sunday of the judge

Post on 02-Nov-2021






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St. John Armenian Church of Greater Detroit 22001 Northwestern Highway | Southfield, MI 48075

(248) 569-3405 (phone) | (248) 569-0716 (fax)

The Very Reverend Father Aren Jebejian, Pastor The Reverend Father Armash Bagdasarian, Assistant Pastor

Clergy residing within the St. John parish and community: The Reverend Father Garabed Kochakian The Reverend Father Abraham Ohanesian

Deacon Rubik Mailian, Director of Sacred Music and Pastoral Assistant


Isaiah 65:8-25. Phil 3:1-4:9. Luke 17:20-18:14.


Celebrant: Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian Assistant Pastor: Rev. Fr. Armash Bagdasarian



Morning Service - 9:30 a.m.

Divine Liturgy - 10:00 a.m.

We welcome you to the Divine Liturgy/Soorp Badarak and invite all who are Baptized and Chrismated in, or are in communion with, the Armenian Church to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. If you are new to our parish and would like information about our many parish groups, please ask any Parish Council member on duty at the lobby desk. Make certain you fill out a contact card before you leave so we can be in touch. Enter to worship the Lord Jesus Christ who loves you and depart with His love to serve others.

Fr. Armash will be visiting Church School today

Today’s Gospel Lk 17:20 - 18:14

Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, he answered them, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, `Lo, here it is!' or

`There!' for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” And he said to the disciples, “The days are coming when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it. And they will say to you, `Lo, there!' or `Lo, here!' Do not

go, do not follow them. For as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other, so will the Son of Man be in his day. But first he must suffer many things and be rejected

by this generation. As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the arch, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was in the days of Lot they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built, but on the day when Lot went out

from Sodom fire and sulphur rained from heaven and destroyed them all so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed. On that day, let him who is on the housetop, with his goods in the house, not come down to take them away; and likewise let him who is in the field not turn back. Remember Lot's wife. Whoever seeks to gain his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will preserve it. I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed; one will be taken and the

other left. There will be two women grinding together; one will be taken and the other left.” And they said to him, “Where, Lord?” He said to them, “Where the body is, there the eagles will be

gathered together.” And he told them a parable, to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart. He said, “In a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor regarded man: and there

was a widow in that city who kept coming to him and saying, `Vindicate me against my adversary.' For a while he refused; but afterward he said to himself, `Though I neither fear God

nor regard man, yet because this widow bothers me, I will vindicate her, or she will wear me out by her continual coming.'” And the Lord said, “Hear what the unrighteous judge says. And will not God vindicate his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you, he will vindicate them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find

faith on earth? He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and

despised others: “Two men went up into the Temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, `God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week, I give tithes of all that I get.' But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes

to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, `God, be merciful to me a sinner!' I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for every one who exalts himself will be

humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

Prayers for the Sick and Hospitalized

Seerov Jash

In this time of difficulty and uncertainty, our loving and Christian spirt is called upon to pull to-gether to help others, primarily the elderly, the sick, single parents, recent immigrants and others

in our parish and our community that needs support. Seerov Jash -- meals made with love from the St. John's kitchen are either picked up at the church or delivered to those not able to leave

the home during this virus pandemic every Tuesday and Friday. If you would like a meal, or know someone who does, please call Lisa Mardigian at (586) 808-2202

or e-mail her at

Thanks to their generosity, a continuing subsidy from Edward and Janet Mardigian helps to offset the cost of our Seerov Jash outreach for 2021.

Coffee and Conversation with Fr. Armash Friday, March 19th at 6:00 p.m.

Zoom Video Conference Check your Email for the Zoom Registration Link

Lenten Rest Service Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m.

Parishioners are welcome to attend. You can also join us via the live streaming of the services

Evgine Karapetyan Charles Sansone Emma Betrosian Rose Baise

Rose Lucassian John Farsakian

Carol Sahakian Layla Malone

Richard Khederian Izabelle Jizmejian

Ardash Apigian Asher Jay

Online Bible Study Monday, March 15th at 7p.m.

Join us as we continue studying the book of Acts. Led by Fr. Aren and Fr. Armash All participants must register for the Zoom link.

See the weekly e-bulletin for more details.


CARL MANOOGIAN, 40th Day, Beloved Husband, Father, Brother, Son-in-law, Brother-in-law, Uncle, Friend

Requested by Kathy Manoogian Max, Cory and Alec Manoogian Karen Ayles Robin and Judy Manoogian Frank Kory Johnny and Scott Frank and Sharon Nora and Rick Mark and Jeff Janine and Pete Lauren, Brooke, and Steven. Carly and Beauman Vinnie, Derek, and Olivia Nicky Samantha and Sydney Billy, TJ, and Marc

AGAVNE (ANN) BALDERIAN, 40th Day, Aunt Requested by Janet Andreopoulos

JOAN C. BECK, 40th Day, Beloved Wife, Mother, Sister Requested by Ronald Beck Ryan Beck Stacey Beck Sharon Merdinian

MAKSIM MARTIROSYAN, 40th Day, Beloved Father, Grandfather, Great-GrandfatherTAMARA KALASHYAN, 1st Year, Beloved Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother

Requested by Martirosyan Family

GRIKOR PANOSIAN, 40th Day Requested by Fr. Armash and Yeretzgin Maran Bagdasarian


SAMUEL BITCHAKJIAN , 2nd Year, Father, Grandfather Requested by Kevork, Galina Harout Wartersian

ZAVEN DOLIK, 2nd Year, Beloved Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather, Uncle, Khnamee Requested by Michael and Jill Dolik Lisa and Jim Wilson David and Randi Dolik Corey and Constantina Dolik, Michael Stephanie and Sam Hagopian, Anna Nicholas Dolik Dan Wilson Tim Wilson and Rebecca Braun Matthew Wilson Lilly Wilson Lauren Dolik Alex Dolik Leah Dolik Eddie and Mary Dolikian, Michael and Christine Armen Dolikian Family Virginia Keoleian Dr. Gary and Laurie Keoleian, Natalie, Michael, Sophia, and Gabriella

RICHARD MARTIN APKARIAN, 3rd Year, Husband, Father, Grandfather Requested by Paulette Apkarian Kristen, Alana, and Adam Vosbikian Richie, Alex, Elizabeth, Katherine, and Marty Apkarian Fred and Jackie Klugman Adam, Nisha and Ashwin Klugman

Carolyn Arslanian Dawn, Adi and Soseh Asadoorian Lyle, Nicole, Luc, and Leo Dadian Anto, Tamar, and Frankie Arslanian


MATTHEW DAVID BARSAMIAN, 2nd Year, Beloved Son, Brother, Grandson, Nephew, Uncle, Husband

Requested by Jeffrey and Beverly Barsamian Matthew and Angela Manosky and Family Agnes Barsamian Arthur Alan Barsamian Lauren Barsamian

ARTHUR BARSAMIAN, 10th Year, Beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather Requested by Agnes Barsamian Arthur Alan Barsamian Jeffrey and Beverly Barsamian Matthew and Angela Manosky and Family Lauren Barsamian

DR. ARA YARJANIAN, 4th Year, Beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather Requested by Mrs. Laurie Yarjanian Dr. Daron Yarjanian Dr. John Yarjanian, Linda Yarjanian, and Adam Yarjanian

JOHN REGISH, 5 Year, Husband, Father, Grandfather, Brother-in-law, Nephew Requested by Virginia Regish Lalena Hale and Family Sonja Regish Veronica Gibson and Family David Apkarian and Family Richard Apkarian and Family Edward and Shirley Gopigian Steven Regish and Family

NEVART APKARIAN, 5th Year, Mother, Grandmother, Sister Requested by Virginia Regish and Family Veronica Gibson and Family David Apkarian and Family Richard Apkarian and Family Edward and Shirley Gopigian


KASPER OHANNASIAN, JR, 6th Year, Beloved Father, Grand Father, Brother, Uncle, Friend Requested by Cheryl and Keith Messisco and Family Kasper A. Ohannasian and Family Nancy Altounian and Family

MARY DOUROUJALIAN, 11 Years, Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother, Mother-in-law, Aunt, Great-Aunt, Wonderful Friend to Many

Requested by Diane and Bruce Kezlarian Courtney, Mike, Amelia, and Andrew Abela Kirsten and Victoria Trebnik Donna Portrey Ryan, Liz, Cole, and Anne Portrey Lindsay and Michael Clark George, Yvette, and Blake Douroujalian Bryan, Amanda, Dominic, Hayden, and Alexandria Douroujalian

GARY MAVIAN, 20th Year, Husband, Father, Grandfather, Son-in-law Requested by Diane Mavian Christina and Gregory Courtney Matthew and Michelle Conroy Ryan Gary Conroy Margaret Moushmoulian Bedros and Sandy Magar

Sanctuary Capacity Due To COVID Restrictions

With the anticipation of additional parishioners wanting to attend services during Holy Week, beginning this Sunday and through at least Easter Sunday, we will raise the capacity of our

church sanctuary to 150 people. After consultation of CDC and state guidelines and a group of Armenian medical professionals from our community, we feel that our sanctuary is large

enough for 150 people to safely worship while being physically distanced from others outside their immediate family. Temperature checks, completion of self-screening questionnaires,

and mask wearing inside the sanctuary are still required. During Divine Liturgy and Holy Week services, once the 150 capacity is met, no additional parishioners will be allowed into the


On Easter Sunday, the cultural hall will serve as an auxiliary sanctuary, with an altar and a large screen showing the service from the Sanctuary. Kiss of Peace, Communion, and lighting of candles will take place in both the Sanctuary and the cultural hall. Once the 150 capacity is reached in the sanctuary, parishioners will be directed to go into the auxiliary sanctuary for


Participants For Holy Thursday Feet Washing Service

On Holy Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 7pm, we will have our traditional Washing of the Feet service commemorating how Christ washed the feet of His apostles as an example of humility

and love. During this short service, the priest, in turn, washes the feet of twelve men representing the apostles. This year, to reflect the present situation as well as to keep our

parishioners safe, we will conduct the service with 12 COVID-vaccinated frontline workers. If you are a frontline worker (doctor, nurse, police, fire, EMS, teacher, etc.) who has already

received their second COVID vaccine shot and wish to be part of this service, please contact the church office by Friday, March 19, 2021.

As Jesus loved the Apostles so much, He showed this by bending to His knees to wash their feet.



We are offering parishioners and friends of St. John Armenian Church the opportunity to donate palms, Easter Lily plants, flowers for the Tomb of Christ, and candles to beautify the

Holy Altar and Sanctuary for Holy Week. These items will serve as a loving memorial and tribute to those whom you wish to remember in a special way before the Lord.

If you would like to donate any of these items in honor of a loved one or in celebration of a

special event, please fill out the form below providing all the information needed.

Please mail this form to the Church Office or drop it in the mailbox just outside the church office with a check made payable to St. John Armenian Church.

Donation must be received by March 21, 2021

All donors’ names will be printed in the Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday Bulletin

Donor Name_______________________________________________________________________________

In Honor/Memory of ________________________________________________________________________

I wish to donate Palms for Palm Sunday - $30.00 $ _________ I wish to donate ________ Easter Lily Plants at $30.00 each _________ I wish to donate Flowers/Plants for Good Friday Tomb of Christ - $25.00 _________ I wish to donate Candles for the Holy Altar - $25.00 _________ I wish to donate for all of the above - $100.00 _________ (Easter Lily Plant, Candles for the Altar, Flowers/Plants, and Palms) Total: $_________

For further information, please call the Church Office at 248-569-3405 or e-mail

St. John Armenian Church

22001 Northwestern Highway, Southfield, MI 48075

NEW: Handmade Face Masks with

Armenian tri-color trim Fabricated in accordance

with CDC guidelines 3-layer 100% Cotton - $15.00

Umbrella $85

Spoon $15

Purses $35 Plate $75 Oil painting - size 10” X 8”


Michael Aram pieces are now available

Many Items are in stock and others can be ordered through

the catalog

Black Orchid Ring Catch $70

Olive Branch Triple Compartment Dish


Black Orchid/Pomegranate Paper Towel Holder


Black Orchid Cake Server $80

NEW ITEMS FROM ARMENIA AND ARTSAKH Sterling silver Armenian initials: $35.00 - $50.00

14Kt Gold letter E (eh): $100.00 Sterling silver letter E (eh): $35.00

Mobile phone stand - Available in two different images: Mary and Christ Child or Forget Me Not flower. $10.00

The best selection of Armenian books and CDs plus many gift items: jewelry, Armenian crosses, key chains, cookbooks and many “Made in Armenia” products.

Table runners, tablecloths, soccer balls, shawls and scarves from Armenia and much more!

NEW: Armenian Proverbs and Expressions A Collection from the Early Detroit Armenian Community in Delray and Elsewhere

By Susan Kadian Gopigian Special introductory price: $25.00 HC SILVER CROSSES FROM JERUSALEM, VARIOUS SIZES-$35.00 - $75.00

“The Promise” DVD $15.00

NEW: Lavash—Armenian Recipe Book By Kate Leahy, John Lee, Ara Zada HC - $25.00

Armenian Proverbs and Expressions By Susan Kadian Gopigian HC- $25.00

NEW: Tending the Flock of God By Fr. Garabed Kochakian SC - $15.00

Visit the Parish Bookstore The Parish Bookstore is now open during normal office hours

or by appointment on Sundays following Divine Liturgy

The Resistance Network (The Armenian Genocide and Humanitarianism in Ottoman Syria, 1915-

1918) By Khatchig Mouradian SC - $25.00

My First Book of Armenian Words By Ani Gigarjian and Linda Avedikian HC - $20.00

Our Church Sanctuary is now open for faithful to attend Sunday Services, adhering to all public health regulations, safety procedures, and Diocesan guidelines.

General Guidelines Due to the COVID pandemic, seating capacity in our sanctuary is significantly reduced to meet physical

distancing guidelines. The sanctuary will be on "first come, first serve" basis. Once capacity of about 150 parishioners is reached, no one will be allowed to enter the sanctuary. We encourage all of our parishioners to arrive early on Sunday mornings to ensure attendance.

Anyone belonging to a high-risk group or who feels sick in any way should refrain from entering the sanctuary and should participate in the Divine Liturgy through our Facebook live stream. It is highly recommended that the same restrictions be taken by anyone over the age of 60.

Anyone who has been exposed by close contact with someone confirmed with COVID-19 or who have traveled within the last 14 days outside the United States should also remain home.

Entering the Church Entrance Door: Only the front doors of the Sanctuary will be used for entry. There will be no entry into

the Sanctuary from the church lobby.

Lobby / Restrooms: The church lobby and all other areas of the church building complex will be closed during and after services on Sunday. The lobby restrooms will be open for use if needed. At this time, we will allow a maximum of two people at a time in the restrooms.

Screening / Temperature: Prior to entering the sanctuary each parishioner will have their temperature checked with temporal thermometer and asked to complete the COVID-19 screening questions. Individuals who have high temperatures or do not pass the screening questions will not be allowed to enter the church.

Face Mask Requirement: Each person entering the church must wear a face mask. Children under the age of two do not need a face mask. We ask parishioners to bring their own, but we will have a small supply of disposable face masks available to those who need one. Individuals who do not wear masks will not be allowed to enter the church.

Hand Sanitizer: Every person must sanitize their hands upon entering and exiting the church. Hand sanitizer will be available near the Sanctuary entrance.

Within the Church Sanctuary Designated Pews for Seating: Pews will be marked to designate available seating. Other areas will be

marked off using blue tape. Parish Council will act as ushers, guiding parishioners to the pews, and assuring that social distancing is always maintained.

Kiss of Peace and Holy Communion

• Kiss of Peace will be conducted by bowing the head toward others, without approaching or touching oneanother.

• Holy Communion will be distributed in the traditional way. However, receiving it in the palm of the righthand will be available. Women should bring their own veils, veils will not be available at the Church.

• If receiving Holy Communion the traditional way, please:• Approach from the middle aisle keeping a 6-foot safe distance from each other and wearing your

face mask.• Upon entering the chancel, you must sanitize your hands (someone will have hand sanitizer) and

lower your face mask.• Tilt you head back and open your mouth wide. The celebrant will drop the Holy Communion into

your mouth.• Put your face mask back on in front of the celebrant.• Turn to the right or left (whichever side of the church you are sitting) and return to your seat

maintaining social distancing from other parishioners.

• If receiving Holy Communion in your palm, please:• Approach from the middle aisle keeping a 6-foot safe distance from each other and wearing your

face mask.• Upon entering the chancel, you must sanitize your hands (someone will have hand sanitizer) and

lower your face mask.• Place your right hand in your left hand and extend it to the celebrant.• The celebrant will place the Holy Communion in your palm.• Consume the Body and Blood in front of the celebrant.• Put your face mask back on in front of the celebrant.• Turn to the right or left (whichever side of the church you are sitting).• Spiritually cleanse your palm with the help of a deacon by washing it in a bowl with water.• Return to your seat maintaining social distancing from other parishioners.

Singing: Due to the increased risk of infection from singing/chanting, the congregation is asked to refrain from singing with the choir. The Deacons and choir will sing from a safe distance. Parishioners may whisper along – this will help to minimize any possible transmission of disease.

Pew Books and Bibles: Pew Books and Bibles will not be available. Parishioners are encouraged to bring their own.

Leaving the Sanctuary Parish Council members will guide parishioners pew by pew in departing the church to maintain social

distancing. Individually-wrapped mahs will be available upon departure and distributed by a deacon.

Please maintain physical distancing when leaving the Sanctuary. Fellowship/Coffee Hour is suspended until further notice.

After each service, the sanctuary and all common areas that are used will be thoroughly cleaned with appropriate cleaning products.

G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t i o n

Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. After hours in an emergency, please contact:

Pastor’s Mobile: (773) 457-4122 e-mail: Fr. Armash’s email:

Parish Administrator’s Mobile: (586) 817-2974

Visits to the Hospitalized and Homebound Please phone the Church Office when you or someone you love is admitted to the hospital and would like a visit from the Pastor. If you have an upcoming surgery, please consider requesting your name to be included in the “Prayers for the Sick and Hospitalized” list. Those who are homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion at home should phone the Church Office.

Home Blessing If you would like the Pastor to visit your home and offer a home bless-ing, please contact the Church Office.

Baptism Parents may prepare for the baptism of their child before he or she is born. For more information, phone the Church Secretary. We encourage parents to baptize their children be-tween 40 days and 3 months.

Marriage Please make sure to confirm your wedding date with the Pastor before booking your reception hall. Phone the Church Secretary at least nine months in advance of your proposed wedding date.

Parish Membership If you are interested in becoming a member of the St. John parish, please speak to a Parish Council member on Sunday, or phone the Church Office.

Sunday Bulletin Announcements for the Sunday Bulletin are due in the Church Office by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday preceding the date of service.

Requiem Requests may be submitted to the Church Office by mail, phone or email to no later than 5:00 p.m. Wednesday preceding the Sunday. Request forms are available in the Church Lobby. Requiem may be offered every Sunday of the year except for the five Tabernacle Feast Days.

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