svdp parish haiti presentation

Post on 24-Jan-2015






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St. Vincent de Paul Parish

Haiti Mission Project

A Call to Charity…A

Partnership for Hope

Welcome to Haiti…

a Nation in Need!

Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere!

Haiti’s infant mortality rate is

one of the highest in the


Malnutrition is widespread and

diarrhea - an easily preventable disease - kills one

in five children under the age of


Seventy-six percent of Haiti’s nine

million people live on less than $2.25

a day.

Fifty percent live on less than $1.00 a day.

Mud cookies - made from dirt, vegetable shortening, and salt have become popular among Haitians desperate to stave off hunger. The cookies sell for around five cents

each, compared to 60 cents for two cups of rice.

During a one-month period in 2008 hurricanes Fay, Gustav, Hanna and Ike

devastated the country. Over 1,000 people were killed and countless others were

reported missing and injured.

Haiti, a Call to Charity

What is Charity?

Charity is the heart of the Church’s social doctrine.

Charity is love received and given. It is “grace”.

Its source is the wellspring of the

Father’s love for the Son, in the Holy Spirit.

Charity is everything for the

Church because, as St. John teaches,

“God is love” and love is God’s

greatest gift to humanity.

All Quotes taken from Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical letter

“Caritas in Veritate”

Why should we say


to the Call of


A generous man will himself be blessed,

for he shares

his food

with the poor.

Proverbs 22:9

Our Faith calls us to!

Our World Needs us to! In an increasingly globalized society, the common good and the

effort to obtain it, cannot fail to assume the

dimensions of the whole human family, that is to say, the community of peoples and nations.

Pope Benedict XVI in Caritas in Veritate

Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or

thirsty and give you something to drink?

Whatever you did for… the least of my brothers…

one of these…

…you did for me. Matthew 25:40

Our Savior Expects us to!

Our actions can make a difference!

“You simply do the thing that is in front of you. Do small things with great


Mother Theresa

We are all Called to Love the Poor

The Church’s love for the poor is part of her constant

tradition. This love is inspired by the Beatitudes, of the poverty of Jesus and

of his concern for the poor. Love for the poor is even one of the motives

for the duty of working so as to “be able to give to

those in need.” CCC 2444

Your Opportunity to say “Yes”

to a Partnership of Hope between St. Vincent de Paul Parish and…

St Francis of Assisi Parish in…

Bombardapolis, Haiti

Meeting Real Needs by …

Educating Children in…

Ten Mission Ten Mission Schools-Schools-

Grades K - 2Grades K - 2

and One Central and One Central Middle School Middle School

Grades 4-6Grades 4-6

Serving Nutrition meals to over…

1,000 Students daily

Providing Salaries for…

Forty Two Teachers: Only $25-$40 per month can support a teacher in Haiti!

…and other desperately need items

like: a Portable Generator, Desks and

Chairs for the children, Building

Materials and School Supplies

God is Calling Us!

An Invitation to our St. Vincent de Paul Family…

From the children of Haiti.

You can make a difference by…

Praying for the children of Haiti!

Fasting for the children of Haiti!

Giving to the children of Haiti!

Your support is needed to help us continue to provide healthy meals to school children attending the elementary schools and middle school sponsored by St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Bombardopolis and…

Giving to the children of Haiti!

…pay the salaries of the forty two teachers working hard to help their

students break the cycle of poverty in their lifetimes.

That would be enough to feed all the children attending the St Francis schools and provide salaries for the school’s hard working and caring teachers!!!

Imagine if each St. Vincent de Paul family gave just one dollar each month…

That would be enough to feed the children, raise teacher salaries AND purchase needed educational

resources and school supplies each month!!!

Imagine if every St. Vincent de Paul family gave just $5 per month

(about the cost of a Movie Rental…)

Only Our Father in Heaven knows how much GOOD could be accomplished!

Imagine if every St. Vincent de Paul family gave just $25 per month…

…Desperately Needed Facilities could be built.

Schools, Restrooms and Cafeterias

Clinics supplied with needed medicines

and equipment could help fight off illness

& disease!

Modern Schools could be built to

send kids to High School!

If You’re Ready to Help.

“Let each one give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or

under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7

“Let your light shine before

others, so that they may see the good works and give glory to the

heavenly Father.”

Matthew 5:16

The Children of Haiti…

Thank you!

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