survey of lpvd exploring fs, st and st

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  • 8/11/2019 Survey of LPVD Exploring FS, ST and ST


    Survey of Low Power VLSI Design

    Techniques Exploring Sleep Transistors and

    Forced StackShiraz Husain1, Nilesh Kushwah2

    1,2M.E, Final Year, VLSI Design. SVCE, Indore (M.P.)

    Abstract-Power consumption is the major factor ofCMOS-VLSI technology. Earlier only Dynamic

    power consumption was focused because it

    accounted for 90% of the total power consumption.

    But as the feature size shrinks down e.g.:-0.09 and

    0.065 um; static power (leakage power) has become

    a great challenge for current and future

    technologies. The main contributors for the leakage

    power are the subthreshold leakage power andgate-oxide leakage power .Since we assume that

    high-k dielectric gate insulators may provide a

    solution to reduce gate-leakage; so we have focused

    on reducing sub-threshold leakage power

    consumption by techniques called as Sleepy Stack,

    Sleepy Keeper, Dual Sleep and Forced Sleep which

    combines the features of sleep transistor and forced

    stack technique. These techniques are of great

    beneficiary to those designers who require ultra-

    low leakage power consumption but with the delay

    and area overheads. This is a review paper

    discussing the comparison of various techniques

    such as forced stack, sleep transistor, sleepy stack,

    Dual Sleep, Sleepy Keeper and Forced Sleep in

    terms of area, power and delay.

    Keywords-Low power VLSI, Sub threshold Leakage,Stacking.


    Since the early days of the MOStransistor, its switching capability has

    been exploited by a wide variety of

    applications. By applying a high or lowvoltage on the gate contact, the current

    flow between source and drain can be

    switched on or off, respectively. The off-

    state current was supposed to be verysmall. In fact, early analytical models for

    the electrical behavior of MOS

    transistors like the low-level SPICE

    models were even assuming a zero off-state current. Commonly used equations

    for deriving the drain current were based

    on the well-known quadratic transfercurve of a MOS transistor. Below a

    certain gate-source voltage, called

    Threshold voltage, the drain current

    was supposed to be zero.

    Surely, this has been a goodapproximation for quite some time when

    long channels and high supply voltages

    were used. Then the semiconductor

    industry started shrinking the devices toincrease their density on a chip leading

    to higher power dissipation.

    Additionally, the electric fields in thedevice were constantly increasing

    because the voltage drops over the gate

    oxide and the channel stayed the samewhile their sizes were reduced, leadingto reliability concerns. Consequently, the

    supply voltage was decreased to

    overcome these problems, though thescaling method applied to the supply

    voltage has been much more

    conservative than the one for the devicegeometry. The threshold voltage was

    decreased, accordingly, to maintain good

    driving capabilities.

    As a result, the off-state currentgradually became a limiting factor fordown-scaling the threshold voltage since

    it determines the power consumption of

    a chip in its idle state. Basically, threedifferent regimes can be defined for the

    operation of a MOS transistor. Based on

    the inversion condition of the channel,

  • 8/11/2019 Survey of LPVD Exploring FS, ST and ST


    these regimes are called weak inversion,moderate inversion, and strong


    In general, two mechanisms are

    responsible for the current flow: driftand diffusion. Under weak inversion thechannel surface potential is almost

    constant across the channel and the

    current flow is determined by diffusionof minority carriers due to a lateral

    concentration gradient. Under strong

    inversion there exists a thin layer of

    minority carriers at the channel surfaceand a lateral electric field which causes a

    drift current. The moderate inversion

    regime is considered a transition regionbetween weak and strong inversion

    where both current flow mechanisms

    coincidently exist.

    The subthreshold leakage current can be

    expressed as follows:

    Isub= K1WeVth/nV(1 e


    where K1 and n are experimental values,

    W is the width of the transistor, Vth is

    the threshold voltage and V is thethermal voltage.

    Subthreshold leakage power increases

    exponentially as threshold voltagedecreases. Furthermore, the structure of

    the short channel device decreases the

    threshold voltage even lower. In addition

    to subthreshold leakage, anothercontributor to leakage power is gate-

    oxide leakage power due to the tunneling

    current through the gate-oxide insulator.Since gate oxide thickness may reduceas the channel length decreases, in sub

    0.1- m technology, gate-oxide leakage

    power may be comparable tosubthreshold leakage power if not

    handled properly. However, we assume

    other techniques will address gate-oxide

    leakage; for example, high- dielectricgate insulators may provide a solution to

    reduce gate-leakage. Therefore, this

    paper focuses on reducing subthreshold

    leakage power consumption.


    Techniques for leakage power reductioncan be grouped into the following two


    1) State-saving techniques where circuit

    state (present value) is retained. for

    example: forced Stack

    2) State-destructive techniques where thecurrent Boolean output value of the

    circuit might be lost. For example: Sleep


    Base case: We use the phrase base

    case to refer to the conventional CMOStechnique. It consists of a pull-up

    network and a pull-down network using

    as few transistors as possible toimplement the Boolean logic function


    Sleep Transistor Technique: The sleeptransistor technique shown in Fig 1 uses

    sleep transistors between both Vdd andthe pull-up network as well as between

    GND and the pulldown network.

    Generally, the width/length (W/L) ratiois sized based on a tradeoff between

    area, leakage reduction, and delay. For

    simplicity, we size the sleep transistor to

    the size of the largest transistor in thenetwork (pull-up or pull-down)

    connected to the sleep transistor. ThepMOS and nMOS sleep transistors in

    Fig 1 have W/L=6 and W/L=3respectively, If dual- values are

    available, high-VTH transistors are used

    for sleep transistors. Which adds high-Vth sleep transistors between both Vdd

  • 8/11/2019 Survey of LPVD Exploring FS, ST and ST


    and pull-up networks and as well asbetween pull-down networks and GND.

    While logic circuits use low-Vth

    transistors in order to maintain fast logicswitching speeds. The sleep transistors

    are turned off when the logic circuits arenot in use. By isolating the logic

    networks using sleep transistors, thesleep transistor technique dramatically

    reduces leakage power during sleep

    mode. However, the additional sleep

    transistors increase area and delay.

    Fig 1: Sleep Transistor Technique Circuit

    Furthermore, during sleep mode, the

    pull-up and pull-down networks will

    have floating values and thus, will lose

    state. These floating values significantlyimpact the wake-up time and energy of

    the sleep technique due to the

    requirement to recharge transistors

    which lost state during sleep.

    Forced Stack Technique: another

    technique to reduce leakage power isdone through transistor stacking.

    Transistor stacking exploits the stackeffect; the stack effect results insubstantial subthreshold leakage current

    reduction when two or more stackedtransistors are turned off together. As a

    variation of the stacking transistors, self-

    controlled stacked transistors areinserted between pull-up and pull-down

    networks and reduce leakage power by

    increasing internal resistance. Fig 2shows the forced stack technique which

    forces a stack structure by breakingdown an existing transistor into two half

    size transistors.

    Fig 2: Forced stack Technique circuit structure


    Sleepy Stack Technique: The sleepystack structure has a combined structure

    of the forced stack and the sleep

    transistor techniques. The sleeptransistors of the sleepy stack operate

    similar to the sleep transistors used in

    the sleep transistor technique in whichsleep transistors are turned on during

    active mode and turned off during sleep


    Fig 3 depicts sleepy stack operation.During active mode S=0 and S=1, areasserted. Thus, all sleep transistors are

    turned on. This sleepy stack structure

    can potentially reduce circuit delay in

    two ways. First, since the sleeptransistors are always on during active

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    mode, the sleepy stack structure achievesfaster switching time than the forced

    stack structure; specifically, each sleep

    transistor drain, the voltage valueconnected to the sleep transistor source

    is always ready and available at the sleeptransistor drain, and thus, current flow is

    immediately available to the low-Vthtransistors connected to the gate output

    regardless of the status of each transistor

    in parallel to the sleep transistors.Furthermore, we can use high-Vth

    transistors for the sleep transistors and

    the transistors parallel to the sleep

    transistors without incurring large (e.g.,2 or more) delay increase. During sleep

    mode S=1 and S=0 are asserted, and soboth of the sleep transistors are turnedoff. Although the sleep transistors are

    turned off, the sleepy stack structure

    maintains exact logic state. The leakage

    reduction of the sleepy stack structure

    occurs in two ways.

    First, high-Vth transistors, which are

    applied to the sleep transistors, suppress

    leakage power. Secondly, stacked and

    turned off transistors induce the stackeffect, which also suppresses leakage

    power consumption. By combining these

    two effects, the sleepy stack structureachieves ultra-low leakage power

    consumption during sleep mode while

    retaining exact logic state. The price for

    this, however, is increased area.

    The sleepy stack structure can achievemore power savings than the forced

    stack technique and the self-controlled

    stacked transistors (e.g.100x compared

    with 10x for the forced stack transistoror the self-controlled stacked

    transistors). Furthermore, the sleepy

    stack can save exact logic state unlikegated-Vdd and gated-GND techniques.

    Fig.3 shows the sleepy stack technique

    applied to a conventional CMOS design.When we apply the sleepy stack

    technique, we replace each existing

    transistor with two half sized transistorsand add one extra sleep transistor as

    shown in Fig. 3. If dual-VTH values areavailable, high-VTH transistors are used

    for sleep transistors and transistors that

    are parallel to the sleep transistors.

    Fig 3: Sleepy stack technique circuit structure

    Dual Sleep:

    In this technique, one sleep transistor

    is used to turn on in ON state and theother one is used to turn on in OFF state.

    Again in OFF state a block containing

    both PMOS and NMOS transistors areused in order to reduce the leakage

    power. Like the sleep, sleepy stack and

    sleepy keeper approaches, dual Vth

    technology can be applied in dual sleepapproach to obtain greater leakage

    power reduction. Since high Vth resultsin less leakage but lowers performance,

    high Vth is applied only to leakagereduction transistors, which are sleep

    transistors, and any transistors in parallel

    to the sleep transistors.

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    Fig: Dual Sleep Technique

    Sleepy Keeper :

    An additional NMOS transistor is added

    in parallel to the pull up sleep transistor

    connected to Vdd. At sleep mode thisNMOS transistor is the only source of

    Vdd to the pull-up network since the sleep

    transistor is off. Similarly, to maintain a0 value, assume that the value is

    already calculated. The sleepy keeper

    approach uses this output value of 0

    and a PMOS transistor maintains thevalue during sleep mode. An additional

    PMOS transistor is added in parallel to

    pull down sleep transistor connected toGND. At sleep mode this PMOS

    transistor is only source of GND the pulldown network since the sleep transistor

    is off. The technique is state saving andhas less delay than sleepy stack. The

    drawback is increase in area and

    dynamic power consumption than sleep

    transistor approach.

    Forced Sleep:

    The forced sleep method has a structure

    merging the forced stack technique and

    the sleep transistor technique. The forcedsleep inverter in Figure uses W/L = 3

    Fig: Sleepy Keeper Technique

    for the pmos transistors and W/L = 1.5

    for the nmos transistors, while a

    conventional inverter with the sameinput capacitance would use W/L = 6 for

    the pull-up transistor and W/L = 3 for

    the pull-down transistor (assuming n =2p). Then sleep transistors are added in

    series to each set of two stacked

    transistors. We use two sleep transistors

    here, the nmos sleep transistor with Vdd

    and the pmos sleep transistor with

    ground. Conventionally the nmos

    transistor is connected to ground becauseit is very efficient passing ground

    voltage and the pmos transistor is

    connected to Vdd because it is efficientpassing Vdd. In forced sleep method wejust reverse the connection. Thats why

    we have some delay penalty in our

    method. We use same W/L for all the

    pmos and nmos transistors in this

    method. However, changing the sleeptransistor width may provide additional

    tradeoffs between delay, power and area.

    During sleep mode, S = 0 and S =1 are

    asserted, and so both of the sleep

    transistors are turned off. The leakagereduction of forced sleep structure

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    occurs in two ways. First, leakage poweris suppressed by the two sleep transistors

    which are not efficient in passing Vdd

    (nmos) and ground (pmos) potential.They will be in pure sleep mode at sleep

    Second, two stacked and turned offtransistors induce the stack effect, which

    also suppresses leakage powerconsumption. By combining these two

    effects, the forced sleep technique

    achieves ultra-low leakage powerconsumption during sleep mode. The

    price for this, however, is increased


    Fig: Forced Sleep Technique


    The techniques discussed above

    uniquely combines the advantages oftwo major prior approaches, the sleep

    transistor technique and the forced stack

    technique. However, unlike the sleep

    transistor technique, the sleepy stack

    technique retains the original state;

    furthermore, unlike the forced stacktechnique, the sleepy stack technique can

    utilize high- to achieve up to two orders

    of magnitude leakage power reductioncompared to the forced stack.

    Unfortunately, all the techniques comewith delay and area overheads.

    Therefore, there has to be some trade-offamong the techniques based on the

    applications. These techniques provides

    new Pareto points to Designers whorequire ultra-low leakage power

    consumption and are willing to pay some

    area and delay cost.


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