study skills

Post on 16-May-2015






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Information Processing

Jenae Burkart

Active Learning


Note Taking


Critical Thinking




Information Processing

Information Processing

Information Processing

Memory Loss


Working Memory

(short term memory)

Long TermMemory


90% 81% 72% 63%

Keys to Memory

You remember approx: 10% of what you read 20% of what you hear 30% of what you see 50% of what you hear and see together 70% of what you say 90% of what you do

Memory Quiz Question

This is Jenny…

Retention Utilize multiple parts of the brain.

Retention Utilize multiple parts of the brain.

Information is easier to retrieve when it is stored in multiple parts of the brain.


Sentence Word Drawing Jingles/Rap

Memory Quiz Question

Mitochondria is the power house of a cell.

Facts for Auditory LearnersYou learn from hearing information through audio tapes, your own voice, or lectures.

Use your own voice to assist in the learning process. Read your notes or your textbook aloud to help you. Try to sit near the front of the room. It will be easier for

you to hear your instructor. When studying new information, create rhyming jingles. Read out loud and restate main ideas to yourself as you

read material. When reading or studying difficult material, summarize in

your own words what you have just read. When working with math, learn by saying the problems

aloud. Then explain the concepts to yourself aloud. Read an essay or paragraph you have written into a tape

recorder and then play it back. Then, revise your paper.

Facts for Visual Learners You learn best by seeing information through print, graphics, videos, or charts.

Make lists, write notes, and draw pictures. Read the textbook before attending your lecture class. Try to visualize how the information looks like on your page. Preview your chapters by reading the headings, subheadings, and

outlines before reading the chapter. Underline and/or highlight them. Draw a diagram or picture. Make a list. Use mapping. Make a chart to

help you retain information. For vocabulary, use sight words, flashcards, and other visual aides. In math, write the problem, visualize the problem, and make mind

pictures or tally marks on scratch paper. Recopy notes. Use a computer so that you can see the words you are thinking.

Facts for Kinesthetic Learners You learn best by doing. The more you are involved with the material, the easier it is for you to learn.  

When possible, perform projects and experiments. Write information down on paper. Walk or ride a stationary bike as you learn or review material Take notes and go back over them. Make special marks for

important material/s that you will need to review. When working on difficult or confusing material, answer practice

questions in writing. Tap your finger or move your foot as you listen to a lecture. Draw a chart or diagram to help with difficult material. Make and use study cards In math, use objects, such as toothpicks or blocks, to solve


Review Questions

What is Jenny’s phone number?

Review Questions

What is mitochondria?

Review Questions

What is mitochondria?

Ways to Process Information into Long Term Memory

Attention Interest Selection Understanding Build background Organization

Recitation Notetaking Review Overlearning Sleeping over it

Connect Information

Connection Scaffolding (add a step)

Build upon what you already know. Directions X+1=3 and x2 +1=3

Tips on Retention

Study with others

Tell or teach someone else


Repeat information *

Relate info to what you already know

Information ProcessingProblems

Forgetting Disuse Don’t Need or defensive forgetting Too much information to process Blocking

Learning information incorrectly Changing Cues Interference: Ex1


Weekly Flow Chart for Studying

Pre-read TextAnd develop questions

Go to class

Review and edit notes same day as lecture

Read text selectively

Take notes

Ask yourselfquestions

Ask questions of instructor

Do homework

Outline major concepts

Ask questions in class

Review and integrate

Review Questions

What is Jenny’s phone number?


Note Taking

Take Charge of Lectures

Commit to class

Concentrate Capture key

Ideas and listen actively

Connect ideas

Model of Efficient Information Processing

1.Commit yourself to do your best work.

2.Concentrate to eliminate distractions and focus on the material.

3.Connect new ideas to what you already know.

4.Capture critical information.

Commit to the Work Involved

Be psychologically ready to learn. Arrive a few minutes early and review

your notes and previous reading assignment.

Identify areas that are difficult to understand.

Develop questions that will help you clarify challenging aspects of the material.

Be on time: instructors often review during the first few minutes of class.

Capture Key Ideas and Listen Actively

Identify key words, themes, and main points

Recognize organization patterns in the lecture

Relate details to the main point Listen for clues

Identify Key Words, Themes and Main Points

Often these are the ideas that the instructor repeats, highlights, or illustrates with examples.

Usually courses have their own set of unique and topic-specific terms.

Be sure to listen for new words and phrases and learn their meaning in the context of the information being presented.

Try to identify the broader picture or context to which the material relates—even if your instructor doesn’t specifically present it to you.

Listen for Clues

Note when a topic comes up more than once. Transition speech signals the change of topics

or emergence of new key points: “compare and contrast” “specific dates” “in addition” “this will be on the next exam”

Lists usually signify important material that is easy to test.

Instructors are most likely to test on ideas they consider exciting, so listen for special enthusiasm.

Connect Ideas

Paraphrase what you hear Relate key ideas to what you

already know Make a note of unknown words Get involved

Develop Your Style

Successful students take good notes. A successful note-taking strategy reflects:

the complexity of the course content the lecturer’s style your own learning preferences

Use any strategy that will help the key ideas stand out for you.

Don’t take down every word in a lecture.

Choose the Right Note-Taking Method

The Cornell System Outlining Summary Method Concept Maps Fishbone Diagram

The Cornell System

Divide your notepaper by drawing a vertical line 2 inches from the left margin.

On the right side, take your notes from class. On the left side, write

key words questions comments examples

These will make your work easier to review later Test yourself by identifying the lecture material on

the right , prompted by your comments on the left.

The Cornell Method

The Cornell Method

Divide your notepaper by drawing a vertical line 2 inches from the left margin.

On the right side, take your notes from class.

On the left side, write key words questions comments examples

These will make your work easier to review later

Test yourself by identifying the lecture material on the right , prompted by your comments on the left.

Ways to Prepare for lecture:

sleepeat properlyread aheadpractice connections

The Cornell Method

Ways to Prepare for lecture:

* This one is hard

for me


This is easy to do with a well-organized lecture, otherwise you may have to work a little harder.

Use headings and subheadings followed by course material.

Your results will be neat, easy to follow notes, providing a clear picture of the information.

Outline Method

A. Use headings and sub- headings

a. letters 2. numbers * figuresB. Can be difficult with fast talking professorsC. Good for organizing notes for studying for test

Summary Method

Monitor the lecture for critical ideas.

Pause to create your own summary of what has been presented.

This method will force you to determine what is important and how information is related to the topics presented.

This is an especially effective method for dealing with a disorganized lecture.

Summary Method

Just write… listen for outstanding points or topics. Can always go back and organize later. Or use this method to summarize previous notes and readings into one summary.

The Concept MapProvide visual cues about how ideas are related. It is very effective to do after class in order to rewrite your lecture notes in a more visual format.

Good listeners in lecture

Get rest

Avoid distractionTake


Sit near front

SummarizeEat Breakfast


Regular sleep

Fishbone Diagram

The problem or outcome is printed in the head of the “fish”.

Identify the primary factors and connect them like ribs to the backbone of the fish

Elaborate each rib with the details related to each primary factor.

Master Note-Taking Strategies

Identify the Session Clearly

Reduce to Key Ideas Take Notes from All

Relevant Input Don’t Erase Mistakes Use Abbreviations Review Your Notes


Tape Lectures Organize Your

Materials for Easy Retrieval

Request Feedback About Your Notes

Evaluate Your Note-Taking Strategy

Other Note-Taking Tips

Use shorthand. Write your notes in your own

words. Put a star by things that you

don’t understand. Think and record information

in pictures. Explain yourself later. Periodically evaluate the

quality of your notes.

Short-Term Memory: Listening and Forgetting

Most forgetting takes place 24 hours after you see or hear something!

If you don’t review after class, you might have forgotten up to 70% of the material.

Tips Read ahead in text before class. Take notes on text before class and write

down questions. Re-read notes from previous class. Be ready for the message. Listen to main concepts. Listen for new ideas. Repeat mentally. Ask questions. Sort, organize and categorize as you take



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