stop prospecting tyre kickers

Post on 21-Oct-2014






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A tyre kicker is very simple, it is a term to describe someone who is just a big waste of time. They are kicking

the tyres because they just cannot to bothered to learn who to put the tyre back on the wheel.

Have you ever tired to ride a bike without any tyres, you will wear yourself out and go nowhere quickly. You will be

expending a lot of effort for very little return.

Many people try to justify their bad attitude by claiming they have been hard done by and life has just not treated

them well. They feel they deserve a hand out to compensate for their hard life.

Surely if life has been so bad to them, if an opportunity presents itself that can potentially change their life surely they would grab it as quickly as they can. However that is not the case, instead all the excuses come out why they

cannot do it, anything to avoid real effort to change their circumstances. They are always looking for the things that are going to give the maximum return for minimum effort.

When contacting people who have responded to a business opportunity advertisement, many of them just want to know how much the investment will be as they

say they have no money to invest. These people are known as tyre kickers! Instead of taking a few minutes to find out about the legitimacy of the opportunity and the

person who is presenting them with the information, they jump straight to how much it will cost.

For people who expect something for nothing who feel life owes them a favor because of what they have been

through, there is a simple equation which is 0 + 0 = 0.

The investment in any opportunity is the floor not the ceiling, it is just the doorway into the opportunity, so you can potentially earn 6 & 7 figures. However tyre kickers

will never understand that.

Tyres kickers are the people that say they are going to do something and take action, but they never move. They are

stagnant like a boat on a river with no current.

Surprise surprise, tyres kicker have also done something like this and never made any money, or they know

someone who tried something similar.

Tyre kickers always blame someone else instead of taking responsibility of their short comings. It is a lot easier to

look outwardly than it is to look inwardly.

\"I used to make over 100,000 a year in my previous career,\" as they are on their way to sign on at the benefits

office to sign for their government cheque; Tyre Kicker!

\"Convince me about your business opportunity and I might get involved if it does not take up to much of my

time\". Like that\'s going to happen; Tyre Kicker!

\"Give me your website and you can get back to me\", yeah right do you think I really do not have anything better to do than to chase people into my business? Tyre Kicker!

\"If the products are so good, why can\'t I have the products for free and when I sell them, then the company will make money and so will I\", move away from me you

Tyre Kicker!

The difference between the rich and poor is mindset, it has nothing to do with skin colour, social background,

education level or anything like that.

The majority of business opportunity seekers who respond to ads are going to be tyre kickers, however that small

percentage who are not, are the people you are looking for.

The internet however has change everything, now you can laser target specific groups of people through various online strategies and the result of that is people start

looking for you. So these people are no longer considered as biz pop seekers but they are true hot prospects because

they have already started taking steps themselves to finding something to change their situation.

These are the people that are ready to be helped and now you have the opportunity to add value to them and show them how through your help and following simple steps, they too can build a business. It helps to take that fear of

failure that most people have and turn it around into confidence to build.

Once they understand that they will not be left alone, plus you know what you are talking about or you can connect

them to the right information, they will then join you.

The saddest thing is that many people who call themselves mentors do not want to go through this process because their only concern is to get a sign up. I can\'t think of a

quicker way to fail than that.

To make true long term sustainable income it is going to be as a result of you helping many people, because if you can

help enough people get what they want in life then you will get what you want.

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