sug421 - advanced cadastral survey (marine cadastre)

Post on 26-Nov-2014






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OCT09Q1(b) What do you understand by Marine Cadastre? 4M

APR09Q4(b) Explain clearly the definition of Marine Cadastral. Briefly discuss the issues and

challenges of Marine Cadastre in Malaysia. 5M

What is Marine Cadastre

Marine Cadastre is a system;

- to enable the boundaries of maritime rights

- interests to be recorded

- spatially managed

- physically defined

in relationship to the boundaries of the of other neighbouring or underlying rights

Marine Cadastre is a marine information system, encompassing both the nature and spatial extent of the

interests and property rights, with respect to ownership, various rights and responsibilities in the marine


Issue and Challenges of Marine Cadastre in Malaysia

1. Perundangan

2. Institusi

3. Teknikal

1. Identify the relevant maritime conventions and legislation.

2. Identify Federal, States, Local Agencies with administrative and jurisdictional responsibilities.

3. Identify private bodies and industry groups with maritime interest.

4. Identify and evaluate potential areas for pilot project

5. Consult with selected agencies and industry bodies of possible problems and issues of


6. Assess theories and principles of land cadastres which may apply to the marine environment.

7. Assess the current status and adequacy of mapping and charting of marine.

8. Evaluate the potential of Malaysian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MyGDI) in supporting

management of the marine environment

9. Defining unambiguous terminology to promote a greater understanding, easier communication and

effective enactment of the legislation.

10. Overcoming issue of overlapping jurisdiction, administration, rights and interests

11. Overcoming laws and regulations that promote conflicts in marine environment

12. Obtaining adequate financial support for academic research

13. Obtaining funding for the implementation of marine cadastre.

OCT09Q1(c) Discuss the possible role of Land Surveyors in Marine Cadastre. 12M

Role of Land Surveyor in Marine Cadastre

1. To define the boundaries of maritime is up to 4 dimensions (3D and time)

2. To enable better understanding and management of competing rights and interests in the marine


3. To use spatial technologies such as aerial photography, remote sensing, hydrographic surveying

and GPS to assess and administers rights, restrictions and responsibilities

4. To describe the boundaries of particular location

5. To provide a better solutions to defining and managing boundaries and related spatial data in the

marine environment

6. To define the extent of boundaries in terrestrial, coastal and marine areas.

7. To provide a useful solution for defining boundaries in the marine environments using the accuracy

and ranges of GPS

8. To have ability and skills to help spatially define and administer the marine environment

9. To provide accurate description of the boundaries in the marine and coastal environment

10. To support sustainable development objectives applied to marine environment

OCT08Q4(a) The marine cadastre development is considered still new and much research is needed

before embarking on its implementation. Discuss about its uniqueness. 5M

Uniqueness of Marine Cadastre

Marine Cadastre poses a number of uniqueness that does not apply in the land.

1. The concept of tenure does not exist at sea

2. It is not possible to use classical means of boundary demarcation offshore

3. The marine environment is 3D in the spatial data. 2D is not sufficient

4. Rights can vary with time adding a fourth dimension.

5. The baseline to which many maritime boundaries are related is ambulatory.

8/9/01 42


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