surveon smr8300 megapixel raid nvr operation guide

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Surveon Training Program

SMR8300 Operation Guide

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Surveon Technology 2015

Let’s Get Started

Live View and Monitoring

Client Interface Simple Introduction



Client Interface Simple Introduction

You can find more detail in the SMR8300 user manual


1. Live View / Playback Selection Tabs – Allows users to choose live view and playback mode

You can find more detail in the SMR8300 user manual

Client Interface Simple Introduction


2. Camera List – Lists all the connected cameras.

You can find more detail in the SMR8300 user manual

Client Interface Simple Introduction


3. Snapshot – Take a snapshot of the current camera image.

You can find more detail in the SMR8300 user manual

Client Interface Simple Introduction


4. Volume Control – Control the volume.

You can find more detail in the SMR8300 user manual

Client Interface Simple Introduction


5. Live View Control – Interface for interacting with PTZ-enabled cameras.

You can find more detail in the SMR8300 user manual

Client Interface Simple Introduction


6. Log - This area contains system, video, storage, network status information.

You can find more detail in the SMR8300 user manual

Client Interface Simple Introduction


7. Alarm – When triggered, the icon will flick with a red colored alarm.

You can find more detail in the SMR8300 user manual

Client Interface Simple Introduction


8. Details – List all the detailed logs for review, query and export.

You can find more detail in the SMR8300 user manual

Client Interface Simple Introduction


You can find more detail in the SMR8300 user manual

9. Button Area - This area contains the buttons to change views, enter the full screen mode, go to the next/previous page, go home and auto page flip between pages.

Client Interface Simple Introduction


10. Main View Area – This area contains the actual video feed(s).

You can find more detail in the SMR8300 user manual

Client Interface Simple Introduction

Check the Events and System Status



1. Event Console1. The event log will be displayed on the left corner or the Live View page.2. You can have a quick browse to all event without extra clicks or move.

The Disk number is related to the cable you attached on the machine.

2. Storage Status1. Click on the storage status indicator.2. A HDD table will popup, indicating which HDD is down.3. You can find the faulty HDD when the indicator turns red.

System Event and Storage Status

How to Utilize PAP View



1. Create a PAP view1. Right-click the View entry in the View Explorer window. 2. Select “Add PAP View” and then select the desired window number.3. Drag the camera into the main window.

1. This function is only available in VMS Remote Client2. Demo Video :

2. Focus on different regions1. Use your mouse to create different regions to zoom.2. Images from the selected regions will appear in other windows3. Switch to the next box to configure different regions.

How to Utilize the PAP View

How to Switch to Fisheye View



1. Switch the fisheye view1. Add fisheye camera into SMR8300.2. Select the style you mounted the camera.3. Click the icon on the top.

1. Surveon dewrap function is optimized to Surveon CAM7511.2. The dewrap function can also dewrap other fisheye camera.(But not optimized)

How to Switch to Fisheye View


2. Select proper display 1. Select the mount type2. Select the view you want to see.

1. Please always remember to select the mounted type.

How to Switch to Fisheye View

23How to Switch to Fisheye View

ICON Description Reference

conventional rectilinear projection, panorama view

split-window, horizontal view

4 split-windows: - 3 enlarged view windows- 1 original fisheye window

1 enlarged view window and 1 an original fisheye window.

original fisheye view


How to setup motion recording on Surveon Camera?


26How to setup motion recording?

By default, already enabledMotion recording is already enabled, you don’t need configure.

Please remember login with administrative account or power user.

Linux base NVR change the recording policyDemo video:

How to add 3rd party camera or ONVIF camera?



How to add 3rd party camera or ONVIF camera?

1. Both SMR8300 and the 3rd party camera must support ONVIF.2. The time duration to add a 3rd party or ONVIF camera might be longer.

1. Add 3rd party camera1. Right click in the camera list page2. click Add Camera.

2. Select brand or ONVIF1. Select the camera brand or ONVIF2. Type camera IP3. Camera port(HTTP port), stream port(RTSP port).4. Select camera model 5. Type username and password.6. Click OK button

How to Setup Motion Recording on 3rd Party Camera?


30How to setup motion recording on 3rd party camera

1. Setup Motion Recording on 3rd party camera1. Select ONVIF or 3rd party camera 2. Right click to open camera option menu.3. Click General Motion detection

1. Support camera list : 3rd party camera DOES NOT support Camera motion detection when using ONVIF.3. Certified 3rd party cameras should support Camera motion detection.


1. Setup Motion Detected Zone1. Enable the event.2. Click New region, and name the region.3. Adjust the region to define the zone to should be detected.4. Click OK.

1. You can click “Begin Simulation” to test the motion detection result.2. If you have several cameras which have the same detected zone, you can click “Apply all”.3. General motion detection will stress the CPU very much, please be careful to use.

2. Apply all1. You have several cameras.2. The detected zone is the same.3. “Apply All” can clone the configuration to all cameras.

How to setup motion recording on 3rd party camera


Instant Playback on the Liveview screen


34How to use Instant Playback?

1. Change to Live View mode1. Login SMR83002. Switch to Live-view mode.

2. Play the video1. Right-click the video panel that playback is required on2. select Instant Play > [Time Length] to activate the function

3. Instantly play video1. A popup will open with the desired playback.

1. We allow one instant playback window at a time. 2. Linux base NVR Demo Video :

How to Search Video by Date



How to Search Video by Date

1. Video search can be activated only in playback mode.2. The red dots on the time bar represent the motion was detected.3. You can have 16 HD stream to playback concurrently.

1. Change to Playback mode1. Login SMR83002. Switch to Playback mode.

2. Select the data from the calendar1. Change the date2. Setup the Time, and click set

3. Retrieve the video1. Select one camera.2. Drag and Drop into the main screen.3. Search the time bar to get the video

4. Change layout1. You can change the layout.2. 4 chs/ 9 chs / 16 chs

How to Search Video by VI



How to Search Video by VI

Linux base NVR Demo video :

2. Select the data from the calendar1. Change the date2. Setup the Time, and click set

1. Change to Playback mode1. Login SMR83002. Switch to Playback mode.3. Click VI search button

3. Select target camera and search area1. Select a camera and drag to search window.2. Click “New region” to define the search zone.3. Select the event type you want to search4. Click search.

4. Make the label to result1. Select a clip, and right click on the video.2. Select “Label”3. Select the label you want to tag on the video.

How to Search Video by Event



How to Search Video by Event

Linux base NVR Demo video :

2. Select the camera and time period1. Change the date2. Setup the Time, and click set3. Choose the camera you want to search.

1. Change to Playback mode1. Login SMR83002. Switch to Playback mode.3. Click Event search button

3. Select VI and Label1. Select the label you want to search.2. Check the VI function you have tag label.3. Click search.

4. Play the event video1. Double click the video.

Setup Function

How to Configure the Network


43How to Configure Network

Please remember to login by Power User or Administrator.

1. Bring up the VMS Setup windows1. Click to bring up the setup window. 2. Click the “Network”.3. Click “Multiple LAN”.

44How to Configure Network

Every time you change the network configuration, the system need to be restarted.

Select the Network Interface1. Click the interface you want to configure.2. Click “Edit”

Input the value1. Choose the method to get IP2. If “fixed ip” is selected, you need to also input the configuration.

How to Configure VI Function


46How to Configure VI

Linux Base NVR Demo Video :

How to Create Different User Accounts in SMR8300


48How to Create Different User Accounts

Please remember to login by Power User or Administrator.

1. Bring up the VMS Setup windows1. Click to bring up the setup window. 2. Click the “Account Manager”.3. Click Accounts.

49How to Create Different User Accounts

1. Please remember to login by Power User or Administrator.2. We have a default account, admin.

1. Add Accounts1. Click Add to create new create account.

2. Enter the basic information1. Username 2. User group3. Password

3. Select View1. Click the view, which such user is able to see.2. Click the arrow and send to right field. 3. Define the default view, when such user login.4. Click OK.

How to Use Dual Monitors in SMR8300


How to Setup Dual Monitors on SMR8300

1. SMR8300 can allow two display at the same time.2. Note: : The functions COM port is reserved, also item 2,7 is for 2bay model


How to Setup Dual Monitors on SMR8300

Model Primary Monitor Secondary Monitor

SMR8300 4 * Stream 1 1 * Stream1



How many stream 1 liveview can be supported in SMR8300?

How to Add More License in SMR8300


54How to add more license?

1. Default License is already built-in when you bought the NVR.2. This procedure is for “Add-on License”.

1. Purchase add-on license from Surveon1. Purchase the license with different channels.2. Provide the S/N to the sales to bind the license.

2. Export the HW information. 1. Purchase the license with different channels.2. Provide the S/N to the sales to bind the license. 3. Extract the License information from SMR8300.

55How to add more license?

1. The register code will be sent to you after you purchase.2. The license file should be put in USB.3. Please remember to restart the NVR to activate the license.

1. Apply add-on license1. Go to Enter the register code.3. Upload the license information.4. Download license file

2. Import the license to SMR83001. Put the license into a USB drive.2. Insert the USB into SMR83003. Click “Add”4. Import the license.5. Restart the SMR8300.

How to Know The Current Firmware Version


57How to know the current firmware version

1. Please remember to logout, so that you can see the complete information.2. If you report the issue to “Tech Support”, please remember to attach the version

information as well.

1. Current Firmware version1. Press F8.2. Logout from the SMR8300.3. Check complete version information.

2. Current version of all modules1. Login SMR8300.2. Click on the right-top.

3. Check the complete version information of all modules.

How to Setup Automatic UPnP port forwarding



What is Port Forwarding


PORT FORWARDING TO ACCESS NVR SERVER REMOTELYPort forwarding allows remote computers (for example, computers on the internet) to connect to a specific computer or service within a private local-area network (LAN).


How to Setup Automatic UPnP port forwarding

1. Your router must support “UPnP Port forwarding function”2. Make sure your firewall policy is setup.

1. Bring up the VMS Setup windows1. Click to bring up the setup window. 2. Click the “Network”.3. Click “Port Mapping”

2. Setup Rules on the Router1. Enter the Public port

2. Check the Automatic UPnP Mapping.

3. Setup the Routers1. Make sure your router support “Auto UPnP Port Mapping”2. Enable the function, and check the mapping rules.3. (For Linux base NVR)

How to Use Remote Client to Login SMR8300


How to Use Remote Client to Login SMR8300

1. Linux base demo video : VMS Remote Client :

1. Remote Client1. Download the remote client via the link.2. Install the client on a windows PC.3. Enter username and password.4. Login

How to Use Mobile/Web Client to Login SMR8300


How to Use Mobile/Web Client to Login SMR8300

1. Linux base NVR demo video : Mobile Client :

2. Web Client1. Open the IE browser.2. Input the address.(http://IP address/webclient)3. Enter username and password4. Login

1. Mobile Client1. Download the mobile client via the link.2. Input the IP address.3. Enter username, password4. Enter port(HTTP port, default is 80)5. Login

Advanced Managed Function

How to Add SMR8300 into SCC


How to Add SMR8300 into SCC

1. Linux base demo video :

2. SCC Client :

1. SCC Client1. Download the SCC client via the link.2. Install the client on a windows PC.3. Enter username and password.4. Login

Do You Have Any Document or Support Material


69TeamViewer Support

Send the Account and Password to the Tech support:

Bring up the VMS Setup windows1. Click to bring up the setup window. 2. Click the “Network”.3. Click “Remote Assistant”.

70Useful Material

1. If you need a training event, You can find the registration page @ Partner.

Demo Video

Support hardware

Latest Firmware

Application note

Online ticket system


Linux Base NVR Demo Video


72Linux Base NVR Demo Video

SMR8300 Installation Guide

Login Linux base NVR from VMS remote client

Setup Linux base NVR for web and mobile client

Setup Linux base NVR UPnP Port forwarding

Linux base NVR VI Search Playback

Setup Linux base NVR recording policy

Surveon Channels :

73SMR8300 Demo Video

Linux base NVR control PTZ camera in liveview

Linux base NVR use instant playback to do quick replay

Linux base NVR VI feature overview

How to add Linux base NVR to SCC

How to use SCC to control TV wall matrix

Surveon Channels :

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