stage 1 planning directions

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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Roman City Tunnel Book Stage 1: Planning

BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Write your first and last name on a piece of notebook paper and title it: Roman City Tunnel Book Planning. Answer the following steps on your notebook paper; numbering your answers along the way.

Step 1: Select the Site: Pick an area of your Roman city plan you’d like to draw for your tunnel book. Draw or trace a small picture of the site and the buildings you’ll use under number 1 on your worksheet. Think about if you were to stand on the street what would be in the foreground; middleground and background. Pick from:

- a view down a certain street - an intersection of roads with interesting buildings - a dynamic section of the city with a variety of structures

Step 2: Surviving Buildings: Decide what would survive for 2000 years. Make a list under number 2. Some ideas on what would survive are:

–larger buildings –buildings that are architecturally important

•Triumphal Arches •Amphitheatres •Fountains •Sculptures

–buildings that are culturally important or have religious significance •Temples •Basilicas

♦Take it the extra mile! Think about what buildings could have survived from other time periods before or after the Romans. Use your creativity, the blog and the Internet for help searching!

Step 3: Modernizing: For the pieces that didn’t survive decide what would be the modern equivalent, List these under number 3. Some ideas include:

–Marketplace would become a modern mall –A bathhouse becomes a spa or salon –A tenement house becomes a large apartment complex –A tavern becomes a chain restaurant - Applebee’s; Chilis; McDonald’s –An amphitheatre becomes a football stadium –Stables become a car dealership or a gas station –Use your creativity to come up with many, many more!

♦Put in extra effort! Think about what famous buildings or buildings influenced from other cultures you could add to your city. A Taj Mahal inspired office building! A British Big Ben inspired clock tower! Use your creativity; the blog and the Internet for help!

Step 4: Adding the Extras: List all extras to make for detailed, modern city under Step 4. –Skyscrapers –Streetlights –Cars –Buses –Trains (Subway stations or elevated trains too!) –Airplanes

- Use your creativity to think of many more! FLIP TO THE BACK OF THIS PAGE TO CONTINUE YOUR PLANNING!

Step 5: Foreground; Middleground; Background; Atmosphere Planning: Using the lists you’ve created in Steps 2, 3 and 4 as well the section of the city you’ve selected in Step 1 make a list of what you’ll have in the:

•Foreground (try for at least 5 buildings, structures or objects) •Middleground (try for at least 6 buildings, structures or objects) •Background (try for at least 8 buildings, structures or objects) •Atmosphere (try for at least 2 objects. This may include the sun; moon; stars; birds; aircraft; etc.) Also decide what kind of weather you want; the type of land you’d like and the type of day. Think about how this will affect some of the choices you’ve made in Step 4.

♦NOTE – some of your extras may be made separately and then attached later on in between the pages of your tunnel book. For example, a car may be drawn separately in perspective and pasted into the book in between the foreground and middleground at the end of the project EXAMPLE: Please note this is my example. You’ll have many more buildings in yours. Make yours different and much more creative than mine! Foreground •Courthouse •Sculpture •Temple •Street Lights Middleground •Library •School •Triumphal Tower Background •Skyscrapers •Elevated Train •Water Tower Atmosphere •Airplanes •Helicopters

Step 6: Visual References: Using the list of buildings you’ve developed in Step 5 gather images to use as references for your tunnel book. Copy and paste them into a Microsoft Word or Power Point document. Try to print to the laptop printer or save to the Dropbox (see directions under the Greek Research directions) and ask me to print it for you.

–Use the blog for Roman City Links (you’ll need to scroll to the bottom of the blog then click on older posts to locate the Roman City Links post)

–Use the Internet for modern buildings and objects –Do some observational drawing on the bus; in the car or while you’re daydreaming!!

Step 7: Drawing References: Take a look at the links on the blog under Cool City Drawings to get some inspiration for drawing your modern Roman city.


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