surah al ahzab

Post on 17-May-2015






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أ�حزاب ال سورة

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 1:• Background of the Surah ---- Battle of Ahzab and Banu Quraizah

• Moral training of believers, social reforms ---- Slavery, denominationalism, Marriage of Zaid(RA) &

Zainab(RA), her divorce & marriage with Rasolallah

• Obedience to Allah’s command ---- Taqwa & Tawakul Ilallah ---- Do not fear of defamation. Be

aware of hypocrisy.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Zihar ---- An absurd tradition

• Reform regarding adopted son & Inheritance.

• Rasolallah’s compassion, affection for believers ---- a greater well-wisher --- A believer’s faith

cannot be complete until Prophet(SAW) becomes dearer to him than any thing in this world.

• Covenant of the Prophets.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 2:• Background of the battle of Ahzab --- Trials and Allah’s Help --- Confederacy of disbelievers,

hypocrites and Jews, shortage of food , digging of ditches, Ghiftan tribe and treachery of Quraizah.

• Excuses, flouts of hypocrites and their role ---- We have to audit our selves, Do we wait for

appropriate time to do good.

• Role of Nuaim bin Masood(RA) ---- Role of a new Muslim and his offer to work for Deen.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 3:• Rasolallah(SAW) obedience is wajib(obligatory) on believers ---- Examples from Seerah during

this battle.

• Increase in faith and obedience of Sahabah during trials and hardships.

• Battle with Banu Quraizah and their termination.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 4:• Event of Illa and its details --- takhyir, i. e. to give the wife the option to decide for herself whether

she would stay in wedlock or would separate from the husband.

• Wives of Holy Prophet(SAW) -- Mothers of the believers -- Role Model -- Why mom’s role is

important? ---- Higher ranks means higher responsibility

• Injunctions to eradicate indecency from society

Khadija R.A Saudah R.AMaimoona R.A   Safia R.AJaveria R.A Hafsah R.AAyesha R.A Umme Habibah R.A Umme Salma R.A Mariah R.A Zainab bin Khazimah R.A Zainab bint Jahsh R.A

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Code of conduct ---- How to talk with Non Mahram ---- Don’t be soft in speech, delicacy and grace

to avoid temptations --- straight forward speech

• Stay in your homes with peace and dignity ---- woman's real sphere of activity is her home

• Can go out in time of need but avoid mixing of sexes --- Further in Ayah 53

• Time of Ignorance = display of allurements --- Now its called modernism.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• What is Tabaruj ----(1) show the charms of her face and body before the people (2) display the

adornments of her dress and ornaments before others (3) make herself conspicuous by her gait

and figure and coquetry (4) perfume which allure others

• Establish Prayer, give Zakah, and obey Allah and His Messenger.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• What is cleanness & uncleanness? --- Removal of filth and purification -- We have read all the

injunction to obtain such purity - Indecency is the filth, avoid all actions which stimulate sexual desires

• What is Hikmah? ---- Teachings and Sunnah of Rasolallah(SAW) ---- Listen, obey and spread --- The

way to implement Laws of Allah(SWT) into practice

• Role of Mothers of believers in propagation of Islam.

• Are these injunctions only for wives of Rasolallah ---- Foolish excuse to avoid practice.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 5:• Ten characteristics of Believers ----

1). Islam ( Shahadah)

2). Faith (through heart, speech, action)

3). Obedience

4).Truthful(do not deal in lies, deceptions, frauds and forgeries)

5).Patiently & steadfastly bear and face all the obstacles, dangers, difficulties & losses in way of Allah

ICNA Sisters' Wing

6).Humble themselves to Allah(free from pride, vanity and haughtiness)

7).Give alms( Obligatory and general charity)

8).who fast (travel in way of Allah)

9). Refrain from adultery and avoid nudity

10).Remember Allah at all times --- Relationship with Allah

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Zainab(RA) marriage with Zaid(RA) ---- Role of freed slave in society, submission to Allah and His

messenger’s command.

• No constraints to marry divorced wife of adopted son ---- Rasolallah’s (SAW) marriage with

Zainab(RA) ---- Social reform.

• Don’t fear people but fear Allah ---- Khashiyat

• ن� �� ي ب� �� ن ال ن� ن� ن�ا ----- Seal of the Prophets ---- Finality of the Prophet hood.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 6:• Remembrance of Allah --- Comfort of heart and produce ability to handle hardships.

• Blessings invoked by Angels ---- Salat wa Salam --- Durood

• ر�ا ي� ب� م�� ر�ا ن�ا ب� ----- Shining lamp ---- No Light is needed after Rasolallah(SAW)

• Announcement to the believers the good tidings that Allah has kept bounteous blessings for them.

• Instruction regarding divorces.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Special permission to Rasolallah of more than four wives and its reasons.

• Marriages of Rasolallah & their expedience --- Personal, collectivistic, political, social, educational.

Khadija R.A Saudah R.AMaimoona R.A   Safia R.AJaveria R.A Hafsah R.AAyesha R.A Umme Habibah R.A Umme Salma R.A Mariah R.A Zainab bin Khazimah R.A Zainab bint Jahsh R.A

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 7:• Enter the house only with permission.

• Etiquettes for hosts and guests ---- Background of this revelation ---- go on time and leave after the meal is

served --- Do not linger in idle talks

• Prohibition of free mixing of sexes ---- Segregation ---- Verse of the veil(Ayat Hijab) --- Talk behind the curtain to

achieve purity of heart

• Hijab in our hearts and eyes ---- Making fun of Allah’s command

• All such utterance and actions which cause anguish or hurt to Holy Prophet(SAW) are Haram ---- Importance of

Sunnah and Hadith

Ask for Permission

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Mahram Relatives ---- Father, son, brother, son of brother, son of sister, women , maids

• Injunctions regarding Hijab are clear ---- shun disobeying Allah. Allah is watchful over everything ---- Taqwa

• Blessing and peace on Rasolallah(SAW) -- Durood and Salam --- Be grateful to him for his great favors to


• Those who cause annoyance to Allah and His messenger(SAW) --- Shirk and disobedience --- Allah’s

curse here and Here after.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 8:• Draw a part of their outer coverings (Jilbab) around them --- They will be recognized to be noble

and chaste women and not be teased or molested.

• Role of Hypocrites and Jews in Madina -- Spreading rumors, scandal mongers --- Punishment

• Turning of the faces in Hell fire.

• Obedience of elites rather than obedience of Allah and His messenger = Hell fire

ICNA Sisters' Wing

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 9:• A principle for success Here and Here after ---- Clear, direct and straight talk with no lies -- Saying

what is right ---- Truthfulness

• Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has achieved a great triumph.

• Amanah/ Trust which Human agrees to carry ---- Burden of vicegerent ----- Trust of Quran ---- Trust

of being witness to Mankind.

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