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Zimmer CSCI 330

Standard Template Library

Template Class - created with at least one class parameter, a symbol that serves as a placeholder for a specific data type.


A program has a stack of ints and a stack of chars: s1, s2Right now we would need two different stack ADT’s each incorporating a different data type

being “stacked” (an int stack, and a char stack):

StackIntClass s1;StackCharClass s2;

Instead, we would like to just have one ADT but create two different stack variables and indicate in the declaration the data type to use in the stack.

StackClass<int> s1;StackClass<char> s2;

// ORIGINAL stackClass.hclass StackClass{public: StackClass(int max); // max is stack size. StackClass(); // Default size is 500. ~StackClass(); // Destructor void MakeEmpty(); bool IsEmpty() const; bool IsFull() const; void Push(int item); void Pop(int& item);

private: int top; int maxStack; // Max stack items. int* items; // ptr to dyn alloc stack };


// NEW stackClass.h

template <class ItemType>class StackClass{public: StackClass(int max); // max is stack size. StackClass(); // Default size is 500. ~StackClass(); // Destructor void MakeEmpty(); bool IsEmpty() const; bool IsFull() const; void Push(ItemType item); void Pop(ItemType & item);

private: int top; int maxStack; // Max stack items ItemType * items; // ptr to dyn alloc stack};

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Zimmer CSCI 330

// ORIGINAL stackClass.cpp

StackClass::StackClass(){ maxStack = 500; top = -1; items = new int[500];}

StackClass::StackClass(int max){ maxStack = max; top = -1; items = new int[max];}

StackClass::~StackClass(){ delete[ ] items;}

void StackClass::MakeEmpty(){ top = -1;}

bool StackClass::IsEmpty() const{ return (top == -1);}

bool StackClass::IsFull() const{ return (top == maxStack - 1);}

void StackClass::Push(int newItem){ if (top <maxStack-1) { top++; items[top] = newItem; }}

void StackClass::Pop(int& item){ if (top > -1) { item = items[top]; top--; }}

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Zimmer CSCI 330

Becomes:// NEW stackClass.cpp

template<class ItemType>StackClass<ItemType>::StackClass(){ maxStack = 500; top = -1; items = new ItemType [maxStack];}

template<class ItemType>StackClass<ItemType>::StackClass(int max){ maxStack = max; top = -1; items = new ItemType [max];}

template<class ItemType>StackClass<ItemType>::~StackClass(){ delete[ ] items;}

template<class ItemType>void StackClass<ItemType>::MakeEmpty(){ top = -1; }

template<class ItemType>bool StackClass<ItemType>::IsEmpty() const{ return (top == -1);}

template<class ItemType>bool StackClass<ItemType>::IsFull() const{ return (top == maxStack - 1); }

template<class ItemType>void StackClass<ItemType>:: Push(ItemType newItem){ if (top <maxStack-1) { top++; items[top] = newItem; }}

template<class ItemType>void StackClass<ItemType>:: Pop(ItemType& item){ if (top > -1) { item = items[top]; top--; }}

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Zimmer CSCI 330

Function Style Parameters

Template must have at least one class parameter (may have more) May have function style parameters whose data type is built in or user defined separate parameters by commas

StackClass<int,5> s1;StackClass<char,12> s2;

Becomes:// NEW stackClass.h

template <class ItemType, int max>class StackClass{public: StackClass(); // Default size is max. ~StackClass(); // Destructor void MakeEmpty(); bool IsEmpty() const; bool IsFull() const; void Push(ItemType item); void Pop(ItemType & item);

private: int top; ItemType * items; // ptr to dyn alloc stack};

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Zimmer CSCI 330

Becomes:// NEW stackClass.cpp

template<class ItemType, int max>StackClass<ItemType, max>::StackClass(){ top = -1; items = new ItemType [max];}

template<class ItemType, int max>StackClass<ItemType, max>::~StackClass(){ delete[ ] items; }

template<class ItemType, int max>void StackClass<ItemType, max>::MakeEmpty(){ top = -1; }

template<class ItemType, int max>bool StackClass<ItemType, max>::IsEmpty() const{ return (top == -1);}

template<class ItemType, int max>bool StackClass<ItemType, max>::IsFull() const{ return (top == max - 1);}

template<class ItemType, int max>void StackClass<ItemType, max>:: Push(ItemType newItem){ if (top <max-1) { top++; items[top] = newItem; }}

template<class ItemType, int max>void StackClass<ItemType, max>:: Pop(ItemType& item){ if (top > -1) { item = items[top]; top--; }}

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Zimmer CSCI 330


Is a condition that must be true at a certain point in the program Can be used for debugging Must include cassert header file #define NDEBUG will disable asserts

//#define NDEBUG#include <cassert>

cout << "enter a number - not zero";cin >> num;assert (num!=0); // program halts and prints msg if num is 0x = 5/num;…

If assert fails then the following is output:

Assertion failed: num!=0, file xxx.cpp, line yyy


Zimmer CSCI 330

STL - Standard Template Library Data structures already created Dynamic implementation that grows and shrinks as needed Contribute to programming ease, robustness, storage efficiency STL is extensible - can be added to Need to include proper header files

3 Components:

Containers - collection of objects (data structure) Sequential data structures: (accessed by position)

vector - array that grows and shrinks (supports fast random access) deque – (double ended queue) array with efficient insertions/deletions at

the ends list - bidirectional linked list (supports fast insert & deletion)

Sequential container adaptors stack – LIFO queue – FIFO priority_queue – priority managed queue

Associative data structures: (accessed by a key) set - collection of nonduplicate keys multiset - set that allows duplicate keys map - collection of nonduplicate elements with access by a key multimap - map that allows duplicates

Algorithms - functions for processing containers contents copy sort search merge permute

Iterators - mechanism for accessing the objects in the container one at a time


Zimmer CSCI 330

Sequential Containers:

#include <vector>#include <list> #include <deque>

vector<string> svec; //empty vector to hold stringslist<int> ilist; // empty list to hold integersdeque<StudentClass> students; // empty deque for StudentClass

Basic Operations:

c.empty( ) returns true if container is empty, false otherwisec.size( ) returns number of elements in the containerc.push_back(e) adds element with value e to the end of the containerc.push_front(e) adds element with value e to the front of the container (only

valid for list or deque)c[i] subscripts an element in the container (only valid for vector

and deque) (Can only subscript if elements exist)

Examples: (vec1.cpp)

vector<string> v1 ;v1.push_back(“hello”);v1.push_back(“there”);v1.push_back(“world”);cout << v1.size( ); // prints 3cout << v1[0] << v1[1] << v1[2] ; // prints out the three strings


allows to examine and navigate through the elements in a container two iterator types that are common to all containers:

iterator const_iterator

two member functions for all containers that return an iterator:c.begin( ) returns a pointer to the first elementc.end( ) sentinel value - returns a pointer to element just beyond the

end of the container (not really an existing element)


Zimmer CSCI 330

Iterator Operations:

*iter Dereference the iterator to get to the element

iter->mem dereference iterator and fetch the member named mem

++iter increment iterator to reference next element

iter ++

--iter decrement iterator to reference the previous element


iter1 == iter2 check whether iterators are referring to same element

iter1!= iter2 check whether iterators are referring to different elements

>,<,<=,>= (these 4 relational op only valid for vector & deque)

iter+n reference element n elements from iter (only

iter – n supported by vector & deque)

Examples: (vec2.cpp)

vector<string> :: iterator iter;

vector<string>:: const_iterator c_iter;

iter = v1.begin( );

cout << *iter;

c_iter = v1.begin( );

cout << *c_iter;

*iter = “hi”; // OK

*c_iter = “Good bye”; // Error – can’t change element pointer to by const


cout << iter->length( ); // calls length( ) for string pointed to by iterator


Zimmer CSCI 330

Container Constructors: (vec3.cpp)

vector<int> v1; // create an empty container

vector<int> v2(4, 15); // create v2 with 4 el each with initial value of 15 (sequential containers only)

vector<int> v3 (v2); // create v3 as a copy of v2

vector<int> v4(8); // create v4 with 8 elements initialized (sequential containers only)

vector<int>::iterator b = v2.begin( );

vector<int>:: iterator e = b+2;

vector<int> v5(b, e); // create v5 with a copy of elements from b to e ( not including e)

Constraints on types that a container holds

element type must support assignment

element type must be able to copy objects of that type (copy constructor)


class Foo

{ public:

Foo(int i) { data = i; };


vector <Foo> empty; // OK: no need for a default constructor

vector<Foo> bad(10); // error: no default constructor

vector<Foo> ok(10,1); // OK: each element initialize to 1 by parameterized constructor


Zimmer CSCI 330

More Container Operations

c.insert(p , t) inserts element t before the element referred to by p. Returns an iterator referring to the new element

c.insert(p,n,t) inserts n copies of t before element referred to by p.Returns void

c.insert(p,b,e) inserts copies of the elements from b to (not including e) before the element pointed to by p. Returns void.

c.erase(p) removes the element referred to by p

c.erase(b,e) removes the elements from b to e

c.clear( ) removes all elements

c.pop_back( ) removes the last element

c.pop_front( ) removes the first element(only for list & deque)

Examples: (vec4.cpp)

vector<string> v1 ;




v1.insert(v1.begin( ), v1.begin( ), v1.end( ));

vector<string>:: iterator iter;

iter = v1.begin( ) +1;

v1.insert(iter, “hello”);

iter = v1.begin( ) +2;


iter = v1.begin( )+7;



Zimmer CSCI 330

// VECTORs (vec5.cpp)

#include <iostream>#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main( ){

vector<char> v;char ch;int i;

cout << "Enter 10 characters: ";for (i = 1; i<=10; i++){

cin.get(ch);v.insert(v.begin( ), ch); // inserts at the beginning


v.insert(v.begin( ), '('); // inserts ( in front of first characterv.insert(v.end( ), ')'); // inserts ) at the end of vector

cout << " Size = " << v.size()<< endl;cout << "Vector is ";for (i=0; i< v.size(); i++)

cout << v[i];cout << endl;

v.erase(v.begin( )); // removes first character

cout << " Size = " << v.size()<< endl;cout << "Vector is ";for (i=0; i< v.size(); i++)

cout << v[i];cout << endl;

return 0;}


Zimmer CSCI 330

// LISTs (list.cpp)

#include <iostream>#include <list>using namespace std;int main( ){ list<char> l; char ch; int i; list<char>::const_iterator x; // can't change the container list<char>::iterator y; // can change the container

cout << "Enter 10 characters: "; for (i = 1; i<=10; i++) { cin.get(ch); l.insert(l.end( ), ch); // inserts at the end }

l.insert(l.begin( ), '('); // inserts ( in front of first character l.insert(l.end( ), ')'); // inserts ) at the end of vector

cout << " Size = " << l.size()<< endl; cout << "list is "; x = l.begin(); while (x != l.end()) { cout << *x; x++; } cout << endl<<endl; l.erase(l.begin( )); // removes first character cout << "removed first char"<<endl; cout << " Size = " << l.size()<< endl; cout << "list is "; x = l.begin(); while (x != l.end()) { cout << *x; x++; } cout << endl<<endl;

l.reverse( ); // reverses the list cout << "reverse list"<<endl;

cout << "list is: "; x = l.begin(); y = l.begin(); for (i=0; i< l.size(); i++) { cout << *x; *y = 'Z'; x++; y++; } cout << endl <<endl;

cout << "list is after changed: "; x = l.begin(); for (i=0; i< l.size(); i++) { cout << *x; x++; } cout << endl<<endl;

return 0;

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Zimmer CSCI 330

Associative Containers:

#include <map>

#include <set>

#include <mutimap>

#include <mutiset>

set – used to store a collection of distinct values

ex: all words used in a document

map – used to store pairs of values (key and value pairs)

ex: all words used in a document along with their counts

Companion library type:

#include <utility>

pair – creates a data type of two values(data members: first, second)

make_pair(v1, v2) – creates and returns a pair datatype that has a pair(v1,v2)

– v1 & v2 datatypes are implied

Examples: (pair.cpp)

pair<string, string> author1 ("Randy", "Pausch");

cout << "Author 1: ";

cout << author1.first <<" "


pair<string,string> author2;

string fname, lname;

cout << "Enter author name: ";

cin >> fname >> lname ;

author2 = make_pair(fname, lname);

cout << "Author 2: ";

cout << author2.first <<" "


typedef pair<string, string> AuthorType;

AuthorType author3("James", "Joyce");

AuthorType author4;

author4 = make_pair("Robin","Cook");

cout << "Author 3: ";

cout << author3.first <<" "


cout << "Author 4: ";

cout << author4.first <<" "


return 0;


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Zimmer CSCI 330

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Zimmer CSCI 330

Associative containers:

do not have: front, push_front, pop_front, back, push_back, pop_back

do have: insert, erase, clear

elements are ordered by key – irrespective of the order added

Examples: (map1.cpp)

string word; map<string, int> word_count;// word_count["the"] = 1; // if it exists it is modified, //if it is new it is added

// cout << word_count["the"]<<endl;

cout << "Enter some words, q when done:" <<endl; cin>>word; while(word != "q") { word_count[word]++; cin>>word; } cout <<endl <<endl;

map<string,int>::iterator iter; cout << "Word Count is: " <<endl; for(iter=word_count.begin(); iter!=word_count.end(); iter++) { cout << iter->first << "\t"<<iter->second<<endl; }

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Zimmer CSCI 330

Basic Operations:

c.insert(e) inserts element e if e.first doesn’t exist.

If it does then the element is unchanged.

Returns an iterator referring to the new element.

c.insert(b,e) inserts copies of the elements from b to e (not including e)

using the same method as above. Returns void.

c.erase(k) removes the element with key k

c.erase(i) removes the element pointed to by the iterator

c.erase(b,e) removes the elements from b to e

c.clear( ) removes all elements

c[key] subscripts an element in the container returns the value if it exists.

If the key does not exist then it is added and value is set to “initial” value.

Example: (map2.cpp)

map <string, string> authors; string lname, fname;

cout << "Enter 5 authors' first and last name:"<<endl; for (int i=0; i<5;i++) { cin >> fname >> lname; authors.insert(make_pair(lname, fname)); // authors[lname] = fname; // last name is the key } cout << endl <<endl;

cout << "List of authors:"<<endl; map<string,string>::iterator iter; for(iter=authors.begin(); iter!=authors.end(); iter++) { cout << iter->first << "\t"<<iter->second<<endl; } cout <<endl <<endl;

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Zimmer CSCI 330

More about Iterators:

a generalization of a pointer each container has its own iterators

Operations: prefix and postfix increment (++) to move to the next data item prefix and postfix decrement (--) to move to the previous data item equal and not equal (== !=) to test if two iterators point to the same data item deference operator (* ) - Access to the data item

c.begin( ) - returns an iteration value "pointing" to first valuec.end( ) - returns a sentinel indicating the end of the data items

Constant or mutable iterators: constant iterator - does not allow you to change the data item at the iterator location mutable iterator - *p returns an lvalue (can change the data item)

Categories for iterators: (depends on the container) random access iterators: ++, --, and random access work on the iterator

bidirectional and move to offset ptr++, ptr--, ptr+2, ptr-3, ptr[3]

forward iterators: ++ works on the iterator (iter++)

bidirectional iterators: ++ and -- work on the iterator (ptr++, ptr--)

input iterator – Used for retrieving elements in a container & advancing forward (ptr++)

output iterator – Used for writing elements in container and advancing forward (ptr++)

reverse iterator – allows moving backwards (ptr--)

insert iterator – allows the insertion into a container.

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Zimmer CSCI 330

Example: vector has random access iterators

Declaration of mutable iterator variable:

using std::vector<char>::iterator;...iterator iter;

or std::vector<char>::iterator iter;

orusing namespace std;...vector<char>::iterator iter;

Declaration of constant iterator variable:

using std::vector<char>::const_iterator;...const_iterator iter;

or std::vector<char>:: const_iterator iter;

orusing namespace std;...vector<char>:: const_iterator iter;

Examples: (iter1.cpp)

vector<char> v1;vector<char>::iterator iter;

v1.push_back('A'); v1.push_back('B'); v1.push_back('C'); v1.push_back('D'); cout << endl <<endl; cout << "vector:"<<endl; for (iter = v1.begin( ); iter!= v1.end( ); iter++) cout << *iter <<endl; cout << endl << "v1[2]: ";

iter = v1.begin( ); cout << v1[2]<<endl; cout <<endl << "iter[2]: "; cout << iter[2] <<endl; cout << endl << "*(iter+2): "; cout << *(iter+2)<<endl;

iter++; cout << endl << "move iter, iter[2]: "; cout << iter[2] <<endl; cout << endl << "*(iter+2): "; cout << *(iter+2)<<endl; cout <<endl <<endl;

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Zimmer CSCI 330


sort (v.begin( ), v.end( )); // sorts in ascending based on operator <sort(v.begin( ), v.end( ), Compare) // sorts based on return value from compare.

can not sort listsbool Compare(element_type, element_type)


will overwrite the elements in the container with returns from GetInput( ) element_type GetInput(void )

Overwrites v.size elements

replace_if(v.begin( ), v.end( ), InValid, 10);replace_if(v.begin( ), v.end( ), InValid, GetInput);

will replace all elements that InValid( ) returns true with the value in the last parameter.

bool InValid(element_type)

A function call in the last parameter causes function to the called before replace_if( ) executes.

element_type GetInput(void )

for_each(v.begin( ), v.end( ), Print);

will call Print passing each element in the container void Print(element_type)

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Zimmer CSCI 330

// Example

#include <iostream>#include <list>#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;char GetInput();bool InValid(char c);void Print(char c);

int main( ){

list<char> l(5);int i;list<char>::const_iterator x; // doesn't change the containerslist<char>::iterator y; // does change the containers

generate(l.begin(),l.end(),GetInput);cout << " Size = " << l.size()<< endl;cout << "list is ";x = l.begin();while (x != l.end()){

cout << *x;x++;

}cout << endl;

replace_if(l.begin(), l.end(), InValid, 'Z');

x = l.begin();for (i=0; i< l.size(); i++){

cout << *x;x++;

}cout << endl;

for_each(l.begin(), l.end(), Print);

return 0;}

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Zimmer CSCI 330

char GetInput(){

char c;cout << "Enter a character: ";cin >> c;return c;


bool InValid(char c){

return ((c<'A') || (c>'Z'));}

void Print(char c){

cout << "Print: " << c << endl;}

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