syllabus - current trends within the higher education - slawomir rebisz, phd

Post on 24-Sep-2015






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    SUBJECT: Current Trends within the Higher Education (academic year 2012/2013) - 3 ECTS

    TEACHER Slawomir REBISZ, PhD., Assist. Professor COURSE DESCRIPTION The main aim of the course is discussion with the students about the various current issues of higher education, taking into consideration the process of creating of the common universities area in Europe, and pointing on the most important problems as well as appearing challenges before the higher education in near future. During our course we will be focused on the following issues:

    World University Rankings: Our Universities in the Network of Global Higher Education: Where Are We Today?

    European National Strategic Policies for Higher Education European versus American Higher Education The Future of European Universities. Renaissance or decay? The Dynamics of Changes of Higher Education in Europe

    Various teaching methodologies are blended in the course, including: lectures, case studies, readings, article studies, class discussions, team projects (preparing presentation in PowerPoint connected to the course curriculum).


    By the end of the course student should be able to: Understand of current role of higher education for socio-economic development of the State Identify the main current categories of higher education problems Identify the main directions of European National Strategic Policies for of higher education


    Final grade will be based upon: a) active participating in classes b) preparing semester presentation in PowerPoint: Current Trends within the Higher Education in my


    The final grades will be given according to the following rule: the amount of the received points in the limits:

    75.1 % - 100 % of the total possible points corresponds to the grade 5 (A) 70.1 % - 75.0 % corresponds to 4.5 (B) 65.1 % - 70.0 % corresponds to 4 (C) 60.1 % - 65.0 % corresponds to 3.5 (D) 50.1 % - 60.0 % corresponds to 3 (E) 0 % - 50.0 % corresponds to 2 (F)

    Class attendance and participation - students are to attend every class, fully prepared to participate in class discussions and activities - 20%

    Preparing presentation in PowerPoint connected to the course curriculum 30 %. Each student will present some aspect of the course curriculum to the class and lead the discussion

    Preparing semester presentation in PowerPoint 50 %.

    TIMETABLE The two-hour lectures will be given on a fixed day every week. The exact time and place will be given later.


    The main textbook:

    Eurostat regional yearbook 2011, Eurostat Statistical books, Publication Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2011

    Higher Education in Europe 2009: Developments in the Bologna Process, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, Brussels, Eurydice 2009

    Key Data on Education in Europe - 2012 Edition, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, Eurydice 2012

    Key Data on Higher Education in Europe - 2009 Edition, Brussels, Eurydice, 2009 Higher Education Governance in Europe. Policies, structures, funding and academic staff, Brussels,

    Eurydice 2008 Lambert R., Butler N., The Future of European Universities. Renaissance or decay?, Centre for European

    Reform, London 2006 World University Rankings 2011-2012, Times Higher Education, 15th of March, 2012 World University Rankings 2010, Times Higher Education, 16th of October, 2010

    Additional information sources will be selected on an ongoing bases and hand ousted to students

    PREREQUISITES: The basic knowledge from: Sociology, Economics, European Integration Processes.

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