stress management for managers...2011/05/14  · stress management for managers patrick ducharme...

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Stress Management

For Managers

Patrick DuCharme Employee Assistance Office

(608) 263-2987


Common stressors, contributing factors & impacts of stress Self-assessment & goal setting Tips, ideas, suggestions

• How many of you have ever experienced a stressful time?

Overview continued

• How many of you have ever: -downhill skied/snowboarded? -skate or paddle boarded? -walked on a balance beam? -gone surfing or rock climbing? -driven in fog or on black ice?

• What do you have to do in all of these?

Relax, breathe calmly, be present…

Do you tend to react or respond?

• When stressed we are more likely to react

emotionally at work & home (fight-flight) • When we manage (balance) our stress we

are better able to respond to others in a reasonable, nonreactive manner.

• This helps to develop/maintain a more

respectful, collegial & collaborative atmosphere in the workplace.

Contributing factors to stress in the workplace

Pressures to be effective, do more, meet unmet needs Service oriented, caretaker personalities Resources (budget, personnel, etc.) Change Colleague Differences Communication/interactions with others

Transition Grid Internal/Self

Resistance Exploration

Denial Commitment

Endings Neutral Zone New Beginning


Time Model by William Bridges

Presentation Notes
This is a model by William Bridges. It shows how employees go through transitions at work. Managers and supervisors go through this process as well. In the denial stage the transition hasn’t started yet. With the realization change is happening, the stress level increases until the change is starting to be accepted. Endings: letting go of the way things were and what they used to be. They let go of their past identity and purpose. You may see denial, anger and grief during this stage. Don’t be surprised by overreaction. Define what is over and what isn’t. Neutral Zone: in-between state of uncertainty and confusion. Feel stuck for a while, adrift. Particularly difficult during mergers and acquisitions when things are in limbo and don’t know what will happen. Some people move ahead too fast and others can’t let go. You may see more ambivalence, anxiety rises and motivation falls, productivity decreases and mistakes increase. Miscommunication can occur and priorities get confused. Then glimmers of hope appear. Normalize what people are experiencing. Encourage input, and questions. Reinforce the connection to the big picture Beginnings: the stage where people get a new direction and sense of purpose. People get here at different times; some may never get here. As a manager/leader- role model the change, Give people a part to play, celebrate and reward successes

During change people can feel a loss of:

• Routine & predictability

• Security (personal & job)

• Control/influence

• Relationships

• Identity, role or territory

• Commitment & good feelings about work

• Future (yours & colleagues)

Colleague Differences

Intro/extroverted, collaborative, competitive, flexibility, resilience, life/work experience, personality, learning/thinking style, age, gender, ethnic, racial, religious, cultural, etc.

Cumulative stress can have major impacts in our Lives

• Retirements, increased benefit deductions, vacancies, workload, customers, colleagues

• Budget reductions/constraints (at work & home)

• Email, voicemail, phone & computer time drains

• Personal/family (medical, parenting, $, eldercare)

• Societal issues (financial, violence, political, etc.)

↑ Personal &/or Workplace Issues (conflicts, drug or alcohol use, performance, physical/mental toll)

What’s above the surface

What’s below

How do you know when you are stressed?

•What do you notice about yourself?

•Can you tell when other people are stressed?

•What do you notice?

Effects of stress & uncertainty:




Physical • Tension • Shallow breathing • Head & muscle aches • Restlessness • Foot, leg or finger movements • Fatigue • Appetite, digestive & weight changes • Sleep problems • Pounding heart, rash, colds, flu, etc. • Additional?

Psychological & Emotional

• Mood fluctuations • Memory &/or concentration problems • Little joy or sense of accomplishment • Discouraged, depressed • Overwhelmed, full or racing mind • Sadness, crying • Frustration, irritability, anger • Feeling anxious, nervous laughter, worry • Negative attitude or self-talk • Lethargy, boredom, spacing out, burned out • Additional?

Relational • Withdrawal, silence, not participating (home &

work) • Less contact with or avoidance of friends,

family & colleagues • Isolation, loneliness • Reduced level of, or lack of intimacy • Resentment & distrust can build • Lash out, criticize or nag others • Additional?

Reflect & Write Down:

1. What work or personal stressors are affecting you the most?

2. What feelings do these stressors generate in you?

3. What internal or external barriers, challenges or reasons interfere with you effectively addressing these stressors?

4. What internal/external assets, allies or resources are available to help you cope?

Reflect & Write… 5. What has helped you in the past to contend

with stress?

6. What has been the “slippery slope” or reasons leading to another build up of stress? Is there anything you get out of staying stressed (sense of purpose, being needed, distraction from other issues, keeping busy, etc.)?

7. What is one realistic goal you can set?

8. What first step will you take to accomplish your goal?

Energy Balance?

• Draw a line down a sheet of paper. On the left side label it Energy Deposits & on the right side Energy Withdrawals.

• List things, people or activities that: -feel good, replenish/restore you -deplete/drain you

• Do you have an energy surplus, balance or deficit?

Strategies to manage requests & own desires

• Learn to pause & consider before responding or acting on a request or your own desire to do something at home/work.

• Reflect & ask yourself: -Am I the best person/resource to do this? -Would a referral/collaboration make sense? -If I do this, what goes lower on the priority list? -What barriers or challenges present? -What assets, partners or opportunities available?

Strategies continued…

• Dialog with supervisor/colleagues to do CPR: – Clarify responsibilities, expectations, deadlines – Prioritize tasks – Realistically plan for deadlines & workloads

• Schedule & protect time for email/other tasks. • Break large tasks into manageable portions. • Mutual support agreements (↑positive activities

& interactions, ↓negative thinking/talking). • Take breaks & use lunch time to move, stretch,

hydrate, eat, read, listen to music, laugh, etc.

To increase success with others • Practice effective communication skills such as

active listening & being clear/direct.

• Address problems early & directly.

• Remain calm & breathe adequately in stressful situations.

• Instead of demanding or an either/or approach try words like “I wonder, I’m curious, let’s try, let’s find out, trial period & experiment” to increase collaboration & collegiality.

• As you think/communicate reduce words like “should, ought, must, have to” & replace with “wish, prefer, would like, want to, chose to.”

Success continued…

• Model the approach & mind set you want to see. It helps to positively influences the process/others

& increases the chance of success.

• Practice the following as much as possible (feels good & increases chance others may do also):

-Open -Collaborative -Positive -Creative -Encouraging -Appreciative -Energetic

Self-care actions:

• Percent stress reduction here + percent there = significant reduction

• Get adequate sleep • Include physical activity or exercise • Increase time with enjoyable activities/people • Interrupt & reframe negative thoughts, distract self

with positive thoughts, activities, people • Breathe adequately, especially in stressful situations • Practice slight smile, like saying “Good morning” • Read, listen to music, laugh & get outdoors • Try yoga, tai chi, meditation, breathing exercises • Take breaks from news, internet, phone, etc. • Limit caffeine , nicotine & alcohol

Time management tips • Write down what you did all day to

understand where the time went • Recognize/reduce time wasters • Group/do similar activities together • Use to do lists • Schedule blocks of time • Use “in-between” time constructively • Plan tomorrow today • Do one thing at a time • Learn to set limits • Delegate/share when possible • Realistically schedule tasks &

appointments • Avoid/block interruptions • Use technology

The ability to persevere & adapt when things go awry

Stress management helps us with resiliency

You’ve Coped Successfully Before & You Can Again!


It helps ensure you’ll be better able to cope, do your work & be a good family member & friend.

You can consult with UW Employee Assistance (608) 263-2987, or contact your organization’s EAP or health provider.

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