supernatural breakthrough is my birthright … · breakthrough is to have success in- ... keep...

Post on 26-May-2018






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ISSN: 2437-1815

A weekly publication of living faith church, Kubwa, Abuja, a.k.a Winners’ Chapel Volume 5 No 18


“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.” (Revelation 3:7-8)Gateway is to have breakthrough. The door is opened but there are many adversaries (1 Corinthians 16:9). Your adversaries cannot shut the door, but they can resist your entrance, that is why you need to be empowered to subdue them. Breakthrough is to have success in-spite of challenges or obstacles. Supernatural breakthrough is success that is brought to pass by the hands of the Lord. When God is the one leading you, no devil can stop you (Isaiah 45:1-3). When the hand of the Lord came upon Elijah, he

succeeded against chariots (1 Kings 18:46). However, the key to supernatural breakthrough is in the Book (Joshua 1:8). Irrespective of the anointing you carry, if you don’t have the correct key to a door, you will be frustrated. But faith in the Word of God can open the door to anything you want in life. There are basically two dimensions to accessing our inheritance in Christ. These include the spiritual and practical steps and it is the combination of these two that culminate in the delivery of our inheritance. Man is a spirit living in a body, which is physical and he must be able to blend the two to accommodate the success that God has ordained for him. There is a physical demand to every spiritual instruction. God will give you the instruction but it is your duty to carry it out (Isaiah 34:16). Our inheritance of supernatural breakthrough demands that we subscribe both to the spiritual and physical demands. Every word of God is empowered to perform and it

is strong enough to deliver, it doesn’t need any other addition apart from your faith. Abraham stood on the Word of God, and it worked for him (Romans 4:17-22). The enemy cannot shut any door against you, but he creates barriers through your thoughts. That is why you should think what the Word says about you.However, faith without work is dead (James 2:18). So, it is not enough to believe, you must obey what you claim to believe (Mark 11:24).

Spiritual Dimension to Accessing Supernatural Breakthrough� The force of the fear of the Lord. This is the foundation of success. Anything that is built outside of this cannot last (Psalms 111:10). The fear of God is not being afraid of Him, it is reverence of God. Let His Word matter to you and be committed to doing what pleases Him (Proverbs 8:13). When the fear of the Lord is not there, covenants will fail. Your life is about you and God. There are many benefits

Winners’ Avenue, Off Dutse/Bwari Road Kubwa - Abuja, FCT

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Living Faith Church, Kubwa Abuja.

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Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural BREAKTHROUGH BREAKTHROUGH BREAKTHROUGH is my

attached to the fear of the Lord. • The fear of the Lord secures blessings for you (Psalms 112:1-3).• It guarantees posterity. The fear of the Lord secures your future.• It guarantees prosperity. Doing it right is the way to the supernatural riches (Psalms 128:1-4).

Practical/Physical Dimension to Supernatural Breakthrough� The force of skill. This refers to the ability to do what is committed into your hands. It is h a v i n g t h e k n o w - h o w o f

w h a t e v e r y o u a r e d o i n g (Ecclesiastes 10:15). Skills can be acquired and enhanced by training. Skills can also be e n d o w e d . G o d c a n supernaturally show you what to do, but in most cases, you need to develop on that to meet specific needs (Galatians 4:1).

Keys to Open Door• The key of Revelation. You must understand that you need insight for doors to be opened unto you. When God shows you what to do, no door can be shut against you. That is why you need light from heaven.What does it take to Command

Open Doors?1. You must be born again. Until you are born again, God cannot reveal things to you (Colossians 1:12-13, 1 John 5:4, 4:4).2. You must continue to grow in spiritual understanding (Ephesians 1:17).3. You must continue to serve God and the interest of His kingdom (Galatians 6:7-10).4. Keep growing in power. Obstacles answer to power (Psalms 66:3). Prayer is a necessary requirement to grow in power.5. Maintain a covenant walk with God (Deuteronomy


Last year, I was in a dilemma as to what

to do a�er my Na�onal Youth Service;

but it kept ringing in my mind that

Abuja is the place and it took me �me

before taking a decision to finally come

here. I came to Abuja without knowing

anybody, but I was able to find a place

to squat. The same month I got here,

God miraculously blessed me with a


Secondly, last month the brother I was

squa�ng with, suddenly asked me to

start looking for my own

accommoda�on. I told him okay, but

within me I was wondering where I

would get the money. But God divinely

connected me to a brother I knew back

in school and through him I was able to

get half of my rent. And now I have my

own accommoda�on. Praise God.

Bro Abu O. Michael


I joined this commission 2015. I have

come to return all the glory to God for

delivering my household. Firstly,

while on okada my daughter flung

out of my hand but nothing

happened to her. Secondly, a

python entered my room and God

used a rat to expose the python and it

was killed.

Thirdly, God used his servant in the

house to deliver me from evil spirit

a�ack. May his name alone be praised.

Sis Chris�ana Nkugbo



I joined this commission in 2012.

I want to give God the glory for

delivering my son from death through

the blood of springing. It all happened

on Wednesday a�er the blood of

sprinkling service and responding to the

promp�ng of the Holy Spirit to pray

around mid-night. On Thursday I got a

call from my sister that I should thank

God for delivering my son from death.

On Wednesday, a�er school my son

came home and my mother asked him

to go and change his clothes. He fell

and hit his head on the floor and passed

out. My mother a�er wai�ng for a

while for him decided to check on him.

Behold he was found lifeless on the

floor. She started shou�ng his name

and within some minutes he jerked

back to life. I knew it was the blood of

sprinkling and the prayer that brought

him back to live, to God be all the glory.

Agamgoro Hanah


I joined this commission in 2007. I want

to thank God for giving me a miracle

job. For the past seven (7) years, I have

believed God for a Job. I engaged in

kingdom advancement ac�vi�es,

praying for others, praying and fas�ng

but it was as if nothing was

forthcoming. However, I got one which

I was told to pay One hundred thousand

naira (N100, 000.00) before collec�ng

employment le�er. But now God gave

me one without having to pay anything.

I return all the glory to God.

DCNs Eto Tina

Successful Comple�on of professional


I joined this commission in 2013. I am

here to thank God for his faithfulness

on my life and family. Today, I am a

professional Accountant. A�er a long

�me I decided to professionalize my

career. To God be the glory, I just wrote

my last professional exam.

Clara Olanrewaju



On Friday, while I was about to drive out in

my car, my 2 year old son was busy doing

something else, so asked someone to

ensure he doesn’t run a�er me. I was

reversing the car when I heard the man

scream ‘kai kai’, so I stopped. Lo and

behold, when I came down, I saw my son

almost inside one of the �res. I have come

to thank the God of vengeance who

intervened in my life.

Dcns Bose Ajibola


I joined this commission in 2016. I have

wri�en ICAN exam many �mes without

success. So while preparing to take the

exam once again, I decided to key into the

prophe�c words from this altar and went

into the exam hall with my mantle, laid it

on the answer script, and everything I read

came to my remembrance. Just on

Thursday, the result came out and I am

now a qualified chartered accountant. I

give God all the glory.

Bro Ogbonna Emmanuel


I joined this commission in 2012. On

Sunday, 25th June, Pastor Ibiwoye

preached on divine turnaround and asked

that we should pray for a turnaround in the

areas where we have challenges. So, I

prayed fervently for a turnaround at my

place of work, because my superiors at the

office were making life difficult for me. As

God would have it, five days a�er that

prayer and prophe�c declara�on by

Daddy, the officer who had been troubling

my life was miraculous transferred and

there has been 360 degrees turnaround

for me just as Daddy declared. Praise God!

Bro C. Rogers


I joined this commission in 2013. During

Shiloh 2015, I prayed to God for success in

exam and for me to be called into the

Nigerian Bar Associa�on. Although it was

not easy, God gave me the strength and

grace. I wrote the exams and came out

successful. Today, I have come to give God

all the glory, because Friday, 14th July 2017

made it one year that I was called to the bar

as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme

Court of Nigeria. I just want to say, ‘thank

You Jesus’ for everything.

Sis George Sandra


I want to thank God for adding a year to my

daughter’s age. Also, I sowed a seed during

Shiloh 2016, although it was really difficult,

but it has been awesome. In January, I was

promoted at my place of work and also had

some salary increase. To the glory of God I

have had opportunity to go for training in

Germany. It has been 7 months of God’s

blessings and protec�on. Praise God!

Bro Peter Ikomito


I joined this commission in 2013. When I

got to work last Friday, I was told that some

police officers came looking for me,

because one Sam who was mistaken to be

me had called a taxi for someone and when

the taxi driver came, they cut his neck and

pushed him out and collected his car, but

fortunately for him, a police officer saved

his life. While he was being taken to the

hospital, he wrote on a paper that it was

Sam from my office that a�acked him. So, I

was arrested and taken to the police

sta�on. A�er giving my statement, I was

taken to the hospital for the vic�m to

recognize me and when he saw me, he said

I was not the one that a�acked him. We

later learnt that it was one Samson from

my office that had a�acked him. And that

was how God vindicated me, because if

that driver had died on the way to the

hospital, it would have been a different

story for me. Meanwhile, my mother had

called three weeks earlier, asking us to

start praying because she saw a vision

where something bad happened to one of

us. So, we embarked on one week fas�ng

and prayer and God has vindicated me.

Bro Samuel Onyeka


I joined this commission in 2008. I was in

my house yesterday night when my

neighbor came knocking. His wife was

unconscious and he needed help to take

her to the hospital. Her body was in his car

which was stuck in a ditch and efforts to

push it out failed.

We eventually managed to transfer her

body into my car and took her to the

hospital. We now started praying for her to

regain consciousness. To the glory of God,

she regained consciousness a�er an hour.

God has also perfected her recovery.

Praise the Lord.



I joined this commission in 2002. I was at

work on 15th June, 2017 when my

stomach began to hurt slightly and then

worsened. I was rushed to the hospital

where it was discovered that my appendix

had ruptured. The situa�on worsened up

to a point of almost taking my life. I was

later operated upon and the surgery was

successful. God has also helped me se�le

the hospital bills. I give Him all the glory.



I joined this commission in 2013. I was

nominated for training in my office but I

was told I cannot go because I was a new

staff. I was promised that my name would

be included in the next batch but it didn’t

happen. I came to see Pastor Job during

the choir rehearsals and he prayed for me.

The project manager later called me to

read some things in Yoruba. He said I didn’t

do well but he included my name in the

training list. I have a�ended the training

and I am back. I give all the glory to God.




I joined this commission in 2004. I used to

stay in Calabar, Cross River State, where I

had a covenant with God. I relocated to

Abuja seven years ago but since then,

things have not been working posi�vely for

me and I faced rejec�on. I then waited on

the Lord to know the reason. I sought the

Lord’s face on this issue for seven days

during which I didn’t communicate with

anyone. On the seventh day a�er I

switched on my phone, a call came through

that my step mother had an accident and

one of her limbs was at risk of being

amputated. On the covenant day of

vengeance service, I cried to God that if

what happened to my stepmother was a

result of my prayers, she should be

afflicted the more. I also asked God to take

her life in three days if she was behind my

problems. On the third day, I had a dream

where I saw myself in a coven and heard

the Lord telling me to break a pot; which I

did. A call came through a�er I woke up

telling me that my step mother had passed

on just as I told God.

I bless the Lord for se�ng me free


M y c a s e i s d i ff e r e n t greetings to you all in Jesus’ name.

No doubt the month of August 2017 has been an awesome month for all of us in the Winners’ family with diverse encounters with the healing power, culminating in the restoration of total health for all Winners.

In the same vein, every engaging Winner must have been experiencing new level of empowerment through the ongoing Operation Must Pray, Go, Bring and Nurture with attendant testimonies. To God be all the glory! Amen and amen.

Some twenty-two years ago, to be precisely on the 21st December, 1995 this powerful mandate came down from the Lord:

“Raise me this people that I have given into your hands.Put brighter light into them,Impact greater life into them,Release them in to the i r destinies,Provoke their potentials,Enlarge their capacity for

excellence,Position them effectively in the covenant,S c h o o l t h e m i n t o exploits…………………”

I strongly believe that just like birds are born to fly; the law of gravity and strong winds not withstanding and fishes are born to swim; the storms and w a v e s o f t h e s e a notwithstanding, in the same vein, I believe that believers are born to excel in life, the prevai l ing circumstances notwithstanding.

Someone may ask, but how?

F r o m s c r i p t u r e s , w e understand that Every believer is from above, because Jesus is from above, and as the Father has sent him even so send He us”. Therefore, everyone that is born again is from above and is ordained to be above all – Jn 3:31/ Jn 17:18

Jesus while speaking to his disciples said” yea are the light of the world, a city that is set on a hill that cannot be hid” (Matt. 5:14).

This scripture implies that as disciples of Christ, we are the light of the world, ordained to be pace-setters, path-finders and trailblazers in life.

In the light of the above, the Prophetic focus for the month of September 2017 is:


Recommended books for the month authored by me include:

Exploring the Secrets of SuccessSuccess StrategiesSuccess SystemsMaximized DestinyRemain ever blessed.

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo

Prophetic Focus Prophetic Focus Prophetic Focus for

September, 2017

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