state of the joomla project - where, what, now what

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Twitter: @AstroboySoup

State of the Joomla Project

I’m PeterI’m a Community

Leadership Team Member

I Podcast on Joomla Beat


Manage a team of developers

Joomla YogisJoomla World Conference 2014

State of the Joomla Project

• Where are things at…

• What is happening…

• Where next?

Where we are now

50,000,000+ downloads!!!

7445 Extensions

8 October 2015

22,906 code commits

8 October 2015

414 developers

8 October 2015

507,704 lines of code

Release 3.0

• First Fully responsive CMS with Bootstrap

• New Admin Interface

• New Front End Template Protostar

Release 3.1

• Tagging

• Show logs in debug console

• many more…

Release 3.2• Template manager

• HTML5 form attributes

• Microdata

• Removed Mootools dependencies

• TinyMCE 4.0

• Joomla Ajax Interface

• Two factor authentication

Whats happening Upgraded!!!

Certification Launching Soon

Joomla Showcase Rebuild

Extension Directory Team is growing, listening and changing continuously

New leadership organisation structure


Transition Team Formed

Automated testing working group,

automating testing to quality control code

Joomla User Group Rebuild

Magazine Redesign & Build

Where next?

Marketing forming the vision

Architecture Group Planning Joomla 4

Joomla 4 UX Team Formed

Joint UX & Architecture Sprint Right Now

Lets Localise!

Form Joomla Australia Association

• PR for Joomla in Australia • Pay for events • Help Grow Joomla Community

Lets Make It Happen

Thank you! Twitter: @astroboysoup

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