startup shocker: bootstrapping for the non-geek

Post on 09-May-2015






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Try what's working wonders for me, and letting me re-invent myself. I am neither programmer nor designer, and after making enough of the wrong moves, please try what works. Please let me know if you are inspired - and particularly, which slide/message resonatedmost with you. Talk with me in G+ for hands-on help.



How to do itEven if you’re not a techie!

It can still be done.

Is this you, too?

You really need to live it, but it can be done.

I am a very non-technical guy, with just a liberal arts B.A. and only a couple moderately realistic startup ideas. The following are the most worthwhile things I did which made it possible for me to get my startup going, and helped me keep it going for the last 22 months.

Okay, so you're not technical?If you haven't lived the startup life yet, you may not be aware of all the things you can begin to do and be appreciated by your engineer counterpart(s) and brilliant designer - who are glad to leave those tasks and skill development to you. List what you can do. Write it all out and add to each skill links that show how you have done these things.

What are you bringing to the table?

Show them where your talents run deep

Build humility 3.0 in assessing all that you will probably never do as well as they people you will hire or partner with.

When startup people team up... ...capable programmers are the belles of the ball.

Everyone has an idea; few can do much with it - such as wireframe it, let alone build a working prototype themselves.

Wireframes? I wrote (“Area”) on my partner’s early wireframes, making the key we used toiterate with.

Someone needs to be fast, fluent and inspiring with design, too.

The most head-hunted when teams form is the coder.

Next, the brilliant designer with fluency in full stack web design languages proficiencies (and maybe mobile development experience as well).

No one believes that the lack of a bubbly people-person idea guy is going to stymie their project.

Expect to need to win over the people that you need.

Learn to speak geekStudy a programming language.MOOCs like Coursera, Udacity and Udemy have free courses!

Learn to communicate wellwith technical people.

Recruit a CTO good and early.

Meet programmers!

While you are most in need of a CTO who will be less likely to annoy your designer and programmers, you want to always to listening for people who would fill other roles well.

In all of them look for the following traits...

If they shy away from any of these requests... had better acceptthat your search for someone to fill a role is not over.

We thought we nailed it with this iteration.


Not even close, it turned out.

For a little free help starting up…

Find me in G+, we’ll video call. (I’m a talker, not a typer.)

To pitch a startup idea and build a team worldwide, make it CLEARLY original and launch it through

Once live in IW, bring it into the Startup Bootstrappers Google+ Community (find us and apply from personal account, not brand page, please)

So who am I?

I design social media tools that benefit publicists, marketing people and anyone aiming to reach more people, relevantly. I initiate and also join projects worldwide, bringing them the benefit of my experience in product and service design, user experience, PR, business modelling and startup project management.

I live in G+, talk with me in a video call:

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