steven's "road not taken"

Post on 14-Mar-2016






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A little stort story that just came to me one night in bed and started writing... and I'm no writer! lol


Steven's “Road Not Taken”

So most of you have heard of, or read, Robert Frost's poem “Road Not Taken”. It has been one of the most analyzed and interpreted poems ever, even the author was quoted saying “the poem's meaning is tricky, very-tricky”. Well to take what I get out of it, I will apply it to myself in “my life's decisions” point of view.

Let me review the last stanza...I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.

My analysis of the poem is life's choices at different times of life, and you will not know the ending of the meaning “sign, Somewhere ages and ages hence” since that will be the end of the 'road'... and then you can reflect on the 'road' you took.

With that being said, I'd like to share a story of my road not taken.

I was walking down a road which diverged into two, and I also was sorry I could not take both roads. I tried looking down both roads to see the condition of the paths, as far as the horizon. What I could tell was the first looked more difficult, with responsibilities, and rules that I was not yet ready to abide by. The other road looked a little easier, fun, relaxing, exciting... since I was a very young man at this time that was still searching deep into himself for his identity, I took that road.

The further I walked down this path I found these magical fruit that deadened my pain and even gave pleasure. As I looked around, there were other souls around me, keeping me company and enjoying this wonderful world. There was music, dancing, laughter, lust... but I could still fill this 'void' not being filled. Like everything else to man, there usually is just not enough... so I needed more and more to keep this feeling going. I soon learned that this feeling could not be sustained and the pleasure and painlessness was soon replaced with numbness and a different sadness. Even these other souls, I guess I will call them, were being plagued by this same force as I. Soon the beautiful lights and sounds of the night had faded away. It had become very dark. I found myself and the other souls getting lost and separated. We would try to call out to one another, but there was no understanding one another... as if speaking Babel. Soon I was cold and dark myself. What fruit I could find did hardly anything for me, but I had to have it or the pain would be Hell!

I needed a nap, just a break, so I found a bush to lie under and started to get some rest, when suddenly I heard a terrible sound, opened my eyes, only to see multiple pairs of red glowing eyes across the road! All I could make out were jackal like figures, but

could speak in a telepathic way, straight to my mind.“You rest, you vanish! There is no escaping, there is no where to go... don't you

know where you are?” Then they all start cheerfully barking and howling. “But don't be frightened my friend,” they said. “We know a better place to take you... your pain, despair, and loneliness will soon be forgotten! After all, we are all you have, look around, there's no one left.”

“As I was so desperate I started to follow, but I began to hear a voice grow louder through the trees, but I could barely understand it. “The creatures became very irritated and said “It's a trap, just keep walking!” But no, I could see a dim light and a voice that said “I know you, as you know me, and I love you... come through the trees, I will make a path for you... I have made many, but you did not see”, by this time the creatures became outraged!

“You will never make it!”,they said. “We are your strength, and He is a lie! If you leave us, we will do all in our power to make sure you NEVER leave those woods!”

Then the light said “I give you strength, but beware, those DEMONS are FURIOUS and will do all in there power to make your voyage difficult or even a failure... but that will be up to you.”

As I took my first step... well... as Frost said it best:

I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.

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