sterowniki .net i c++ dla apache cassandra

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Prezentacja przygotowana przez dr inż. Pawła Kapłańskiego na Warsaw Cassandra User Group

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Sterowniki .NET i C++ dla Apache Cassandra

dr inż. Paweł Kapłański The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their

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CognitumAutoryzowany dystrybutor DataStax Enterprise w Polsce


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Semantics The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their

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Spis treści (Agenda)1. Cassandra

2. Jak działają stare sterowniki oparte o Thrift

3. Asynchroniczność

4. Binarny protokół klient-serwer w Cassandrze

5. Przykład (driver .Net)

6. Plany na przyszłość

7. Driver C++ The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their

respective owners.

Cassandra1. noSql – BigTable (Google 2005)

2. Stworzona w FB – obecnie Apache

3. Rozproszona

4. Skalowalna - Duże (100PB) dane

5. Obecnie już istnieją instalacje po 1000 nodów

6. Symetryczna (odporna na awarie)

7. Klaster (możliwość instalacji „multidatacenter”)

8. Elastyczna – duże możliwości konfiguracji

9. CQL – Cassandra Query Language – podobny do SQL The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their

respective owners.

Multidatacenter The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their

respective owners.

Typowa aplikacja (serwis www .Net) The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their

respective owners.

Ważne!1. Driver to nie tyko „smart socket” - posiada

rozbudowaną logikę działania2. Driver zarządza połączeniami do klastra

– load balancer3. Użytkownik nie musi martwić się o

połączenie i strategię – wystarczy ze użyje jednej z dostaraczanych np. RoundRobin

4. Driver potrafi automatycznie powtórzyć zapytanie w razie potrzeby

5. Można tworzyć własne strategie6. Lock-free (wysoka wydajność) The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their

respective owners.

Interfejsy C*: Thrift1. IDL (interface definition language)

2. Pozwala na automatyczne generowanie kodu w różnych językach

3. Sam Thrift to nie wszystko – trzeba obsłużyć zapytania do klastra

4. Zapytanie blokuje połączenie (podobnie jak zapytanie http) w oczekiwaniu na odpowiedź The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their

respective owners.

Interfejsy C*: Protokół binarny1. Operacje asynchroniczne

2. Pojedyncze polaczenie do 128 jednoczesnych zapytan

3. Lepsze wykorzystanie zasobów (połączenia są kosztowne)

4. Cassandra może lepiej optymizować

5. Wsparcie dla programowania asynchronicznego – powszechne obecnie w podejsciu client-server

6. Zdarzenia z Cassandy są „pushowane”

• zmiana schematu bazy

• zmiana w topologii klastra The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their

respective owners.

Wspierane języki1. Native Protocol Drivers (Datastax)

• Java driver (with ORM)

• .Net driver (Cql2Linq, ORM)

• Python

• C++ Driver – early stage of development The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their

respective owners.

Przykład – połączenie (driver .Net)1. public class NerdMovie {

[PartitionKey] public string Movie;

[ClusteringKey(1)] public string Director;

public string MainActor;

public int Year;


2. var cluster = Cluster.Builder().AddContactPoints("", "").Build();

3. using (var session = cluster.Connect("test")){ var nerdMovieTable = session.GetTable<NerdMovie>(); nerdMovieTable.CreateIfNotExists(); The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their

respective owners.

Zapytaniavar batch = session.CreateBatch();


new NerdMovie() { Movie = "Serenity", Director = "Joss Whedon", MainActor = "Nathan Fillion", Year = 2005 }));


new NerdMovie() { Movie = "Pulp Fiction", Director = "Quentin Tarantino", MainActor = "John Travolta", Year = 1994 }));


new NerdMovie() { Movie = "Zero Charisma", Director = "Katie Graham", MainActor = "Nathan Fillion", Year = 2013 }));

var query = from m in nerdMovieTable select m; The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their

respective owners.

Wywołanie synchronicznebatch.Execute();

var result = query.Execute();

foreach (var e in result)

Console.WriteLine("Movie " + e.Movie + "[" + e.Director + "]"); The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their

respective owners.

Wywołanie asynchroniczneManualResetEventSlim ev = new ManualResetEventSlim();

batch.BeginExecute((ar1) => {


query.BeginExecute((ar2) => {

var result = query.EndExecute(ar2);

foreach (var e in result)

Console.WriteLine("Movie " + e.Movie + "[" + e.Director + "]");


}, null);

}, null);

ev.Wait(); The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their

respective owners.

Co dalej? (driver .Net)Protokół binarny: wersja 2 (Cassandra 2.x)

- Batch

- Autentykacja poprzez SASL

- Lekkie transakcje – implementacja protokołu Paxos



- Strumieniowanie wyników The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their

respective owners.

Driver C++ (w drodze)

1. Wieloplatformowość (np. embedded)

2. Oparty o boost::asio3. Mała liczba zależności od innych

bibliotek The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their

respective owners.


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