survival guide for traffic safety (publisher)

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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I would like to say “Thanks a million” to Almighty God

for all the guidance given so that I can accomplish this

product effectively with the best result. Secondly, thank

you for my parents, teachers, friends, family, and expert

for all the support, motivation and guidance which deliver

my project into the best result.

This book is created as accomplishment of my Big

Project which is called MYP (Middle Years Program)

Personal Project. Recently, I am studying at Sekolah

Victory Plus, an International Standard School with the

International Baccalaureate Curriculum. I’m currently a

Grade 10 students and I’m working on my Personal Project

which is required to accomplish the Middle Years Program


The MYP Personal Project is a very huge and

challenging project. This project is run by all Grade 10

students individually. In the Personal Project, we are

challenged to make any kind of product according to our

interests which we are enthusiastic about. We can make

any form of product, such as a musical product, fashion

products, an experimental product, electronic products,

and many more.


I prefer to make a book about Traffic Safety as my

product. Although I’m not really talented in writing, but

writing is one of my hobbies. This product is the first

book product I made. This book has unique topic which is

about “Traffic Safety”.

There are some significant reasons why Traffic Safety

became the topic chosen. Let me tell you that I am

fascinated about safety in transportation world. Since I was

little, my parents always taught me how important traffic

safety is. When I ride cars with them, they always instruct

me to wear a seatbelt. Now I know how comfortable life is if

we always follow safety rules.

The other reason why I choose safety is because traffic

accidents become one of the most serious problems.

However, it is impossible to eliminate accident.

Nevertheless, accident can happen anywhere and anytime

and we will never know when will happen. At least by

knowing the safety tips, we can prevent our self, others

even the environment from accident.

That is why Safety Culture is very important. You drive

your car, but do you use seatbelt regularly? Do you always

remember “Safety”? Do you always follow safety rules?

When you are doing something, please consider the safety.

Lastly, I would like to say please enjoy the reading. I

hope for you all the knowledge in this book will be



Table of Content

Why Traffic Safety?.....................1-4

General Causes of Traffic


Human Factor……………………………........5-20

- Distracted driving………………………………..….5

- Speeding…………………………………….............6

- Bad habit when crossing the road


- Tailgating…………………………………..……..…10

- Not wearing seatbelt……………………...……….11

- Not wearing helmet…………………….………...13

- Indiscriminate parking……………….………….15

- Being emotional while driving……….…………17

- Pedestrian accident………………..…………..…19

Vehicle Factor

- Tire……………………………………………………..21

- Brake…………………………………………………..22

- Light……………………………………………………23

Weather Factor……………………………….24-25

Impacts of Traffic Accident

- Health…………………………………………………26

- Economic…………………………………………….28

Traffic Accident in


- What are the causes of Traffic Accident in


- What are the impacts of Traffic accident in


- What are the solutions to overcome the


- Data……………………………………………….......36

Survival Guide of Traffic Safety:

- Always pray to God before and after the


- Pedestrian Safety…………………………………....39

- Defensive Driving……………………………………41

- Highway Safety………………………………………47

- Avoid Distractions…………………………...……..51

- Check your vehicle before you drive…………….53

- Park at the right place………………………….….56

- Crossing the railroad safety guides………….….58

- Maximize the Infrastructure…………………..….60

- Be aware from Dangerous Crimes………...…….64

Let’s Build Traffic Safety


- Avoid accident by Safety Culture………….…….65

- Safety starts from our-self………………………...65

- Safety is Easy and Cheap………………………….66

- What can we do to change the future……..……67

Wisdom Quotes………………………….…..69

Why Traffic Safety?

-Life is too short, and the time we waste in yawning

never can be regained- (Stendhal)

Life is too precious. God gives life for human for free.

He gives us chance to breathe every second without any

charges. However, life is very short and limited. Life is only

given for single time. But we will never know when we will


“Time is money”.

Making Safety as our top priority is very important.

Safety protects our life from any dangerous accident that

can end our life. We don’t know when will accident

happens and attacks us. The impacts of accident are very

dangerous. Accident can happen anytime even without

human notification. If you have strong safety knowledge, at

least you are ready to anticipate accident.

One of the most dangerous accident is “Traffic

Accident”. Traffic accident is one of the most deadly

accident in the world. Hence, I’m making this book as a

campaign so people will realize how important Safety

Culture especially Traffic Safety in daily life. Can you

imagine if you drive your car everyday but you never wear

seatbelt? That’s too terrible.


Be aware from Traffic Accident…….

So this book is the product of my project. I’m making a

campaign that supports the culture of traffic safety. So

throughout the project, I have done so much research. I’ve

also done the research with The Chairman of National

Safety Board and Health Council of Indonesia who

expertise my project. His name is Dr.Waluyo. His

organization is focusing on the issues of safety. So he said

that Safety is important because it’s aimed to protect

people wherever they are, such as school, offices, the park,

or more.

The number of people killed in accident is so huge

particularly in Indonesia. DR. Waluyo said that there are

33.000 people died annually (every year) due to fatality

accident of traffic causing financial loss as big as

Rp.18.607.782,000 in 2011, and in 2012, it increase up

to Rp.21.316.260,000.


This is the picture of me

and Dr.Waluyo, the

chairman of National

Safety Board and Health

Council. I interviewed

him at Bina Nusantara

University, Jakarta. I

learned many things

from him about Traffic


That is catastrophic. But sadly, that tragedy gets very

less attention from many people. While the Typhoon

Haiyan that strikes Philippine only killed 5.000 people. But

the whole world is paying attention on it.

What can you conclude from that catastrophic

tragedy? We could imagine that accident is very serious

problem. Many worker and families died from traffic

accident. Young children cannot continue their school and

sent to orphanage. Some children also have to be a worker

to grow their salary. Don’t you realize that traffic accident

can also cause poverty and losing productivity?

Say No to Accidents !!!

Safety Culture is Everything:

Safety is everything because it protects you from any

danger such as traffic accident. Everything needs safety.

Nevertheless, you need to fully understand about

safety if you want safety become your habit. In this book,

the information is only focusing on traffic safety but the

implementation can be applied in any aspects of your life. I

will explain detail on the accidents, from the types to cause

until the impacts. There will be also some evidence and

data provided, and some guide for traffic safety. I hope the

content of the book will be beneficial to raise our awareness

to accident.



Oh yeah, please readers, children, teacher, parents,

or everyone, before you proceed to the next chapter. Please

read the following sentences.

Safety, Safety, Safety !!! YES !!!

Accident, Accident, Accident !!! NO



General Causes of Traffic


Traffic Accident is one of the worst disasters that

happen in the world. It kills so many people. But why could

accident, something that human never expect could

happens. How does it accident happens? And what makes

it happen?

The answers are in the following:

1. Human Factor:

Human factor is the most dominant factor of traffic

accidents. Around 90 % of traffic accidents is caused by

human factor such as driving error, pedestrian accidents,

etc. These are the common human factors that can lead to


Distracted Driving:

Do you know that Road Accidents kill 1.3 million

people every year (World Health Organization)? One of

the triggering factors is distracted driving. Phoning, eating,

texting, drunk, and reading while driving are extremely

dangerous. It’s because when you are distracted in driving,

your mind will lose concentration. However, many people

don’t care about the dangerous of getting distracted while



The most concerning problem of distracted driving are

phoning and texting while driving. According to the

research, Talking on the cell phone is common in 25-44

years old, more common than 55-64 years. Reading or

sending texts or email while driving is common for 18-34

years old, more common than 45-64 years old. That’s a

very precious age because that is the age of productive.

( (Left)




Speeding is part of reckless driving that strongly leads

to traffic accidents. Anyway, why should we do speeding?

You feel handsome or beautiful if you can drive in

excessive? The answer could be yes. Some people do

speeding to show off to their friends. When the speed

reaches the peak, they will just take the picture of



Second, lack of time management strongly leads to

speeding. You don’t manage time well. Then, it leads you

being in rush. Be aware with this because being in a rush

can make you doing careless mistakes. What if you injured

or died in the middle of journey? You cannot go to work

anymore and your company might lose main workers.

That’s dangerous because that can impact the economy of

your nation.

The prevalence of speeding has cause many victims.

According to NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety

Administration), speeding is 1/3 causes of accident, and it

cause 13.000 victims of accident per year.

Some people feel proud if they able to speeding.

People who are speeding usually took the picture in the

speedometer to show that speeding is their pride.






The Story of AQJ Accident

Who knows AQJ? He’s the son of famous musician,

Ahmad Dhani. AQJ stands for Abdul Qodir Jaelani (Dul).

On the 8 September 2013, there was an accident happens

to him. He was hit by big accident. On that midnight, he drove

car at the highway without asking permission from his dad.

The car was still new. The car was a gift from his dad given to


He drove car at Jagorawi Highway exactly at the midnight

for a silly reason. He wants to show off his new car to his

friend. By driving car up to 176 km/h, he feels that he is great.

But aftermath, he lose his concentration and his car hit the

highway fence and goes to opposite lane. Then he collide

another car including the Daihatsu Grand Max. 7 people died

from this accident.

What a shameful accident? 13 years old boy without

driving license drove in high speed which killed 7 people?

Eventually, Dul was suspected and imprisoned for 6 months. I

hope you can learn many things from this accident. That’s why

children under 17 are not allowed to drive because they have

low thinking skills and they can’t control their emotion. Don’t

put negative thoughts if your parents forbid you to drive

without license. Not because they hate you, but because they

love you and they care about you and your safety.

Bad Habit When Crossing the Road Intersection:

Guys, if you are driving to school or offices, do you

always meet road intersection. Road intersection or road

junctions are the place that connects 2 or more roads in a

section. Road intersection can be a very dangerous place if

you are not careful and being defensive driving. Especially

when you are in road intersection without traffic lights, it is

a very dangerous place. Even when you are on the road

intersection with traffic lights, accident can still happen.

Accidents in road intersection can be caused by

infrastructure such lack of traffic lights and signs.

However, human factor is the most triggering factor. Even

when the traffic lights are provided, there are some drivers

who trespass the traffic red lights. They don’t control the

speed and not paying attention to the vehicle surrounding.

That’s very dangerous. Good drivers will not do that,






Do you know what tailgating is? Tailgating is the practice

of driving on a road too close to frontward vehicle in a

insecure distant.

Tailgating happens when they cannot keep their vehicle

in safe distance. Tailgating is dangerous because that’s one

of the causes of traffic collision which damage the back

part of car. Tailgating can occur due to lack of perceived in

risk in so doing. This can be done unconsciously or

because human are negligent. Being impatient in driving

can also lead to tailgating.

The most dangerous tailgating when drivers

deliberately through and these are the one that is most

dangerous. The risk is when the front vehicle suddenly

stopped, and that could lead collision.




Not wearing Seatbelt:

Wearing seatbelt is mandatory for all drivers and

passengers when they are on journey. However, many

people doesn’t realize on how important wearing seatbelt is.

They just leave it as decoration.

But the worse is when people already understand on

how important wearing seatbelt is, but they doesn’t want to

implement it. They are making excuses that let them to not

wearing seatbelt. They think that they are brave and strong

if they are not wearing seatbelt, or they think that if they

are already professional driver and what’s the point for

them to wear seatbelt. Do you think it’s right? Supposedly,

wearing seatbelt symbolize the professionalism of you as

passengers or driver of vehicles. No matter how

professionalism is us, accident can attack us anytime and

we will never know when it will happen right. Hence, you

don’t need to make excuse “I don’t want to wear seatbelt

because I’m a professional driver, or because I’m sitting at

the rear position”. No stupid excuses okay…




This is Seatbelt. Use it every

time you ride your vehicle.

Don’t just leave it as


I know you love your

baby. But if you really

love your baby, will

you dare bring your

baby in that way,

especially without

wearing seatbelt?

Not Wearing Helmet:

Actually, the driver who don’t wear helmet has

significantly reduced. However, there is still reckless

driving of not wearing helmet and it’s still becoming

concerning problem. It is said that 70 % of accident of

motorbike in Indonesia is because they’re not wearing

helmet. That’s why it is very important to wear helmet

when you riding motorbike. Even in Western Countries,

wearing helmet is already part of their culture. They have

strong awareness to accident. As the result, 75 % of bike

related death to children is overcome by wearing helmet.

Wearing helmet can also alleviate brain injury as big as

88 %

To be more aware of accident you must understand

the impacts of accident. For example like wearing helmet.

Don’t underestimate this because this accident is a matter

of injury to your brain. Brain is the centre of the nerve

system which controls all parts of your body. Once your

brain destroyed, your entire organ will immediately

collapse. Please wear helmet every time you are driving or

riding car. Helmet will not destroy your appearance; it will

make you become more beautiful.

In addition, wearing wrong helmet might also lead to

accident. Sometimes people are just choosing their helmet

for being stylish without considering the safety.


They choose the helmet that doesn’t fulfil the national

standard. Or they wear black helmet during the night. On

that case, you look macho and cool. But, have you ever

think that vehicle might crash you because it is hard for

other driver to see you if you wear black helmet at night.



Oh my God, young students drive without helmet. That’s

totally disgrace. (



Indiscriminate Parking:

Where do you park when you stop? Do you park at the

right place? Are you discipline enough when you park?

Indiscriminate Parking is the action of parking in

restricted area. If you are parking not in the parking lot, it

means you are doing indiscriminate parking.

Indiscriminate parking is one of the bad behaviour in

driving because it is the cause the disturbance to the traffic

flow and it can cause traffic jams. It can also trigger to

traffic accident.

However, there are still many people park at the

restricted area even though they know that it is dangerous

and prohibited. Sometimes people did indiscriminate

parking because they are lazy to walk, or they are lazy to

pay for the parking lot prices. Although the parking lot cost

cheap, they are still lazy to park at the right place. Anyway,

what’s the difficult thing to park at the parking lot? You

just need to spend few money? It’s still better than you get

fined from police due to indiscriminate parking?




0Jadi%20PajanganJALAN).jpg (up left)

(up right),

blDwMo/s1600/parkir-sembarangan3.jpg (down left), my photograph taken by

me (down right)

Being emotional while Driving:

No matter how professional their driving is, it is very

dangerous if the driver could not control the emotion. The

inability to control emotion will lead you to fatal accident.

For example if you are impatient, you might do tailgating or

over speeding. Fighting while you driving is also very

dangerous. That’s because when you are fighting. You will

lose your concentration.


Driver are easily to get emotional especially young

driver, which leads you do the bad things. It’s not easy to

control emotion while you are driving especially when

someone hits even nudge your vehicle. So that’s why

children underage are not permitted to drive because they

don’t have the ability to control their emotion. Even if they

are under supervision, it’s still very dangerous. Dear

parent, please don’t let your children drive your vehicle. If

they accidentally broke it, you will be the one who

responsible right?

Drunk and Drowsy Driving (Sleepy While Driving):

When you are doing things, please focus on one thing.

Accident in driving is mostly caused by distracted driving,

one of them is drowsy driving. Drowsy driving is caused by

lack of concentration when driving. Institute of Medicine

report that 20 percent of world motor vehicle accident.

Second, drowsy driving is caused by lack of rest which

affect your physical performances. Humans need sufficient

rest to maximize and strengthen their performance. Even

adult needs at least 7-8 hours of sleeping rest every day.

However, the people who are lack of sleep is getting more.

Lack of sleep will reduce your performance especially if

you are lack of breakfast too in the morning. It’s also

sharply influence your driving performance which cause

you to drowsy driving.



The third factor that leads to drowsy driving is getting

drunk while driving. Drink alcohol while driving will

weakened your immunes system which can lead to drowsy.

You will also lose your concentration when you are drunk.

In 2005, 16.885 people died in alcohol-related crash

which takes 39 % of all-traffic related crash. There is

also a fact that says in UK 1/5 17-18 years old teen

drive after drink or taking drug. Government of UK

figures that there are four 17-18 years old drivers died

from accident every day.




Pedestrian Accident:

Vehicle can make accident either to vehicle or

pedestrian. Pedestrian accident is terrible accidents, it is

the matter of life and death. This problem is getting

serious. In some large urban areas, pedestrians account for

as much as 40-50 % casualties.

Pedestrian accident is caused either by vehicle or

pedestrian. The thing that leads them to traffic accident is


That’s why I mention before that speeding is

dangerous because somehow pedestrian might cross the

road, even animals. Especially when you are in the road

intersection, you can crash the pedestrians because you

find difficulties to brake due to speeding. If you are not

being defensive in driving, it is very possible for getting

crash. Lack of concentration can also lead to collision

between vehicle and pedestrians.

However, most of the time pedestrians’ accident can

also be pedestrians fault. These are the bad habits of

pedestrian that can lead to accident:


Not looking at the left and right before you are


Running while crossing (being in a rush).

Listening to the music or playing with your devices.

You don’t cross in the safe places such as Zebra Cross

or Pedestrian Crossing Bridge.

Please don’t follow those habits. Always enhance your

safety while you are crossing the road.





Please concentrate

while you are

crossing. Focus on

the road sight not

your expensive


2. Vehicle Factor:

Beside human factor, technical problem in vehicle can

also lead to traffic accident. Wrong vehicle design or lack of

maintenance can trigger to vehicle error.

Damages in one part can affect the entire system in

your vehicle. So these are the problem that commonly

happens in your vehicle part.


Tire is the only vehicle part that makes contact with

the road. If you don’t take care the tire well, how can your

vehicle move safely? Lack of maintenance is the first cause

of tire problem. Your vehicle needs sufficient pressure. If it

doesn’t have enough pressure, your tire might explode. It

can also affect your car handling, even the fuel.

Next, overload can result tire damage. Sometimes

when people have a long trip, they love to overload their

vehicle without considering the capacity.

The third factor and not the least is being careless.

They drive careless or not careful in driving such as driving

in a wavy or bumpy road. They don’t pass at the right road.

Roads especially the unpaved roads that are full of rocks,

sand or gravel might be dangerous because it can destroy

the rubber of your tire. Even spikes can be found on the

road which can explode your tire.






Without brake, your vehicle will not be able to stop.

Your speed will not be controlled. There are some signs

that your vehicle has problem within the brake. When you

press the brake, your car voices squeal. You might notice

that your car swerving to the left or right. The squealing of

the brake might indicate that the brake pads are getting to

low and they need to be replaced. Lack of maintenance can

also cause problem within brake. Choosing vehicles

without ABS (Anti-Lock Breaking System) is also a big

problem because it let the wheel locked while braking.

While if you are using ABS, you can brake more slowly or

more relax. However, you don’t need to worry because

vehicle nowadays are fulfilled with ABS.



You see the front car with no lights on. That’s terribly

dangerous. Why could that ha human negligence either

forget or even lazy to turn on the light. Technical problem

can also be the cause, either the lights car cannot be

switched on. Other than that, disastrous weather can also

be the cause. We will never know when the weather will

occur. Disastrous weather can happen anytime without our


Driving without lights on is terribly dangerous. Driving at

the night where the situation is very dark is super

dangerous because it will lose your view when you drive.

On the day, driving with lights on is also recommended for

safety reason because anything dangerous such as disaster

can happen any time without our notification.

You see the car at the front? Is it dangerous to drive

without lights on? (


3. Weather Factor:

Global Warming has becoming the most serious problem

in this modern era. The climate has totally changed. Now,

we cannot predict the climate exactly so we will never know

when bad disaster will happen.

Then, what is the connection between disaster and

traffic accident? Chances of accident can increase due to

disastrous weather. The impact of bad weather is also very

severe. But we’ll never know when bad weather happen

and the impacts afterwards.

Rain, snowstorms, and fog can make drivers to see the

view in the front. Even hail storm, or the ice rain can

happen suddenly which can cause the car destructed,

destroyed in the mirror. And if you are riding motorcycle,

your head can be attacked by hailstorm. Strong or

sudden-cross wind is also very dangerous. It can make the

driver difficult to stay in their lane.

On average, there are over 6.301.000 vehicle

crashes each year, 24 % of it which take 1,511,000 are

weather related crashes. That’s very catastrophic.

Especially, the global warming is closely approaching. The

weather is getting worse throughout the time changes. We

cannot ensure the weather. Adverse weather can occur

anytime. That’s why before you drive, always sure that the

weather outside is secure.


Several pictures of the bad weather or disaster that

threaten the safety:

( (

( (



Impacts of Traffic Accident

Have you understand the causes of traffic accident?

But you need to know also the deadly impacts of traffic

accident. Imagine, how many people died in the world due

to traffic accident? Can you imagine that trillions of money

loss as a result of traffic accidents? Even how much money

you spent for hospital due to traffic accident is already

super huge (the longer the time, the more budget). What

will your future be like after traffic accidents? Those can be

answered in this section.

1. Health:

Traffic accident carries the highest risk to our health.

It can also affect other people health to. Health impact

includes mental health (psychological health) or physical

health. Road accidents is one of the deadliest things that

can kill human health. The World Health Organization

(WHO) states that there are 1.3 million people died every

year due to the road accident. Fantastic death isn’t it. So

the number of people who injured must be more than that.

The World Health Organization also stated that road

accident attack people who are still in the level of

productive age from 22-50 years old.


The mental health and physical health due to traffic

accident will connect to each other. Even just because you

fall down from the motorcycle and you are not wearing

helmet, it can make your leg become disable, and there will

be head injury or in scientific name you called it as

“Trauma Capitis”. Physical injuries will cause mental

injuries. One of them is when you are being traumatized,

like afraid of driving or riding car. The other thing that you

need to consider is the relation with the economic impacts.

How big is the money that your family spent in order to pay

the hospital and medicine?





Can you imagine if your

body part is broken and

you have to walk in wheel

chair due to traffic


Can you imagine if you

lose your friends or

family who killed in

traffic accident?

2. Economic:

Traffic accident is one of the most severe disasters that

can strongly influence economic of nations. The tragedy of

traffic accidents can happen anytime and anywhere. And

everyone can be the victims of traffic accident. Mostly the

victims of traffic accidents are people in productive age,

which are workers for around 30 years old.

The impact of traffic accident, firstly impact families.

Traffic accident is family tragedy. You feel like you lost

everything when you just lost even one of your family

members. Accident will reduce your productivity. Can you

imagine how sorrow if you just lose your parents who died

from accident? Will the child still go to school? Do you

want your child to discontinue school and lost their future?

Traffic accident can also impact to the environment

and societies which eventually impact the economy of

nation. This will involve many things. Traffic accident will

cause devastation to properties which make the

government have to pay for all the destruction, while the

one who break it is the drivers.

Traffic accident can also cause many worker died in

the journey. What will happen if the workers are lost. The

worker will have to pay for the hospital and treatment for

worker. Obviously, losing worker will reduce the

productivity of companies. That is why accident will impact

the economics of the country.






Accident is the cause of poverty of financial

problem. Imagine if parent died from accident,

who will survive the family. If you’re a parent, will

you let your child work and quit school.

Your car is broken?

Remember repairing car

is not cheap. But what if

you have to buy the new


Traffic Accidents in Indonesia

Today, I would like to share you something special. It's

about traffic accident in Indonesia, my country. Do you

know that Indonesia is one of the country with the highest

number of traffic accident in the world? But many people

still don't realise how big is traffic accident in Indonesia.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization)

data, Indonesia is positioned in rank 54 from 192 as

the country with the highest traffic accident in 2011

causing 47,084 deaths which is 3.37 % of total death.

Annually, there are 33.000 people who died due to

traffic accident in Indonesia. It is 6 times larger than

the number victims of Typhoon Haiyan which is only

around 5.000. However, the tragedy of traffic accidents in

Indonesia gets very less attention. While the Typhoon

Haiyan gets full attention from all over the world.

So, I'm writing this to share knowledge about traffic

accident in Indonesia. Nevertheless, knowledge only isn't

enough, we need implementation. I hope by reading this,

we can understand more about the accident in Indonesia

and we can pay more attention to this case.


What are the causes of Traffic Accident in


According to the Global Report Status on Road Safety

2013, traffic accident is the 8th rank of the deadliest cause

of traffic accident.

Do you know that most of the time, traffic accident

attack people from 15-29 years old? In every population of

100,000 people, 18 people died due to traffic accident. 1,3

million people died due to traffic accident in the world.

While 20-50 million of people suffered serious injury.

In fact, the number of victim of traffic accident in

Indonesia is positioned in rank 5 from 182 countries. Why

could that happen? To understand further, let learn the

causes of Traffic Accident in Indonesia.

1. Lack of Understanding in Traffic Rules:

When you read a novel, do you usually read the

synopsis? When you have a new phone, do you learn the

manual book earlier? If you want to cook food, do you read

the recipe first? It's the same like when you are driving. Did

anybody ever taught you about traffic rules? Do you

understand how to behave well when you are driving? Do

you understand the traffic rules?


Human factor especially in driving is the biggest factor

of traffic accident. Although many of them has license, but

they don't understand the basic rules of safety in driving.

Even many of them drive without having license or even

parents supervision. They know how to drive, how to

accelerate or turning on their car. But they don’t

understand on how to be defensive in driving, they never

use seatbelt, helmet, often do tailgating and many more.

Lately, there are more driver or rider of motorbike who

wear helmet. But as you can see, there are many motorbike

or car who loves to overspeed, passing in the wrong lane,

cutting the line, or even over capacity. It’s very dangerous.

( (

2. Careless:

When you are driving, please make sure that you are

be careful. Pay attentention and concentrate when you are

driving. Please also remember this tips: No rush when you

are driving. In my opinion, the reason why people are

careless in driving is because low level of discipline. They

don't pay full attention and lack of concentration.


Other reason is because of bad time management. It is

one of the culture of most Indonesian people which is being

late. When they wake up late, they have to be in a rush for

breakfast and take a shower. When they're in the journey,

the situation is congested and they even more rushing.

When the congestion is reducing, they have to drive very

fast and suddenly they crash a cart or something else. That

is the form of careless in driving.

3. Lack of Traffic Sign and Facilities:

Indonesia is still lacking of traffic sign and facilities.

Traffic facilities and signs is also need to fulfil the safety of

traffic. However in reality, there are still many places that

are lack of traffic sign and facilities. I'd like to show you

some pictures:

Is it safe if a road in a mountainous area has no fence

at the edges. What if a bicycle without light falls to the

ravine at night?



What are the impacts of Traffic Accident in


The impact of traffic accident in Indonesia is very

serious. There are many victims from traffic accident.

Traffic accident is also the source of poverty in Indonesia.

Do you know that traffic accident cause 62 % of

poverty in Indonesia.

Averagely, there are 33.000 people died annually/every

year in Indonesia from traffic accident or 80 people

died/day. The financial lost is around Rp. 200 Trillion per

year. Fantastic !!!

In 2010, traffic accidents in Indonesia cause 31.244

deaths. In the following year, 2011, it rise up to 32.657

deaths, in 2012 there are 27.441 victims died.


What happen to

this road?

- Unpaved?

- Dirty?

- Not smooth

surface? Full

of rock?

Last year, there are several improvement. The number

of victims from traffic accidents is reducing. There are

25.157 deaths, 29.347 people suffer hard injury and

113.131 people suffer light injury. According to the

report from Mabes Polri, there are 101.037 traffic

accidents. That means every hour there are 12 traffic

accidents in 2013. The value of financial loss is

Rp.254.6 million.

What are the solutions to overcome the Problem?

Overall, I conclude that the traffic accidents in

Indonesia are slightly reducing in 2013. However, it's not

satisfying yet, there are still many things needs to be

improved. In my context, there are several potential

solutions that can be implemented to create better traffic

system. It first comes from the facility. The role of

government is to facilitate enough infrastructures to the

traffic. They have to give regular maintenance and paving

all roads also add fence at the edge of the road, control the

traffic, giving traffic signs and many more. That is the first

step in order to create good traffic.

The next step is to make the citizen adhering all the

rules. That is the job of police. Police needs to give clear

rule and strengthen all the rules. It is very good for police

to give reminder or signs that guides the traffic safety such

as the billboard like "please wear helmet", "please wear

seatbelt", "don't drive when you are drowsy" and many

more. That is a good effort.


However, when someone is breaking the rules, police

needs to give consequences either asking for fines or

imprison to offender (the one who break the rule). But

polices need to be discipline too and never accept any


If the rules and facilities are sufficent and fulfiling, I'm

sure that the citizens of Indonesia can be more discipline

and strict. The more the discipline the rule the more safe

and conducive environment and less accident. I hope in the

future the accidents in Indonesia will be reduced. As a

people who loves Indonesia, lets show our best to show our

disciplinary in traffic to shape brighter future.


This is the official data of Indonesian Road Accident. This

data was given by DR.Waluyo, Chairman of National

Safety Board and Health council.


Then I made the tabulated data to graphical data

using Microsoft Word:


Overall, I conclude that the number of traffic/road accident

Indonesia is increasing from 2007 and 2011. In my opinion,

accident is caused mostly from human factor/human error or

lack of facilities. Too many numbers of vehicles also leads to

traffic accident. The highest number of road accident in

Indonesia is in 2010. In 2011, it’s slightly reduced. However, the

number of traffic accident in Indonesia is considerably high.

Survival Guide of Traffic Safety

Can you understand how dangerous traffic accident to

human life? How terrible and how deadly accident So now

is? your job as the future citizen of your nation is to

prioritize safety as a way to be aware of accident and to

prioritize safety. Safety is my priority…

Just remember that the world we live currently is

dangerous. Any dangerous thing might happen in our

surrounding, in our community. When you are on the road,

crossing the road or railroad, when you are driving or even

riding, or even when you are before the journey, you need

to prioritize safety.

In this chapter, I would like to demonstrate you some

“Survival Guide of Traffic Safety”. The road where you step

is always dangerous. A car might hit you from the right or

left lane. Do you want that to happen to you? Everyone

wants their life to be safe because safety is the key of

happiness. Hence, all you need to do is just follow the

safety rules. These are the guides for traffic safety:

1. Always Pray before and after the journey:

Remember God. To Him you will pray. Before the

journey, don’t ever forget to pray to Him for safety. Pray

first, safety first. Don’t forget to pray to when you have

arrive in your designated place safely. You must be

thankful to God for all the safety given.


2. Pedestrian Safety:

Before we discuss about driving safety, let’s talk about

pedestrian safety first. How to cross the road safely? Have

you understands?

Pedestrian accident isn’t small accident. It’s a very big

traffic accident. In fact 25 % of road traffic fatalities

concern pedestrian. In some large urban areas, pedestrians

account for as much as 40-50 % casualties. The National

Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) conclude

that there are around 5.000 pedestrian died in motor

vehicle accident per year. There are about 78.000

pedestrian crashed by car or trucks per year.

So these are the tips for crossing the road for


Always look at the right side and left side before you

cross the road.

Cross road slowly, not in a rush.

Use the Zebra Cross when you cross the road

intersection. But however, crossing using the crossing

bridge is much better.

Ensure that the traffic light for pedestrian has shown

green because in some road intersection there are

traffic light for pedestrian.

Always put your hands up while you are crossing the



Children must cross the street under the supervision

of adults.

Concentrate. Don’t be sleepy while you are crossing

the road.

Put down your device while you are crossing the road

By following those tips, I hope you can be safe while

you are crossing the road.


Don’t cross the

road when vehicle

is still crossing.

The left picture

shows the discipline

or the proper way of

crossing the road.

When somebody

cross, vehicle must

stop to respect the


3. Defensive Driving:

Defensive driving is a set of driving skill that allows

you to defend yourself against possible collisions caused by

bad drivers, bad road conditions, or poor weather. Being

defensive driving also shows your awareness to the

potential hazard that might happen. You also need to be

strong in avoid other distraction. However, defensive

driving requires driving to think ahead, and driving with

safety becomes something first in your mind. These are the

ways of defensive driving.

o Don’t hit and nudge anything:

Just remember that your car is super sensitive things.

When you drive, please concentrate and always look at

your surrounding. Even when you are just walking in the

middle of the crowded area, you don’t want to let your body

nudge anything.


If you cross

using crossing

bridge, that’s

much saver

than using

zebra cross.

o Wear Seatbelt:

This is what you must do when you ride

car. Not only car, when you ride aero plane you

also wear seat belt to protect you from air

crashes. Wearing seatbelt is part of following

traffic rules. Seatbelt is designed to protect car

and trucks driver from severe injury. Do you

know that seatbelt

reduce the risk of

death by 45 % and

risk of injury by 50

%? In fact seatbelt

save 13,000 lives in


Hence, wearing seatbelt is mandatory, and

there is no any excuse which allows you to not

wear seatbelt. Wear seat

There are many advantages and benefits of wearing

seatbelt. Seatbelt saves so many people life. It avoids you

from being injured. Even when you are crashed already,

your risk of being injured is lower. It can also protect you

from being expelled from the vehicle. So please always wear

seatbelt, not only in the airplane. Although you ride car,

bus or truck which is only land vehicle, but seatbelt is still

the element for safety.


By wearing seatbelt, we can drive and ride more

confidently, we feel that we are saver and we will not get

ticketed by police. However, if you don’t wear seatbelt,

police will fine your vehicle, or maybe they can confiscate

your vehicle.

So which one you’d prefer, buckle up your seatbelt or

pay up for fines?

( (



o Wearing helmet:

Wearing helmet deliver so many advantages to prevent

us from traffic accidents. Head is sensitive things, so if

your head is damaged your entire body will be damaged.

Crashing vehicle or properties surrounding when you ride

motorcycle or bike is so risky.

By wearing helmet, your head is strongly protected

from rigid things like cars, pavements, rocks, car border,

and other solid things that are scattered on the road. You

still have the chance to survive although you are crashed.

Secondly, wearing helmet also leads to healthy life.

When you are driving on the day, the air and temperature

outside must be very toasty. The sunlight keeps heating

you up. Helmet will protect you from sunlight and avoid

skin cancer. It can also protect you from dangerous rainfall

even hail storm.

But many people say that wearing helmet make us

looks ugly? Are you sure?

“I don’t want to wear helmet. If I wear helmet, people

will not see my beautiful long hair and the shiny face. I will

never look fashionable. So, what’s the use of wearing helmet



Some people assume that wearing helmet reduce their

appearance quality. Are you sure with that? I don’t think so

because if you don’t wear helmet, your skin might get

burned from sunlight, your hair will be dirty, and your

body will be dusty. But if you wear helmet, your head will

be clean and protected. Helmet makes you safe and safety

creates healthy and happy life.

Additionally for safety reason, please wear the helmet

with light colour at night because if you wear dark colour

of helmet it might lead to accident.

In Australia and USA, wearing helmet is already part

of their culture even when they ride bicycle.



o Be careful in Road Intersection:

Please be careful when you are driving in the road

intersection. This is the place where accident is commonly

happen, particularly when the road intersection isn’t

provided with traffic light. But nowadays, there are more

road intersection that provides traffic light. However, it

doesn’t mean that “we don’t need to be defensive in driving.

When the light is red, you need to stop immediately

because if you trespass the red light, other vehicle from

other side might collide your car.

Road intersection also provides zebra cross which

allows pedestrian to cross the road. When you stop at the

red light, don’t get to close to the zebra cross otherwise it

will block the pedestrian who wants to cross the zebra


If the traffic light comes to green, please ensure that

the zebra cross is clear from pedestrian and the vehicle in

different road stop. When it’s done, you can go safely.



4. Highway Safety:

Driving in highway always requires high speed. That’s

why drivers in highway always drive very fast. However,

you need to be aware from highway accident. Since there

are many vehicles running in high speed, bigger accident

could possibly happens.

These are the safety tips when you are on the highway.

First, control your speed. You must drive fast in high

speed. But remember, every highway has speed limit. Don’t

exceed your speed limit while you’re driving because it’s

very dangerous. But when you are in highway remember,

you are not allowed to drive in low speed.


Every highway has speed limit.


Second, please stay focus. Driving in a high speed

needs strong concentration. You need to look at the front,

no texting or phoning while you are driving. It’s better for

you to deactivate or silent your mobile phone or switch off

your car TV when you are on journey. If you are not

capable enough to concentrate well, it’s better for you not

to listen to the music, especially if the music makes you

become sleepy.

Third, is keep in distance. Always stay at the safe and

comfort distance. Don’t get too close with the car in front of

you. This is aimed to avoid tailgating, because when you’re

the car in front of you suddenly brakes, you might crash. If

you are driving at 100 km/h, you have to stay at least 50

metre from the vehicle behind or front.


Please also stay in the correct and safe lane. Don’t access

the emergency lane if your car isn’t break down. But

ambulance or fire fighter are allowed to access the

emergency lane. This is the example of keeping safe

distance between vehicles on the highway.



Four, please look at the mirror before you overtake other

vehicle. It’s because when you overtake other vehicle, you

will move to other lane. You need to be aware when you are

moving to other lane because you need to look at the

condition of the road and vehicle behind. If you think is

secured enough, you can go ahead to overtake the vehicle

at the front. But don’t forget to switch on the turning light

while you overtake.

Last tips, it’s very important is go to the rest area if you

are not sure with the condition of your body and your

vehicle. Driving in the highway might be something

exhausted. You might get sleepy when you are on long

journey in highway. Perhaps, you can refuel at rest area.


Please ensure that you have enough fuel when you are

driving. If you’re fuel is nearly finished, you can refuel your

car at the rest area. Ensure too that your car machine is all

right. If there are some problems, you can go to rest area

for fuel refill or fixing your car.


When your car goes break down in the highway, please

display the safety triangle at least 20 meters behind your

vehicle so that other vehicle behind can notice the condition

of your car. This is one of the example:




5. Avoid Distractions:

Distracted driving is the act of driving while you are

engaged in other activities. There are many forms of

distraction that can make the driver killed in an accident

such as looking after children, texting, talking while

phoning or to other passengers, eating, reading books while

driving, and many more. People who drive while getting

drunk are obviously part of distracted drivers. It can make

you become drowsy driver. Texting and phoning

throughout the driving can also lead you to accident. Even

the impact of texting and phoning is more than drinking


According to the research from the CDC (Centre for

Disease Control), it was said distracted driving kills more

than 15 people and injures more than 1.200 people every


The NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety

Administration) make a proverb saying that “ One Text or

Call could wreck it all”.

So furthermore, I would like to put some potential

solutions to raise your awareness towards distraction in

driving. These are the solutions:

The first thing you need to do is always pray and

concentrate before you drive. Get your mind and body



Always stay focus on one thing. You don’t need to do

something else while you are driving. Don’t do other

thing while you are driving.

No texting, phoning, or reading. Always silent your

phone while you are driving.

It’s better to remember and memorize the road so you

will not use the hand phone or other devices that can

disturb you’re driving

Be careful. This is an important tip. There are some

potential crimes or violation that happen when you are

driving, especially when you are driving alone

especially in quiet places. You need to be aware with

strangers. They are smart, they can trick you in any

kind of ways. Don’t trust them.

So, please be sensitive or be aware from

distractions when you are driving. Always stay focus

whenever you are to avoid the distraction that might trigger

to accident. Remember, accident can happen anywhere and

anytime. Everything needs safety.


6. Check your Vehicle before you drive:

Before you are going to your office, do you check your

body condition? Are you fresh and full enough after your

breakfast? Do you look at the mirror to check your

appearance; are you handsome or beautiful enough?

I’m sure you must do it ritually. But do you check your

vehicle, your car or

motorcycle before you drive

to the office. You need to

check whether the vehicle is

safe enough for you to drive.


Check your car parts and ensure that they are safe

enough. You need to check your vehicle to create safe and

comfortable journey, so you can arrive in the designated

place safety. The first thing that you need to check is the

tire because tire is the only vehicle part that makes contact

with the road.

You need to check the tire pressure, because lack of

tire pressure can lead to tire explosion. If you want your

tire to stay cool, you need to pump the car tire at least one

times every month.


It’s also better to check the inner car machine and the

car battery before you turn on the car. If you have the

problem when you turn on car engine, means you need to

change your car battery with the new one.



The second thing you need to check is the fuel. You

need to have sufficient amount of fuel to avoid your vehicle

from getting break down. Make sure that you do it every

time before you drive. Before you drive and accelerate the

car, please heat up the car. Your car machine is like the

human brain.



Before you do something, it needs to be refreshed.

Please ensure that your car has been heated before you

accelerate. That’s very good for preserving your car engine.

If you have ensured with the vehicle engine, you need

also check your car appearance. No matter how cheap and

expensive the vehicle is, but you need to take care well. It’s

like you take a bath every day. You need to wash your

vehicle regularly, to keep your vehicle become shiny. Don’t

just wash the outer part of the vehicles, you need to wash

the inner part such as the engine to remove all the dirt.

Washing the engine on vehicles can also improve your car



When your vehicle gets dirty, please immediately wash

it. Just like my bicycle, even when there are muds on the

tire, I deliberately watch all the body parts. Isn’t it good

and comfortable to have clean and safe vehicle.


7. Park at the Right Place:

No parking in the wrong places, no parking on the

street, and don’t ever try to parking on the restricted area.

Parking in restricted area shows that you are indiscipline

in driving, and it can lead you to accident. Imagine if you

are park your car on the street, and the car at the back

suddenly crashed because the driver doesn’t notice that

you are parking.


Traffic jams is also the result of indiscriminate

parking. If you don’t want traffic accident to kill your life, if

you don’t want traffic jams to waste your life, don’t ever

park in restricted area. Park in the parking lot and don’t

forget to pay if it’s not free. When you park, please make

sure that your vehicle is locked, and your car remains safe.



8. Crossing the Railroad Safety Guides:

Railroad crossing is the intersection where the road

vehicles and train meet each other. However, this

intersection could be extremely dangerous places if there is

accident even just once. Even a gigantic truck could be

totally destroyed from train crash. The train crash could

cause damages in many properties such as the rail and

vehicles. It can cause the dismissal of train journey and

some distractions on road traffic? Do you want this to


Hence, these are the following solutions that you must

do when you cross the railroad.

Before you cross the railroad, please look at the right

and then the left. When you are sure that the railroads

crossing are secured, you can cross.

Don’t trespass the gate because it can make you stuck

in the rail cross.

To avoid traffic jams in the railroad crossing, please

don’t trespass or overtake other vehicle.

Slow down when you are approaching and crossing the

railway cross. But don’t be too slow when you cross

the railroad.

In some railroad crossing, there might be no gates. So

please be more and extra careful to anticipate

accidents in railroad crossing.


Please precede the train journey because train always

chasing the schedule, and because the train always

carries heavy weight, so it’s very difficult for train to





9. Maximize the Infrastructure:

Infrastructure is very important to support traffic

safety. Road, traffic signs, crossing bridge, and many more

are part of infrastructure for traffic safety. Government

needs to facilitate people for traffic safety. That is the role

of government and they have the authority to do it.

These are the ways to improve the infrastructure for

Traffic Safety:

Paved all roads and built fence in every road edges:

To create conducive road, it is very important to pave

every roads. There are several advantage of paving the


Affordable and doesn’t cost much budget.

Save time.

Creates smoother road surface which cause less

damage to vehicle.

Cause less damage to vehicle as it has smoother road


Paved road creates better traffic flow which can

alleviate traffic congestion.

However, paved road requires consistent maintenance

to minimize road damage. Additionally, every edge of the

road must have fence for safety reason.


( (

Build more pedestrian safety infrastructure:

How many people died because they are crashed by

car or motorcycle? Can you imagine if there are no zebra


So why do you think zebra cross is important. Zebra

cross is important so people can cross safely. Zebra cross

line also gives indication that it is the place for people to

cross. When vehicle closely approach zebra cross, they can

slow down the vehicle to precede pedestrian cross.

However, it would be better if pedestrian cross using

the crossing bridge. When there are no traffic lights like in

the road intersection, vehicle can drive in any speed. Other

reason why crossing bridge is safe is because it doesn’t

make contact with road. We will not be distracted by the

traffic flow. Vehicles can also pass the road more



That’s why crossing bridge needs to be provided for the

safety of pedestrian. Every road intersection needs zebra



Bridge that connect malls in Hungary.



Crossing using pedestrian bridge will give safe and

comfortable place to cross because crossing bridge will not

interfere the traffic. Pedestrian bridge can also built good

integration system which can alleviate traffic congestion.

That’s why it’s very good to have bridge between malls or

bridges that connect mall to the station.

Provide more Traffic Signs:

Traffic signs are important as a reminder for safety.

Without traffic signs, it is the like when you live without

rules. Rules is important to create discipline and strict life.

Lack of discipline is one of the thing triggers to

accident. However, sometimes weak rules can also cause to

traffic accident. Many people don’t understand the rules.

To make people understand the rules, traffic signs need to

be provided. To avoid over-speeding, every road must have

speed limit sign. Put the no parking sign if it is not parking

zone. Put also no-stop sign if vehicle cannot stop in the

road. In every road intersection which is very crowded, it is

better to have traffic light. Traffic light can make the road

intersection become more organize. It can also minimize

the traffic accident. That’s why traffic sign is very

important; it’s the teacher when you are on the road.


Pedestrian Cross Sign…. Although in resident are, but

there are still speed limit.

10. Be aware from Dangerous Crimes:

Traffic safety here doesn’t always refer to safety to

avoid vehicle collision or death on the road. But it can also

teach you how to avoid from the criminalities on the road

such as car destruction or robberies. There are many bad

people in human environment. Everyone can be bad

people. We cannot suspect whether he/she is a bad people.

But what I want for everyone is to have awareness and be

careful from stranger or someone who you don’t know.

There are so many strangers on the road, so please be

careful. These are the tips for the Safety to be aware from


When you are not in vehicle, don’t leave your

luxurious stuffs.

If you’re on the night car journey, don’t turn on the

interior light. It’s dangerous, someone can spy you.

When stranger ask you to stop your vehicle, don’t

bother them. He might want to trick you.

Wear helmet when you ride motorbike because people

won’t see your face clearly.

Put your vehicle in your garage, not in front of your


Lock your car door every time you are on journey.

Lock your vehicle steer when you’re out so someone

won’t be able to drive your vehicle.


Let’s Build Traffic Safety Culture

Avoid Accident by Safety Culture:

Remember this world is too dangerous. How many people

died from traffic accident? It’s totally unpredictable. What if

the people injured? It’s even more unpredictable. That

shows how big and terrible accident is in this World. Traffic

accident is something that cannot be stop, it can attack us


However we can avoid traffic accident by implement

safety culture in daily life. After you read this book, you

understand the theories of how to be safe on the road and

driving. But knowing is not enough, it needs the apply in

your daily life. Remember safety! Safety Culture ! Safety is


Safety Starts from Our-self:

If you are living in bad environment or bad culture, it

doesn’t mean that the environment cannot change. Every

people expect to live in safe environment. However, it must

begin from the positive habits.

Before you expect other people to do your expectation,

you need to show your best of what you expect. That’s

because people will not always directly do on what you



Just show your best. At the past, I never wear seatbelt or

helmet when I rode vehicle. But since my parents always

remind me and they always wear seatbelt or helmet

consistently, I start to do that habit gradually.

Please change your way of life first. Don’t get easily

influenced by the bad habit in your society. Please start to

build good habit and do it consistently. Just like in sport

and music, if you don’t practice it consistently, how can

you get the benefits? But, additionally if you keep doing

your positive habits, other people will feel touched from you

and they will start to follow your positive habits.

I really expect you to always follow safety rules

especially the basic things like wearing seatbelt and

helmet. When you are driving, please focus and don’t get


Safety is Easy and Cheap:

There is no reason to say, safety is hard like “Why should

I wear seatbelt?” or “What is the point of wearing helmet?”

or “I don’t really care about safety rules, as long I can

arrive in the designated place”. That’s not a good reason.

You must keep your safety in your mind and heart.

Safety is easy. There is no excuse that safety is hard.

Just like when you wear seatbelt. It’s simple right? You can

wear it every time you ride car because all modern car

today provides seatbelt. Just click one, and your live saved.

Seatbelt is a savoury.


In fact, seatbelt save thousands live of people. CDC

(Centres for Disease Control and Prevention) conclude that

seatbelt save 255.000 lives since 1975.

But compare it if you don’t wear seatbelt. If you crash

something, your body part will get serious injury.

Eventually, you must go to hospital. Who will pay for it? It’s

not only yourself, but your family, friends or even your

company might get involved. CDC said that in one year

alone, crash deaths and injuries to drivers and passengers

cost $70 billion in medical and work cost.

That is the evident that safety is easy and cheap.

Whenever and wherever you are safety is the key. Without

safety, you will hit by accident. Accident is expensive and it

makes your life difficult. It also can broke your future.

What can we do to change the future?

After you read this book, now you understand all the

knowledge from how dangerous is traffic accident until the

guidance of traffic safety. It’s all provided in this book. Now

it’s time for you to implement since now. No need to

postpone it. Time keeps changing.

The World has change into the modern era with more

sophisticated technology. Technology is everywhere and

you use it anytime in your lifetime including the traffic

safety technologies. All cars today are provided with

seatbelts even airbags which protect you from injury of



There are also ABS create more comfortable in car

braking. Motorcycle also has safer technologies. Just like in

my motorcycle. If I don’t kick the kickstand, the machine

won’t active. Fantastic!!!

Time goes by from past to the future. We will never

know what will our future looks like. But we do know that

everything keeps changing. So, if you want to change the

future, please start to change yourself first. Change your


Modern World and technologies must be followed by

modern behaviour. Just like the behaviour or manner of

Traffic Safety. As I have mentioned before that Safety

begins from us. If you want other people and environment

to change, why don’t you change yourself first? It’s easy.

You just need to wear seatbelt every time you drive or ride

car, wearing helmet if you ride motorcycle, keeping yourself

in safe distance when you drive and many more.

You might live in bad environment where most people

have a bad habit. Just like in my environment, many

people even my close friend doesn’t like to wear seatbelt.

But when they see I’m wearing seatbelt, they start to follow

the example. I’m sure if you start to give positive example

and you do it consistently, people will follow the example

and they gradually change. If you can change yourself,

everybody and everything will change.


Wisdom Quotes


We must respect the past, and mistrust

the present, if we wish to provide the

safety for the future – Joseph Joubert -


George Cui -

3 Causes of


- I didn’t think

- I didn’t see

- I didn’t know


Yesterday is gone

Tomorrow has not yet


We have only

today……Let’s begin !!!

- Mother Teresa -


About Me

My name is Naufal Ilham Arrafi,

but you can call me Naufal. I’m really thankful to everyone who have read

this book. I hope the content of this book will be beneficial. If you have

understands all the information and

guidance of traffic safety, now it’s time for you to implement it in your real life.

Let me share you about my profile. I’m Naufal who

born at Jakarta, 16 October 1997. I have 2 brothers and I’m the youngest child. I’m 16 years old and recently I’m

studying at Grade 10 at Sekolah Victory Plus (SVP), Bekasi. Since I was young, my hobby is writing and reading a book

although I’m not really talented. My other hobbies are riding bicycle, playing badminton, travelling and listening

to music. However, my number one hobby is still reading and writing. I love to write any articles at my blog. If you

curious about it, you can visit . But I never make a book before so this is the first book

that I made.

This book is made for my big project named “Personal

Project”. I want to make a book as product because I think it’s effective. I’m really thankful to my school for giving me

opportunity to do this project. Thousands of thanks to my parents, teachers, friends, and anyone who support my

project. I hope this project is successful and in the future I can be a writer.

My Expert’s Project Profile


This project is a mega project and which really needs help from expert. I’m really thankful to him for expertise

my project and give me official data about Traffic Safety. His name is DR. Waluyo, Chairman of National Safety

Board and Health Council. Let me introduce you his profile and background:

Name : DR. Waluyo

Education : Ph. D Degree from University of Indonesia.

Experience :

- Chairman of National Safety Board and Health Council (2010-now)

- Senior Manager of Health and Safety, BP Indonesia, 1999-2002

- Director of HR and General Affair Pertamina Indonesia (2008-2010)

- Vice President Business Ethics and Assurance – BP Indonesia (2003- 2004)

- Deputy of Corruption Prevention in Commision of Corruption Eradiction (KPK)- 2004-2009


Books: - Eka Sari Lorena, AYO LAWAN KEMACETAN (Haryo Damardono, 2013,

PT KOMPAS MEDIA NUSANTARA). - Talk About Drugs (Jacqui Bailey, 2008, Wayland)

Internet: -

elt-dengan-benar#.UsUX9vRdVDA -


















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