stephen pearson research information analyst university of manchester library

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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  • Slide 1

Stephen Pearson Research Information Analyst University of Manchester Library Slide 2 What does a bibliometrician do all day? Originally a 15-minute presentation = 900 seconds = 30 x 30 seconds (A sort of slightly more leisurely Pecha Kucha) 30 slides = introductory slide + 28 slides + closing slide 9-5 working day (minus lunch hour) = 28 fifteen-minute periods 1 slide = 1 fifteen-minute period Slide 3 Benchmarking departments Source: Keene Public Library and the Historical Society of Cheshire County via Flickr Commons Slide 4 Interdisciplinary research Source: Nationaal Archief (The National Archives of the Netherlands) via Flickr Commons Slide 5 Identifying likely applicants Source: US National Archives and Records Administration via Flickr Commons Slide 6 Bids for funding Source: LSE Library via Flickr Commons Slide 7 Ways of ranking journals Source: The Field Museum Library via Flickr Commons Slide 8 More ways of ranking journals Source: The Field Museum Library via Flickr Commons Slide 9 Basic training Source: LSE Library via Flickr Commons Slide 10 Specialist training Source: LSE Library via Flickr Commons Slide 11 Online training Source: LSE Library via Flickr Commons Slide 12 Additional local support Source: National Library of Wales via Flickr Commons Slide 13 Enquiries Source: State Library of Queensland via Flickr Commons Slide 14 Identifying networks Source: Nationaal Archief (The National Archives of the Netherlands) via Flickr Commons Slide 15 Internal assessment Source: Library of Congress via Flickr Commons Slide 16 Citation league tables Source: Library of Congress via Flickr Commons Slide 17 General league tables Source: Oregon State University Archives via Flickr Commons Slide 18 Business Engagement Source: Southern Methodist University, Central University Libraries, DeGolyer Library via Flickr Commons Slide 19 Internationalisation Source: US National Archives and Records Administration via Flickr Commons Slide 20 Cataloguing Source: LSE Library via Flickr Commons Slide 21 Donations Source: Library of Congress via Flickr Commons Slide 22 Purchasing Source: LSE Library via Flickr Commons Slide 23 Spreading the expertise Source: National Archives (CO 1069-514-14) via Flickr Commons Slide 24 Marketing the service Source: LSE Library via Flickr Commons Slide 25 Tailor-made clusters Source: National Library of Ireland (P_WP_1711a) via Flickr Commons Slide 26 Most highly-cited articles Source: National Archives (COPY 1/507/175) via Flickr Commons Slide 27 Altmetrics Source: Riksarkivet (The National Archives of Norway) via Flickr Commons Slide 28 Predicting citations Source: Powerhouse Museum via Flickr Commons Slide 29 Statistics dashboard Source: New York Public Library via Flickr Commons Slide 30 Library Strategy Source: Imperial War Museum via Wikimedia Commons Slide 31 So, what does a bibliometrician do all day? Services to Faculties and Departments (3 hours) Work with University colleagues (1 hour 15 minutes) Work with Library colleagues (1 hour 15 minutes) New tools and techniques (1 hour) Other duties (30 minutes)

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