sue frederick press kit 2012

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Sue Frederick, author of I See Your Soul Mate & I See Your Dream Job, teaches people to access their powerful intuition and use it to find their great work & the soul mate they came here to love.



Frederick’s I See Your Soul Mate Media


Media ProposalCreated by Sue Frederick, Career Intuitive & Author of I See Your Soul Mate & I See Your Dream Job

©Sept 2012 Intuitive Coach Institute


I See Your Soul Mate:An Intuitive’s Guide to Findingand Keeping Love

With Sue Frederick, Author of I See Your Soul Mate

Published by St. Martin’s Press, Sept 2012


+Book Description

This remarkable step-by-step guide to finding your soul mate brings a fresh perspective to love. According to author Sue Frederick, an intuitive since childhood, we’ve all come here to accomplish a great mission through our work. Honoring who we came here to be opens the door to allow our soul mate to stand beside us. Frederick teaches how to use intuitive recognition to guide you flawlessly to love and through your own powerful reinvention.


+Contact Info

Name: Sue Frederick

Address: PO Box 17343 Boulder, CO 80308

Telephone: 303-939-8574 (private cell 303-638-6550)

Private Land-Line for radio interviews 303-444-8270




+Praise for Sue Frederick’s work “Sue Frederick gives us a new and fresh perspective to finding our soul mate. Her work helps us access our inner guidance and use it to powerfully navigate our lives – whether we’re manifesting our true work or finding our greatest love.” Peggy McColl, New York Times Best-Selling Author

“A great, loving relationship is a mystery, or so you may think until you read Sue Frederick’s I See Your Soul Mate. Sue brings to the light of day a profound wisdom that awakens your sense of hope of all that is possible when it comes to love. From this book, I have deepened my relationships with my wife and daughter by truly understanding their essences, and my own, in a very powerful way.” Danny Dreyer, Creator of Chi Running and Chi Walking


+More praise…

“Finding and keeping love had baffled me until working with Sue Frederick and using her powerful intuitive techniques as explained in this book. True love is indeed waiting for all of us. But first we must honor our unique gifts. Sue’s work opens the door for our soul mate to stand beside us.” Kim Shannon, author of The Shine Factor & creator of The Shine Cards

“Working with Sue is like having direct access to the divine wisdom that is trying to guide your life in the best direction. Sue’s insight and wisdom leaves you knowing what you need to do in your life, your work, your relationships. She also teaches you to feel your own inner light, so that you can be your own best teacher. Reading Sue’s books and working with her is one of the great blessings of being alive at this time.” Katherine Dreyer, Co-founder, CEO, ChiLiving, Inc.


+And more…

“Until I met Sue, I was pretty sure that intuition was a “woman thing,” and I clearly was not a participant. When I interviewed her for my radio show she changed my life. With the intuitive insight I received from Sue’s guidance, I have come to realize that we are all gifted with the same access to an intuitive self that most of us barely know. Sue helped me to understand that I am not smarter than my intuition and that by ignoring it I was passing up the best guidance, direction, and focus I would ever encounter.” Ken Ludwig, Host of What We’re Talking About radio show & Director of the Red Door Sanctuary in Denver


+Sue’s work… Did you know that you arrived on Earth with a GPS device embedded inside you? You programmed it before you were born. This flawless inner guidance system, also known as intuition, is designed to guide you to the work you came here to do, the love you came to experience, and through the many reinvention cycles of your lifetime.

Sue Frederick, intuitive, life coach, career coach and author of I See Your Soul Mate & I See Your Dream Job, teaches us to tap into our intuition and use it to powerfully navigate our lives – whether we’re manifesting our true work or finding our greatest love.

Everyone on the show will get a brief personal reading from Sue.

Sue’s work is high-energy, fun, powerful and illuminating. She’s done more than 200 TV & Radio appearances with live readings that have captivated, entertained and enlightened audiences.


+Bio As a professional career counselor, life coach, and an intuitive since childhood, Sue draws upon dreams, ancient numerology, powerful intuition, and conversations with spirits to help you see your soul mate.

Author Sue Frederick’s work has been featured in the New York Times,, Real Simple, Yoga Journal, Natural Health and Complete Woman Magazines.

Her newest book I See Your Soul Mate (St. Martins Press) will be in bookstores September 2012.

She’s been a guest on more than 200 radio shows and numerous TV shows including Bridging Heaven & Earth.

To view video presentations visit:


+Questions to ask Sue:

Intuition: What is it? Are we all intuitive?

Why do we need to listen to our intuition? How does it help us?

What does our intuition have to do with our love life?

How do we develop our intuition?

Sue, how did you find and develop your intuitive abilities?

Sue, you say that we all came here to accomplish a great mission through our work. Can you explain that?

What does our mission have to do with finding our soul mate?

Do I (the interviewer) have a mission? What is it? Do I have a soul mate?


+More questions for Sue: Do you (Sue) have a mission? What is it? Have you found your soul mate?

How do you help clients find their life’s work and their soul mate?

If someone is not lucky in love how can you help them?

What if I thought I had met my soul mate but it didn’t work out? What does that mean? How do I move forward?

How does someone heal from heartbreak?

Does everyone have a soul mate or more than one soul mate?

How can someone follow up with you to learn more?

Sue gives live readings on every radio & TV interview.


+Sue’s Story:I was born in New Orleans…

I’m an intuitive, and I see the great potential in everyone. When I work with clients, I see their gifts and potentials; what they came here to do; the careers they would love; and how and when their soul mate will arrive. This information comes to me as photographic images and strong messages that I transmit directly to my clients. Sometimes I see my client’s departed loved ones, who come to the session to offer career guidance.

This joining of two seemingly disconnected worlds--the divine realms and the world of work--seems to be my particular talent. I was born in New Orleans to a French Cajun mother who came from a long line of women with “the gift.” I inherited a double dose of telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition from her and her mother, and on back through generations of Degas women.

These unusual gifts were nurtured by the mysterious city of my childhood. In the haunted alleys of the French Quarter, most everybody gives respect to the “unseen” world in some form or other: voodoo, Catholicism, psychics, vampires, Mardi Gras. My early years were flavored with this spicy magic, from my Grandpa’s stories of the swirling Mississippi River to the unforgettable images I absorbed in the dark recesses of Crescent City life. I thrived on the rhythms of my crazy Cajun ancestors.


+My Story: Owning my intuition

And, like them, I heard other people’s thoughts and had vivid dreams of events that would happen in the future. My psychic gift is most powerful now that I use it to help others. The precognitive images that I see help me guide my clients to their true work. But it took nearly 55 years to embrace this ability to see the unseen world, and to learn what it had to teach--rather than being ashamed or afraid of it.

One of my strongest experiences in confirming the power of the unseen realm began in 1978, when I met and married a fellow mountaineer, Paul Frederick. We were crazy in love and planning a family when, at only 35 years old, he was diagnosed with colon cancer and given two weeks to live.

From the moment of his diagnosis, we were determined to overcome it. We explored conventional and alternative healing methods, and quickly became immersed in energy work, visualization, herbal medicine and Native American medicine. Paul was part Cherokee, so his mother provided us with books and healers from the Native American tradition. She got us an audience with a famous Sioux healer, Chief Fools Crow.


+My Turning Point

Over the next few months, as Paul’s health deteriorated, I experienced many extraordinary other-realm experiences with him. Chief Fools Crow became Paul’s constant dream companion. Paul awoke each morning with a new story to report about something Fools Crow had taught him the night before. The most dramatic was Paul’s sudden ability to speak Lakota, the language of the Sioux.

In the last few weeks before he died, Paul woke up singing a Lakota death song every morning. He said Fools Crow taught him two songs--one to deal with the pain and one to help him die. When the doctors heard this strange singing, they thought he was either speaking in “tongues” or was delirious, and they reported this in his medical charts. In college, I had studied Native American history and was very familiar with the language of Lakota. I knew exactly what he was singing.

On a rainy summer day in July 1980, Paul slipped into a coma. For nearly 24 hours, the accumulated stress of the past year washed over me and, eventually, I fell asleep on the floor. As soon as I dozed off, Paul appeared in front of me. He was smiling and quite happy. He touched my arm and said, “Don’t worry. I’m free. But what are you waiting for? You said I could die in your arms.”

I awoke with a jolt and cleared everyone out of the room. Paul’s mother and I stood on either side of him. We rubbed his arms and legs and told him it was okay to go now--that we wanted him to be free. We told him to leave his body and fly out into the soothing summer rain storm.


+Intuitive Gifts

As soon as we spoke those words, Paul’s breathing changed. He took one long peaceful sigh, and his spirit left his body. I saw it leave as clearly as you can see your hand in front of your face. It was an image I’ll never forget. It was Paul’s gift to me.

I could never again doubt the spirit world or my ability to see it. That final moment was a confirmation of what I was here to do. I realized for the first time that we are all in charge of how and when we die – even how and when we take our last breaths. And I knew with every cell in my body, that death was only a passage of the spirit into the unseen realms.

Today, I’m abundantly grateful for my work, which is my passion. My intuitive gifts are finally out of the closet, and I’m freely able to share them with others. The images and dreams that have always guided me are now guiding others through this work.

Now I live with my husband/soul mate Gene and our two teen aged kids in Boulder, Colorado.


+Talking Points:Sue’s 3 Essential Steps

Path – You have to know who you are and why you’re here; this opens the door for your soul mate to stand beside you.

Intuition – Your powerful intuition will guide you directly to your soul mate.

Energy – Your positive energy allows this love to blossom into the relationship you’ve always wanted. (11 Steps to BrilliantLove)


+Intuitive Dating Before going on a first date (especially a blind date) write down your date’s name and birth date (if you have it) and place your hand over it.

Close your eyes and do a short meditation with mantra to quiet your mind.

Now ask to see what the person looks like and feel their energy.

If the energy you feel and the person you see makes you smile and giggle, that’s a yes from your intuition. Your higher self is telling you that this person will be a loving presence in your life.

If the energy feels bad in your stomach and makes you feel anxious, cancel the date.

If the energy you feel revs up your sexual chakra, that’s telling you what the focus of this relationship will be.

If you don’t feel a loving warm energy in your heart while picturing and feeling this person’s energy, this probably won’t be a long-lasting or fulfilling relationship.


+Previous Teaching Venues

Omega Institute in Rhinebeck New York

Shambhala Mountain Retreat Center in Colorado

The Crossings Retreat Center in Austin, Texas

Loyola University in New Orleans

The Learning Annex in New York

Leigh Hecht & Harrison in New York

University of Colorado at Boulder & Denver

Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado



East West Bookstore in Seattle

Bodhi Tree Bookstore in L.A.

SMHAS Institute in L.A.

East West Bookstore in San Francisco

National Career Development Association Conference

E-Women Conference

BPW Conference

Numerous bookstores, women’s groups, career groups and libraries across the country


+References Wendy Snyder, New York Art Curator:

Omega Institute: Tri Mazzola;

Shambhala Mountain Retreat Center:

Katherine & Danny Dreyer; Authors of Chi Running & Chi Walking;

Allan at Bridging Heaven & Earth TV:


+Previous Media Coverage

Click on this link to see Sue’s previous media coverage:


+ 22

+CNN Story – April 2011


+New York Times Article


+New York Metro piece


+Real Simple Magazine


+Complete Woman Magazine



Denver Post Article

New Orleans Times Picayune


+Denver TV KWGN Channel 2


+Bridging Heaven & Earth TV


+Sue’s Videos


+Book Trailer for I See Your Dream Job


+ Radio Stations that interviewed Sue for I See Your Dream Job

WGCH AM 1490 Stamford-Norwalk

WWRC AM 1260 Washington DC

WDCF AM 1350 Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater

WATZ AM 580 Alpena MI

KVBR AM 1340 Brainerd MINN

WVNJ AM 1160 New York

WLFP AM 1550 Pittsburgh

WMNY AM 1360 Pittsburgh

WRDD AM 1580 Ebensburg PA


+Past Media WDXI AM 1310 Jackson TN

WGOC AM 1320 Johnson City-Kingsport-Bristol TN-VA

WBIS AM 1190 Baltimore MD

WLBY AM 1290 Ann Arbor MI

KNUU AM 970 Las Vegas NV

KSBN AM 1230 Spokane WA

KBNN AM 750 Lebanon MO

WBNW AM 1120 Boston MA


KFLA/Los Angeles -- WBII/Memphis --KDEN/Denver -- KTMW/Salt Lake City – NOLA WW4

Affiliates on air throughout 2010

Wichita-- San Jose/San Francisco --Tampa/Orlando --VA/DC-- Fresno Valley– Pittsburg– Reno-- Salem/--Tacoma/Seattle --TN/KY/VA/NC/WV --Portland (Ch 12)


+Owning your intuition… INTUITION is your gut feeling.

It is, above all else, a feeling from the heart. It marinates you in confidence, wisdom, and empowerment--never in fear. It’s the connection to your true self, your raw, unrefined truth unclouded by the monkey-mind. It’s the shimmer of a spirit in the corner when you turn your head and the dream that wakes you up and stays with you. It’s the knowingness that comes when you stop talking. It’s the feeling that overpowers you in spite of logic. It’s the voice whispering in your ear, and the nudge you often ignore in deference to being practical. It’s our right-brain, expanded consciousness guiding our journey as planned.

Your intuition is your sacred pool of divine knowing. It’s a gateway to your higher self. It’s not linear, logical, or realistic. It’s your dreamy, gut feeling, creativity– the part of you that knows the truth but doesn’t know why it’s true. Your intuition is your sweet spot. Robert Graves, an English poet, scholar, and novelist, said, “Intuition is the supra-logic that cuts out all the routine processes of thought and leaps straight from the problem to the answer.” Intuition can navigate you successfully toward finding true love as effortlessly as a dream in the night. It works better than dating sites, speed dating, or singles’ events.

Love is the gateway to your intuition.


+Love anyway…

You’ll never be as intuitive as when you fall in love. Your energy centers are most open and receptive, and your monkey-mind quiets down. You look into a stranger’s eyes and remember him from another time. You know when he’ll call. You feel his embrace long before it actually happens. And you sense what he’s feeling even when the two of you are apart.

We’re all a little more comfortable with intuitive loving than we are with intuitive living--using intuition for our everyday life and career choices. Yet we can tap into this portal of sacred guidance whenever we open our hearts. When you fall in love, nurture this sacred gateway to the unknown. When you’re not in love, love anyway. It will open the door to your divine intuition and your highest self.


+Path, Intuition & Energy

We are all intuitive and naturally able to access our right brains – which embody our intuition, creativity & connection to divinity.

We talk ourselves out of listening to this inner guidance by focusing on our left brain chatter – which is our linear thinking, practical, realistic side.

Meditation quiets our monkey mind chatter so we can better tune into our intuition & higher self.

The numbers of the birth path intuitively connect us with our soul’s intended mission for this lifetime – which opens the door for our soul mate to stand beside us.

Accessing our intuition guides us flawlessly to our best love.

Using positive-focused energy moves us through the challenges of relationship to share the love we each came here to know.


+Step One

Finding your soul’s intention by using the numbers in your date of birth.

You have to know who you are and why you’re here; this opens the door for your soul mate to stand beside you.


+Step Two

Intuition – Learning to access your intuitive guidance and use it to navigate your love life.


+Step Three

Using your positive-focused energy to move through relationship challenges and experience your greatest love.

These are the 11 Steps to BrilliantLove.


+Right Brain = Intuition

Our left brain hemisphere allows us to organize information, master language and learn to read.

Our right brain hemisphere embodies intuition, creativity and spirituality.

Today’s modern culture pressures us to favor our left brain & minimize the input from our right brain. This is how we learn to follow rules, get good grades, learn a skill & get a “good” job.

Because of the encouragement we constantly receive to develop our left-brains, we learn to ignore the constant input we’re receiving from our right brains – thus shutting out our intuitive guidance.

Daily mantra-based meditation quiets your left brain and opens you up to your right brain which is your higher consciousness. From there you have easy access to information from your divine guides and your higher self.

Through practice you’ll learn to trust the information you get from your intuition or higher self and use it in your daily life & to help others.

More than 200 studies have been published in mainstream scientific journals validating intuition.


+11 Sacred Steps to BrilliantLoveUnderstand

Give Refocus Laugh Intuit Forgive Be Grateful Sweeten Up! DanceSpeak the UnspokenFantasize


+Contact Info

Sue FrederickSue@Brilliantwork.comwww.CareerIntuitive.com303-939-8574


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