sts. peter and paul catholic church · 2019-06-02 · church save the date—june 29 june 29 is a...

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STS. PETER AND PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH 66192 St. Mary Drive Pearl River, LA 70452

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Father Jerry Daniels—Pastor

A Parish of Deanery X, Very Rev. Wayne Paysse, Dean

MASS SCHEDULE: 5:00 p.m. Saturday Vigil 7:00, 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Sunday Morning No Mass Monday 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 6:30 p.m. Wednesday

HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE: Vigil and Holy Day Mass times vary; please see bulletin.

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. Saturday 6:00 to 6:15 p.m. Wednesday or by request

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Usually the third Sunday of the month (except during Lent) following 10:30 a.m. Mass. Please call the Parish Office for registration forms at least three weeks in advance.

SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: By appointment with the parish priest or deacon a minimum of six months in advance. No other arrangements should be made before contacting the pastor.

FUNERAL ARRANGMENTS: Families should contact the priest (office) before making arrangements.

COMMUNION FOR THE ILL, HOSPITALIZED & SHUT-IN: Please call the Parish Office so they may be added to the visitation list.

SPECIAL DEVOTIONS: Tuesday: St. Jude Novena immediately following 8 am Mass Thursday: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena following 8 am Mass Thursday: Patriotic Rosary in church at 7 pm First Friday: The Most Blessed Sacrament & Eucharistic Adoration following 8 am Mass until 5 pm closing with Benediction

Permanent Deacons:

Antonians: (Assistance) 985-863-7646 (leave message)

Bulletin Editor: Amy Fandal

CCD Coordinator: Mary Kittel

Development & Fundraising: Terri Schallenberg 290-0472

Facility Custodian: Brian Tracey

Parish Secretary: Bonnie Milczarek

Office Hours: Monday

1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Tuesday—Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Telephone: Parish Office


Fax: 985-863-5431

Parish Mission Statement: It is the mission of our Church

Parish to follow the commands of Jesus to Saints Peter and Paul:

“Feed My Sheep” and “Carry My name among the nations.”

New Parishioners: The pastor and members of

Sts. Peter and Paul welcome you! Please register by filling out a cen-sus form located at the entrances

of the church and return to the church.

Bulletin Deadline: Office requires information no later than Monday 2 weeks

before publication.

Feet On The Ground “Until next week, keep your feet on the ground

and keep reaching for the stars!” Not today’s scrip-tural wisdom, but legendary DJ Casey Kasem’s sage advice, heard across America for generations, Amer-ican Top 40’s challenging sign-off. Though Casey was not quoting scripture, today’s Acts of the Apos-tles offers similar advice. As Jesus ascended, disci-ples “were looking intently at the sky.” Would we not prefer a soul-relaxing gaze into peaceful blue skies to a heart-breaking focus on this blood-stained earth? But heavenly questioners asked Jesus’ first disciples, “Why are you standing there looking at the sky?” Earth awaited their mission! While our hearts should “keep reaching for” Heaven, we need to “keep our feet on the ground.” Ascension’s scrip-tures and the Jubilee of Mercy remind us: the Jesus we revere as “ascended into Heaven” lives right here among us on earth, awaiting our recognition and loving service.

First Friday June 7 Mass will be celebrated at 8:00 a.m. on

First Friday in honor of The Most Blessed Sacrament. At the conclusion of Mass, Ado-ration of the Blessed Sacrament will begin and continue until Benediction at 5:00 p.m.

Sign-up sheets for Adorers are at church’s main entrance.

Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention “That priests, through the modesty and humility

of their lives, commit themselves actively to a soli-darity with those who are the most poor.”

A Gardner’s Creed One is nearer God’s heart in a garden than any-

where else on Earth. Anonymous

Offertory Giving Christ Our Lord, risen Lord, light of the world,

to You be all praise and glory! Shine Your light on us this Easter season so that we may reflect brilliant-ly the glory of Your Resurrection. Make us a bless-ing for those who suffer, live in fear or who are overwhelmed by life. Let the Spirit fill our hearts with Your loving presence so that we may become good stewards of Your Gospel out of love for You who, for our sakes, lived, died and rose from the dead; You who live and reign with Your Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen

Financial Report The financial report for May 26 will be pub-

lished in next weekend’s bulletin due to the early publishing deadlines for the Easter holidays.

Building and Maintenance Fund Next weekend’s second collection will

be the Building and Maintenance Fund.

Memorial Bricks

Ascension Of The Lord

June 2, 2019 Vol. XXXV, No. 22


GASPP—Monday at noon in Parish Hall

Legion of Mary—Monday 5:00 p.m. in St. Antho-ny Hall

Tuesday Morning Rosary—Tuesday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass and the St. Jude Novena in St. An-thony Hall

Antonians—7:00 p.m. in St. Anthony Hall

RCIA Tracks I & II—Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in classrooms Patriotic Rosary—Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Church

Save The Date—June 29

June 29 is a very important date for Sts. Peter and Paul Church. First, we are celebrating the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul in the weekend Masses. Sec-ond, the Vacation Bible School Program will high-light the activities and events of our VBS students. Third, it is our last chance to say “Farewell” to Father Jerry Daniels as our pr iest.

We will have a covered dish dinner after Mass on Saturday, June 29, about 6:00 p.m. We ask that each family bring a dish to feed at least 10 people. The church will provide the meat and drinks. Mark the date on your calendars so you will not forget to come to this most important event of our summer!

Winged Faith Faith furnishes prayer with wings, without which

it cannot soar into Heaven. St. John Climacus

Sts. Peter and Paul Vol. XXXV, No. 22 3

Mass Intentions Requested Monday, June 3 (Acts 19:1-8; Jn 16:29-33)

No Mass Scheduled Tuesday, June 4 (Acts 20:17-27; Jn 17:1-11a)

8:00 a.m. Noel Cusimano, Sr.† Wednesday, June 5 (Acts 20:28-38; Jn 17:11b-19)

6:30 p.m. Purgatorial Society Thursday, June 6 (Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Jn 17:20-26)

8:00 a.m. Arnold Rodrigruez† Friday, June 7 (Acts 25:13b-21; Jn 21:15-19)

8:00 a.m. Jane Salzer† Saturday, June 8 (Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Jn 21:20-25)

5:00 p.m. Deacon Pat Downey†, Tina Mangano†, Louis Joseph Mangano Jr.†, Lee & Yvonne Tracey†, Roszczynialski/Stottman Family, Joseph D’Antoni Jr.†, Ken & Adele Salzer†, Pat Langsford, Deacon Richard Calkins†, Rosemary Poche†, Dru Higginbotham†, Cleve Godwin†, Johnny Ragusa†, Louis Mangano Sr.†, Ramon Garay Sr.†, Marcelle Ernewein†

Saturday, June 9 Pentecost (Acts 2:1-11; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13; Jn 20:19-23)

7:00 a.m. Maurice Bersuder, Sr.† 8:30 a.m. Deacon Pat Downey†, Andrew Lambert†,

Lee Fandal†, Drauzin Bourgeois†, Kelly Roszczynialski, Joseph Purcella Jr.†, Larry Laughlin, Maurice Poche†, Harry Guy Ricard Jr.†, Jessie O’Dell†, Steve Koch

10:30 a.m. People of the Parish

Tabernacle Lamp This week the Tabernacle lamp in the Sanc-

tuary burns in memory of Deceased Members of the Antonians.

Pray For The Sick Audrey Bonnet, Diana Bradshaw, JoAnn Brewin,

May Caballero, Shirley Callais, Wallace Craddock, Pa-tricia Cuccia, Dotsy Chedville, Mae Belle Ducote, Car-roll Fourcade, Dick & Bonnie Holmes, Virgie Hurstell, Allen Jagneaux, Maria Kalcic, Gloriette Kiern, Pam King, Elizabeth Kittel, Pat Langsford, Larry Laughlin, Carlene Ragusa, Ed Roszczynialski, Mary Salzer Brown, Cathy Smith, Lorraine Steilberg

Treasures From Our Tradition The mystery of the Ascension has to do with

holding in tension a sense of God’s nearness, along with the burden caused by apparent signs of ab-sence. The risen Jesus says to Mary Magdalene, “Do not cling to Me,” perhaps pointing out to her that His physical presence to the disciples was time-bound and temporary. It was a gift for their transformation, and after forty days, He vanished from their sight and hearing, though never out of their consciousness.

They do not mourn at His going this time: there is no trace of the disciples who hid in fear at His Crucifixion, no sense of the women who wept softly as they carried ointments to the tomb through the dewy morning light. Instead, the scriptural accounts show them full of joy, comforted by His promise to be with them forever, and open to the Spirit’s pow-er. They are joyful, energized, aware and united with one another in love. They seem to grasp an awareness that if the mission to the whole world was a serious one, then the presence of the Risen Christ could not be pinned down to any one place or time, but had to be always and everywhere completely available. All peoples, all times, all cultures were opened to receive Him in this moment of the Ascen-sion. The energy of this feast is drawn not from ab-sence, but renewed and deeper presence.

James Field

Mass For God’s Special Children The Mass for God’s Special

Children will be held Sunday, June 2, at 2:00 p.m. at St. Francis Xavier Church, 444 Metairie Road, Me-tairie. For information, contact Joy Zainey at 504-834-5865 or visit The Knights of Co-lumbus and Daughters of Isabella will host their An-nual Luau after Mass.

What I Owe Him The chief service I owe You in my life, as I well

know, O God, all powerful Father is that every word and thought of mine should speak of You. The power of speech that You gave me can give me no greater pleasure than to serve You by preaching, showing an ignorant world that You are the Father, whose only Son is God.”

Hilary of Poiters

Lord, Teach Me To Pray Are you a woman or man of prayer? Are you

comfortable with small groups? On June 22, St;. Pi-us X Parish (6666 Spanish Fort Blvd., New Orleans) will host a Facilitator Training–Retreat for the “Lord, Teach Me to Pray” prayer series. There is no charge. It will be conducted in a retreat setting and discernment atmosphere. Come discern if God is calling you to become a facilitator! If you are simply interested in learning more about Ignatian Prayer and the LTMTP prayer series, you are also invited. For details and registration, contact Dianne Caverly at 504-283-9292 or For regis-tration forms, visit

Men’s Road To Emmaus Retreat Put aside the “hustle and bustle” of daily life and

attend the men’s Emmaus retreat the weekend of July 19-21. The retreat is held at Rosaryville Spirit Life Center in beautiful, peaceful Ponchatoula. The retreat is based on the scripture in Luke 24 and is an uplifting experience that has a profound effect on men’s lives. The retreat begins at 5:00 p.m. Friday and ends after the 5:30 p.m. Mass on Sunday. For those on the South Shore round trip transportation is provided from St. Dominic Church. Pray on this op-portunity. Something special definitely awaits you at Rosaryville! For additional information: contact Norman Madere at 504-481-0411 or Johnny Fisk at 504-427-6601.

Healing The Hearts August 2-4 Our journey with Christ leads us down rocky

roads. It is not always easy and we tend to make choices that are sometimes better left alone. This retreat will focus on ten themes. While meditating on each theme, we will open ourselves for healing through Scriptures and song. It will be a Charismatic weekend with praise and worship, prayer room and workshops on the gifts. There will also be a closing Mass Sunday. Register at 225-294-5039 or email Cost $200.00.

Please Support Our Sponsors


Metairie 888-1772 Slidell 649-1144 Chalmette 277-4769

Sts. Peter and Paul Vol. XXXV, No. 22 4

Sts. Peter and Paul Vol. XXXV, No. 22

In Between In between: we all find ourselves there from time

to time—sometimes uncomfortably. Like in between money coming in and money going out, earning in-come and paying bills. In between customer and manager, diner and chef: any honest server trying to serve both. In between theory and practice, ideal and reality: everyone from parents to pastors. Ask the kids—or parishioners! This Sunday, in between As-cension and Pentecost, reminds us we are in between Jesus’ departure and glorious return—sometimes uncomfortably. Though Jesus promises in Revela-tion, “I am coming soon,” Acts shows Stephen tragi-cally called home first. But Pope Francis urges us not to become “sourpusses,” as if living Gospel love is impossible in between. Today’s Gospel shows Jesus praying for those about to betray, deny and desert Him, but also praying “for those who will be-lieve in Me through their word.” Us! “So that they” —we—“may all be one.”

The Paschal Candle The paschal candle, blessed at the Easter Vigil, carried in procession into the darkened church, and aflame with the light of Christ to be passed hand to hand to renew our baptism, burns for the fifty days of Easter whenever we gather as Christ’s risen body. In the

last fifty years, we have grown to see this candle as the sign of Christ’s enduring presence with us. Be-fore then, it was often seen more as a kind of sign-post pointing backwards to events in Christ’s life. Therefore, in some places, on the fortieth day after Easter, in order to portray the disappearance of Jesus at the Ascension, the candle was hidden.

Now we see the paschal candle as a sign of the great baptismal season of grace and it remains in a prominent place throughout the entire fifty days. We do know of some churches that did not hide the can-dle after the Ascension. In England before the Refor-mation, the candle was left in place for fifty days, since on Pentecost Eve there was a vigil, and the candle was used to consecrate the waters of the font. In Salisbury Cathedral, the candle was thirty-six feet high, and in Westminster Abbey weighed over three hundred pounds. On Pentecost, the candles were melted to make tapers for the funerals of the poor. James Field

Saint Charles Lwanga—June 3 Saint Charles Lwanga,

born 1886, was a Ugan-dan catechist who served as the chief page in the court of King Mwanga II. King Mwanga felt threat-ened by the presence of missionaries in his country, and he insisted that Christians renounce their faith. After a massacre of Anglicans in 1885, the head page, Joseph Mukasa, reproached the king, who had him beheaded and ar-rested his followers. Charles baptized those who were still catechumens, and he and twenty-one oth-ers were burned alive on June 3, 1886. Although they were not canonized, Paul VI recognized the martyrdom of the Anglican Christians when he can-onized Charles and his companions.

Saint Boniface—June 5 Saint Boniface was born

about 680 in England. He became a Benedictine monk. He was first sent as a missionary to Friesland, which is in the vicinity of the Netherlands, but he failed be-cause of wars between the local tribes and the Frankish King Charles Mattel. Boniface then went to Rome and was commissioned by the Pope to evangelize in Germany. He started by chopping down an oak tree dedicated to Thor, and when he was not immediately struck down, the people be-lieved and became Christians. Boniface returned to evangelize the Frisians but was killed June 5, 755. He is buried in the cathedral in Fulda, Germany.

Saint Norbert, Bishop—June 6 St. Norbert was born into a

noble German family, leading a life of ease. He later entered a Benedictine monastery and was ordained. Narrowly escaping death (he was struck by light-ning), Norbert experienced a pro-found conversion. He thus em-barked on a reform movement, founding a community of Augustinian cannons, which came to be known as the Norbertines or Pre-monstratensians.


Sts. Peter and Paul Vol. XXXV, No. 22


Sts. Peter and Paul Vol. XXXV, No. 22

Lives of the Saints

Butler’s Live of the Saints, Fr. A. Butler


PASTORAL COUNCIL Chairperson: Valerie Methe 863-2275

PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Altar Servers-Karen Dickerson


Altar Society-May Caballero 863-2467

Apologetics-Peter Dakin 781-4789

Antonians-Steve Fecke 863-7646 1st Tuesday each month 7 p.m.

Eucharistic Adoration-Ellie Ross 960-1613 1st Friday each month

Faith Formation (RCIA)-Angel Vicknair 863-7935

Family Life-

Father Seelos Blessing-Gail Garay 863-7562

Finance-Robert Johnson 863-7935

Floral Design-Cathy Downey 863-7947

Grand Adults (GASPP)-Alicia O’Brien 863-1938 1st Monday each month

Knights of Columbus-Scott Fandal 863-3380 3rd Wednesday each month


Legion of Mary-Laurie Howell 290-6983 Every Monday 7 p.m.

Music Director-Cynthia Ripoll 774-9917

5:00 p.m. Gina Hattier 8:30 a.m.-Mike & Cynthia Ripoll

10:30 a.m.-Harold & Shelia Loyacano

Ministers of Holy Communion-Roger Ruiz Sunday Masses 601-799-4527

Patriotic Rosary 7:00 p.m. Thursday in Church

Prayer Chain-Catherine Lambert 863-2749

Rosary-Eydie Richmond Meet Tuesday morning following 8 a.m. Mass

St. Joseph Day-Shirley Lightell 863-2603

Ushers & Greeters-Howard Hebert, Sr. 863-5319

Widows Group-Sandra Bailey 250-9013

& Stella Jenevein 504-884-0106 3rd Friday each month

Women’s Spirituality-Barbara Laughlin 290-9482 Last Sunday each month 11:30 a.m.

Youth Group-Youth Liaison-Rebekah Johnson- Please Pray the Rosary Daily!

In Loving Memory Hugh J. Bodin

Shirley B. Bodin Leslie Strikmiller, Sr. Josephine Strikmiller

Pregnancy Help Center 550 Gause Blvd., Suite 2

Slidell< LA Hours M T W F 10 am - 2 pm

985-643-4357 Facebook: Page PHCSlidell All Services Free

A special thanks to Mike Moore, Sr. and Mike's Hardware for his generous support of the Sts. Peter

and Paul Church Antonian’s mission of building handicap ramps for those in need. Please support

Mike’s Hardware as a show of appreciation for his kindness and generosity towards others

in our community.

In Loving Memory of the Deceased Members of the




Schaefer Families

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In Loving Memory of Louis Joseph Mangano, Sr. Louis Joseph Mangano, Jr. Tina Antoine e Mangano

Husband, son and daughter Sadly missed by Lee Mangano Family

Altar Society Everyone welcome

Annual dues $10.00 Members receive the

benefit of 24 masses per year. All funds raised are used for the

church Altar.

Knights of Columbus Council No. 11814

3rd & 4th Degree

Monthly Meeting 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 pm

Membership open to Catholic gentlemen & young men in good standing with the Church

To become a Brother Knight, contact Scott Fandal at 863-3380.

Legion of Mary

Members would like to recite the Rosary at fu-

nerals and with shut-ins. Please contact

Paula Hilton 646-2349.

Please join us in praying the

Patriotic Rosary

Every Thursday

7:00 p.m. in the Church

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