supplier based on 2.0 version of unilever services for professional procurement be better informed,...

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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Supplier Based on 2.0 version of Unilever

services for professional procurementbe better informed, make better decisions

services for professional procurementbe better informed, make better decisions

The Process – Completing your USQS...



(Stage 1)

Pre-qual(Stage 2)

Audit(Stage 3)

All Suppliers

Contact details Company registration Parent company

Supplier Classification Code of conduct Business with Unilever

Your Products Ultimate Parent Financials

Other Contacts Financials Site locations

SEDEX information SAQ Supply Chain Management

Parent level risk assessment



Potential Site risk assessment based on Quality checking

services for professional procurementbe better informed, make better decisions

services for professional procurementbe better informed, make better decisions

Registration - Sign in

Sign in Page


The security of the Log in Page

Log in page

A user will have 3 attempts to log in. If they are unsuccessful they will be locked out of the system for 20 minutes.

If you forget your password there is a link where you can enter some information and you will receive an email where you can reset your password.

Forgotten Password

Web page security

The webpage for the site is HTTPS which is a secure site for suppliers / Unilever & Achilles

Browser Support

Browser support available includes IE 6+, Firefox, Chrome.

Sign in Page continued


Forgotten Password

Forgotten password page

This page is presented when you select the ‘I do not remember my password’ from the log in page.

Security Information

You will need to enter some security information (your email address) and then click on the ‘Request Reset’ button. At this point and email will be generated and you will receive an email (See next slide)

Sign in Page continued


Forgotten Password

Forgotten password - Email

You will now have received an email and you need to click on the ‘Forgot my password’ link

Update password link

You will then need to update your password information at which point you will be asked to sign in again.


It is advisable to chose a strong password with a combination of letters, numbers and uppercase characters.

Log in Page fail


Log in page

You will have 3 attempts to log in. If you are unsuccessful you will be locked out of the system for 1 hour.

If you enter an incorrect username / password combination you will receive this error message and must try again.



All required fields must be entered. If you try to Sign in / Save without mandatory fields you will receive a ‘This field is required’ pop up message.

services for professional procurementbe better informed, make better decisions

services for professional procurementbe better informed, make better decisions

Registration -Welcome Page

Welcome page


Welcome Message

Welcome to the USQS home page with information on what needs to be completed at Stage 1 (Registration)

To Registration

Click Next to commence your Stage 1 - Registration

Home Page


Registration main sections

You need to complete each section and once each section has been completed you will receive a Tick mark ( ) and will be automatically taken to the next section.

Home page

Your Home Page is the starting point for all your activities and you can always return to the Home page by selecting the Home link. Information on the process also provided on this home page menu.


After each section you will be automatically taken to the next section. Complete all mandatory questions per section.

services for professional procurementbe better informed, make better decisions

services for professional procurementbe better informed, make better decisions

Registration – Stage 1

Company Information


Company information

Highlighted in RED to show you which section you are in –

2 mandatory fields required on this page (Your company name and the trading name) throughout the registration mandatory questions are marked with


Once completed any section, click on the SAVE button.

Any information entered will not be saved if you move away for the section, so ensure you press SAVE before moving to another page.

Trading Address


Trading Address

Highlighted in RED to show you which section you are in –

You need to complete 3 mandatory fields at a minimum to save this page.

Once completed, please click on the SAVE button.


This section is auto ticked as this information has been added to the system based on the records we have on you. Please update as required.

Incorporation & Sales Tax


Incorporation & Sales Tax

Highlighted in RED to show you which section you are in –

3 mandatory fields required on this page for registered companies.

Active questions / menu itemsIf your company is registered you will be asked to complete an additional section on Incorporation details

If your company is registered for Sales Tax, you will be asked for the Sales tax (VAT) number.

If you have an ultimate parent company you will asked for this information in another menu item.

Incorporation Details


Incorporation Details

Click into the date field to activate the pop up calendar.


This section is only visible if you have answered REGISTERED to company type in the Incorporation & Sales Tax section

Ultimate Parent


Ultimate Parent

This section is only visible if you have answered YES to the ultimate parent question in the Incorporation & Sales Tax section

Primary Contact


Primary contact details

Please complete this section with the main contact for your company. This person will co-ordinate any requirements for your company.

Products & Services


Tip – Countries with Locations

You can enter an entire region by typing in the Region and then selecting the ADD ALL option (e.g. Europe)

Products & Services

Please select what type of Products and services you provide.

Scenario 1 - Direct Classification


Direct Classification

You must select at least one type of classification to proceed to the next section. You can select multiple classifications.

Scenario situation

If you are a direct supplier of raw materials to Unilever you are required to select your supplier classification from this list.

Scenario 1 – Direct Products



Alternatively you can search for the products and services with the search box provided.

Scenario situation

If you are a direct supplier of raw materials to Unilever you are required to select these from the product picker below.

This is activated based on the answer you provided in the Product & Services section (Do you provide any raw materials.....)

Direct Products

As a direct supplier of raw material, packaging you will need to enter in the products by selecting them from the product picker. These are then added to the table.

Scenario 2 – Indirect Classification


Scenario situation

If you are an indirect supplier of services to Unilever you are required to select from these indirect classifications.

Indirect Classification

You must select at least one type of indirect classification to proceed to the next section. You may select multiple classification

Scenario 2 – Indirect Goods & Services


Indirect goods & services

As a indirect supplier of goods and services you will need to enter in the products by selecting them from the product picker. These are then added to the table on the right hand side.

Scenario situation

If you are a indirect supplier of services to Unilever you are required to select these from the product picker below.

This is activated based on the answer you provided in the Product & Services section (Do you currently provide any goods and services...)


Alternatively you can search for the products and services with the search box provided.

Business with Unilever


Business with Unilever

Please provide your total business with Unilever for the last 12 months and what you are expected to deliver over the next 12 months.

Both of these fields are mandatory.

Financial Information


Dynamic Question

If you answer NO to this question, the following questions are not displayed and you are not required to answer them

Please provide your Financial information if available. This information will not be disclosed to any third parties and will be kept confidential.

Financial Information

Management Policies


Dynamic Question

If you answer YES to this question, the following questions are not displayed and you are not required to answer them

Management Policies

Please complete the code of conduct questions. These are considered of high importance to Unilever.

Management Policies Continued


All questions are mandatory for all questions please select the most appropriate answer from the drop down list.

Management Policies

Invoice Payment Details



If required, you will be asked to complete your Invoice details. Please make sure the information you enter here is correct. You can use the same details for billing as already registered by selecting Yes here

Please note that the PO Number is optional and can be used for your own internal processes.

Invoice Contact Details


Invoice Contact Details

Please confirm the billing details in this screen.



InvoiceYou can now download your invoice by selecting the Proforma.pdf link.

If any details are incorrect you can amend by visiting the Invoice contact details and Invoice Payment details options.




After you have completed all the sections of the Registration questionnaire, please confirm your details on this page and accept that you have read the T&C’s.


This is the final section you need to complete as part of your registration process, and will only become available once all sections are completed and show the green tick

Questionnaire Submission



This screen confirms your questionnaire has been submitted for Quality Checking.

services for professional procurementbe better informed, make better decisions

services for professional procurementbe better informed, make better decisions

Prequalification – Stage 2

Sign in – Prequalification (Stage 2)


Log in page

A user will have 3 attempts to log in. If they are unsuccessful they will be locked out of the system for 20 minutes

If you forget your password there is a link where you can enter some information and you will receive an email where you can reset your password

Forgotten Password

Web page security

The webpage for the site is HTTPS which is a secure site for suppliers / Unilever & Achilles

Browser Support

Browser support available includes IE 6+, Firefox, Chrome.

Prequalification – Welcome Page


This is your ‘Welcome page’ for your prequalification section –

All sections which have a tick against them have been completed in registration

To continue click on NEXT or select a Section from the left hand menu.

Prequal ‘Welcome’

The information you entered in stage 1 registration has been checked and is now read-only. If changes to this information are required please request this using the link:

Important Note

Prequalification - Registered Address


Please enter your registered address information (Registered office details) and please provide a certificate of registration

Registered Address


This section is only activated if you have previously specifically stated you are a registered company in the ‘Incorporation & Sales Tax’ section

Prequalification – Additional Contacts



Please enter this information as it will help Unilever contact the correct people if any queries arise.

Please tick from the selected list of contacts which ones you would like to enter. Once completed, please click on the SAVE button where you will be taken to the next page to complete this information.

Additional Contacts

Prequalification – Additional Contacts


Depending on the options you have selected on the previous screen, you are now asked to complete this contact information and must complete all mandatory information. (5 fields are required per contact type).

Once you have completed this information, please click on the SAVE button

Adding a contact

Prequalification – SEDEX Details



To find your SEDEX reference number, you can log onto to the SEDEX portal to obtain this information.

If you are registered to SEDEX, please select this option. This will then trigger a question which will ask for your SEDEX reference number which must begin with an S

SEDEX Details

Prequalification – Sites (1) – Scenario 1


This section is where you will add all of your manufacturing sites which supply Unilever.


Scenario situation

This scenario applies if you are a direct supplier to Unilever and you have selected a classification of Manufacturer / Contract Manufacturer.

Page 1 of 7

Prequalification – Sites (2) – Scenario 1


Please answer all of the required questions. You will also be required to add certificates against this site if you have them in the next section.


Page 2 of 7

Prequalification – Sites (3) – Scenario 1


Page 3 of 7

Please select the products / services for this site. This is limited to the products / material you have added in at the parent level.

Sites continued

Prequalification – Sites (4) – Scenario 1


Page 4 of 7

Finally to complete your site, please enter in the contact details for the site along with the Unilever locations and the geographical regions.

Sites continued


Please Indicate if your site is registered to Sedex and include your Sedex reference number which must start with a P or PS

Prequalification – Certificates Scenario 1


Page 5 of 7

After adding in your site information, you are now required to enter in your certificates against this site.

To add a certificate, please click on the ‘Add’ button.

If you do not have any certificates to add, please click on the ‘Next’ button and you will be directed back to the Sites Summary page.



It is advisable that you upload all relevant certificates against your site as this may determine if you need to complete an on site audit at a later date.

Prequalification – Adding a certificate– Scenario 1


Page 6 of 7


Firstly you will need to upload your certificate, then select the type of certificates this is from the dropdown list and add to this site – These are broken up into a number of different categories (RS / Quality and Other)

All questions are mandatory, once you have completed all of the details, click on Save and you will be taken to an overview page of all the certificates added to this site.


Click in the date fields to access the pop up calendars

Prequalification – Certificates Summary (for a site)


Page 7 of 7

Certificate Summary

After you add in your certificates you will see them listed against the site in this certificates summary page.

You can also delete the certificate from the system by clicking on the ‘Delete’ link. A warning screen is displayed before you delete this record.

To enter another certificate select Add link.


If you do not need to enter in any more certificates, please click on Declaration Tab to submit the questionnaire

Prequalification – Unilever Sites


Page 1 of 2

Unilever Sites Summary

This page shows you the list of Unilever Sites you have added.

You can add and delete a site in here by clicking on either the ADD or the DELETE link.

This section is relevant if you indirectly supply services to Unilever primarily for ‘employee materials and services’


If you need to remove a site you delete it using the link in the delete column.

Prequalification – Unilever Sites


Page 2 of 2

Unilever Sites detail

Please complete all the details for the Unilever sites you provide to. There are a number of required fields in this section and all must be completed.

SEDEX information

This is a dynamic question and is triggered if you answer YES.

Prequalification – Supply Chain


Supply Chain

The supply chain section is activated only if you are an Agent / Trader. Here we are requesting some information on your supply chain at a high level.


If you select NO for the 1st question (Manager responsible) you are not required to provide any contact information for your supply chain manager.

Prequalification - Declaration



Once you have completed all the sections in the prequalification, please accept the terms and conditions and click on ‘Save’.

You have now submitted your Stage 2 – Prequalification questionnaire.

Prequalification - Submitted



Once you have completed your prequalification you will get an onscreen message as above and you will be locked out of the prequalification until the Achilles team has quality checked your USQS.

SSA – Supplier Self Assessment


Page 1 of 9

SSA Required

After completing the first two USQS stages, registration and pre-qualification, when you log back into the system you may be required to complete the SSA as highlighted. You can access the self-scoring SSA by clicking the SSA link for each site.

There are 3 different SSA’s available, you will see the one applicable to your company from:

Raw Material (All Food and HPC) – 27 questions

Tea– 25 questions

Packaging – 24 questions


The data input into the questionnaire is now locked if changes are required select the ‘request data editable’ link

SSA – Supplier Self AssessmentExample – Tea Supplier


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Accessing the SSA questions

Firstly select Sites on the left hand menu, and then select the SSA Link.

SSA – Supplier Self AssessmentSite 1


Page 3 of 9

Accessing the SAQ questions

You will now see the questions you are required to answer, all questions are multiple choice, so select from the drop down options

SSA – Supplier Self Assessment


Page 4 of 9

Answering the SSA

questionsAnswer each question accurately, if you need to source information you can save the SSA by selecting

SSA – Supplier Self Assessment


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SSA – Supplier Self Assessment


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Answering the SSA

questionsOnce you have answered all questions you need to complete the declaraion and submit the SSA for scoring by selecting Submit SSA

SSA – Supplier Self Assessmentresults - Fail


Page 7 of 9

Results: Fail

In the case of a failed SSA you have 5 days to take corrective actions. Corrective action required is listed below any failed questions.

SSA – Supplier Self Assessmentresults – Amber Pass


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Results Amber Pass

An amber pass means all critical questions have been passed, however there are still some failed questions. The corrective actions will need to be completed before renewal of the SSA

SSA – Supplier Self Assessmentresults – Green Pass


Page 9 of 9

Result Green Pass

All questions passed

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services for professional procurementbe better informed, make better decisions

services for professional procurementbe better informed, make better decisions

Contact Us / Terms & Conditions


Contact Us

Please use the Contact Us if you have any urgent queries about the process or your account.

Achilles T& C

To view the T&C’s at any stage please click on the link in the footer and Open or Save the terms and conditions

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