studying presentation

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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How to Study Effectively

By: Mr. B

Once you find out a Test date, start studying as soon as possible.

Studying in advance helps place information into Long Term Memory.

Leaving studying to the last minute, or “Cramming” the night before a test minimizes what goes into Long Term Memory.

Step 1: Begin Studying Early

Don’t try to study in a place with a lot of distractions.◦ Ex. In Front of T.V or Computer, Living Room with lots of

people talking etc.

Don’t listen to music or limit the type of music you are listening to.◦ Classical or instrumental is best => No Words=Good◦ Songs with Words => Brain trying to Multi-task =Bad

Find a quiet place where you can concentrate and focus on what you’re studying.

Step 2: Limit Distractions

Condense and rewrite your existing notes onto another piece of paper. ◦ Only keep important information

Read these new study notes out loud to your self as you study.

Why do I have to rewrite and read out loud??◦ People learn through senses. –Seeing, Hearing and


Step 3: Outline or Rewrite Notes

◦ By Rewriting your notes then reading them aloud you are helping to learn and remember in more than one way! = Better chance of remembering them long term!

Step 3: Cont.

Remember lots of info by associating with common words.

◦ Ex. If trying to remember the Hierarchy of Living things:

Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family Genus, Species

◦ Now becomes: King Philip Can Only Find Green Socks

Step 4: Use Memory Games

These Memory (Mnemonic) devices use more of your brain to remember visual and active images than you do to remember just a list of items.

Using more of your brain means better memory.

However, sometimes these don’t work for everyone, so if they don’t work for you, don’t use them.

Step 4: Cont.

Once you’ve spent a significant amount of time reading and reviewing your study notes, try practicing with someone else.

Your parents would be a great choice for this! How ?? –

◦ Have someone quiz you using the study notes you made.

◦ Make flash cards with questions on the front and answers on the back.

◦ Create a practice quiz and get someone else to as well and swap.

Step 5: Practice With Others

Just like you need a break sometimes, your brain does too!

After about 30-45 minutes of studying, your brain needs a break from working so it can process the information you are putting into it.

Step 6: Take Breaks

Over studying can hurt you as your brain cannot process the information and put it into your long term memory.

15 Minute breaks work well to give your brain a rest before you get back to it!

Step 6: Cont.

Make sure that you eat a full balanced breakfast the day of your exam.

◦ Fruits, (healthy) cereal, toast, eggs, oatmeal = Brain Food!

◦ Cookies, Muffins, Chocolate, Cakes etc. = Brain Blocking Food.

◦ Drink lots of water!

Step 7: Eat Healthy!

Have faith in yourself! You’ve studied a lot already, give your brain a break before the exam.◦ Remember Step 6!

Studying right before your exam may have your brain putting information into your short term memory.

=Blanking on an exam

Step 8: Avoid Studying 30 Minutes Prior to Exam

While I have outlined all the steps I believe will help you to successfully study, you are the ones that are studying. You need to figure out what works best for you and stick with it!

If you have any questions please let me know!

Step 9: Do What Works Best For You!

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