stations of the cross web ppt 3.ppt

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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Stations of the Cross

Walk with us


Jesus is condemned to death

Thousands of Sudanese refugees felt powerless to stop their villages being burned to the ground

as the conflict raged around them.


Jesus carries his cross

People in Tamil Nadu had the courage and perseverance to rebuild their lives after the tsunami.


Jesus falls the first time

Two years ago Margaret was earning a good living, then the factory she worked in closed down. Now, with no job, no money and rising food prices, she struggles to feed her



Jesus meets his mother

The love and compassion of foster mothers in Cambodia is sustaining children who have been

bereaved through AIDS.


Simon of Cyrene carries his cross

Returning refugees in Sudan often find that their homes have been destroyed and they have no means of making a living.

They have to rely on the help of others.


Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

Setrida is a volunteer who visits people affected by HIV and AIDS. She says: ‘I’m convinced I’m working for God by being a care giver. I feel that it’s a gift.


Jesus falls the second time

‘We had seen how our own people were suffering because of illness and that drove us to do something. We pray with

them. We comfort and encourage them.’


Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem

Kenyan women who lost almost everything in the drought are working their way out of poverty by joining hands and speaking up for themselves.


Jesus falls the third time

Surrounded by beauty and the wealth of natural resources, indigenous Bolivians still live in poverty.


Jesus is stripped of his garments

These Indonesians have been stripped of everything they own by an earthquake. ‘The devastation is

absolute. The area is unrecognisable.’


Jesus is nailed to the cross

In northern Kenya, many rural people are close to breaking point. ‘We were so disappointed; we had done our work, prepared the farms, but the rain didn’t come again. We wondered, ‘have we done something wrong to God?’.


Jesus dies on the cross

‘We tried to give my son the little food we had, but he had already got so weak that he was not eating,

or even drinking.’


Jesus’ body is taken down from the cross

In East Timor, many people risked their lives in the fight for independence.


Jesus’ body is laid in the tomb

A memorial to those killed in the struggle for land inspires Fr Henri to walk alongside those fighting for

land rights in Brazil today..


Jesus is raised from the dead

Change is happening. Lives are being transformed. We are filled with hope.

Stations of the Cross

Walk with us

Photos: James Alcock, Julie Bubbers, Annie Bungeroth, Vicky Cosstick,Frederic Courbet, Noel Garvin, Mike Goldwater, Caroline Irby, Paul Jeffrey, Thomas Omondi, Astrid de Valon

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