st. nathaniel’s episcopal church€¦ · resume paying the arrears payments during 2013. we will...

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St. Nathaniel’s

Episcopal Church

Annual Report for 2012

Annual Meeting

January 26, 2013

St. Nathaniel’s Episcopal Church

4200 South Biscayne Drive

North Port, Florida 34287

Phone: 941-426-2520

St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012


Agenda …………………………………………………………….. Page 1

Excerpt from Constitutions and Canons of SW Florida ……….. Page 2

2012 Annual Meeting Minutes……………………………………. Page 3

Report of the Nominating Committee …………………………… Page 5

Biographical Sketches of Vestry Nominees • Helene Charpentier • Rayetta Haugh • Cassandra Schultz

MINISTRY REPORTS Priest-in-Charge – The Rev. Jean Hite …………………………….. Page 7 Deacon – The Rev. Margaret Koor ………………………………… Page 8 Senior Warden – Cathy Trimble ………………………………….... Page 8 Junior Warden – Henderson Stuart ……………………………….. Page 10

Christian Formation……………………………………………... Page 11

Bible Study Advent Quiet Day Cursillo/Ultreya Children’s Sunday School Book Club Cursillo Chair Exercises

Worship……………………............................................................ Page 13

Altar Guild Taizé Acolytes, Eucharistic Ministers Adult Choir Lectors

Pastoral Ministry ………………………………………………… Page 15 Daughters of the King Special Time

Outreach ………………………………………………………….. Page 16 USDA Food Distribution Food Pantry

Fellowship & Service…………………………………………….. Page 17

Episcopal Church Women Crafters Men’s Action Group Night-outers

Coffee Hour and Hospitality Stewardship………………………………………………………. Page 18 Page 3

Fundraising ……………………………………………………… Page 18 Page 3

Thrift Shop Yard and Bake Sale Christmas Trees Christmas Bazaar Dinners and St. Nathaniel’s Café Special events

Finance Report…………………………………………………… Page 19




SATURDAY January 26, 2013 4:00 PM


1. Opening Hymn “Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation” (verses 1 & 4) Hymnal #518 2. Prayers

3. Approval of the Minutes for the 2012 Annual Meeting

4. Report of the Nominating Committee

5. Election of Vestry members

6. Election of Delegates to Diocesan Convention

7. Introduction of Ministries

8. Finance Report a. 2012 Statement b. 2013 Budget c. Remarks from the Finance Committee

9. Hymn “Be Thou My Vision” (verses 1 & 2) Hymnal # 488

10. Report of the Junior Warden

11. Report of the Senior Warden

12. Presentations

13. Report of the Priest-in-Charge

14. Commissioning of the Vestry

15. Closing Prayer

16. Closing Hymn “Sing a New Church into Being” (Page 21 of this report)





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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012

From The Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Southwest Florida CANON VII: Congregational Governance

Section 1. Annual Meeting. A Congregation shall hold an annual meeting every year. Unless otherwise specified in the Congregation’s bylaws, the annual meeting of the Congregation shall be within one hundred twenty (120) days before or on the twenty-eighth (28th) day of February.

Section 3. Electors. a. As used in these Canons, an elector is a lay communicant member of a Congregation who is sixteen (16) years of age or over, whose name is duly enrolled as such in the Register of the Congregation, who is regular in attendance at divine services, and who makes stated contributions of record to the general support of the Congregation. A qualified elector of a Congregation is entitled to vote in all congregational elections and on all matters that come before the Congregation for a vote.

Section 4. Congregational Council.

a. Each Congregation shall have a congregational council, which may be called a vestry or board of trustees or similar name, according to the choice of the Congregation. To be qualified to serve on the congregational council, a person must be an elector of the Congregation and eighteen (18) years of age or older.

e. Wardens. The Congregation’s bylaws shall provide for the selection of wardens of the Congregation. The Congregation’s bylaws shall provide that the term of office for the wardens is one (1) year, and that a person may not serve as a warden for more than three (3) consecutive terms. Unless otherwise provided in the bylaws, the selection of wardens shall take place at the first meeting of the congregational council after a congregation’s annual meeting, as follows:

1. The member of the clergy in charge shall appoint one (1) member of the congregational council to serve as the Senior Warden. If the Congregation does not have a member of the clergy in charge, the members of the congregational council shall select the Senior Warden in the same manner as it selects the Junior Warden.

2. The members of the congregational council shall select one (1) member of the congregational council to serve as the Junior Warden. Unless otherwise provided in the bylaws, the selection of the Junior Warden shall be by majority vote of the members of the congregational council.

f. Officers.

1. The congregational council shall annually select a secretary, who need not be a member of the Congregation. The secretary shall ensure that the minutes of congregational council’s proceedings are taken and reported, attest to the public acts of the congregational council, preserve all records and papers belonging to the Congregation, perform such other duties as shall be legally assigned, and faithfully deliver into the hands of a successor all books and documents of the Congregation that may be in the secretary’s possession.

2. The congregational council shall annually select a treasurer, who need not be a member of the Congregation, to perform the duties incumbent upon that office. The treasurer shall furnish a bond of suitable amount. The books and accounts shall be audited annually and at any other time the congregational council may direct. The offices of secretary and treasurer may both be held by the same person.

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012

Minutes of Annual Meeting, January 28, 2012

The Reverend Patricia Powers opened the Annual Meeting at 4:37 p.m. with a prayer with 64 people in attendance. Copies of the 2011 Annual Report were distributed to each family or individual member.

• Reverend Pat introduced the current Vestry members, thanking them for their efforts during the past year (2011).

• Bill Haugh was appointed Clerk for the meeting. The following appointments were made: Ella Richard, Treasurer; Paul Meredith and Brian Cox, Assistant Treasurers.

• Departing members of the Vestry: Reverend Pat thanked Valerie Smith, Brian Cox and Bill Haugh for their past years of service as their terms expire.

• Candidates for Vestry: Reverend Pat introduced nominees Sam George, Rick Kovach, and Pete Maher to replace the outgoing members. Henderson Stuart elected to run for his second three year term. There being no additional nominations from the floor, the nominations were closed. Larry Musgrove made a motion that the Clerk cast a vote for all four nominations. Patricia Kralle seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous and all four candidates were elected. The determination of which nominee will serve three years and which will serve for one year was left to be determined at the February 2012 Vestry meeting.

• Election of Delegates to Convention: (for Diocesan Convention, October 19, 2012) St. Nathaniel’s is represented at Diocesan Convention by three delegates and one alternate. Volunteers included Sam George, Guy Thompson, and Juanita Dudzik. The Vestry was asked to select the alternate.

• Secretary’s Report: Reverend Pat asked for any corrections to the minutes. Rayetta Haugh made a motion to accept the minutes as written, motion seconded by Kathy Tucker. Unanimous vote - motion passed.

• Treasure’s Report: Ella Richard presented the 2011 Budget. The 2012 Budget presentation was tabled, pending an announcement by Reverend Powers.

• Reverend Pat Announcement: Reverend Pat announced that as of July 1, 2012 she would no longer be our Pastor because she had elected to retire. In an effort to relieve some of the debt that we have faced, she had worked at a reduced salary as our Parish Priest and had assumed the duties as Secretary to further decrease our operating costs. She reviewed the many changes that have taken place at Saint Nathaniel’s, the support we have from the Bishop and his acknowledgement that this Parish is a vital part of the Diocese. She cited the many ministries we have undertaken and their impact on us and the community.

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012

Reverend Pat acknowledged the growth that we have undergone and the personal challenges she has had to deal with. Her stated that her future was still undetermined, but that she had been asked to return to Brazil to become instrumental in the growth of their Episcopal ministries. The announcement was difficult for her and for all of us. Reverend Pat reminded us to keep the faith, and know that God is truly with us at Saint Nathaniel’s.

• Treasurer’s Budget Report Resumed: Reverend Pat and Cathy Trimble assisted Ella in explaining the impact of the 2012 Budget. They stated that the Bishop had provided a gift of $10,000 to Saint Nathaniel Church. This one time gift covered about a third of our assessments in arrears. Further, it was announced that he had suspended these arrears payments for this year with the expectation that we will resume paying the arrears payments during 2013. We will still have to meet our current assessments and our building loan obligations. Rev. Pat and Cathy stated that Saint Nathaniel’s had received this gift because we had remained faithful to our obligations and had worked diligently in attempting to meet our financial responsibilities. It was reported that Bishop Smith and Diocesan CFO Ann Vickers had noted that Saint Nathaniel’s was the only parish to thank them for this gift. Their comment was “That’s so Saint Nathaniel!”

In closing it was stated that the 2012 budget was no longer valid and that with the pending changes it would have to be significantly revised. The Diocese will work closely with us to help.

Call for the Motion: The Budget Report will be tabled until further clarification. Motion to table: Larry Musgrove, Second: Pam Meredith. Vote: Unanimous to approve.

• Reverend Pat closed the meeting by leading all in praying, the “Our Father”.

Respectfully Submitted, William P. Haugh, Meeting Clerk

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012

Report of the Nominating Committee Biographical Sketches of Vestry nominees: Helene Charpentier is an active member of St. Nathaniel’s Episcopal Church. She currently oversees our in-house food pantry and has worked with the USDA Food Distribution ministry for approximately five years. As a money counter on Sunday mornings over the past seven years, she currently is responsible for scheduling others in that capacity. Helene has also served as St. Nathaniel’s assistant treasurer for about a year.

After living most of her life in Rhode Island, Helene moved to Florida in 2004. As a former Roman Catholic, Helene was accepted into the Episcopal Church when she moved to Florida. Prior to her retirement in 2010, she was an office manager and bookkeeper. She has two sons: one son lives in Germany and the other currently resides with Helene.

Helene likes to garden, read, crochet and enjoys walks with her three dogs. She is grateful for the opportunity to serve on St. Nathaniel’s Vestry.

Rayetta Haugh is an active and committed member of St. Nathaniel’s congregation. She currently serves as the Secretary for ECW, having been an active member of that organization since joining the parish. Rayetta is a lector and acolyte at the 8:00 am service. Rayetta is also active with the Alter Guild, the USDA Food Distribution program and St. Nathaniel’s Café. She has worked with Deacon Margaret Koor in documenting the Parish Nurse program and has helped man the Parish Nurse program booth at the last two Diocesan Conventions. Rayetta is a frequent volunteer at the Christmas Trees sales and always stands ready to assist in cleaning the church for special occasions.

Rayetta and husband Bill have been married for fifty-four years, raised three daughters, and countless pets. Rayetta’s thirty-year business career was spent in the banking industry, serving there in various administrative capacities.

Cassandra Schultz believes herself blessed to be a part of St. Nathaniel's Church family. She has enjoyed working on various fund raising committees, serving on the Alter Guild, and working with the cast of the upcoming production of "Death By Chocolate." She forward to serving as an acolyte and working in any capacity that may best serve St. Nathaniel's.

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012

(Cassandra Schultz, cont.)

In other churches Sandy has served as a Sunday School teacher, hospitality hostess at special events and two-term Vestry member. Sandy later served actively in a mission church as an Altar Guild member (where she made Fair Linens as a part of her ministry) and was also a member of the Mission Committee for six years. As the mission grew, reaching the status of a self-supporting church parish, Sandy’s focus was church growth and chairing a major fund raising event.

Sandy was born in Daytona Beach, Florida and a few months later moved to Pennsylvania with her parents. Married forty-one years before becoming a widow in 2010, she and her husband were blessed with three wonderful children: Michael, Catherine (and husband, Nathan, married five years), Shawn (and wife, Jenora, married nine years with three awesome sons, Samuel, six, Noah, three and Jonah, two). Sandy considers her family “truly my joy” loves spending time with them!

Sandy’s business career has been diverse: five years in food service sales, ten years in the retirement industry in sales/admissions, administration and consulting.

The Nominating Committee and Vestry present these three candidates to assume the positions on St. Nathaniel’s Vestry as the terms of current members Rich Kovach, Ella Richard and Guy Thompson expire. The membership of the 2013 Vestry will consist of:

Class of 2013: Barbara Lynch, Cathy Trimble, Barbara Landry

Class of 2014: Peter Maher, Henderson Stuart, Helen Marchese

Class of 2015: Three to be elected at today’s Annual Meeting

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012


Greetings to you all! Praise and Thanksgiving through you all! As I am completing my first six months serving as your Priest-in-Charge, I want to say thanks to you all for your warm welcome to the parish. As I continue to try to settle into the parish family, I am constantly reminded of the compassionate heart St. Nathaniel’s has for welcoming newcomers, including at this point in your history, your welcome extended to a new priest.

“In transition” is the official designation for any parish that has recently said farewell to a beloved rector and has called a new priest. So we are a parish family in transition. Whether we like change or not – whether we’re even aware of it – we’re called to begin to build in new ways on our past heritage.

In any transition there is some sense of uncertainty – and most times an increased level of anxiety. Paul’s appeal to his brothers and sisters in the church in Thessalonica in times of stress was to “respect those who labour among you . . . esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.” Further Paul says, “ We urge you, beloved, to admonish the idlers, encourage the faint-hearted, help the weak, be patient with all of them. See that none of you repays evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to all.” It has been rewarding to continue to live into these words with you as we move into the future.

As a parish in transition, we remember that it is “a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere to give thanks” to the Lord our God. And indeed, in the midst of transition our blessings are becoming clear. We are gratefully welcoming new members into our family who bring unique gifts and instill in us a renewed spirit. Our worship is vital, and we are brainstorming ideas for new ministries in Christian formation and service. The warm, compassionate heart of St. Nathaniel’s continues to feed abundantly – whether at a home cooked meatloaf dinner and St. Nathaniel’s Café, in the frequent distributions of food to the hungry of our greater community, or at the Lord’s Eucharistic table every Sunday morning.

We give thanks also for the dedication and love of those who have laid the foundation on which we are called to build. And we pray that this period of change and transition will bring blessings to all as we find a new and renewed identity as the Body of Christ in the flow of Love and Holy Spirit among us.

God’s Blessings,

Mo. Jean Hite+

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012


It has been my pleasure to be your Deacon at St Nathaniel’s for another year. I will have been at St Nathaniel’s for ten years in March. I was ordained a Deacon on June 13, 1992 at the Cathedral in St Petersburg, the seat or home of the Bishop, of whom we are directly responsible. I have served at Nativity and St. Boniface, Sarasota and a parishioner at St. Wilfred’ and Holy Spirit, Osprey, however St. Nathaniel’s has been my longest place of shared worship.

Being a Deacon I am not a member of St Nathaniel’s but of the Cathedral with the Bishop. Also the diaconate is a non-stipendiary position, or voluntary, I do not receive a monetary allotment for being with you, or you with me. However the best part is in the ordination vows “you are to assist the bishop and priest in public worship and in the ministration of God’s Word and Sacraments, and you are to carry out other duties assigned to you from time to time.”

This year I have continued to combine the ordained ministry with the nursing aspects of my life to better serve the diocese. I have concentrated on the Parish Nurse ministry at St. Nathaniel’s and also to begin to spread that ministry to other churches within the Diocese. This year I have also spent more time in other ministry at St. Nathaniel’s especially during the summer when we were in transition between priests.

In January 2013 I begin a period of medical leave from the Diocese in order to take care of some personal medical issues. Only God knows what next year will bring but with God’s help we will have another Spirit filled year, full of wonder and enrichment.

God Bless you all.

Deacon Margaret Koor

Senior Warden

Saying this was a big year is an understatement. There have been endings and beginnings, transitions and changes, but through it all we kept things going and maintained the unique and special place that is St. Nathaniel’s.

The End of Ministry ceremony in April was our opportunity to show our love and appreciation for the 11 years that the Reverend Canon Pat Powers dedicated to St. Nathaniel’s. The ceremony highlighted with banners the different ministries she fostered and what a huge role she played in the growth and success of the church. During the fantastic reception, we laughed, cried and sang together, and we will never forget Cyrah’s hilarious impersonation, on roller skates no less, during which we laughed so hard we cried.

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012

Over the summer we kept things going thanks to Deacon Margaret, the Vestry and other lay leadership, and the support of the Diocesan staff, especially Canon Durning, and, of course, all of you. Our administrative assistant, Ruth Ellen Davis, also joined us and rapidly became indispensable as a welcoming presence in the office and the glue that kept all the pieces together. We also had help from our superb supply priests, Father Scotto, Father Lee and Father Hennigan, who came and took care of us while we went through the search process.

Deacon Jean Hite accepted our call in July, and in August we hosted her ordination to the priesthood. It was an amazing service, and it was an honor to watch as the Bishop presided and the Diocesan clergy gathered around Jean as she was ordained and became Mother Jean Hite, now serving as St. Nathaniel’s Priest-in-Charge. We again showed our hospitality with a wonderful reception, leaving no doubt that St. Nathaniel’s knows how to throw a party!

So clearly this was a year of transition and change. However, I believe it is also important to keep in perspective that this year is part of a much longer church story started with St. Nathaniel’s first service in 1963. In the big picture many things have not changed, including who we are as a church family, how we maintain our faith and our church, and the service we provide to the community.

We are a church family of caring people that, during tough times, are there to listen, to give a warm hug, and to pray together. We are also there to share life’s joys, friends who wish the best for each other, enjoy a good laugh together, and share smiles as the little ones walk freely up the church aisle knowing they are cherished. Of course, like any family we have our failings, and we may get frustrated with each other over the small things, but through forgiveness and reconciliation we move past those differences to support our shared beliefs. This has not changed.

Each Sunday we come together in worship to celebrate our love for God and for each other. We listen to his word, reflect on the sermon, reaffirm our faith, confess our sins, and promise to go out in the world and spread the word and do our best to live out our beliefs each day. Each week we continue to lead, steward, fundraise, meet, organize, budget and do all the work it takes to keep the church running. This has not changed.

We also serve the community. This includes being a safe and welcoming place to receive food and comfort during tough times, to work through life’s challenges with various 12-step groups and weight loss programs, and, of course, to supply the best Christmas trees in Florida. This has not changed.

During a transition it is easy to forget how blessed we are, and how many people in this world do not have a place like St. Nathaniel’s and struggle through life alone. What we share here is priceless and bigger than any one of us, starting before we came and, with

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012

God’s help, continuing long after we leave. So as we move into the new year, my prayer is that we celebrate what we have while we support our new leadership in doing the work it takes to make our dreams of the future St. Nathaniel’s a reality.

Finally, I want to thank you for the honor of serving as your Senior Warden for the past two years. I am excited about the opportunities I will have to serve in new ways at St. Nathaniel’s in the years to come.

Love & Peace,

Cathy Trimble

Junior Warden

Two air conditioners failed in August. Unit #2 which required repairs to the air handler and unit #3 TXV valve was replaced, cost submitted to treasurer.

The Well pump was broken rendering the system unable to function. The system was repaired by Water 941 Inc., cost submitted the treasurer. (A grant for reimbursement of the cost was received from the Community Foundation of Sarasota County.)

Now, for some better news the Storm Water and Back Flow System were tested and are now certified as in excellent working condition.

Members of the congregation volunteered time and skills to stabilize all the pews that needed stabilizing.

We now have a cross mounted on the wall that can be seen from the entrance of the church building with a beautiful garden to enhance the cross donated to the church. Donor would like to remain anonymous.

I wish to thank all the members that gave of their time and talent to assist in maintaining the building and grounds of St. Nathaniel’s Church.

Many things were accomplished by the effort of our congregation.

Thank you.

Henderson Stuart

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012

Christian Formation

Wednesday Night Bible Study

We meet on Wednesday nights from 7pm to 8pm.

This year we studied some New Testament books and ended with a study of the book of Hebrews. Our study of the old testament in past years have helped us to understand how Jesus has replaced the old covenant with the Great High Priest of the Hebrews and through His sacrifice has assured us of our redemption by His blood.

We welcome anyone who would like to study the Bible with us.

Barbara Musgrove, Coordinator

Thursday Morning Bible Study

Throughout the year a group met for the study of various books in the bible including the Pastoral Letters. After the beginning of the year Mother Jean began facilitating an ongoing study of the Book of Revelation.

Children’s Sunday School

Our Sunday School group, though small, is still roaring along in church-based activities and youth fellowship. In 2012, St. Nathaniel's young parishioners continued their participation in weekly services as acolytes, crucifers, and candle bearers. They said their bittersweet goodbyes to their beloved Rev. Pat last May with a 'roast' during her retirement reception. Everyone had a good time attending 'New Beginnings', 'Happenings', and Summer Camp at the Diocese of SWFL DaySpring Retreat facilities.

The Sunday school group held fundraisers for Episcopal Relief & Development (shoes for needy kids in Bolivia). The kids, with the help of adult parishioners, collected toys, etc., for Christmas and donated them to less fortunate children right here in North Port. Our young people once again held their annual Cookie Walk, which was a big success, bringing in funds to help send our kids to Summer Camp in 2013.

Valerie Smith


St. Nathaniel’s Cursillistas are making plans to begin Ultreya gatherings during the coming year. The Cursillo movement serves to renew and enhance spiritual growth in individuals and parishes, and builds Christian leadership within the Church.

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012

Book Club

Throughout the year a group meets once a month at noon on Wednesdays for fellowship in the discussion of a book. Books are of various genres. June Stark stepped down from leadership of the group at year’s end. JoAnn Sciolino is currently facilitating the group as they reorganize for the coming year.

Chair Exercises

The Chair Exercises Program has been available for several years at St. Nathaniel’s. It is part of the Falls Prevention Initiative which includes balance and strength movements that have been very helpful to several people in our midst.

At the beginning of 2012 we had four participants, but by mid-year it had dwindled to two or three, due to traveling or illness. We plan to restart this program and continue it as long as there are at least two of us, hoping more will join this wonderful program that is so helpful in improving our quality of life, not the least of which is encouraging a more flexible body and mind. I would especially urge you to attend at least one session to take a personal look—this might be just what you’re looking for.

Here’s a special reminder for faithful family caregivers: you can only take good care of someone else when you first have taken care of yourself. Hope to see you soon. Please contact me for further information regarding day and time.

Marijane McEwan

Advent Quiet Day

St. Nathaniel’s hosted an Advent Quiet Day mini-retreat lead by Mother Jean. The afternoon retreat consisted of group gatherings for prayer and meditation with scripture readings chosen for the Advent theme of “Await, Allow, Accept, Attend.” Quiet days provide a dedicated time away from the business of everyday life – a time for spiritual reconnection and renewal.

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012


In additional to weekly observances of our Lord on Sundays and the seasonal Principal Feasts, this year St. Nathaniel’s celebrated some special liturgies: “A Service for the Ending of a Pastoral Relationship” in April, the feast of our patron St. Nathaniel on August and an Ordination to the Priesthood on August 26. The worship and liturgy of the Episcopal churches is the responsibility of and is led by the Priest-in-charge, and at St. Nathaniel’s a dedicated group of laypersons assist:

Altar Guild Report

The Altar Guild exists to assist the clergy. An efficient Altar Guild assures a proper setting with all things in order, enabling the congregation to worship with ease and dignity. We are seeing changes and new ways of doing things and are striving to make this a smooth transition.

The Altar Guild keeps an inventory of linens, candles (altar, sanctuary, votive), wine, wafers and various other needed items. To make a donation for any of these items please see The Rev. Jean or Pam Meredith (429-9030).

If you are interested in serving as a member of the Altar Guild, please contact any member or The Rev. Jean. We will give you instruction on procedures. Each person’s time to serve is one month at a time, four times a year, in teams of two and we are always flexible.

Thank you to our ten dedicated members for the work of the past year, and we are looking forward to our continued success in the new year.

Wishing everyone a healthy new year.

Pam Meredith

Adult Choir

The choir of St. Nathaniel’s Episcopal Church takes part in the liturgy during the second service and occasionally during special events. At the present time they consist of nine members and are accompanied by Pete Richard, guitarist. Rehearsals are held on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m., and again on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. They appear as a group during the winter season, then as individuals during the summer months.


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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012

Acolyte, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors

St. Nathaniel’s acolytes, Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors serve to assist the clergy in the weekly celebrations of Holy Eucharist and at other special services throughout the year. After the arrival of the new Priest-in-charge the acolytes a new Customary was adopted to spell out more clearly the responsibilities and mannerisms of service. New servers have joined the team, and expired licenses were renewed with the Diocese.


A New Year’s Eve Holy Eucharist was offered this year at St. Nathaniel’s in the style of Taizé worship. Characteristic of Taizé worship is a soft, candlelit setting and music which is contemplative, repetitive chant that is melodic and easily sung. The service was well attended. Taizé brings an alternative worship to the parish.

(The Worship Committee is considering other alternative forms of worship for the coming year.)

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012

Pastoral Ministry

Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King meet the first Tuesday of each month, October through May. They maintain the prayer chain of those suffering from illness or other serious problems, both for the people of the parish and others known to us.

Regular visits are made to our shut-ins, those in nursing homes and rehabilitations centers, and to those in the hospital. The Prayer Shawl ministry continues to distribute shawls and quilts to the ill and bereaved. These shawls are made by some of the daughters and others of the parish, for which we are most grateful.

Our Chapter participated in the two Diocesan meetings at Day Spring, the Spring and Fall assemblies.

We welcomed Kathy Rybicki. She has transferred from her previous church, and we are glad have her join our group of daughters.

Your sister in Christ,

Barbara Lynch, DOK President

Special Time

This pastoral outreach program offers many blessings: for the participants, fun and social interaction; for the caregivers, a well-deserved respite for those hours; and for the volunteers, much joy and a memorable experience.

The program meets every Friday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, with volunteers from five churches and other groups. Activities include games, sing-alongs, chair exercise, and crafts. A healthy lunch is served to all.

Our Program Director is a retired registered nurse, who has been in charge since the program’s inception, eight years ago. All donations and volunteers are welcome.

Barbara Landry

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Food Distribution Program

This past year introduced a major change in our food distribution partnership with All Faith’s Food Bank and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A.). At mid-year our third Thursday food program was placed under the same controls as the first Friday’s U.S.D.A. program. The justification for this change was that the Florida Department of Agriculture and U.S.D.A. provided more than half of the foods to All Faith’s for our program.

Three members of our parish received four hours of annual U.S.D.A. training to remain updated on the current Federal requirements we must meet as part of our contract with them.

Saint Nathaniel’s can take great pride in the positive reputation we have established with All Faith’s Food Bank in meeting these food distribution requirements, but more importantly, our essential support of those in need in our own community.

As you are aware we receive food every two weeks to provide 120 bags of groceries. That works out to be 240 bags of food each month. That’s what we are provided, but in reality there were many times we distributed over 250-260 bags of food during the month. That includes the emergency food distributed during the week. What is important is that this extra food is only available through your continued generosity to our own food pantry.

Finally, it is important for me to recognize the many volunteer hours that each of you contributed in our annual effort to meet the needs of others. I’ve estimated that you have generously contributed more than 1000 combined hours in the support of this program. THANK YOU for making this Ministry a continued blessing to our community. I cannot thank you enough for your selfless support. I like to think that in serving others, we are serving God. If you would like to participate please contact me any time, better yet, just show up.

Bill Haugh

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Fellowship  &  Service

Episcopal Church Women

2013 was a busy year for the women in the church. The ECW meets on the first Saturday morning of every month, September through April. We have an average attendance of 12 women.

The women of St. Nathaniel’s are involved in many activities of the church. There are ladies who make quilts and other items. There are ladies who volunteer in the Thrift Shop, USDA distribution, and help with the food pantry. We also arrange receptions in the Parish Hall after funerals for those who desire it.

Our main fundraisers are two Sunday morning brunches a year, and our annual Christmas Bazaar with several outside vendors, as well as items made by the women of the church.;

ECW has given money for the church operating expenses. We adopted two families for Christmas and supplied them with presents and food.

We had two UTO (United Thank Offering) ingatherings this year and one CPC (Church Periodical Club) ingathering.


Barbara Musgrove, President

Men’s Action Group

MAG actively supported the Church again this year with activities and improvements.

Lighting: The lights used primarily during the Christmas tree sales were replaced to provide adequate lighting during sales.

We approved our annual gift to North Port’s Special Time for financial assistance for $150 to help defray their expenses this year.

MAG purchased mulch for the Memorial Gardens and gravel to enhance the area.

MAG presented every lady a carnation on Mother’s Day.

The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast was held and we showed a profit of $295. Our hours of operation were 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Once again, we sold Christmas Trees and netted a profit of $4576.00. A gift of $125 will be given to the North Port High School Key Club in recognition of their assistance in unloading the Christmas Trees. MAG has transferred $4500 to the Church’s General Fund.

Henderson Stuart, MAG President

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012


The annual Stewardship activities were moved from the fall of 2012 to January 2013 in order to involve more of our seasonal parishioners. New members joined the Stewardship Committee in December as plans were made to hold Cottage Meetings during January to talk about stewardship at St. Nathaniel’s and to offer parishioners the chance to gather in small groups to discuss their hopes for the future of the parish. The Stewardship Committee looks forward to engaging more extensive attention to stewardship in the coming year as well as evaluating the success of the 2012-2013 campaign in order to become more effective in the future.


Café Saint Nathaniel

Thanks to your patronage, our net profit for 2012 was in excess of $1765. It is satisfying to see you enjoying breakfast together with good friends and good food. The credit for this successful endeavor goes to the ladies who have always been there to prepare and cook delicious meals, Ella Richard, Barbara Landry, Barbara Lynch, Regina Breeden, Cathy Trimble, and Rayetta Haugh.

While I thank the workers, I cannot forget to thank you, our patrons who have continued to support this event and make it profitable. We welcome suggestions and requests for items that we do not currently offer. In an effort to continue adding variety, you will see a few additions from time to time. To our pancake menu, strawberry and banana pancakes will be added (IHOP look out!).

Sadly, this January may be the last time we offer breakfast after the ten o’clock service. During the past two months we have had less than four patrons for breakfast.

We charge $6 for the meal and cap it at $15 for families. The recent increases in food costs forced us to increase the individual adult meal to $6 last year, and obviously we still experience higher product costs. Most importantly, our policy is that anyone who wants a meal will be served, regardless of their ability to pay.

Thank You for Your Support!

Bill Haugh

Thrift Shop

Under the direction of Kathy Tucker and manned by a dedicated group of volunteers, the Thrift Shop at St. Nathaniel’s continues to bring in funds for the support of the parish.

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012

Financial Reports: Income and Expenses – 3 Year Look

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012


Text: 87 87 D; Delores Dufner, OSB. © 1991, Sisters of St. Benedict. Published by OCP Publications. Allrights reserved. Music: from J. Wyeth’s Repository of Sacred Music, Pt. II, 1813.

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St. Nathaniel’s Annual Report for 2012

a prayer for

st. nathaniel’s parish

Almighty and everlasting God, you govern all things in

heaven and on earth: Grant to St. Nathaniel’s parish

and congregation all things we need.

Strengthen the faithful; arouse the indifferent; visit and

relieve the sick; bless and protect the children; restore

the penitent; and bring us all to be of one heart and

mind, to the honor of your Name. AMEN

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