stop a dog from digging – 5 effective methods to stop dog digging

Post on 08-May-2015






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To stop a dog from digging up the yard or garden can be hard because digging is a dog’s instinctive behavior. If you find out that your dog is responsible in ruining your marvelous landscaping job then it is time to learn how to stop a dog from digging right away.


Stop A Dog From Digging – 5 Effective Stop A Dog From Digging – 5 Effective Methods To Stop Dog DiggingMethods To Stop Dog Digging

To stop a dog from digging up the yard or garden can be hard because digging is a dog’s instinctive behavior. If you find out that your dog is responsible in ruining your marvelous landscaping job then it is time to learn how to stop a dog from digging right away.

Stop A Dog From Digging

The fact is that dogs will dig for a variety of reasons. If you keep your dog tied to a specific area then chances are they are getting bored very quickly. When they get bored, they dig. One of the main reasons I have noticed that my dog loves to dig is for the purpose of cooling off. He will dig just enough so that he can lie down in the hole comfortably. He has a dog house, but prefers the hole on a hot summer day.

Stop A Dog From Digging

If you keep your dog inside a fence and the holes you catch them digging are under or near the fence, then chances are your dog is trying to dig his or her way out to freedom. Some dogs dig in your gardens or flower beds because they are drawn to fertilizer. That special aroma that only a good fertilizer can deliver seems to drive them wild.

Stop A Dog From Digging

In addition, the dogs may simply be trying to hide their favorite bone or chasing after tiny animals that happen to pass their way. I know if my dog finds a bug on the ground he has no trouble digging to go after it. So, exactly how can you stop a dog from digging?

Stop A Dog From Digging

How to stop your dog from digging :• One of the most important things you can do is getting

your dog plenty of exercise. Dogs need all the exercise they can get. The more you can play with and walk your dog the better. You provide them with an outlet for their energy and it will help a lot.

• Blow up balloons and bury them around where the dog normally digs. The popping sound of the balloons will scare him off and he may not like to dig anymore.

Stop A Dog From Digging

• You can bury chicken wire in your dog’s favorite digging area so that when he digs there they will not like what they run into.

• Another method to stop a dog from digging is to spray him with water. The water spray from the hose will startle the dog and make him stop from digging. When you use this technique to reprimand him, you really have to be consistent with this method.

• When you are not around or cannot supervise your dog, don’t let him go to the yard. Put him on his crate until you can make him stop his habit of tearing apart your yard.

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Stop A Dog From Digging

The bottom line is, if you want to stop a dog from digging, you will have to find what works for you. If you have the room to do it, let them have a digging area and let them wear themselves out, because digging comes natural to your dog.


Stop A Dog From Digging

Learn How To Stop a Dog From Digging! Discover how to put an end to your dog's behavior problems once and for all using proven techniques that give you immediate results. Click :

Stop A Dog From Digging

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