startup istanbul 2017 - asra nadeem - angel investing basics

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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Angel Investing BasicsStartup Istanbul

Hi, I’m Asra

Partner @ Draper University Ventures

Program Director @ Draper University

Presentation Roadmap

➔ Angel Investing: What, Why, How (Legally, Worldview)

➔ Starting Your Journey: Angel Syndicates

➔ Generating Deal Flow: Brand, Network

➔ Deal Flow Meetings

➔ Assessing Opportunities

➔ Post-Investment Insights

What is investing?

What is angel investing?



Sweat Equity, Bootstrapping, Self-Funding, Friends & Family Self, Friends & Family

Crowdfunding Public

Incubator/Accelerator Programs

Angel Angels

Seed Early-Stage Funds, Angels

Bridge Early-Stage Funds, Angels

Series A Early-Stage Funds

Series B+ Growth Funds, Corporates, Private Equity


FINANCIAL INCENTIVE STRUCTURE Invests own money, sees 100% returns Manages and invests other people’s money, sees ~20% returns

$$$ DEPLOYED/DEAL Invests tens of thousands per deal Invests hundreds of thousands - millions per deal

NO. DEALS/YEAR 5-15 deals/year, rarely joins board Individual VC invests 1-2 deals/year, likely retains option to join board

DECISION MAKING & WORKLOAD Alone Debates investment decisions over multiple meetings with

partners (has a team to consult and delegate work to)

PROCESS Less formal/structured More standardized/codified process for investment process

(ex: deal flow, deal memos, due diligence)

Why angel invest?

● Return life changing money

● Change your home > change the world

● Be a part of your local startup ecosystem > the global startup ecosystem

● Stay current with ideas, technologies, the market

● Engage in entrepreneurship without the responsibility

● Deep relationship building with founders as a mentor/coach/therapist figure

● Give back, ex: founder turned angel

Official Requisites (US)

In the US, these are the minimum for angel investing:

Be an accredited investor

● Net worth of $1,000,000, excluding value of one’s primary residence, or

● Net income of at least $200,000/year for last two years, or

● If married, combined income of $300,000, and expectation to make same amount this year

Have capital to deploy when it’s time to write founders a check

● Rule of Thumb: Invest <10% of your net worth

Unofficial Requisites

Are you cut out for this?

❏ Long tail view for success (aka returns)

❏ Ok with 99% failure, 1% success

❏ Work with wide range of (strong) personalities

Starting Your Journey

You’re legally able to invest

You have the financial means to invest

You are mentally prepared to invest

How do you find the “right” companies to give your money to?

Deal Flow

Non-Proprietary Deal Flow

Definition: Deals in the public domain

● Startup conferences

● Accelerator demo days

● Online (AngeLlist, Crunchbase, SeedInvest)

● Angel groups and/or syndicates

Proprietary Deal Flow

Definition: Deals that never see the light of day - insider’s information shared with you by elite founders

and investors based on your network and reputation

How do you become an insider?

Step 1: Join an Angel Syndicate



Lead, experienced angel pools together $$ from other angels > takes a carry of ~20% of return

Appear on cap table as one entity represented by the syndicate lead


In the US, you can find angel syndicates on sites like AngelList, SeedInvest, and Funders Club


Need to be an accredited investor to join a syndicate

Buy in between $1000 to $2500 per deal


Whether you put in $1000 or $100,000 into a startup, you’re still an angel, reaping all that comes with that association >

increase your brand and build deep relationships with founders and other angels in your syndicate


New angels participate in 10 small angel syndicates before direct investing

● Build your reputation● Have a chance to build relationship with founders > prove worth● Jump-start network

Picking a syndicate

What characteristics should you look for when looking for syndicates to join?

Look for a syndicate with a lead that has been investing for at least five years and has at least one notable, unicorn


Look for a syndicate investing in a startup that

○ Has at least two founders (in case one quits)

○ Has a product or service that is already in the market

○ Has either (a) six months of continuous user growth or (b) six months of revenue

○ Has notable investors

○ Post-funding, will have eighteen months of cash remaining (aka runway)

How to behave in a syndicate

● Pick the brain of your syndicate lead and fellow syndicate members

● Meet with the founders at least once

● Write deal memos

Step 2: Launch Your Brand and


Building social currency with other angels

Take stock of the angels that are now in your network thanks to your participation in angel syndicates

Connect with them across platforms like LinkedIn, AngelList, Twitter, and Facebook

Engage with them across these platforms

Discover which investors you find most interesting

Reach out to the investors you find most interesting via email

Meeting with other angels/investors

During Meeting

Figure out what they invest in and why

Figure out what value they bring to startups

Communicate what value you bring to startups

Ask have you seen anything interesting lately?

Offer I just invested in these two startups, which are exceptional. Would you like to get introduced to the founders?

Logistics determine if they prefer double opt-in introductions or blind introductions

Post Meeting

Promptly email

● Thank them for their time

● Include a list of the ten startups you’ve invested in (include links)

● Ask them if they are interested in meeting any of your founders

Setting the stage for proprietary deal flow

Specific Angel

Tim, it was great getting coffee with you last week. I noticed you’re an angel investor in Tesla and I think they have

a really interesting vision of a carbon-free future. Was wondering, would you mind introducing me to Elon Musk?

I believe strongly in Elon’s vision and I’ve got two specific ideas that I’m positive will help improve Tesla’s

marketing and social media.

Network of Angels

Have you seen anything compelling recently?

Step 3: Meeting Founders

Pre-Meeting Research

● Look into founder background (LinkedIn)

● Review their product

● Understand the market they operate in

● Know who their competitors are (AngelList, Crunchbase)

● Know who else has already invested in the company (AngelList, Crunchbase)

The Meeting: Four Founder Questions

1. What are you working on?

2. Why are you doing this

3. Why now?

4. What’s your unfair advantage

The Meeting: Five Tactical Questions

1. Tell me about the competition

2. How do you make money?

3. How much do you charge customers?

4. How much does your average customer spend?

5. Tell me the top three reasons why this business might fail

The Meeting: Other Topics

● What stage is the product/service

● Market/size of opportunity

● Management team experience/holes

● Use of funds

● Other investors

First Meeting: Common Red Flags

● “We are the X of Y” (ex: FB, Uber, AirBnb)

● “We have no competition”

● “We need to know right away”

● “Tim Draper committed to us already”

● Argumentative founder

● Lack of market statistics

Deciding Who To Invest In

Four Investor Questions

1. Why has this founder chosen this business?

2. How committed is this founder?

3. What are this founder’s chances of succeeding in this business - and in life?

4. What does winning look like in terms of revenue and my return?

Ideal Founder Characteristics


Domain expertise

Startup experience

Management experience

Operating knowledge




(Even) temperament





Pre- vs. Post-Traction Startups

Pre-Traction No users or revenue

Post-Traction People using and sometimes paying for a product


● Post-traction there are market metrics you can evaluate and use to forecast

● Pre-traction there is less information > chances of losing $ are higher > *but valuations are lower to

reward you for taking this risk

Pre-Traction Phases of Progress

Back of the napkin

Basic research

Business plan


Functional prototype

Minimum viable product

Beta testing

Stealth mode

Getting in too early

Some observations about the market

● 99% of people who write an idea on the back of a napkin never do it

● 95% of people who write a BP never execute on it

● 90% of people who build a prototype never build an MVP

● 80% of people who do a beta test never incorporate

● 95% of people who run a successful beta never raise money

Add this to an 80-90% mortality rate of startups that do raise money

You want the people who are doing it, not the people talking about maybe doing it after you

fund them

Process: Deciding who to invest in

Company Name Rating Comment 2nd Round Comment 6 Months Out

Okay Why you’re not going to invest Raised $250k

Okay Why you’re not going to invest Shut down

Okay Why you’re not going to invest Shut down

Good Why you’re not going to invest Raised $600k

Good Why you’re not going to invest Shut down

Great Why they’re going to win Why you said no Shut down

Great Why they’re going to win Why you said yes Raised $1.5M

Writing Deal Memos

Angels don’t need to write deal memos, but they should

Deal memos force you to crystalize your thinking in the short term

Deal memos should cover:

● Why are you investing

● What you think the risks are

● What you think has to go right for the startup to return money on your investment

Review deal memos every time a given startup raises a new round of funding so you can test your original thesis and see if it

still applies

*For every startup you don’t invest in, write clear notes on the reasons why you passed, review these periodically as well

Saying Not Yet

When you decline a deal:

● Say “not yet” instead of “no”

● Ask founder to add you to their monthly updates


Give founders the ability to prove your wrong but still include you

Saying Yes

Have a solid startup attorney review documents for investing, giving you a brief summary of the deal and calling

out anything they find unusual. Double check that you have pro rata, and ask for that to be added if it’s not there.

Let the founders know how excited you are + that you look forward to getting their monthly updates

Schedule a quick-check in/coffee meeting with the founders a hundred days from then on your calendar + a one-year

follow-up call

Get your documents in order > try to get a copy of the cap table > file away signed docs in Dropbox

What if the round fills up before I commit?


Following Progress

Ask for monthly updates

● Keep track of them in a Google Sheet

● Read updates and send a short follow-up

● If you don’t get an update from a company for 2+ months check in kindly

Set up Google Alerts for founder, company, and competitors

Use the product

Share the product

Year Two

Year two is when many of the companies you’ve invested in begin to run out of runway

Bad founders are revealed quickly - they are no longer selling a promise, they’re selling their performance

Founders from strong companies will raise another round (likely from an institutional investor) based on their performance

Bridge Rounds

Talk to the founders about what the bridge will accomplish

Have the founders present goals and a vision for what the startup will look like when this new capital comes in

Goals/vision usually come in (3) flavors of *one magical event will save the startup*:

● Savior hire

● New feature

● Partnership

When presented with these strategies, ask yourself:

● Is it true that this one event will change their trajectory?

● Is it possible to reach that event given these additional resources?

Also look at:

● MRR growth - are they on a path to get to profitability?

● For consumer product, growth of users and engagement

Criteria for Follow-On Investments

● What’s changed since your initial investment?

● Who is pricing this round?

● Has the founder sent updates consistently?

● How many of the existing investors are participating in this round?

● Did the startup hit their stated goals over the past year?

● Will they send you a revenue/users since inception chart by quarter, month, week, and day?

● Ask for their monthly profit and loss since inception and talk to their outside accountant

De-escalating Problems

When a founder comes to you with a problem

● What is going on?

● Is there anything else I should know?

● What are you planning to do?

● How can I help

Do not speak for your portfolio company

If the press contacts you, do two things:

1. Forward mail to portfolio company FYI, let me know if you would like me to respond

2. Do not reply to the journalist! Even “I have no comment” can be twisted into a headline.

Never engage the press unless founders themselves ask you to

Different Flavors of Investment Thesis

Bet on people | Zuck, Holmes

Bet on problems | AirBnb, Uber

Bet on delight | Apple

Bet on markets | Pharma, Finance, Social

Bet on technologies | Blockchain, CRISPR

Selling Shares, Making Money

There are three ways to make money

All involve selling the shares you bought to another party down the road

1. IPO: Become a publicly traded company

2. Secondary Shares: Sell off shares to investors/PE pre-IPO

3. M&A:

○ Acquihire

○ Appropriate acquisitions

○ Premium sales *great companies are bought not sold (WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube)


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