sure-eu trg manual trf-o2c-8.0 - 007 rev dispatch...

Post on 27-Jul-2018






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SAP SD – Sales and Distribution

Process Name: Product Dispatch Processing

Process No: TRF/O2C/8.0

Control Copy No: TRF/O2C/8.0/

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Enterprise Order to Cash process in TRF has the following business processes.

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For each of the above processes, a separate End User Training Manuals is available This document covers sl. No. 7 of the above list, that is Product Dispatch Processing.

This End User Training manual on Product Dispatch Processing consists of the

following sequence of sub-processes as listed in the Table of contents (next page)

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Define and Assign Text Determination Procedures-this is done in spro

The text types of a text object are grouped together in text determination procedures. You assign a text determination procedure using certain keys, for example, account group customer or sales document type.

The SAP System offers the text types of the corresponding text determination procedure for maintenance, for example, when you are editing a customer master record of the assigned account group customer or a sales document of the assigned sales document type.

In this menu option you set the following defaults:

• You define the text determination procedures.

• You assign the text determination procedures for automatic text determination.

To define a text determination procedure you have to set the following defaults for every text type:

• Dupli (duplicating when copying a text)

If you select "yes", the text is duplicated from the reference. It can be changed, but needs more storage space. If you select "no", the text is copied from the reference, but cannot be changed.

• FGrp (error group)

Using the error group, you can mark texts as relevant for the incompletion log of the sales documents. If a relevant text of this text type is missing in the sales document, a note is included in the incompletion log.

• Required

Here, you indicate whether the existence of a text is obligatory, or whether the SAP System should only propose the text type. In addition, you can indicate which texts the SAP System should display in a pop-up window in case of copying (for example, from the customer master record into a sales document).

• Sequence (assignment of an access sequence)

For text determination in the sales & distribution documents, you assign an access sequence to the text types in the procedure. The access sequence defines how the SAP System is to search for the texts. For the text object "customer master record you do not specify access sequences since these texts are not copied but manually specified by the user.

Afterwards you assign the defined text determination procedures as follows:

Text object Key

Customer master record Account group

Sales document header Sales document type

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Sales document item Item category

Delivery header Delivery type

Delivery item Item category

Billing header Billing type

Billing item Billing type

CAS CAS sales activity type


Currently you cannot set up your own error groups for the incompletion log for texts in customizing.

In the standard SAP R/3 System, error group "50" is defined for texts. The incompletion log takes it into account if the texts are additionally characterized as required in the procedure.


You can only include text types and access sequences in a procedure which you have defined beforehand (see the section "Define text types" and "Define access sequences").

• The account groups, document types, and item categories must already be defined. They are then proposed to you automatically for assignment.


1. Check to what extent you can use the text determination procedures contained in the standard SAP R/3 System.

2. Change the existing text determination procedures according to your needs or create new ones.

To do this, branch to the text determination procedures for a text object and display the texts in the procedure.

3. Assign the text determination procedures.

There are 2 ways to do this:

o by calling up the text determination procedure assignment

Here, you can carry out the assignment for the selected text determination procedure.

o by calling up text determination procedure usage

Here, the assignments are displayed for the account groups, the document types and item categories.

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