story of ryze - draft

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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The Story Of Ryze

You’re about to absorb something that’s worth sitting up and paying attention to.

Breathe deep& get ready, ‘cause this shit matters.

The world is lost.

People in our cities learn from parents, then from teachers,

and then…

then what?


Then they’re lost, directionless.

Our giant urban communities are brimming with peeps who’re hungry

to make a difference…

…they’re ready, willing, and eager to breathe new life into the


They have tons of talent and ideas.

They’re missing something of emergency importance,and many don’t even know it.

What are they missing?

No, it's not 'money'.No, it's not 'time'.

We’re talking about smart, talented people –

These are the people who could easily save us all time & make us all money…

… if they put their minds to it.

No, that’s not what’s missing…

They’re missing something far

more important:

They're missing the fucking heart and focus needed to

accomplish anything powerful.

These born ‘ballers, have almost given up…

…and the economy is showing it.

Our world is going to hellif our most genius members

remain held down.

These are the creatives; these are the founders;

these are the unique rebels who break-the-mold and take us all


And they’re all lost.

They're all withering away in the dark.

Literally, untapped human resources.

So what do we - as a society –do about it?

Oh sure… there’s some band-aid solutions around.

People are trying, but sadly,they fall short of the mark.

·       There’s personal development books like, The Secret.

·       There’s programs, like “Because I’m A Girl”.

·       There’s even well-known life-coaches like Tony Robbins, Joel Osteen,

or Dr. Phil.

But these are mostlyirrelevant and out-dated.

Marie Forleo and Brendon Burchard are the closest thing to mentors we have right now, and

honestly... they're pretty shy about their wisdom, and tame in their


Chances are you’ve never heard of them.

They’re mind-blowingly amazing people, uplifting many…

…but they’re not really “talkable.”

They do very well for themselves.


They don’t really penetrate society.

·      They don’t swear.

·      They don’t’ get huge chunks of our society, like video games, porn, or drugs.

·      They stay distanced from pop culture.

·      They don’t swear.

·      They don’t’ get huge chunks of our society, like video games, porn, or drugs.

·      They stay distanced from pop culture.

And they don’t speak out to the truly underserved:

They don't reach out to the blockbuster, committed geniuses.

The world needs to tap into the creative, unique, talented individuals like musicians,

artists, models, gamers, bloggers, inventors, etc.

These people launch us all forward,they always have, and now we have so many of


…mostly clueless.

Creatives are walking, talking entertainment industries.

They’re singing, dancing empires, waiting to happen.

They’re all entrepreneurs.

These are people who wanna spread their wings and soar, and they’re done with being a


And they’re oh-so-talented.

These people literally make us all feel better when they shine.

And they’re basically ignored.(Especially in my home town, Toronto, Canada.)

And it breaks my heart.

They need guidance, and they need itfrom someone who “gets” them.

There's a huge gap in the world for a blend of…

…zen-wisdom & urban-pop.

This gap exists because no one’s ever really combined them together.

Or have they?

·       What if the gap’s already been filled… and we don`t even know it.

·       What if there’s a guy who’s naturally gifted with wisdom, heart, & fun?

·       What if he’s so open & accepting, that he could speak to anyone who listened & truly

move them?

And an even better question...

What if you had the chance to have a guy like that in your corner?

What if you had a chance to connect with him &

be a part of a legend?

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