structural/physical adaptations coloration mimicry odor glands beaks feet wings fur ears spines...

Post on 11-Dec-2015






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Structural/Physical Adaptations

colorationmimicryodor glands beaksfeetwings

furearsspinesteeththorns characteristics of seeds


Using color to hide from predators or warn predators not to eat that animal. They can also be used to attract a mate or insects and other animals to aid in pollination.

Flowers use color to attract insects and other animals to aid in pollination


The resemblance of one organism to another or to an object in its surroundings for concealment and protection from predators.

Odor glands

Animals and plants use scents to attract mates, fend off predators and rivals, and attract insects and other animals to help them pollinate other flowers.


These are a birds mouth. The shape and size are related to how they get their food.

FeetAnimals have feet that have adapted to their needs. Examples are feet for swimming, catching prey, holding on to surfaces, running, holding great weights, balancing, and weight distribution on soft surfaces like sand, mud , and snow.


This adaptation allows animals to fly, which helps them get food, flee and live far from predators, balance and swim for some. Many even use them as camouflage.


Fur’s purpose is to insulate from cold or too much heat, as camouflage, to signal danger, to protect the skin, and to sense the immediate surroundings.


Ears are used for hearing sounds from a distance, navigation, listening for mating calls, receiving

communications sounds, and receive warnings of danger.

SpinesThese are used to keep animals up right, defense,

swimming, and protecting the spinal cord.

TeethDifferent kinds of teeth have different jobs. Some are sharp for biting and tearing meat. Others are flat and square for chewing

plants. Some have needle like teeth for injecting venom.

Some even use them for defense and the right to have a mate.


Thorns are a hard sharp part of a plants stem meant to protect the plant stem from harm or from animals eating it fruit.

Umbrella Thorn Tree

Characteristics of SeedsPlants have developed lot of ways to spread their seed around their environments. Four major ways are: by air, by water, by animals,

and by land.

Light thin fibers One wing buoyant coconut

Animals eat or carry fruit and seeds to other places on or in their bodies.

Some have hard shells that protect them when they fall to

the ground and may even bounce allowing them to roll to

a new location.

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