnt th cnt ,

1rrec~ pect t V t! ul \\ hu IIJU 111 ' " .Y · - 1 ' .toll•gl' llf't.l i­.; IIOi .; ~t;nt!y n.vuk c , w o llll pe , :o J.e. r it • ~:u u.JI LL·

\\\CCII lll l' ll n11 d IJ, I' RI'U r t•S.

T n c Lt ;r.n B1cu or uf Nc w!ound 'nrHJ ltn'l gr­\'t•n rrc•t ir c of h•:J trl tt· n ..;oJt I•> c o11S• e rato tlw CHt hcd ral C ltt llf' h ;,f llu s d iucc~ •: 0111h .!l '-••y, th e F c .. u.t of ... t. :\h, t he w. Tl11• c lt> rg _, me n of rite e:\le rn J i-tric·ts ha \' f> L. c·n IHt i\ 11 g fu r ,omc d. ) !I iu tnwn, and no w lo rru ~ lurgf' t1urroi.H r lo Ll'l ·1s t l11v Lordslt1p in the Cc1r t•t11Cl :llcli o f 1lrr d:"'· Tltl' m'p111 i n~ II• rv wc t~ to COUoiiiCII t; C :ll JQ ~' c.:l ud\ 1 a nd tltc C\c·u rng a : 3.

Tit <' I\.1ivc u f thl-; Cltu rch is n i l tlta t ha s y et I.C I:.' n eiOCifHJ a11 rl fj u 8ln·d , but ll i11 in Sit ic t ('1111-

furrllity ·.\ ttl.1 rite <.J rt~ l na l c! • ·ig n u( the t· nlr rc l> vild 11.g,and o( ri te l •" i 'llcJ .(; ,,.IIlc u r Eu.:l.-siu,l i­c.·a l :,~1) I.e ,,f lrJrhit t t·turc.• T ire fin i!>h ~· .\. t u rn :, lly :1110 rllt c rn:d y i ~ ct. a rJ.c\erislic, e la bl\latt', nod b· a llttf,tl ; I Ia· c an·irrg .: upl)n \ ltc onkl'n pu loit th e dc:-l,s urtd seats i i spl' tlcl id ly c·x e cnlr!cl,· ~ is a !s n tlte ecu lptu• c o f tl ,t• f ,t• n cl o~ .upon t lte n :­r ioull ar ch~· s. 'f l. ~ C'ommt.u ion Taulc is r .. l!llt;d

o-J n rlcep sla b o f wloi1c mn1 Ll t>, u p(Jn n ftrtnt l! of oak; t lte rw o( ii o f lt tl r J \\ otiJ' r

1 sln in t!d,

anJ n pf•t·ar~ hl;e oak ; n hot ui r BJl jl .H:llu ::, tm f~ fi e <.'nl lo tf'n tpc r the nt mosphr re \\ rll ri n the ('11 u c it in the c()!dr•:-. t " 11\Hhrr, is arr •• n~cd bo·

1 ~ nea th rhc O .• g .. eJ flour; n s nnd l Lut pi:tvc!iful

-. ,_ .Jo

dons should be ccmdeo1nntory f\t tb.c sar o ti mo r~nsonnLlc .and rc,pect ful, nnd 1bcy 111ny rely ' l~nl duo couaidtml.!ion .ltv til' bu :gi\·cu . tu li..C)r .s tn't~rneots. ·

===-=- -, Tm: bnrquo. J a_,j,.., ·Siew~rt, nrrived b..o~ on

Ttl'ur~:tlny lnsl lr~n Liverpool, dates 10 tho 27th ult., I.Jtrf'ng tl.l rce dn)-:4 lnt~r inJtlligeocE'

.f1un 1hnt rccclvt-tl by the Ialit · mail. 'fh«J 011·

.nouncett:Jent .of tho denth of the ex-Kin~ c,( lhe Fren ch, Lrui~ .PJ,jl ippo,i:t t heir~~ o f g rt>iiiOI'l m·

• e ro:~ l. 'l'he .L i\'crpoul .Mercury of the· 27th re· coals tho CV<'Ul ns fullows :-

MoNo.u E.v£sr~~, Aug: ~6. L~uiP Phnip pr d11 tin\ lt ll' l&runncl nt f& n l( flltit

·· iJ.:hl thi,., 1110 111 1ng. 1\ ll h o ttf.!ll II WU~ ~· rJ f kll tJ \\ II

har htt llbtl het:ll uilit.JI hom ll ~ rvous tll·b rhty rur oi •)•a. o 1imo I"'~"' • ot:d WlH! in a tl• cliu i u~ tllalu ol ltt·tl lth . tlw re d ot's no1 1See 111 tn hnvu .bce u uny IIJl• l' rc ltc ns i1111 ti•u• II is n ·u lo d y wo uld teuni r.oto 111 ol••uth f'O t- Witl•· u ly . No~ RU \ h t' II II C t1tCClllld :j u f d ot: 111 1'1 i ii iiOf's •·I 1h~ r x · l\ lll ll lruvu )e t rPKr.l &t:d L•lll· J 11 11 ; hrH it 111 H .d «ol tllht I.e wus 8 0 W • I I 0 11 Su1 ur· olny Il l:! IO t ~o kn 11'1 a i rl ll;! i n II fllllll f · Cilfrlllg8 in 11•6 .: flll lllll lj UII IIC h • t1 111 h111 r .. l! id t· ll<' t' , our! rhrtl t1e uf· tlr\\ ar rts \ lint'J w uh l11~ 1 ~11 111,\. A Cllltl •~u lur

1 l•u w o roll \\ o,; I" cC t' 1•1tlllc 111 t! Jrt't! CHI ::5urulr•y tt l· t l' rll t •llll 1 " '' ' ' ho ll c Vt· r r tell l .. ol Hf tn r ,tlro t h· u r.­l'lto iutc lli::p!11Ce r t:u\! h e~l L n ndun h t an t"nr ly ho ur Ill ~ III Ort• t"l!• hue \\ u~ l•ot pul d• r ly kuo'" n 11ll ttl"..

rt: r hll !> im· ' l4 ]t , r: r ,.. R u n H •U r l' c. f 11.e c\"_r ~ c.:rc •:u rrcrrt in 11 f,.. \, qua r t· r"; lout ~11111l ..r tt'jurt~ · v.: I•PCII e-q f r i.CJ't l:' ttt 1 it W IIS nut tl l'•· d lt: ' l Atlvt. , . trl u 10 rr . 11:- tlll t 1t.o ucw~ 1111td no doul.J\ ui:.tcu llti IO II,; IIU i h •• l • t crry,

LII I\Ot: N, EtGUT o 'cv CK. P .at. - Tl1 t> l(tn!.! wo~ IIIH .IP 11 \\fl f U Ol ltr8 OJIJ •r o II C I.IIoJ.: tJ , ,_g , ,IIII IUII Cur l) y ~>·t c,luy , 111 •I.e Jll et!en t·c oltl•t: ~l_ uet'l•. tl •o .\l :· j l':lty ' .• c r i'l t: rl \\'1\h. •·n l ulllt-8~ th" urt:l tt ucho ly ll dtoru .a oi•tll t lru:S fi r t hrt~ ktlll lo hirn , on t.l p l' pUrt:\.1 f., r the li 1111l atru11gcmeu t~ "\\ ~ c h hu ~ .:.lte J ' -' r11 u k\•. Al111r u couvt:r bat ion "llh tt.e qu~t' ll, h u .l ic•n tcd \\I h 8 rllllu rk<~Liu clt'.ll rtiC:f,.:t ol tlllll rl , II

r· u u.-IUSIO II 10 h iS IIIC IIIUt r t' , in Or tlt•r 10 t:OIIIJIIeltt a h 1:110 ry \\ h id1 illnees hctd r •liiiJit llc t.l h1111 to !!Ut'­JICIId lor more t h un fo u r u tOIIl lt :' . He tllcu cnus· rl ro l •u .uu.o rol•t II hte r l.uplutll , thi' i\lllre (;uc lfe , nil 11111 c h tlc.J .en t.Utl gruud-dtr l.!ttu \\l,o Wtl rll ut

' l rHt!OH~O t 111 tl.e uult~ ; QtHJ 111 the prt:~eu cc ul tire Q ui! .- i t u11u t.i:- (llulll)' ho tltcch o'• ~e el t very d u •y ol r d •!!'O" \\ rth Ito 111\le l • Jtt'l I· Cl ·C h rtdltun rcct~ uu .. •ion, ~r o :cul fi ,', :u." l ~ inqzlic • ry. Uc rhc u re. nt.lill t• d f t1 f l:!U IIItl \ Jit oC liUrtOU IIcJl d loy J11S f:~ tll .ly ·­T uWil rc{,!4 b~ \' (.: 11 ~~ ~clol' k 111 t l.t: c vc urug lUt: t!dHiu~ lro111 \\ ll u~ l! t he K ttt:! l)ntl Lo 11 ~trllcJ irtg uppt:artil to l.a vt! pu~~ t: d U\'\:r, nut! f.,y,·r t a u ru ou,w111ch Cu n . ttU Ut · tf ll u• i t t ;.! 1h u rliu hr \\ i1h IIIIlC h v ul e u c tt, h ut w ul·o ul, f,V\\ en:r, cl •btUrlJ•u;: lito f'OII'(Hit>ll ro ul " "'"' '"b rc h tn .. \ ' t•r nh.,ntlo r. t d Ids l\l •-j · 11ry. H e t•x;. irc•d 11 1 , .. ~ht o'c:ol·k 11l1lj u .or~ting. 111 '" "' pre .. s ••11c" t.f lh t: C.~ut-t!l l n11d · IJ~ lulluwu.g " ••nnht: ld •. f hi .. fum il) : - ·heir ' " )'al ht.:luu:e:Je~ lire J)uCi tCcld or O rh·l\ rt!l. ''" l,;v m• .. .t u .Po.~rr:~, th•l O t! Jo Cltttr· • r"' ~" · '' ' " D 11 k c n11 rl Uud 1• :;3 Ut' ~uwuurs,tltc J~ri ncc '''" ' l' •i llct: t-:s tic .Ju rt l\tllt· , rhu .D uke uuu Uudt n,. tl rl 't\uwttlt•, lliiJ tl.t: Ulll'l •o~a Att_!; lh lU tJc S a"Xo l :o . l •uq: , '"!:l! lhc r W1l lt tUu uttctrJ.&IItd ol ~u lV)'ul l . ou~tdl e ftl.

r----··~y--~-----------------o rg-an hn.; lll'o tt sui up, n11d t he Pppca ra lt c C ''''~'\· t a lly o( rhc i r. t 1 rt r>r i :-~ re nder ed 111us t @ole n•~ tu .d Tnt wa l cr-lo~~ <'d s hip Somel'3tlsb.irc, spc,ke imp ressi \·e- loy the me l OI\ (.' U :~raJ subdl,l!lt light to uutl rcltt•\' e tl '{)' tlol:f cnnsl h) r·u l vcc~ ­adlll it tc>tl t hrou;; l• th<.· lofty poi nlcd ,, i, ,cJ c,\\'S, It d.c l::t wlu~lt havu ln lt· l.y nt r~vt·O hvrc, ~Ul Jlllr~ · i", so fa r, a rnn ! It fic·<'nl lt u tld ru~, nud \\ he n chc tt c u lu • ly !ltt• ~chr: l l cbc .. Cupt lJA.VI!), nttd th tt Tra r !-.Cc· p t •, T t,wn' nt.d Cl,allc ~ I t-1 ~I I io n \'O hceu ' Lt •:.: .ill .'1. 1• lcmw ;.; ' C~tp l . :::,-r ,\ :-. ;r u~ • has t4ut: a

com,.tc ·ud, .• , c d 1 l.w iio ,·c it will r ao k fi r s! 1 ~ · ~d :· ~ 1 1n l,!t!l t tug lo u.H.cho ruge' lll ten ~·~th.' 'll,l :t

a n1011g ..; t t lt e n rcl llll!Cl u ral bcau:H·s 0~ 13 t i;is h · .fl I t: l y ll u rlluu.r. ll11 s II C \\d .hd::t Jt U<. b c d l\onlt AuH:t .c .l. U :t t h l o ••l! h uno o l t heJ 11l0 !tt, \\ lw Ita:~ bccii ,UII

llourd, uud la u s ju'l r ct u r n c t.l lru m hw. - =-:::w:c::::= ..

J•OWt:r , 1111c: it \\I l l lo. t:t'p ll s•t I •n ;.: 11:.; the l) uu .;tt uf J.l\' nrcn r·Lu tr•l "' '' ' ' lh <l r.•.oJhll io n o l II• •! Pu .., .. . ·- - .- =« . · .

.th~C · u h t y urrd dr c p t:!lplt' , Wllll h u\ C tlt•: Cull.r ol uf ltc ~' "'I ril e of""' l:l :h . ittl11flll l, llt' ld lv r ti ll! pur- T nE sul!sc n pt iOII. fur t l.c r t."l rd o f the: f arn tly or th t:.,. \ :-t CII! l>ly, \\Il l pt!T III I I , \\' t: clr ·r:;•l l h l! Uuu~ pose of h lh p 1111! IU t' a"'u r Ps t"' IIIO C III (l ,.. ,wci rt lt ! lt~ OJ I the lat O Ev:~n; :-.o } JJf. J,,\ ;\', lllll lOlCr UJ. tl 0\\'ll t.:r of

I \ thP. pro.Juc.: oftlri-. cuu11 try rn (t ,• ,:~ 11 t t o r lre l~ •n rluu tl: c l u I lbuLo ur Grn<:e Pacl,c t Bu<ft, IS 11uw a~· o • :l ~>e lllllly fu r ha v r11 g p orr ll lltt:tl tl t•.l l' t) ll :H ilU IIO II 1 ••

, J.!. :t l •tr •.i llrm of JS.) l . T oe (i · ~ t •·o '"".' " t•:u ll ll'c t ir 1.! 1 tl\·d.\' J' fO!!re !osin.::r. lrc rc b)· tho cxtrl10IIfsu1 h t..; ul t ire C\l u~oc .t tO rt m a in so loll:! unre!urt111;J nu J k 1 k 1 - .~

, 10 '-' I a c tt u•t } •~ ll ' •• r h y, ut Oll ii o ··luc • " ' 1 1£' fu •mt:r tn ~nu:f. 1 he c u:.ualty o f Ius los11 ·s dc.c p · .ine..,p on::l le. A uJ wt: dllH~e drc l ll'u pJ~ fv r 1.o : 'r~ · llliiiJ l t •· ... Hn''"'• l·:x•·h" ' ' l! •l J~u rl • l r i' J!S, tl tfl llwt. Jy dt:.t rcs~iu rr , n nd 3 11 h t li lllc ""s sacr,fic t: tl 10 d l.e ltu\' tr•!; n c le ar Utnlt' rt~IOJ •J i ng (J f the l(l'llllulls o l Cop 11•1n ·\\ IIJT:\1 (16~ , H 1·: iu the ' i•ni r. A l l t il,.. · t:> .1 , •

·· y ltt wlttl c rs ol ,11 t · 1· . 1 , ~ 11 1 duty whtch ltu k it ht• owcu to tho lrn<.l11 ltu· lh . I f I JJ:fi}tlJ ~ " , , Ult(' o \\ t'rl' 10 nllt• tll " ICt", .• I • ~· I •

~· r rc prcsctdOIIV I:' :S It: u ro t t: CIIli J! .~.- 1,., ·/ o l' t> ltJary .t:ll u l i r, u!l IIH·mlu.: r ,,f th tJ '' ~"' m lily. T he t 1\' t t:ll Cunccpll~ . lhy nud l:)t. .Jvhn a, lat .; fa. Artuther Ol•ioion whic h hn!l nry gc r~t· ral t-Xpres - LIIMII. P.I' !I. \\11 111.11 o l ,1 cf rnr.1r ·c r 1,f 11111,.1t uup'>rt .. JU I I)' hue st w n g c l,um11 upon pui.Jl1C sympathy..

&ion IS1 Ll..tut pe rc!ous ~Seek for ~ca1~ in the .\ ~a~t t ll ltly 1 ll lr ru. An udd re ~t" "")l " ' U ' t' d lo 11 •14 j~ '(t' t • llcur y --- ·- - - - -

f o r llttt oue JIUI po:!e of u~~ lll ~ lo r u ~ i t uaiiUII, o r Ill ""'' II UI•Jilll l , JH II}' IIlJ!i 111 ~ he " 0 " J .ti r· C L tire (' ,),• T he lt !JO . J .uu:s C RU WI•Y, Tn··M \ :J J o fi'l, ·, ~ . nncl P trlll t1111 tl o f •h+t 1111 m o t 1l . r~e h11 n d n•cl JI Oliiii!S 1 ' I

Otlre r wurds 10 hcllc!il lh ~: ir UWII iute r ee~ t uud fur- i1 J I . J r I .Or :;LH. A nl.ft \' ta! here1 Ill dltl Erpr i S& Oil ~·hll ur.t .. y 1 ~1 ~ 11 r S 1 H! 0 •j i'C! I of l~a e :t•t'tlllll l! ; n• ld 1 IC 0 • , vc lll h' '· Thc"e J.! t! llll~ lll c tt, \\t: lrcltt:Vt' , lno\' u Ut:t! ll

wnrd rhc tr privatu o llj ·:ct. ... \\' ., IIIIJ 'i l ''ckuow i"J •c low 1 n~ twd v., l! l!h t lo111e 11 W tH<i a ,f.J ,.d 1 ,, tl11• " · tl ~ pmcd l•y !11-' E xcd ltHII'Y tu uruko • o tour u l 111~

l h :J t it \\Oulol ~•e n tu r-!ctchcd t<le:"l to l Xp• cL rtt•tt 1111111 1" r v i t h t' Com1nrtt~'l' , n u1uf'l}•: - l' h o l'ttu F 1 . . •1• • J' . ' J r ('t'~' I I IJ II " f OUIII l,;o iiCI.'j •III.IU ll iiJ r 1111 ty , uy:t Ill to t1tk«1 111~ pos uiun of re p rctH tt l ll l l\' '!8 ~ it h the ,

0 T t t: ..: , '" " ' ut: u trr 1 B n>"A lf ltc•l.ll:'i"u:-1, J . . J . •trLicr tu n~ccnu iu tl •c c u thl i oiOII o f tir e tu lmhlla l • t ~,

· (• HV\' E , 1': . :0:1Afl ll , ( ; , 'J'. BnooLJiJ l'G. II. 1'. o l·j •:c t (J( ruuting th t- lll ~t: I V t:S 11111.1 ult.&lldOII II ~ ll.l•ir ' l u · MA S, .l.Jr. ( ' _\ IC!'iu~. nr. i'T41:U. ' ' · MJI.R' ¥ . P. tHii lo ol t he crol !!, &.!· . • llll l. t · \1\ riuu~cll l eutt>lllli.

'1' ~1 I' ,... \ \'ell, tllld 1 ~ c u ll td•· rnt tJ 111 IUd U o vtrttllluUr, u11d JlriV tlle 1 tc rt Sit'. r. t:r., ts uu !! UCII l 'u l,Jrc Vtrlu c '' c l ltfiH:, uud J 1\ut:" J' , E 'J'"· Oar fut:lt••g lrus .. j , 111 tue l just \'t hu l tlw lne u dd of tllfl f11 e6t!ll t uti -

in (!~18 CUCe, BIIU if \\ C wi~h ·0 ill lllt UJuttl 111111 to u~t II II II 11 ft II ~ f ... v<Jr u l. itJ IO tl rU ohic t• t, .b tt t \V U ltu \ C r.• l h f J 111 1111 t r n' lvu p ru 1111:'t: d l u .. t t~prw~ t llu t· Ius a:.xcc ·

),tiJu r for our :•ub llc nJ vo11to••e , 11 cn11 o dy be 1tt,uc eur ur tlru r es u lt , \\ I t:ll \~ c fi r.d th •• w ho le lor.t·y wvu !J uo ill)lt ,·:so'' ltt: l urc tire tl 1 :.~ o f tile

. ' • r c r J•OII' tllllrt y of urocu ltUt: ti ro ll t'I' •' S' u r y ltlll• I :J nt• u . .1 uone ~ C'}Jt'Cil•C up 10 them arJvtiO lO~~If Ul pro , . I I C!IIIf • l ~cl IU l r~ ll;t li iYII UJIO II ll.e (] •Vftrllll r . \Vllol eJ:ll<tii U. \_\ tl l f ll o ~ IIUH the l re u 81111 wdep~ nut ti l

peer, to be t.ecur t:ri lry a futll.llul Ollll nblt~ did· i ,. J,nll lhu Fr~ran ro Cohrutt ll t'c €U)' ltl 1.1111, "hell t: lt.: c . ur:~ of 'l'rtllll)' liu.)l \\Ill ltrku the Of' f'Orlun:ty cltotau of IJtfl pulJI ,c lrll!l! d t: cl to thl'm.- luvk r u~; f<>r llul l' tlllllty fur ,..,., ou I ? ol pu ruriug out IU tl r~ ir t: .Xcclleut',reJ•t t :t ehliii•Vc

" the c'IJII:.I ·ttu ll vf t h e llud,dlj uo•l H rtd f! etl rn llt(!lr .At pre~ent n llt6nth t: r of tit ~ A s:iOIItllly l111s 0•1 c ll ~tnCPJ , ~-- »=---r ......., d l~>lrt ct, ult tl e urleu\c1ur t~or<Jvj;b ly 10 rouviucu tum of o l..t r niuio~ pul'it iu ll o r ('ltJOI UIIl~ llt I y l lt u nth ~ Til £ people . o f Grcnt und l!ittlo P lnc<.·nt ia tll lll ll•tt u8pt! r.U~d ol lh tl fUIIUd h t: t\\ tltU r ,c rltCIUI f'a,·y of ,nt t:U!!Ufelt of "f'lle ral r tt iOrrtt ·, be HIU"' I, ,t I ld . t 1\tlll ll c l rl 1~ Clllr Cll l ore Ly 110 t.ucun~ eofllnttu uy

"' IS w u l> ~ c nw a rf', •hut at tl1 is momcul lite t ir e Jl arodumi:atiuu of Cochruuu ti•rtSel or IIJt.' he be ILUIIh'Y fur tlc t' llt, e ith e r Opf'Oejfl ~uc· h mr•n... m o il acti vlj nwa. ore~ aro ut' ing lii l\e ll 1111<.1 the Du11 (!, 1ustUJlc(Jn ul u1u Mull.-llurbur .r;act }Jerald

eure:t, or wrtlt p lOft·Si ott~ of lo Vtl of lfl tt ll l upon Itt,. slr ongd~t tCp t c t.ellla ti(•ns urc bcu!g 01 11 d e ~o l~ 1 uf ll'c:clu r:)drt!J. · J : pe~. quietly nud t tCt t: t•ly :u rnnglu cl ,c tll '" dl t: pr t't-S liJIO II tltc EX t; CU i i\•e lhtl u ~criority of t he •lurk lty Htratogc m or c vll r luu, uud tlti i w rll C •lll · lt tp Harl.o r lin~, 1J I rontl to nil otltcrs uf tho dts. tiuue l'O long us tho cltcl or!l w1 ll prefer J d~~cr:~ tric t. TJ,c l11tle m ont> y \ \ IJi t lt .mny he cxponde,tl 0111.1 obsl ntl·t 1v 8 10 11 ~ 11 , • .,1,1 \\ill auvur 11 1 ~ pru- rowardli the r ompiNiun or th~ rouin rondt~ in thu Kreuton. .U uti r the Ct•lll i iiJ.! t-yat• .sn <JI Ht' bJtut•;<l · <.I t:. t rac t nu y lJo nil ~> pproruin rod IIJ'OII the ... ) up

JIll' uur ·l•tJC, \0 JIJC uclu:~~ wll uf li to o tht!td •. We Lie GoternmtHII, tl.e thr t'c 1 "'" lf' d of tl.u Lc~ trlu ·

Tn,.E Mo pNT P E ARL RA.C ES aro "' co,mo off on W ts dlltllfUtl y .n".xt, . tlHs ~.>1 b instant. \ V u \\ ielt the lovers ol l)IO l..Ut'l ~oou l:IJIOTl 1;1.0d tiuu weuth~:~r.

hnvc ht'nru that tho lt (Jn. C. F. 13 EKN,E·rr iS 010. t ture will ue •eJorn.e tl : th~ U u\',Cruur 1tt1 .r t-pro . · · .1\JAR&I ,&p.-On \ et'eniog Ja1r,, hy

f ,, t•norg etrc 111 tmpreSttwg his opi nion ol tho supt'r the ltb~. · A. :::>. Mutr, Mr. 'l'uo u.u ~t.cCo~lHN. eeutotiv~ o tlte "4 11t'""· will 110 luiiJtttr Ito ~ rio nry t.f thi• lint>, nnd thn.t he ia ns: tively nss,uit· 1 1 .,. .M .. c reen htf,c,ncl wltrd~ tn n p•·4 ,1n t: t . ut•crl lo'~ "'ilY <.u hy AllllROSE JI~A, Es•t.,· ouo, uf the wcmb/rs or )uttllrn:s, f::cutlund, to e.&B £t.u. C,t...EAt'f, oul)' / r;r·~ .. ,. 'J t111ughtt:r uf tlte Jate Jth. D"uolu Allun f•'(tteor. farrc.J h:curity .lj.o11c JHJ !Jitc t •JIIIIII•II, llllt ~•II l1fl at ~or t)J,o .sJistr ct, If the pt>ople of ceutiuf = --= · 'i =

, tho ltettd of ell iu thlit tlt'\•ut~ll llt.ottittou .occocui.n~ nr•proy o of tJ ti s linE>, 1hey \\Ou ld do lofCII to 'J' . .1 • 1

't 1 b d. . ( I o· I •• ' (!II C l) ,, I • k' . s·, Ou:o.-On .ue~uny enurng as•, a ter a 0111

t e rg1t11 Y 0 t 1e c.. ~cc • " r .. r. t' '• 10 . r<' prot l n uc ~ons n ru mg; 111 . • anti 1 a111ful 1lh1trt, w·t. rc:h tb"' bM& with (;hrustiun :rh~to will tlr~n l•e l\\o Sl'p8rn•e Guuuc-il&; one Jubu Jf, u_v )•oldu;g n . mecttuS. n~d foywurtlwg Jts&ig,.ntiou tu Ute Divnte w•U, 1\.t.LLN, tl1e lleluv•

~&i•llltive Lbe o tiler ~Jecui ivcs i tl,e hatter t.le- rc: oluttoua ou a_l.o su~jt~~ lo he~ Elccl!cttcy l he I ell ~ i.'e CJf .M r • UlciJ~rt.l ~blliNW'CtJtj , ,t.<Je}nuktr,, b.u.t af th,c·,r-d~l:iorvro\•e-tltc{ia re~oht- ~ .. Jed ~ y.:ort~ · ~


. ~~~ . ' '- ~ I . ' .. . . .

· . t I A = ... 2 :::

-. ,I

..... · »lUJJ .-Jraittlli!ltntt. ·

c tf . . -... . - ' --- -=:;-=- :rnt =::z • . . , ., A.l\fii.YED. . • , • i..

St·p l 18.- T e l"rR NQvll;hos~ . Ptctou, 6 u~)'P, Cli{t \ Vu o t.l & Co - lum.lccr. . J

.f,ntly Nt• \~horuugh, u~e. H'Ay Cfinlt·ur, .7 ua,., l:in t,h :H o w 6:. I Ju l llt\VOOtl-bll ll tt .. t.

Al ur~tHCl 'J •n'rkcr, . ,Q 'Briun, .Uo3toll1

8 dnyP, \V • P~tker-btick~ Ufal Uny. ·

l\l A flt'luiug, Srlt ton.· \\.' :~ rerlouJ, ·Z'J ,Joy~. :J &. R K;., t - 4 jllldl"P.O~ crt: . ,

1i ~.-Jiun- •~ t • . Lutt·v u:lrc .L 1veq uol, 26 d0)8, .l1ow .. rtiiC Hl u~lt l' r ~-f;~""rul CIH);'Il,

llcue, Ut~ v i t~, Hn!ft!JI, 4G c.J,ry:!, C .F Ucrwe tt .& Co -;?CII Pr"l c :rr~o.

St A111lr t: , J ,·t t ' lw11ce, .Q ·•el•ec, .J.'i tlaye, U1ock­l• lta••k & t\u tl.olly-prt~ \'1 j., t, ..

20.-1' g c tJ II 1 ,Pu\ uc, lh.allll.lur~lt, ::13 d flyt~. :H AJ~4P ~ l.' t •-JII IIVIcltl ll •,

Jawcs ti •t: w urt, .L> u 11C11n, .L ive rpoo l, 18 tiny~, · i\lud,.: o; & C o-l! .. ll t- fld 1'•11 J! O.

Corn, \\'~tlryc .•w l~t: , Bnd~ul, 2-J lluy !i, !\Jutl~tl & Go -.: t· ll r lnl c nr,.:u.

.quct: lo, :-" tjU a rr.y .J.,,uJ on.IS tl 11 yt~ ,Rolti us on, Urouk • l r• c ,\:, Cu -~t "' n :rul t ' <Hi.!"·

lloullll , \Yiu.- ~11, ~.) ll ll uy, !J U•oya, l\lcUrillu Kcsrr­cocd .

C L EA Jlf. O.

S• pt l.S -Sa n T cl rt to l ..;l "llll:~l J . Go,·colo, Cull.£: , (.; l' H o•lf tll:ll ~ l.u -ll II .

Z ·bul u r 1 1-'1)1111 1 r\ oq tlt::o~ , J q- \V S tO\o\l! l t-fi:-h . l'tt:IIII I IL Colldll tlu J{ ,:u ::. ( :"J'h lllol •) r t:frlu , u . ., C~·

l t•ll n , \V.I e&•ll ,\;. t;u - ti'" · . ~1. ,X IIt JII , i ~J>U II I :: b) lu u.:tu, AlJ rttcilles , nl c UI'iue

,\: J(..,.- h :<h .

1Uouu ·l Uu· z. ~ . . [~p811 1slt] i\IJrti n ~.,z , Le~horu , W ll.­t>ull \l' t. u-· lr~h .

Arru~ut • I O Emr l1u l~pan i :- 1 j. ~uu~JIU i Z, llurccl ~nn c. . F B· uul' ' t .x t; .. -1111r. '

!t'c111n t11lu ,\'II l ::' puu.r~h,l , :Se11 oa , Curun uu, C t' Ucllll t" lt ~ l,u - h ·ll

!\out Crt"llra, J1ullH·y, UurLa •J o~:s, J Cusa ... k & Sooa -11-lr.

.\Jar) l '"A::oc , J~ ing, .Hulrfu~. P Uogerson &. Son -~ul t .

U lys~c~ , i .;; pnni:-h) .lloiJos, l.Jurccloua , .Buinc J ohn .. t'lull ,\:. (.;u- lioll .

Cctll tl..'ll y Jtttll• t.w . . l ·" ]~ose, M olugJ, j3,iocJ J ulrn ~tou & L v-ll:lt..r ~

N.a 11v e L ~d, !Iur ie ) , ~ytlnt· y, G F Uu wn-lw llttsl. .J.ll.-~11111 ), K c llt:u l.), ~)tlu •·.) , Uug~.w ,\l. l_; r u w •

tor• I· - hn l t ~>al. G t: li Hrttl \Vut-lt lll~ lon , lbtOIIrtoud, Uoston, T <.;

J umc.:; - li, Jr u t i u ntl h u l· o~ Twce,J, :::it~ cllu ut, ll.dJ :hX1 t\ld~uy & )Id~ct.z1 e

- U . IIu :-~ 1 .

Sll ll lt·r , J\ , .B u~>I0 11 1 ft.a\? C Joh 11s to n · ·\· Co-ru.oltt ~:"t!:> . ,

True Fe ~~~ • ·•~• G · u lr ~r, <.,luclJt:c, Ua ru u J ~hii!I!O il & Cu- u url h l' t'"'· _.-

\ lyr;J · , :;,,,ar r, U ,.llr ytl r to: · lt,l'ru w ... t:-h<lllu101,

20-Ud cn, J •'1t.1td r1 l.:::oy tw• y, I ~ U ' Btr\.11 , , ~u- . · I m llru!l • )

~u \' U !St.:u l •n, Brure, Hvs !On1 I' .~· L Tet-t~te r-uw.• '""o• :~ a 11t1 ti-11. ~

I•crs~:vuuuc,· , Uu.y, S )tlnt•y,J & \V lSo)~l l..:l­LUA il l :'\ l#.

~ug- . 1,.-J., I•n lt•11111lly , L " 1" lun , L O'llr tt·n & Co tit.: jll ~ - ~u lr J u~e LS I Ul tt ~l J, ' l' ull •1 C l •' i h lrlluLl

,\:. C II ,

6 -ll t' lt:11 1 \\' l ud il·~· J & \'{ ~: < ' " '" '· 13-l•: t .z,,tJt:d t ,.\l urJ:; .~ rc · , t; r yeuot k, J & \\' ~ le vu•

Url Si~tt• rc>, N ..,wYud; , C F Jk 111 11 & '{;n l'··ln i tu ra ( ~l ' "'" t-11) , ~yuw , (; l'' U.w nct t ~·Co

)... •lu ( ·"' /IU II I b), J•U • II 1 1Ju L·~is t ' puuldl }. ;-)p " " • du t·:v t:lt ll ll y O.:br to n l ·.:t• •utsl•). ~p.1 i0, tf,, Eu,cnltJ uur. (;o;pu'"" ' ) . :, ... , .. , tlu T\\ ~ctl ( 'pu 111 ~ 1t) , ::;,, .. 1,. , clu 'I' rca de ·'I u) o (;:,1•••tu:.I•J, ::5puiu , tlu c .. r l\)111 { · · · ·Ji ol :>l ). ' I'""' . tlu J 1.-~. Z..1 ll.; th , \\ l . :J•~:t , l3rockle l r tlllk & :\n ri•o ny ) u .- JvH' I• ) th Z, [ .:- 1'"'"~ ' J ~V:llll, \\' ,\.. lJ•

.. u Ill If /10 (.; ' '•


;\IC!rc· u r ~· . \Vc;;t l tttl i c~ . ll nrvey ,)· ~-'• · X 'J' , ..... ,,. [ .::iJJII &oi::.J•J ·I'·' '"• l\l ' il•ul., ~- Kerr. .\l iH IO G, dCr, J '''), 1.:: .\:. N ~t .d•lt , 17 - Cut u•, u ll , \~ Ju•lln·, J B lSM11e:t ~Co ,\ lartl iu G tr.ruu '\ , J~ v t> t •' • · , tj L v \ t.:y :o. l·: ll r)' ~I I \T , .L> urtl t: tuw , UJ t ll u J v hlooutll & Co l ti. -ISurl, h d :, J tu ly , .J u h U tO, h d tl ~ l;v .'

l,;u rul n.,e til'lrt:l.k , JS,;.az I, lluuu • II ~ vu. , .'\ 1111 J -.~t , u~tu ll, C..~ .h bt:l' 1 1..$. 11111' J uhu:tlv ll ~ lJu.~ \ 1.9 . - ;:,•t rH tJ_, llohtu•, fLn·~y ~· Fox . ~ c:t iu1 J,ury .. ~wl>!> lt" w & ll ,•lctt,\ uuJ.

l\1 t. )J OJ l ,\ NV U M .

T ho 8 it•p Hhin•·, u t IJ ' "'• U .::>, fr llfl l Ltvt> rpo·•l, WIIS ~puko u VII th o ~r. J IU-3(, Il l lul •11:), fvll :J.! ~01 loy I ll~ C ut u utrt \'e t.l b t:r •· · ·

.J'A:,SE.i'> G l- 8 5 . / . Tu t bo Httrriet from L~vcrl'ool1 l cs:, rtt \Vltit t •

lur •l u11cl Murpi•Y· t 111 the Q uw•·n f rom L ont..l oo,ltt:v, )J r . \ Vru t•·,auJ

~lr. C lzurlt:d Jjul ll l \\uO•f. J u riJo Cur u 1ru1h JJn stol, 1\1 rs \ Y 11 h ycontlto.

NEW. ·J>UBLICA'flON. -+-


A (cw Copies of the abc v~ 11!8)' 1u obtained ol Mcur:J . PAGE 11nd 13&~>1'1 twd at lhu Buvk. Sturc1' of N"ttll'tt. McCoNN~N, J . J, Gtt4• JtAM, nnd McCouonEY llu.ol'.HEIN'·

s'Ppttuubcr ~I. ·

'J'H g SU ll!SC RJ Bglt bc'll to io(urtn P" r• . tif'l \\ bO tnlly, or aru &OuUt t u Oldt!r,

a 11upplJ of VuLcANIZED hcou. HJJDBER Ho:~e, tbot he ia pat'partd to hl aucb wuh Pu\t!llt

len provr.d aud 1t1ter11u:dia~" Cot,~pl111ga; .-Ito, amttll ' lJop.pcr Conthrctou, '' tth :::,wl' l.ock~t, tnAJe ,ol lho be~Sl J3ruu, aud asupph"li un mo· dtrate terms.

A. MeAlTSLAND. · \¥ ur~ :,b•\v Beck 'a Covo.

·.· \ '



".. ... , . ' ' .

. t

• I_, .. ' Q '• ..J ·.- .. ~· ~ ... . l .. ...


' ,

) I

: -~

' Nott'crtJ .. ----DAGUEltlt01''YPE.

TH8 SUBSCRIBG'R .•l>egs to infQ.rm the' · L<~dies a ml Got:tl~meu _ qf St. Jolm's,

.~ha t he b.1s takeu the· Hotllll OvPr .. the Ame ..

·• . .......

' .

I • • ,


\ No~tt:rs. ~· . . . .

FOR'£UGUESg CON ' ULAT.8, . ~ · · .Sl.-J.ohn's, SLP .S!plw~;-1850. -S

NOT.ICE.-The· follo,wmg Gentl~men havo beeu~"&-ppe~inttjd :Vice Con:;'uJs, in· Llicir

severallJastrlcls, (Qr -Hcr Mujcz~1y 1be Qu~on of .Portugal.:- . \_ .

o:lu.uN M.or.'-N-, Esq. , Hnruour Graef!'. ·

·' ..()DSERYE -!


.latnes B ' · arr · H .H ' E ~En· Eo •

,J'-cr B.tLCLU-TliA (l}ullto.v>A 1from Grcctwcl;1-Sa.-B AV

1 at,J Nu~\V~L,jrom L.tJt:rjJQD(


- . . . ~

. •. ' \_'

,.. .. , .. ·


. ·. .. '


. . . . . .

· . .

. ~ .. ..

. .. "; '. , IG·S? JG,~S ' ·

. - ' ·' . A fs-:w BAnlrEts TOR SALN DY ,

· i.l.t~lt If. ·n-~clt'e. ·. . Cure,-u ~upcri.o~ lfrtitle, recommend·

· cd to Housel\copers. · · · · Sept. ~ l. ·~ ..

\ BY G . LoVEYS,

·-. l l~<lll Uook :::itore, wl!ere he ~Y~H takt\· . Like~ 11( :), es, arreut:ced prices',.from .tell o'clock in the moruiug '· uutiJ four o ' clock P. M.

C.UARLES f•. T<'l~r. ' f:rjHcmbe~ 2 1 ..

.Fa-ANeta C. K . HENlUHN, Et:q . • Trinity. Eowuoc D~,;ot:R, Bsq., Grt: cnt~poud. ~YiLI..U.M Hoo.rEn, E~q. , Burin. BRI'r ISil M!N.UF lC'rUREil .GOODS 100 nAltllEI.S I' ITCH , .

100 M. J'u•tl. SHJNGLF.S

'1'0 1' II£

]nt!cjlctulcn t Elcctot•s or tile Dis-· ta·it1. oJ" ~aiut .John's,.

G E:\TLE~JEN I .· · • tl :w111~ be,.n solici&ed h,Y some .of lhe mo8 t ('!'lh lllccl ,lliJ i~ttJu t: OlinJ OICtnlterS of this COIIIlnll ·

. 1111v t-J ,,ff.:r lll)' ~dr n~ a Cuodi&:lnro_ tor -your ~u(. t r-•~1!~ , tH tho l~lcctiou \\ htch wall ·8horlly luke

1,1111.:c, to supi'IY the · \'•1CtllJCV rtreured 10 rhe Gcm­~ r ul A~t.tmhly v f tlli8 J,Jutc!, by •lle -elt:\' tttion of t lw ll uuvn,hlt: LAt' R KI"C t: 0 1 Btut:~ to th~· Council;

J (1 cl, tt111l Uti 'l. CII lZ t: ll , It IIi U duty ,J OWti I() you nu•l ,,, lh t:o, my uclopll'•i laud, curJ1ully tO tllat g c llt'tliUS 111VIt8l1011 .

t} . • C. F ~NNF:TT, onstd General.

. ·l!OR.'JaTGUESE N:'. LAT~. ~ · . .St ..Jvh.n 's .N'. t1oundla11d.

~ fh .dugwl, .JH.:iO . .

A !LL ·V:euels deari_ng /rC?~ tl,_id Cnlony fur 11. :Porl~el or at•.Dapc•nd•:III.'ICS ;WIII Lore .. qu.1red hs lake n .Btll ul ,J lcnlth and .l\luu1l"'st lrom •h•s C""sulute, or they wtll incu•· ·tt.e ut~ u~tl .Penahiott-on &ueir ar nval iu that Kmg •

.dom. , \.._ ·C . . F . BENNETT,

-Cvnsul General .

!!'BE NE\VFOt'NDL.t!\'U

.£(§ Ifll(g~lliffrm'ID&~ ~@,©J~ tr~ Afrer 8 rc~itlence of ll~ years nmoll'! you-eix

yetu<tl uf 110 orJtt1ary tru1lti und 'dllvt:rlli.ic~, uu1 (}Il ly 10 yc.u, \Jut to rh~ r t':! t of the w orlcl-u c_un tCa rn;ly l(~ 8HI'J tl1111 J hu~o IIOt · Lecor:ot~f1111!16Whut OJ'7£B TU£ FIJLLOW1~0

inti n1a t .. l.l a.:qu ·1t!li~d w ith thtt ~tji!OIIfC~:! ol t_hii! PRI'Z~S. fi11l · ln•t ht!~.d ~.: . c:d Country-r cl. 111 thtl poset·.sswn. ------<' • ... o f tnt: xittwst rhle diOtes of \\eahlt-Wllll i't :t rruJc , , - -r .. 81,.1 til~ drn1ybacks th.,tj f~uer i•-with ir:s l'oli, SU.M ~1 Ell l'U lZL:::s. .

11001 .lnstttut wo:~ , tllc rr dwnrfleh cllanu•rt:r ~ud · *'or beet -cuhifawd Farru-uude r whtch cnr 1upt ~peruuou - . lite AIJ!>cUC'6 of t t ll ffica- t~n1111 urtS intenc..lett to lo" coc ·-YC) cc1,

:0111 s ' ste!ll ol ~cn cr<tl 8tluca11p 11, nntl of t.llose I>(UCI •I f~IICtlt'.g••tc:rt,alJtoe t•Cc ,,f :~lu_u cs Joc11 1 i ·r'J•rovcrl.cll tl! thruu~hout the ,(.Jaulol tb u1 .ao.l w~03i.J:s, gouJ crup~ , curt.Yl'ld .. Ot nr~ tlld tttpcus,di!O IU irs pru.:! I'C(Pf. 1 h~Vd UIHJc f 1,rm odicc ll, eod a~ r u; 11ltu wl utt·n· .:\e \!lluundluuJ ruy bOtiiC, _ou l _lt ku lh., . 'tnii:Sit:n t etl:!. l!~J 1 ry ttrnw~e lll•· ll t:! 1 ~<:.; 10

~ ~ ecu.laro r ol old, hut lo'IIUfy Ill} r:wlt tl•tO!.iijh ·Lt> cumpetct.l for 1h•J iaborwg lur-.1 lc 1\ ll ll 118 d~llulc:::t, llcl 1\ttul, or lht Wvt'. fhe rnloue: •• • .. • •. . . .. . ..•. .... . £j 0 0

In ~ollcitill;: ) VIIr 81Jppnrt nnol . il tfJu~ucc 8l llle .For (lf~<Uicl h~t't ,do •. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 0 0 Cullllll :.! l·;.P.CIIOrt, .1 Jct- Ol at only lu1r 8tul cttuclu11 For tbtnJ h~at clu ..... . . . . · . · · · · · · · · · 2 U 0 1110 11 fu tly tu •h:clurtt tllu pu! ttH.:a l pnnriplt:s ,f pro• AU'Itl) ~~ N I' lUZ ~~~-f .. ,:~ " ' "' n,c lat •t: of uc tivu I 5hull ptU6ur:, sbuu:d 1 ll t! l11111011 r .,d w11h y •. ur c: .. rH· e. M auc as no n e w cr~:t:ol, t.ur u l d au•l 1i111t: rtl~J•~c~t-cln:~ I11JHI111t1'1

, , _,..,.: t~Ht thou::h ult~ll tn!IIIJ)lold VI"'" · unt.l h:.

~o: •• ry ,,t .tocu•cd hy •.> r a llt -.y, .,ult lid llc•oeo~ and -it:. ,., J, u:: ,, lco ua \' 1! l'l t t: t.! u lu:.. rc U\•un th\1 jlat=d8 ul. !I ,.wry, th .t l wtll ~h11au u:s luug tH ltLt:r•y .d.all btS ;, ,,,,w .. and ''l' l · r~ j . t~d .

1:1 lllll l ; r~t p ' uc t!, I htt ll nolV f'Cnle the irnme.. t l. n t tiiCI'CU~I! vf ·tilt )(f;•r• SC.ll l rtli :Jts or t4 he I""J,lf•lil "" ' lltt: 11 11 1ud . ,~-, , ,.n u l Jl ,3pu11Sib:e Got•en U1Uirl­

n ee umpJe n( W l• (J llu ~ ll ul) ..... . 1), , ll •trley ( 1 hut~ht:l) . . : . ... ... . . ... . g ,, -O .tl tl ( 1 lJu tohel) • . •...•.... .. . . . • . Do Mo" f:t:l t\\'t.u.a.c l (~ ruo111) .... ... . . Ou s\lo~d,f(ll Turt~ip:t (~0 ruolt< ) . ..... .•

lb)Q P u lbiOCJJ ,_, uurrt:l) . -· .. . . . , .. . . . . . b>o t;o rru l& l!!O roots) .... . ... . , .. . . . . ~)o tl'rrf!ll.lllj ~ [=lO rout~) .. ...... . .. : .. Ho l,;hec,.e , (uf not lc:s:t Wt: lg lal '.hnn (J,t h)

l) ,J fttl~l .u,,,,er ~("f uot lt!e:s th rt•~ 4 1.) • . i>o ,nlt~·l or piddt:tl Uuue r, (•t New.

ll •-" J•-tlnchulll l tl Bt lll~ l• l t lt• r • ~: Hull! ure llt:Ct::t · ~ ry 1vr tJ,c: 111.11 11lt IIHIICc o f )Ou r r i,.:hr,., t ltt: pro· 11111 t 1vo uf }"'u au tt: r t:<-l:-1, .... 1 tl .~ clfect unl cor· :ro r:;c liUII v i tlt usc nltu,.cd th 11 hn"M! loruu)!bl liJc J•r•·· t: ttl ~) :.:c ,., ul ~ ll \'t:rcolllt~ lll 1010 lh~rcpute.

fuuo~ll~n~t vrutiur.e, oo lc-t;t' lltnu ·I .firjuu •••• - ~ .•. .. .•..••.... . . .. . t,., dismlautt:d (if tl~emeJ tJ·· a:~ aru l>lo· ) in ,pnz·:lf fur uueuumeroted Vegtittl•

. &Jit:t~ or Gr!Uu .o( Nctlieuce ...... .

I 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 l .o 0 . J 0 u 1 0 0 1 0 0 J 0 0 1 0 0

0 -0


2 0 0 Tl ~~ t"•hs l.r ~•· .11' nl fir ciprocul 1"1 u. '.J.'rack ~ ith ,.

I ~· 41-S 0 0 Cn11udtl Utu f t a. c . ll .lUJ ::::Ja.eJ S loo ll UII'O Cl •IIIU lhJ . • .A.

ti, llc 111at , tw ), ol c:,V t: ry 'Jllo ul) u11, a rd -mvolvc:d 111 (To be tu.mJ)tled for in .llarch )

S~m~ri!_ing e"crr article suitoute for thu prcsNit and \Y II lit' r Sc aeou:~. w luch

· ~re now npcai for in!'pCJ C?Iion &t tlH·ir New t..:~tnl,h:,huv:ut,

.fi rst t<hop CC1Sl uf ~J cljsrs \\' J L S u.S & C 0. 'g. ,

J'. & J. [3. o.nut:!ll~J t~u llctt •hu nltention of 1ho PulJJ,c 10 the ubuvo Uootls, wltich wil l be dl!ipo::~cd of at th~ Ju\vc:lt rc;wunc:rutln~ Ca::~h

• J

prtce9. ·S··p ember 21. llobert K~nt II.\ V E J U :o T Jl [ C t: I V E 0 ,

.p t!,. l\l. ,\ . FLElJING, Jn•m Jl'ate1ford._ 80 T1cr cc~t ·t >An~, .'Ttt .\~G}to\.:-l and ~~:f

POlt'l'Elt till ill.. DUI t:li.,

~qrtl'miJrr!:! l. good qual it]·.

~HE SUBSCRIBERS . QFI-'EH !-' t d t ll.\ l.E


LETTER PAPER, On wlt~ch Hun t· ul!r;avc!tl V1uw of " lhu ~rown a1.1d 11 urlmur r,( ::it Juhn'~ .

Sept. 2 1. ·DICKS &. llRACE


'CLIFT, 'VQOD & .CO. Tho fullowi ug nrlic lcs of' FUR~ITU RB

fr <Jm · llumbro' :

3 }J ANf>.SO.YlE M11ho:;any S0FAS 3 L:u.hes Haudaomc Hose"ood WO.RK

TAllLES 6 7\Jnhognn.y Hound T . .A llLES-inlaitl t r ps.

Septcmucr 21. Ct.IFT, \\ OOD & Co, ·

' A ~n1u~ Ol~ POL\'l'EllS, ~ . A Dog UtJd ::::lllr, to be 8o!J a n~rg:tin

BUTR of th ~Ol h .He been s l-aot over for eo• vera I seasons on I he Yurlto~l11ro \.V oultl:t , ·

~uA;Iaud, und can UQ high ly recomrncnt.lf!d.~· Apply lo Mr. CHAS. FOX.,

At ~lcsl$rS U.obinsO'l &. llruok1og':t \.Vnar f f'ptc tllb.,r 2.1.

r,. l.l~ nll t Jll•rl; l_va du: ' "'lt: (C.!Sit! of OIC~I•UOI b~ll !SPRl~O ,PRlzg~ 01-' ·t S:il.

~ 1 • ' l tc m uco 11111a~cl:. 1\.0 C:•-11 ulllulll lor .our • . 1

1.rudu1:1,:,, tho 111Ut tl llemaud .,11 .. .11 btl C1entttd l.or -k, b.,et _ft:tl, l ae:tl !lbRpecl,1anJ 11~ /'~~~~ _ V ,\ LVABLE

t ; unJ co•• ~> • quc u tly , tl•e. gr.-n tcr J cruuuera- condition lOT lac sllnmll eg, au a t £: ~ 0 ·-Sltnttlai•.d A• HisloJ•tcal JJ~orks . t 1ou "til 1bc fi:.ln:r ii •C: II t-c~ ul..c lu r tile: l:urd t!llfiiiOgs, tened hy lhu C~lllpt:lllor • · · · · · · · · · ,~ IO (} o l 11 . c1 r ltu ll t::o t autlu~lr)'· Ju,.tacd u1ul .nuc~,11y Secoual h eel Ox or Cuw, ns ullovc: · · · · -d c rn ul,d t llnt rhey :.huul.l he J•rvtcc tcd urul cl rcn- 1:~11• Thiul ll~t U.x ur Cow, a:t ohovt.. · · · · · · · ~ 0 U t:•l , lor tli• ) ur c ·• tl1c lol• IIC ". '' ' I ,J\I IICW uf · lte .cuuu- 0& -Qr 'Cuw uf N c wlouutiJ.,' 110 ~auwllr.' .t · ) . •· X' vr :.laall gc alt·r 11 1 I::at(.c rtii UII t•e-c,1 p~ nay ht:'S hlJ,be:t dh••pecl,.\ll tl tn l>..::sl CO I

lJ VtiC ... , luf We il l k uuw lllll l .. Kuu •\l t dgtl ld tilt' · t~iiiun for t~le sheHIUit:t!-~tl cucd hy 3 ,() 0 Jllll't" ,,{ l r• cl.IUIII .; ' ' 1111d l trul!l lhc: <luy IS .IIV\ f .. r · llld COillflt: tiiOr .. . •• • •• • • • · • • · · · • • •

ci a:. 0 11, l\ l1c:u t: l cr ) ) " '"h l•l t iti~ couurr.y llltel l L~:~ SecoCttl b" st J., do ..• ·· · ·· · · · · · : ···· · 2 U U l' n. n alt- d w1111 un c.lbc tc: a•l t )·•te•u u1.d u1111,1t: u1 t:uu:~ .Fur th e tllrett tu'40t nud -be tH letl :::5 l•t~• · p, 0 1 1.,1 r ucllvlf. and -in !Jest coudni<~u lor thtl t~haul·

· , . I.Jit:s-full~Ot:J by tktl COIIIJICII •Or.. 2 .Q 0 A••·utnuxl tnq lotlte l• ts he-r:l es,the_Ag n , flo do do ofNnovloUt.<lluut.lvroJuc~ ~ 0 .()

rtt llll ro ol aha :. t·vurllry 1$ uur m.ty dce<t: rVIIIg ol Tv!t1-(if cleeiOed 0e,.1r 11 b lr } e: vt ry cun .. • r ut ll t.D, Lui 110 UJlporttw_" t ah v ultl l it: \ in Pnz~ct fur .wy other uoimnla of lo31 bY the L··~·" urc to J •l o~t~uttl I 1e IIHJ'IJIIII::l" 11 6 0 0

0 J9 0 0 5 0 0 J(J 0

· · }' · •xce euce. . .... •.• .••. . .... ..• • aud euca c: ucc 111 c J•rO:.Jicr.ary .ol ou r arm~s. L' 1 . 1 t

1 "lr of '•'owl .. I' Or t 16 urgt: :o In ~ ", •• , , • , • • •

i'\ vi lung \\ auld u:ud IIL>rc 10 1 hu dcvt· l opul~t of I" or J , .z.,u ol lttr l:t't-t Hen Bggd ...•...• t l'•t' ~ t:" u"11: c:i uf tltu CllttUtry, then rhc o~•lfM ,ofl laq~tlllputr ul Ducks. - .• . · ·: .. ~lla111 Jl,a m;; uutl ~et ~-tl · ur u nt tilld t.ldy wll!tvlt~': ----u "'" ~~~"' .11, 111 llvwi ncro .. d llacJ~ Irt ll•l. HurthiS •~ , £<JI.i J~ 0

· ' " '' u ~outuu ) ' ll~>tut1Cd t tl1nt li t::. Le t 1u~ ma~u18· Pro"vided t11at flO .anim' l ehaU carry <Jff u l litl.!rllll~"t. \\ 11 1ch h11ve IIIUI k~al liltS curn•r of ull et- .prizo unless it be in pnfuc b rdcr, nnd that uo C' 'liiC I G u Y CI Ilfllt:lt : t.tlld Lw~tsluuuu.- \V aultS tlr t: 1 11 · l ' ,. J

on~ peuo9 11 1a rece1vo lWO p rt.ZtH:I or 1 H' o-hseu lt:tl .P•OIJ . ic:: lurt4 ul ~l. J ull't 'B IHt: J,.lruiu 1nJ! 1 thvu:>auds of l•uu•• ~h1 ot~uuully lru ru )' uu, In llu: sam~ dcscnption of articiP., n _all pnze s pr.o· ~1111 1.m or rents, tlu~y hnvt: e&t:ll fJ t:<l all lu.xnqun ; 1111ct lert· nr: e ehall ue g1~en -where the tluugs urt [1 .u .e luCI\1 IIIIJI/OVt:tlJCfltd WIIIC'.b ure r t:gut.,. lle Jor cqUI\1, IO overa ivo farmers and_ fecxlor'l. your b t:ulda ~~1 cuwtort b u:vt1 hccn tv\nlly uc. 5c::::Jb1~he S utnmer Prazes to· be awnNird t;l tlctet.J . and J:io'en a& &he Autumn ~xh1bitaon, unt.l

These e vild must we co rr('ctt •l, Rod it sltull Ire m1 the AutuU: exhiuition to 88 hdrl on' fir~l ni1n on ull 1 CCIIo:o •u lll tu c o uc;ult your locul iurer• ~!Quchty K1 November e:sL~ , idclll l fi~u u~ I hey oru wnh wy .owu; wlnlbt ' BH.Y AN ROBJNSON, President 1 ctll ufl lt:tsr lc&~I.J UIIU thci CJJ CUdt:fl tly ~:JCt:(l:l!16 my Les t judgruent 111 tile }Jromu11uu of your wd(ttrt:, tL., of yuur ngt.t l' , rite .r c iOaJII of u•ar .Go\'CriiUieu•, the r eduction' of v tli l!tul tl11ldrtcd, 11nc! tUtJ ~XtlCIIOO of a llij l~ ecOUVUI,l' lU tltll OUUIIJU{ lil t: ~uultc fuu<.Js.

1 l •uve the houor to be, G c: n llt.'rD b ll,

Your very CJIJ!!cl itwt tit:r~nnt,

P. ~·'. L.ITTLE. St. 1 ohn'c.t,14 :h Septen•lJt:r, .1850.

-------------------ALL rerJtoni hn iug ""Y clrttDl ogtwut tbtt Sub.

dUIUtr ttra rlt~rt:lJy no uti t'll 10 rt>llcltlr I h e t-1une' lor pa.fmt:ul imntt:dlltl~ly; aud a ll pt-rrt•JIIe; i ~ttiallted to lruu wi ll J1leu:~6 ptty tbetr reli Jit:CliVH amouu111 10 l,;. J . \\ JfL.Dt, wtw ld lu: rehJ uurlw· l ll t:aJ tO tt:Ct:IVte u'ra(.j glVtS lt:Ct'ljiiS Jor life lflllJHS,

~*' fllt'ntber J I. \V z S HIRLEY.

Pafj~age ~Of[\'e,~~ork. •0•

ONE or .'fwo Cabm Pauenger• c11n bt' uccommotlatec 1n th~ SC'tro'oner Si3ler8,

to uil on tho 20th inetant. Apply to Sept. 14. .EMM!!:'f'J.~ & i\lJTCHELL.

·---· --- --- -For Oo8to•.•· ~

~ l\IA~;;~~u~o;~EN01V ~ L. ROUUIN~. Mur~r. \V til euil .-bout '.fuetdoy nf'xt. Hatt good

accommodAtion fo-r Steerage Pauen~t:r:~, and A Ctiw Cabin .Patttengeu can be. coan. furtalJiy accomrno.dltle.t. Apply ~ the ~J uter on l.loaru. or at ~be eaic~ of

'\,.pt. 2 1. G. L9'V EYS.

Fur .,,,.E If- "'~OBH. To &al with ·all possible Uesratch,

The Sri&antine . "' Evelina,''

P. Aa~sTRONG, Master. F'or Freight or Pa!Sige apply to trle

Muster on board,. or lo. .G. LU V EY . · ~epteru~r J i. ·



E I'\ CYCLOP 1EDIA A)l t:RJCAN A -11 volumes lJtllllt: 1d lihiUr)' O J 1:; , t;l1111fl-li lh: W Ul! iiJUII 1

With tile II III hoi 'd lu :tt corret: I IOIId un.J lllfJlrOV C· .... 11 ... , to \\ llich 1:e prcJiJC r. d nn uct·uuut ol hi~ lrt c: - cuwplc t., 111 ti \'ulum it ~.

.\Jac,.ulu) ·~ 1!1 ~:~ tory ut l:.:uglnucl - '2 vol!l., witn a J•urlrall - IJetug u l'tlllllfiUn t to ll ul Hut:ttl'c! Ill:~ ~ tor)'1 und \~lit: II completed w~ I I b ·J r t:f'Oltll ~ t: t.l us , ~,t, S tuu.J •• r~ 1!: t ~,;l•: lt llt:.tury lor ull lu l LI I O ro­(.., rtlnCcs .

GriJbou '~ lli:- tory of the IJ,·cl ine and F .tll of 1lw H •fllilll JO:nqrtrt•, w1 h ,"\o t:~ by the lt t! V. tl. a\lduwr' , 10 wl•l t: h 111 uddet.l un lutlt:X, CllfJtlJIJlc

iu u 9ol s. , Wl !h u punrall. Tlld a hove tlar ce wo1k 1 are i11 tm iform s tylt· ,

tllld lur tl.t:lr tlusu l11 111y ol u nd11ag, •QIIullly ol I"'Jl .. r uud prmuul), ultd low practl, rhc) or., lfllalu:atl.e.

Laman i'nc':! Frt'IICtJ Revolution of 1848 - uniform 111 , .zc, ~>t) l r: , U11d O!Dtlll l i wub llucuc 1 ,\lftcu ,.. luy, a1scl GciJlhJIJ ' 11 J t l fi fonc: t!.

1\lll::su11'.-. IJ •,.•o•y ul Eurup•·, 4 vol"'·• c o mpl,e lc . ~buk~Spt llft! 'd \\'u1k l!\, Willi u porcrull uud lorty

lo CII Uti i UI if lUlllrtliiOI•S . ,

Hyrun, C11l e11dgo1 Stlclly, l.nruk>n and B t:mrwe \Vort.foi\'U1tlr 1 'l'h0111~0 11 Uf11 l t'o.JIIIICk, ilur Ud C ll, Tupper ; Uackeus, 111 3 vol:t \\' 01 k d ul tfrc ltt:v. llubcn U all- ti vvl !. Bolwc:l':t Novd:~, cucuJII~•ll, J vol L rllrury ul N uluru I lll t>tury, 400 eugraviug:s \Vo rlvG of t!Jc ltc \' . \V 1lllutu Juy, S vvb., With p?r•

t rtll l. j

L ulllell 'nd Sct>tL'd Greek Lcsicoo ·1 <;uullllt: r tt' \\ urk,o 1 Hu(lm'n :\uc1t:nt Uis1or.y, nod

m uuy otl:ler Ytl r.) vuluulH., W ur~s too IIU&uurous to iJ"'' t1cular t: : . I ,




; DWELLING-HOUSE LAND aiuJ )•itE.\li~Es, .

Ttac property of .Mr FR.EI>h' RICK LASH, situate • llonaviata, bounded on &fie . Norlb by JJWelling Houto aad Pr04>erty beJongtn~ 1~ the t'ewlouudlaud Sehoul SoouHy, a~d uuthe ~ourh lJy tfie' 'Dwelliug Houdea und Prupvr1y beiQoging tu ~amson .l\lafilun, Esq .-lt is Ill•

the centro of thu barbour, aud baa u co.Dmtln. dtng •iew uf the wbole Boy. ·

}'or further parl&culara· apply to ~Ir. F. LASH tn St John'•• ·or to Mr, \¥ALBANK au Bun lv•ata."mber 21.

, •

,. ill be rold Low tcr Cl(Jce Sa/H . Sep1cmh~r 21.

lli .A ~IIDll~ ® Ex K't:'\GAt.OC II, frum Hnmburgh,

Al'i II i ' OR f!A LF. .OT

Lttu'l·e11ce 0' Brie11 ~ Co 1000 _BAGS Nos l 2 ouo 3 Dread

~00 1-'irldnY prime .New Grau fl.UTT.E~t

~0 Firkins pt ime H olslcin DUT:r-ER.­fit fo r family use

I 00 Coda OI'Sorl ed Cc,rd!l~c 45 ll 11xcg \VINOO'rV uLASS-·from

3 by l 0 l o I G by 22 3 Cu:slt:t assorted ~l-pp::;• BLOC'

\ A:'\D, ALSO

Lla.ndiug from Ol& board llt.t Er.t:'lt A, SrnA·v, aml t{.o11 \ ' .-\ L, fr·om L iverzJool,


~%~~ ~~~\)' -.-\!\D-

~)0 Rn~s nssorl~d NAILS lUU Kegs PA.I .'iTS GUO llundlcs HOOP lltGN

3') Boxct~ TIN PLATt<: · JQ Boxe:J best Pulund Starcb ,JO c~ults ·W n~hiu&: ~o~ :tO 13urrcl:t LOAF ~U(:;i\lt-fllb loN011

!!00 Boxes nnd hllll•l.I<JXOI S:eohi'd boet SOAP .

Septcn1bcr -18. •·

coAL!-Prirne Sytlncy COAL, IIOW lau~ltlg UI.U ror sule uy

Sep 1. IS . GEO . .LOV E¥S,


l§"IT 'lrl!D .. ~ ~w~~!h~rw~m~ . Ex J AN£ . J1'o1A. Hamb,· ' , .

I 1134 BAG:::> No~. ~and 3 DREAD . . 1 l l\1. UHICKS, The la tter will be solo lE>\V .if - r.1k~n (~

-alongside. CL-IFT. \VOOU & Co • Septe mber 18.

l.S37 dJ £ m ~ ~ w.rnh ~ 22i Ex .Nurval, from -Liv-;J pool,

tlOO Doles llol"c's SU.l\P -JO c.;uion.,·~-· XXX


A \V ES1,EliN ·BOAT \\'ith Cud S~i;1C', 1\oJ ~tlf uth~r L\Jatcriale. Sho

cctrric; 350 {JUiuta Is spli1 F1sb, is well (ouncl iu ·ere ry ret~~ct:t , aud i! a most ·cft·srrablo ~raft for prolftlC'Ul ing thu \Vesler n :Fishery .. A pp~y lo Mr. JuH.:-J ll.&.RBV, or at rho 0~ fico of r

Suptcmocr riB. ·:DA:VIO STEEI!JE.

! lriSIHNG rt·AN~'!'l'ION, ·IN (..UCKHOLD'S COVE,

OX which are,cr<'ctcd 'fwo·a.mafl House•, a F!:shing Sta~e llnd .Fia~e ,nod ·hc\-ving two

A crt-a o(, Cleorcrl Grouod, fit for culliution: 111 prf'sunl occupied l.l,y \V.~tr. C.LAr.Ji£, who-s-e lcal>o will oxp aru on tho 18th Auglfllt next. -Tornts rous~nabw, ·a-nd .p~r~iculas-kno ~"' by cllrly opplac11liun to ..L \

· GHA RLES .J . SN ELGR0!VE; Sept._ lB. At l\~ra. Ruw'11, Monkato~~·

~~ 'l.rrn~ · ~ww~~miiwmm~ BR.l!:AD-No .t, e and 3, Homllurg·.

FLOUR.-sup(n-tino, fine, : Cuoada, aM 'Stat~tJ

POHK-Arncrican ' lH~EF nnd 'BU l'TBR. INDIAN .l\lC:AL, Oatmeal B'nd Peu MOLASSES a.nd SUGAR l'b:A C~'FE,g • C.@ROAGE--.of ctll sizes SOA.P--in·boxl!a uud btslf· boxes CANDLE$- Mould and Dapt, in SO and 601b.

boJI.el . .illl cif -1D/,ic4 eoiU be ~old -low for Caah, Oil, or


300 Dog:sb~ads ~AL'.l', ia store . --ALSO-

A QUANTITY 8UPERlOR· RUM In ciuh or d1fferent ai~o•, a.od a capi ·al arti•

cle for retail'ere. . , ·' Auguat 28. GOODRIDGE & LA'SH,



\ , , '



·~ l'


t i '_) . .

r. r I ~





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~ ; . .. , . . ' \ . ' . . ' :··· ·.

'- ,· ' ..

• • t . --. ' --.·. ·.· · . , .

~fHE MORNING ·coURIER .. .~o •• 4 .. .



THDlJGars . ON ... . FLOWf RS,


Jilnv deor was lbeir ·bloo :uiq~ in life •s early day,

)Y.bea th~ thou~fl•• :ot ruf ·huu.n wero cu~ simpl" ae the)~ • .

·H~w. fondly~ e<iughr ·th~un . in ":'il,f wood and glen, Eor tbe vjolet .aut.l ~ui.,y wt:re ~t~uhl.a tu me then I·

And a 1i1lthey are denr, although Time coldly lay8 tb~t sbadu 'o'er t he .i!•>s of thO$tl ouunitl.r t.ld)'~-.... ~ . Food ~lecnor,y orouml them gluu iueluJy t!ho~v.era, ~o~ her bo~est ore keJ.H by tlie ~o •vtlrct •.

~be7 a re boto i~ tbo sunsla.iue~ notl nur d L,r tbe dew-

p! tsweat ict rbeir fragrance, nnd bright is ah.e ir hue, '\' itb 0 1Jl6S~g~ ol bl~:log IUt!)' sprlllg UOIO. we


\Vhtrt~ each laeautilul bloasom rcark!t tbo foots:ep . 'qf GotJ.

~~ moves in 1l1e lempeer, He rides on the erorm, 'J'bough Vltwle~ U1s cbunua, u uoluu1owed I11!S

lorur ;

Tbe voico.of llis might in Jbe rhuader we hear­' Vheu ligbuungo>IJ r.uuu~ U:f wu kuo.v Ue i11

, near. I

Ii6 cretlletl the mounrainlll eo proudly tlust. riso­'J'IJ.,y 'lell of Hi~:~ W'ou,:e rs thos e SIR; .IJ,.h leq t-klt:8 ·

1 ' ;:, I

Yet he bendd troJD Hid tbroue ' ru it.lcH' the g ·orh::, a '>ove,

To strcw 01«lr· the nllt!ya tbose gifr& of Uis love.

Oh I prn[ae him, our F11ll1er, so bounteous ant.J k ihtl,

T h llt not to l he m ig hty llis care is confined; The po~r and t he Jowly his tealtlerne:~o share,

AuJ 110 :,put id so dur!i but n fiow'r~:~ r i:s tl)ere.

L et the hymn of our grtt ti•ude cheerful ly rit~P , L1ke the sceut uf 1he fl J \\ltJt~ ir"m tbtl llt~11rl tu the

skies ;

lle wui • :~ but,our asl>ing to bless us .stillmQr~, For t btl ~uP. ol IJid u •erctes 18 aye runu'aog o 'er .

( ..

'NoUttfl~ . - "Xo.titttJ-.

• N .\.':J:IUXAL ·L~ ·J'VND. .'PROF~SSOJt A . c . HAR&Y·s,.-- " L ife Asstt'ran~;e--Society ~ •~ ... c o ..- ~· 11 n, .o \r.:s _ ·

· Uf LON UUN. ,. · .. ~r ~Jc.Uc~Ccd C o wpc,uud. ·. I ' 111 - D '" . I . A~g 24,.

t1.. \:;\fJ~GS! B Hl FUR 'fllg WIDOW A1~D O!W·IIAl :EN E>R~.t::U lty. tu.: ~rst · ProfcHtsion·nl. co e nt in _ _.:......_~~-----~____.. _____ _ . 'i . • . . till! Ulti ii:IH;PJIH cf, li d t-fiit'OC>: Ol ttl:tt.ed r,,, lbOU· . • £1\lroWf"J\ED BY ACT OF ~AJllJlAl'tlENT. .:~nud14 uf tile wdf kuuwn C1t 17: li t< , e,olti · CSlli. l ll iCtl tANDI!.'iG;.,

C ·w £r-;.OO ·o~/\o St. --···n.Q' w h tch ~~ ~oco.s it w rth . n tbe rtlll ch o( t:V.t:ry fllllll ly , . EJIC. ·AUJ!Bjt!A, from M(\ntrea~ . a pi f) ~· !.\1 er ~'1.~-=? · r~COOIIIIc'uth:ll !Jy juurnuls oJ The betH 81UIIIhl 1~ Ill 1165 B H.L'. N:o. 1: tiup,ecfiue F L ovn · . --·· tbe. co;Jaitry., for cl,t,cifi,: 1w~ "itlc:ly •1 1Ht:: rt!nt pur- • r a firs t. rate ai·ticle, and for sale

E~clnsive of a Re~erved rund .( Surglus.Pre- no:~~:t aud ev.o: rywucns in de nusr .. ..t-Bur,y.' :s ' t;ri.. lly £:>. H.O.G.BH.SUN & ~UN. miums) of £37,000 ~~g~ ,cup'lie.cous mny be. feorl tl l'~ly JJruuouuc_,rJ, on the Au2'ust


· · "' · •hoSt JOcuntt::lllhle, thd IJe:t•, the che11P.est q LOCA~ DIRECT •llS, l:fA l.I~A~ N • 8, d.J•tl lllOiil populur IJrel)u r .. t iun for rt:s l.•fllrg uud ~ --'----------- -----.-----

TolllU , . . Gtuss~·--,.q~ire , . ~ha&,~man, . boutitrl) ~~~~ -th~ b~1r, t: rutlll.:utwg t he scvrf 3:Jit.l 1)¥

John 'Sir uchau. • H u'n . Sumuel Cuuurd dundruH, ond curmg all. ~.•,ea~tllt of the eku~, rn~~~ Ir.~ ~\~W~l2~, ·r·l ...... (. .~ . 1 . 1 11 • ~ a·11~ E q 1ht1 lc:~ aut! j.:lilthl~. wl11ch ha:1 t: \'e r h,.en ul· 5~ . lJAHlU:LS. Supt'rtiu~ FLOU .. H.

h.)d, • n.w u· a r , '·q . . u II vuu "• ,. . d I 1.1 I I I J I J D J on All i~un L·•t· , I'.<.:. Hill ~"tl: ,\Ianagu ler~ tu t•" I'U 1 JC ~lltc r 111 r •c u, wor • ur. th~ ~0 do, l?OHI( ·

• , • 1

• u~w. 11 s tundd ulun~:-" l 1 hnli uo !Jrolltt!l nud · 50 .FrrkinR BU1;TE'H. l?tRFECT SEccnh:Y, arising lrum a lar~-t.e ~~ llkn ho lJrother. 11 \•uluiiJ rl of a u . hcnltu till~

Capatal totally u~Uupeud.,nt of LUt.i Prtlllli U UI uualy.ti<:ul p•uol of i•s vatu c act·o•u pu llics ev~•Y ~0 ~n"• .N;o 1 BlU~AJ) Fulld. IJOtlle. To guJU:.Hy lite f lC•.H t.l r~o I •HI• Il:):II IHe , l .v r I! .. 4.

LoANS . - 'Uwo ll1irds of the anou.a l Premi• urns p.nid, or half the Prculll:lills fur thu firs t tivu years., \\ h tch may rts ~uaiu ~'}.)an t!ro:~l, to ue tiudu,:lcd from thu amo u nt ~t 1· uhcy a t tllt~ dua\h of the a:~sured.

Low HAT.£ 5 oF PnE~tiU.:'tt .. -The rates. of . Prt.'mlum Ult! \18 luw ut~ uuy ::iocacty of equnl standing.

DJvlsJoNs oF PnortT.iJ - The Bonus ... a in the Socieay aru. dt>ciHt:d unnuully uud arc por ·

:mantfut, and each yeur dto Ast~ured t.u~ the tlpllull of f {' Ct' IVIhg lh t: ~Uh(~ Ill l'A !>ll, Ill

rt:duct ion of Pn:1uaum, or HI tuidllaun to the ,;um i11 .surt:tl

_~:very pur.cltust:r ntld:s uuc ruu.n .s 10 lhd l e ~aun ol -----:-~ .... -A~ .. \~U--:-1-::-.\-(;-. --- - ---W IIIIc.;, ~ l:!i n1 ruy r d 111 11:; t,e l111 ll. The P '· ilu~uphy E J' u t its o~crn 11o . i ~:~ :,- •ml'te. J .:~ fi r!il uctron a:t u11uu · X u tronica." from. Boston,

· t h e :.kill . • It ~ct.lly :.llruulutc:s t've ry IOtj lld vc.s.scl, 200 1):\ CK:\G E:::i i\ c: w UU TTEH. · 11 r.d cuul,lcs ll ttlllrtl , lly n ' i:; .. rv u:o, lu:altldul t' l . . 3 lJlads. 61llnked ~boulders . Iori , to tlrn1\'t "'11 u1.y rufli! .IIIIIBIIOII , eru pt1011 or 13 1 d t' XI ol m dou uf the t'X tt: r uui lll t.! ll tbru t, t: B. II tl•e 1 arrc l tlO H ll lllS . .. tlun :u lllllou \:c c .lll;il'U IJy c. cu1, " l'rurn, or l.lruictt:, 1 UU Pair Oil 'I\ous.·rs, ll•t: t:lli::c.: t ·'" l htl tr SUIII T ta t: uh.,u r hc u~re 111- -A:"D-

' v•gurareJ , tbe t:Xd uv astc!d l.l luud IS bOllll/11~ up. A.n 3SS0rlCU Lot of Calle &. \V ood c HA.l ns ttu•l oil pam uu~ loru llou is rc.:u{u vd. '\_j,. Chwp IS'Iwlc:sale. ! · · Ru~: UtUllii!!UI, s w c lllllt' of •he ·· lund,.., an d ul l !tl· l> J.' l ' L .I llO . L' l o~ 'I.T

c " ~ 1.!.. c.h. . li..c. .. t~ ." &. so .... ,, rectiuus nl tl•c iut l·~u.lut u r , n .tct:t "f't ct!haal) ' tl•ro11gb tho l'ures uud ulJ~·>•uellld u1 uu lht~ deal : A..:..· '_1 l-_'_1~_. _ 1 ~_4_·---------------­ot lhc dt~ea~c . lJ ~ \\ uudcr lul t-tl .:c l iu reuewiug, J U:;T HECEl V,EU

Pre m iurna may be p,llid Anu ually, ) e arly or Qu artc'rJy .

j!lu•:-mg, uud IJe.,u. ilyJIIi,: 1l1c h..e rr , u re 11ll pr-v:.. ti U~ t' cJ llttt.ll;;_lt i1:1 jHIII t iH Y iad lp cll t:t: U fJOU lin:

H al f, :.k •u u l th~; lit:ud. The 1nv •guruuu~ tl .ut.l UIJaulcs d1 0i t~culp 10 pt:rform 'ttb t•.w~tru;J:~ jHoperly. The

Ex. Thoma' from. Qu.:ur.c, aud .Bclit•t. from, N.E\V, Yo.RK,.

A~D o .'i SALE JlV. TH& ~cu• f uuc.J dutul ru tf Wlllch u Slllti!!i:b ctrc uluiiO JI ••:•3 ullo w t:tl tu ucr.umuluw, IHtt lluown uti'; l ll c= v cgl'IUIIVC pr111Ctple lilllid II:J w uy l w tht: V.C:.ICit:ll

111 \\ lHcll ti1C llll tr i:t ruo tol!, nu Ll tl11:y ure aur.plrul ol us u "e::rc w;tb;u 1111 eh.ur vita., wlucll t>Lreug •Ot:u:t ,

n. l> l & tcue~ , ~;lu::i:f• · IJ :-, unci IJcau t .ft ~: e> evtH Y. fiLJrtl Ulllll ''t: ll c b pall iCIII tt r I tOll

11 bt:CUII It:::l U IJ ~t1ftlty. and elu:t.

rc liluuu:ul. T uu Cill ri\C fr.: rltll:t.l llg v rwc•p la Which cuu:s~tl t: XIStiug l1a1r to grow,. t>llluulale~ llle lult:IIL

t usurunce· may be e Cfccted for one year, for live )ours , o r fvr lilts, wnh · o r wllhuut parttC IIJ811 o n Ill 1hu p roli t• uf l~lc Suc w1y ·

A ltberal allu\~ d.IICe lor Lhe burrcuder

~llr U1 § <g_ ill U LV ~ ill ~ 9 ·'Jt\Q lilt~~· ~uperfiue G,uuad" FL·,JU~ Ou. lJ. -.,vO Brie N·ew \:u1 k c.l u tu

150 Bis. PORK-Ctty luspectipn po 1cu:s. ~

J :r\:\tES J . ROGERSON, Su.b wtJ~tlll • • \ ~Wj ... OUildl ona.

N.F, Juuc 8, 1 ~50.


RO~!L lNSURlN'CE CO~ r 1XY, 0 1:' Ll.V 1:1H l'UO L :


Au.t!torizt:d b!f Act of · Purli.a.m eut. . . ' '

Caoital-'1'\\70 iliii4LlO~~s, Stg.

roues , om.l tltu:1 the fi tm :li n hh:h h.aVtl lull~o . ou t arc soon replucc:J . IJy uc w octc·~. Reu•eo' b"r that lO ll! cJ .,uhlt: u u ; lt!Uil:-1111:1 Sl•t!Ci fi .: f,, r 'tJ t::t••u.::e 01 the

3u Farkjns BUTT~ IU Buies OAKUM, 1.0 dHz Pails

100 u~ ., B ruo ria!i, 1.00 ilu~s· ~·~:ed. 30 B11rr~ la "fatch. ~0 Utllu P•g:t J oles-rprirnc.

shtu, a t u l lltulch ltS:I l.lcaull ti c r ol til e batr-1:5 so ld A 7 , ~ . ugusl ~ lro111 buy 10 u nt: hund red lJtlr ceut ';:u:apt!r lhau ---- --------- - - ----­

P£TEH. H.OG.Bl{!:>O.N, &. SON.

atty otll11r jJrtq•arllllUll o l th" 01.11 • .

tiold in lurga ' ltolllt:s , price 25 cents, o l tll11 l'nucl l'td Oltict' 1 };3'/., Ur~>«•IW !1)' 1 New: \:'.ork. ­Fur b~> l c by lh t: ' Pru.c·.•pul !\.l c iCUJIIt::s uud 'Uru~· ~1.~1s :ltruugltout t l•c Uu111:1l ti •a tt:s uml G:auudu'

, l:ic wutt: 111 thu Cvll ll iCrlel l :! 1:1oiJ Ill $ l p ur l.lut tle

J. .,. .lt.. ll .1~ .t\.• T

' . . TuE Cnow~ oF ~NCLAl'iD . -Thej followang • With a l11rge and innreaaiug H.e~ervet.l Fun'tl

is 11n e:tlllua\u ot the valu~ of tho jewds lit Tbu Ac;cuts •o 1bo uhuv~ ftr~ tu:d L tfc Otlice \.his magnlfice ul t.llnde m :--Tweuty t.hanwnda. ht~g tu uunuunctl thut thtly. couttuu~ w i&ffluc l~oh- • round lhtt ctrclt: , 1 5 UO/. euch, 30,000l.; twu- etc:! lu~·re, l·y, \\luc ll u of tile &t~.lllllJ Outy it~

cy O l d1\1Ctl!u. 'l'ht.> lurge cuplltd o l 1110 Cumpnuy, au C::

J U :3'1' ltJo:<.' I:: IV t::D U Y


la r~ o cc nl r e d 1u 1hunds , .- , OV . cuch, 4 .OOOl. ; til e 11 umher a'•u i .,fl ueucc of it~ (ltuprictor~ • ...t:l\lt!Jie

\ fiuy .. four 11naallt f'. dlurnu ud:t, p~ uccd ntthe au .. · i t 10 nwk v.itl• ti •U: uwst drgrt.hs Olli ··~ iu~1e gl.s ol the ·turuu.·r, 1 UO l.; l .. vr cros:;es, t-ach Uuued Kiug.dum, with n:'spect to. tlus t.dvuntag.e~ compo~ed of ':!5 d1nmo•,da, 1 ~ .000t. ; luur lnrge otl'o:red to-th" l•ul•!lc. · · _

E M M £ T T & M I T .C. H EJ,. L.. .20(\ filtLS S•,ped inc l•' LO UH.

.U 150 F11 k in:1 II Ll l r t::lt · 5 T•t)rct::» ~u;ulauu R H; t:; ,

duuunnds on the lup of lhtl cro:St<~s. 40,0001. ; fm!l • l• iSuruucea may. he efiec•cd· rn 1nuwmue .• _\_11_1!_11_~"_' ~-'-'·------------------tw.eiVA> d in muuda contumcJ 111 fl c ur~ · d~.ll::f, ra1ud of Pru11~ 1u :u, c•u property. o f ull kiu ds. 'J;be J.O,UUOl; eighll·en s mn ller t.IJitruondtJ cout&Jn• Cornt!BIIY v.t ll t1Vc: r da.m ugu•t>h itseilll}' ~~~ vrotUJII• ed' tn the ~au..e , <t,OOOl. ; pt~url:;, dtunwud:J, btc, IICI!d lll tl10 t>C I Ileui CIII ol Clllillhl.

As~ua uucc:; ar~ !ruutctl lor sllorter periocl~.chan upon the tucbc& und(CrOI!dtl8 , 10 OUOl; uliu, !l y•·ur. · ·

1-11 smnll du11uoud:~, 500{. ; IW t: ltl)'•5l X d11\~ The lollowin~ore amon~ t lte udvnn iR£?U of ef .. 1uonds 10 th~ ttppc r croat:t, 3,000/.; two carcle"5 lec•ms L11" lu:: uruucc w 11 h . tbu~ Cuu•l'•uu¥-o'f p~arl• al.lout. tht! run 30Ul. · Cu:;t of 1he Ausoluttl gua t~i • - hstl uf ar. omplc! CUJillrt l, s tuu•:s in th~ Cr<..wn, excl u~rve o( th" uletul, Extt:llol\'c truvt:llm~ lcu,·.e \\ ul.out ex•ra ch11rge 111,9001. Su10 UdcUrt:tl m tt tle I 'IIY ~t iJic , 11 lt'lf1Ji lcd, at a

. . . . . . ·given age, o r t\lllenth, it 11 takn Jll tJCt: prt: \' tuu:~ly. .. s .&LF- RELIAN CE·- rhe success of tndiVJdU.# l~llrgt: UI\' ISiuu ~[ p rofi d UUIUIIg l!J" UII~Ur t:d .

ala 10 ltle 18 grt\at~y o w111g tu the1r early tear~· A. porli un of tht! l'rciiiiUII•tl muy n·w.wu o u ere ing .. to _ _slf pcnd upoa thcar own r~:suurco~:~.-\ Jit,or Al!~l_ura•••: cr:t 11111y bt: t- fft::C t t' ll m vunouo WU) S

1\loney. (If the tXpecla llon oJ u tJy tQJlofltdlll:e ; to rnee~Jbe conv~ •ucuce of pnrtrcs. . has ruaoed morq men rhnn Lhe wan~ Lf it ever . . lJc lu ~lt:d Pru,. lJcctutu·~ umy lJe IJnc.J on appllu~> , did. '!leach young men. 10 rt:ly lfat.Pr{J~l~r own uou, W il li lulJi t~:~ ul ru tc:zs , &c • . &c. efforts ; t o be frugul-and industri'Gu!' ; uu~ yuu D.l•ockJcb.auJ( k Anth on y, luue furniobed them wuh tt producuve c-apllai A gt:ot~ for N cwlouudlu ~t~l no mao can cv"r v. reel frum -<lhttn.

· YouTu.-llove a Ire n~•Juaiurnnce ol youuJ! peo. f1l6; beCUUtief in t h" firdt J.!llce, J dott't llk l:) tu 1l.r111k myse(f growiug ohJ. J11 tbe rrext p lucc,} ouog acqoalrttlWIC61j IIIU&t laet louge~tt, rf they do lutn; aoll tluw, ·1Ur1 youug ruen huv1:1 wore VI rt u e tlr1111

uh1 lnfll--the.) bavet m o te ~,:euerous I!Cntlwet. td au e.,eryv e&IJt'Ct. 11lwe -tlle ·youug tJugo ol thtct llKt',

. lhf'y lJIIVI) more "It autJ humor lltn.l kuowlullgp ul l1f" 1hen "" had ; l.lut theu . tlus ·d o,;• a r e l1ut to 1oud tchohue. ~1r , 10 n•y eurly t.lll)'tt 1 rc:au very· 1uart.l·. It is a Pad· n-tlecr ru)•, but a tcue ooe, aht~t I kuuw a huo11t &5 l lJ U Cil ut etgbteeu us 1 tlu. uow . . lri1 JUt.l~ wenr, to -be aur~, wtu~ 1101 eu gooa lrut 1 )~at~ ull Ute IH~a.t 1 r~:u~tul•er nry \\dl, wt.en J -was .,, O .ldortJ,oo old ~ellllc ru11n ua~, •t ~~u~g JJJan, ply yuur buuk dlllg tHrlly. uow , lllld uc~rtl • · I IOCk of kuu~ let!gtl, · lo r~ " beu ·) ear~t co we umo :you, you w.tll fiuu thtil ronng uvou lrookw w11l bo QUL &aU irktOillts· I8Sk,-J (Jh/lbun 1 ill "1JU61Ct/l."

-~) JfJ fuN IX Fire Ass.u1·ance Cori~pany



ESTABLI~E:CD I N 178~ . For Ji.tsuring every kind of Property, a

·Hutne or .:1bror;uJ., from Los:; or Da­mage by Pire. ,.

~JHrJE JF>JE(:~~lil! ~FJI~J:Uj. Jfh~re Fire ln11mmcu rrvry be e.Decced on the most

. rtlUonabe trriM,) . · · \ Vea e&~ahlish t>tl by d numerou• propnetary in J .1111

uary, liS:.?, UIIOii prwcaple:~ of pulJl•c utilllf· The : lJrOIIIpthuJe tUJll cllecrfu lu~:~ss w id1 w.l11ch. , aile mu~tt impuruwl ·lusaett have heen mad~ gou)t Uby . tb~ CoUipan), are wdl known . and a l11rg'6 c'u s11• td io ·Ooverume.~tt securitiee ictaL 111l ll •l t .Stl bclc.J iu reac.l iuea.t tor tln1t purpose.

Per llurquc C lliC.\Gu from t\Jontredl,

A N D FOil S ALI\ B\"

L . O~Brien Co~ 1800 BRL'i . Fr~:~ h Supcrfint)FLOUR.

100 B,trrt~ls CORN NEaL 50 Barrel:; Pb:A S~

lOUU llullhft lli I ~ OIA N COil N 188 Ftrkinlj FtnH C-tu u lity RUTTE:R 50 Kcg~t nr,d 10 Tau II L .-\ l{U

~6 1 !::iupt-rlo r S ug nr -curec.l HA.lS l ·l1· S.nok~d S hould urs

10 ~1. 0,1k. ::5TA V ~S 10 13.trrtfls und Ho1lf barrels Oatme11l 10 D u . du GH IT~ 20 Ko~;• l'EA RL 13A ltL~ Y..

Aug•Js t 2, I ~ ---.....,...,


.E-'JL11ETX, d~ .;JHTC.Il.EL~,:

FL OlJ H.-Supe r fine and E'1no BR.f<: A U-N.utt. I 'aud ~­

LSU.TTh:R....:._tu tuiJ:~ and firkws. COHN. i\lBAL....:.\t\~ luto OAT.\J'E.-\L-tn bDrr el.r and balf· bar:-el1 Pl!:AS~-do do U~AJ,S-\Vh;te lU C E-Carol1nn, in·tierCPS and barrels CAN.UL'l!:S- Londuo l\Jt> uld~t ~ 111 hoxest

Do A m.e rac-on & Oporto .~& laulf-,lo, ~OAP.-I.iverpoo) . nod C urk · SU GA R-in but:rf!ls P 1CKLES-We•t lnrllll l'E.A , BOOTS uud :sHOES B •Hied dod. ftnw ~~N~ ~I!:I) 0~[, WHll'K LI!:AD uno BLACK PA INT.

J.u ly ~0.

rn1 wJ m®®§~~~~ ~ g> .ID&!,

100.0 BLS NewYvrk,Sup~'rfi•!e}4(LOUR . . 60u Dmo Cunuda · • t ' o AJ HIS DOCK. MAGOJTY COY.~

OFFt:R ~t FOR e!AI.&

. 300 Ditt0 N*'w Yorl,, c J..Pm~o Pork. ·:Ex .f~tE Tn.\DE , c'u,u:-::r.RY ;ij .AJD; and 'olber: .~o Do do Beet ' ' ·, ..J- L

100: Do Ball icnoro do 60 'l 'ON? Hurdwood TI~ll:SER=:..suitabl., bO ' Box.ea Cavc nd tsh Tohacco , '· :. tor ke~l au d. wale pluCtltl 2;, Dis .F'resh Boilinlt Puohlct 40 M. Hardwood ~~AN.K:-:-1 r r ~. 2!, 3, 40 D•llo Amer,cuo P 11 ch. and 4 ·wch. · JO Do do . Tar I ~0 Tun .. SP,ruce SCAN.:rLING.-Iarre anu.

~00 Boxes. nest Yellow SoaP'. t un~ len&,ths : ·,So Uo 1\lould Ca~dlos, s:, 1 2.~ and 3 inch P tue UE.CKIN'.G 20 l>o Coloured Clny Papo11. ' ' ' ' I -A.uo......:. · ·

l OO l.fags F~ed, for Poul1ry A large assort n, r nt ot.

~~~. Reu'~'tl clidn:da ~~~~~~~~::er., Spar~ ~~ld. ~a~~-Pieces .. ao Doien Aeaoried Broou!a . • . J U !iN \\' U() l>:::i 2 Cutset Soutl: Boxu. ~--· _ J.O Bal-=• Oakum. ·TIIB Jr~OilJl,.liVG. t)Olllli'Ell,,

A~uguet 2 1. ;. ·· "' ~bSEP.H~ ''W:O O DS, .:. ·

• CUURFULNEss.-·: A W lJmon mat 'Le ol g,reot ... lelallCe IO. ht:r iauSl.Jifllll1 ill l.Juaiu.:~tl, hy We O.tllrg a Cllterful 81llllt:· COOIIIJUuJly. UjiOII l1er CUUIIIt:IIUIJce.

A'• l"'rplexitie~t- a111J i; luuuuueJSs ure aucr eoaed a bundfeu-:t••lrl wheo· has . i)cLter. buff UlOYe~abuut Wllb a cootiu'uel t!towl upotr luu l.Jruw. A JJierumnr. ehet:rlul wale aa a s:ra •ru111bow llt:t ·in the ~t ky \\ b~: u ber butboc.d'a Utind is tOIIt>ed with 1:1torwa um.l t.:m­vest•~-~t.J~ <& lliE88lJ~ fied uno lretf,ut' w'tfe in lhe jJou.· of aroullle 11 ltkoHUe ol 1Lo~ lit:odd wbo aro a!'l'ointc.Hl 1u tonurt: lust d JHfl lcJ.

11he ptiv.aJe furtuue ofevery individual fhlire· holder· m t~t~ c:Otn('any is respouttillle fur itt! eu- . g,.g,. rneutll, Oltd iw person imured. lll tlllr:t office ie, ,:...,. B p n I". R'l'ED k vo: lrt~hle for the losoc8 of ot l.lere, '"' iu th~ Cllt16 V 1 Y • , •· '-', ~ ..,...

: PUBLLSH.Blt 'A.ND ]?ROPlti ETbR, i~e : ia~eued,~ S tsmi-W.tseki)'-:'I"On tho .. Morqinga of. • WQoN&:~u•r~ u ild ~A.)'URDAY,1H bie u.tic:~ 1111\J r · ! .lt. O.Lh\' rtd~s Bnck. l~u•loin t~8 1• Uec:k'a Cove,.

ce(. can nt:?.~.ubac~lo the doctrine ol ,that aeranul)1 1 •a•d a ·eJoepy-ht•ud ed parisla. . . . iouer, who ·wa1 w"vnl lu d t.•2.o tn w ee:taug uve• r1 Sunday.\ co.· •a nu1g_hl>..9ur, ' !lft tb e~. Wt\rc coming out !>f ~hurc11 togethe r . C un 't sob• •crib~ ?" wa~t tho Hply : ''why 1 •aw. ,rou fU1dding a.aatnt to · o~ery uzs•euavn. ''• ... ,

Cun1riburiowSocietie11. U RLS pr1ruo JOLES · : Tbd unclei,.,rgned hning been appointecJ· 1ba ..1:-J--~Uo do P<?~~. ' A~f1lltd of. 1b~ aLova Con•JIUitJ, tor tl•e hludd .ol Do du B.K8li. ~~wfoundlacltl, 11/ tl pre ptued to· giv~ e•ery ini'OT· CHEESE and flaskete . ON~ONS.

• IJi ft lioo ua tu f'lll(:!t ot' J~t~llliurn, _lJ.!.c., on. avplf.C&f -.ALS.>- '•' ~ ' ' t iOilJ ·tiod to ' gra11t PoiiCI\"8 ot Jo!fUi unc~ 1S~Illll11l • . , . , . o Ft. or daruo&,ts. by ~'ire o n tire ·•pot lty w.luoh a 3 B411dles b~et l!fftllt Lb:A 1 fJ .ER, . anlOJ of tbe iutmJ• •Juty 1 l~llrgeRllt~' a , all foli· 5 A fl'\ertc'ao CLOCKS . :. ' ciea •ialua~ au $us.lnntl) wtll 1.1, t:tte:ca I. . :;3 BRDS-'Naplea. Foitb'ora..

·· ' '.J~bft lt.l •. R . l l, '& £Q.. SeP.tembor 7.



I (

WiiUH t:hrcel. 7.'ernu-T~AE& l'EMOat .,er copy, ·or, Tl\,Etc:rt. t;HfLLINoc( Ouncucy ' per utu.tun.t. . - .

BOOK. 4NQ .. . 'lO.B.. P.RIJI~I~~ .l:fr.aUg eret'ultd al the office tlj' llte Moa~uNo VooRIIL

· IU t/14. l~flrltll notice tlu nflture of. the. Ill!!'* ~r.allfa4mil oh

-, ..

• ..

. '

· .


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