syllabus - siu - college of education and human servicescourse syllabus wed 486 – the theory and...

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WED 486 Adult Learning

Course Syllabus

WED 486 – The Theory and Practice of Adult Education (Adult Learning)

Instructor Information

Instructor: Emil Haury, MAed.

Phone: 760-149-7138


Course Description: This course is designed to provide an examination of the

psychological and social factors related to adult learning. Critical analysis of

selected theories and concepts of learning are applied to the adult learning

experience, learning styles, motivation in adult education programs, and workplace


Course Rationale: Learning is a pervasive feature of the adult experience both at work and

in other aspects of adult life. As students in workforce education, it is essential that we

obtain the ability to critically analyze how adults acquire, process, and apply knowledge at

work, in the communities in which they live, and in personal situations. As adult educators,

it is critical to obtain the ability to examine the theories of adult learning and apply

knowledge of learning theory in instruction to help motivate adult learners.

Course Goals: The following are the general outcomes of the course. Students will:

1. Understand and analyze how culture, environment, race, class,

gender and other psycho-social factors influence adult learning.

2. Summarize the developmental challenges of adulthood including

career, family, and aging concerns.

3. Comprehend the essential differences between pedagogy for

children and andragogy for adults.

4. Examine the extent to which various adult learning theories

address the concept of “adultness” and to what extent the theories

identify significant aspects of adult learning.

5. Discuss the implications for teaching suggested by various

adult learning theories.

6. Analyze the assumptions about the learning process and the

adult learning inherent in various learning theories.

7. Demonstrate instructional methods that apply adult learning

theory and principals.



Required Text

Merriam, S. B., Caffarella, R. S., & Baumgartner, L. M. (2007). Learning in Adulthood;

A comprehensive guide, 3rd

Ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Course Requirements: Assessment of student performance will be based on the

following requirements:

1. Reflection Papers. A total of five papers, two-page maximum each represent

student’s thoughtful comments, statements of concern or dispute, and/or

questions raised based on the course readings, class discussions, etc. (100 points

total, 20 points)

2. Research Paper. A research paper based on a selected adult learning theory. 8-10

pages maximum. (200 points)

3. *A. For seated classes only: Group Presentation/Instructional Session. Student

groups will select a topic/chapter from the list assigned by the instructor and

teach the class on the premises of adult learning. Students may choose to engage

the rest of the class (e.g. discussion, case study, etc.) (200 points)


**B. For Online classes only: E-Learning Assignment. You will be required to

research adult education theorists, discuss the implication of learning in the

workplace, and describe your philosophy of adult education. (200) points

4. Participation. This is a discussion-based course. Students are expected to attend

class, come prepared (having read the readings for the class), and to participate

in the discussions. (100 points) (Online students must participate on the

discussion board.)

5. Optional Exam. To be decided by the Instructors. An essay exam based on issues

raised in the text, readings, and class discussions will be given as a final exam on

the last day of class. (100 points)

*Assignment 3A Group Presentation is meant for students enrolled in seated classes

only. Students enrolled in a seated class are not required to complete Assignment 3 B


** Assignment 3B: E-learning is meant for students registered on the online classes only.

Online students are not required to complete Assignment 3A (Group Presentation).



Policy and Standards

Students are expected to attend class, read assigned materials, participate in class

activities, and complete other requirements as may be assigned. Most problems and

disagreements between students and instructors can be avoided by open communication

at the beginning of a course. Therefore, you are encouraged to ask your instructor about

any issue not understood.

Informal attire is permitted, but please dress in a manner appropriate for a university

classroom. No hats or caps are to be worn in the classroom. Food and beverages may be

consumed during class only if local conventions permit. Regarding all other matters,

students are expected to be familiar with and adhere to the Student Conduct Code.

Students needing course-related accommodations should contact the instructor during the

first week of class.

Attendance Policy

Classes will convene from 8:00 AM to 3:50 PM with a ten minute break on the hour and

lunch from 11:50 AM to 1:00 PM. According to SIU policy, students may not miss more

than one-third (2 days) of scheduled time for courses conducted on the weekend format.

Students unable to attend need to contact the Instructor or Base Coordinator prior to or

ASAP after an absence.

Academic Integrity Policy

Academic integrity involves a student’s obligation to act with honesty and to respect the

rights of other in carrying out all academic assignments. Students are expected to exhibit

this quality at all times. The University policy concerning academic dishonesty will be

strictly adhered to. Violations of this policy include:

Plagiarism or representing the work of another as one’s own work

Preparing work for another that is to be used as that person’s own work

Cheating by any method or me

Knowingly falsifying or manufacturing scientific or educational data and

representing the same to be the result of scientific or scholarly research

Knowingly furnishing false information to a university official relative to

academic matters Soliciting, aiding, abetting, concealing, or attempting

conduct in violation of this policy

Any violation of the policy can result in immediate failure of this course; conduct board penalties, or both. If you have any questions about whether a particular behavior is in violation of the University’s policy, you should ask before proceeding.



Emergency Procedures

Southern Illinois University Carbondale is committed to providing a safe and healthy

environment for study and work. Because some health and safety circumstances are

beyond our control, we ask that you become familiar with the SIUC Building

Emergency Evacuation Plan. Instructors will provide guidance and direction to students

in the classroom in the event of an emergency. It is important that you follow these

instructions and stay with your instructor during an evacuation.




Hello Class!

I am your course facilitator for the upcoming WED 486 Adult Learning course. This

course will include a number of topics with special emphasis on areas of most concern

to our SIU students majoring in Workforce Education and Development.

Prepare for the first weekend meeting with the following:

1. Completed (typed) Student Information Form (last page of attached syllabus)

2. Weekend 1 Assignment (Reflection Question 1)

3. Course Textbook: Learning in Adulthood (2007)

I look forward to working with you on what can be a very unique class and experience.

Emil Haury, MAed.

Instructor: Emil (Charlie) Haury

Office Hours: 9:00 pm – 4:00 pm (M-F) (avail. by text)

Telephone: (760) 419-7138 cell



Weekend 1: January 11 & 12

Weekend 2: January 25 &26

Weekend 3: February 8 & 9 – No class meeting (E-Learning homework due)

Weekend 4: February 22 & 23


Naval Air Station North Island, building 2005





Class Discussions & Activities

Individual Participation & Assignments

Team Presentations & Assignments


Assignments must be written in APA format (6th

edition). This includes (among other


Cover page



Reference page

In-text citations

Header (with page numbers)

Headings for sections of the paper

Paragraphs indented

Times New Roman (12 point)

Double spacing

Six Assumptions Regarding Adult Learning

1. Adults need to know why they need to know

2. Adults need to learn experientially

3. Adults approach learning as problem solving

4. Adults learn best when topic is of immediate value

5. Adults need to integrate new ideas with what they already know

6. Adult emotions are critical to their learning, motivation, and memory




Note: All assignments must be typed. Formal papers must be in APA format.

Weekend Day Points Type Title Comment

ALL ALL 18 Individual Class Participation

1 Sat 2 Individual Student Information Sheet Included in


1 Sun 5 Individual Reflection Question 1 1-2 pages

2 Sat 10 Individual Reflection Questions 2 &


1-2 pages per


2 Sat &


25 Team Presentation



3 Sat &


20 Individual Research Paper On-line

5-7 page written


4 Sun 10 Individual Reflection 4 & 5 1-2 pages per


4 Sat &


10 Individual Presentation of Research


5-8 minutes with

Power Point







Grading A = 90 to 100

B = 80 to 89

C = 70 to 79

D = 60 to 69

F = 0 to 59

Grading Policy Late Assignments: 20% reduction in points if late.

Class Participation

Criteria: Attendance in class is important to earn full points for participation.

Participation means showing interest in the topic, participating in class

discussions and in-class activities, asking relevant questions, extending the

students’ understanding of the topic, being punctual to class and returning from

breaks, behaving professionally, being respectful in class, etc.

Class participation requirements

All learners come into a course with a rich and varied background of personal

experiences. These experiences should be freely shared; i.e., opinions,

observations and perceptions relevant to the topic will form the point counter-

point that results in attitude formation and concept development.

The foundation of learning is in active contextual interactivity and the

development of mental models. The formation of these models depends upon

active, focused student participation. It is imperative that each student share

well-reasoned, thoughtful opinions, examples and solutions, oriented to adult

educational challenges.

E-Learning Assignment

Criteria: Complete all stated requirements in this syllabus.

Research Report

Criteria: Follow the guidelines and meet all schedules using innovative

applications in the development of deliverables.


Plagiarism on any assignment will result in zero credit.



WED 486 – Adult Learning

Due: Weekend 1

Student Information Form (2 points)

1. Student Information form (Individual)

2. Two choices for Research Paper (Individual) – see list of choices on syllabus

Reflection Question 1 (5 points)

As an adult learner, what do you perceive to be barriers to your learning?

List and discuss using a mind map (include in your paper).

Please refer to The Power Point on Mind Map in the course content folder.



WED 486 – Adult Learning

Due: Weekend 2

Reflection Questions 2 & 3 (5 points each)

Maximum of two pages for each question

Question 2:

a. As an adult learner think of an individual who you would identify as the best

instructor and the instructor you consider the worst.

b. Discuss what you find/found to be motivating about the best instructor and what

you find/found the least motivating about the worst instructor.

Question 3

a. Access Geerte Hofstede’s weblink and list the six dimensions of culture and

discuss how his approach may be useful in motivating learners from different


b. Compare at least two different countries and their national culture using

Hofstede’s dimension breakdown, and explain what elements may be different

when building a course lesson that contains the same objectives.

Textbook Chapter(s) Presentation (45 minutes) - TEAM

Total 25 points

Part A: Development In groups of 4 or 5 develop a Power Point presentation (with Speaker Notes and

References) and an associated activity (quiz, discussion, game, etc.) on an assigned text

chapter or topic. The 45 minute presentation will capture the themes, insight and

essential evidence supporting these themes. Teams will then present this presentation

utilizing sound adult educational principles.

Criteria include:

1. Identification of the big picture as well as the details in the chapter or the topic.

2. Application of motivational and instructional design principles and presentation

techniques. This is a lesson, not a briefing.

3. Demonstrate a deep knowledge of the chapter or topic.

4. Create an associated activity to capture the content of the chapter and deliver to

the class.



5. Distribute electronic or paper copies of the Power Point slides to all students.

Give a paper copy to the professor (the professor’s copy will have the copy with

the Speaker’s notes) at the beginning of the presentation so she can take notes on


Part B: Presentation Present the Chapter PowerPoint Lesson to the class in accordance with the class


1. This is a professional presentation similar to one usually made in a business

training environment. Dress the part.

2. Demonstrate expertise, empathy, enthusiasm, clarity and cultural responsiveness

(see Chapter 3 of Enhancing adult motivation to learn)

3. Teams should provide examples of chapter concepts and lead discussions with

the class. Do not merely read PowerPoint slides. Many students use additional

source information to enrich their presentations.

4. Post or hand out copies on the PPT presentation prior to the presentation.

5. Encourage discussion and do your utmost to encourage student interactivity and

participation via the associated activity.



Points Distribution:

Presentation Grading Rubric: Teams that submit presentations will be equally assessed

based on the following grading rubric. Please consult the instructor if you need

clarification of assignment instruction





WED 486 – Adult Learning

Due: Weekend 3 (E-Learning)

E-Learning Assignment: Research Paper

Course Assignment – Research Paper (Individual)

Adult Learning Research Paper (topics) & Presentation (20 + 10 points)

From the list of selected topics in the field (see list below); each student will be assigned

a topic and write a 5-7 page Research Report based on the topic’s relation to the adult

educational field.

Assignment of your topic will be given by the course professor prior to the beginning of

your research. Have topics approved by the first weekend of class. It is recommended

that you have at least 3 options for the instructor’s approval.


1. Andragogy vs. Pedagogy

2. Case Based Learning

3. Classroom Assessment Techniques for the College Instructor

4. Classroom Management Skills for the College Instructor

5. Collaborative/Competitive Learning

6. Diversity Issues in Adult Learning

7. Facilitation Skills for the College Instructor

8. Gestalt Learning

9. Inquiry Learning

10. Learning and forgetting curves

11. Learning Contracts

12. Learning from Mentors

13. Learning Management System (LMS)

14. Learning Style Inventories (LSI)

15. Motivating the Adult Learner

16. Online Learning

17. Operant Conditioning



18. Self Directed Learning

19. Social Learning

20. Using Games, Simulations, and Puzzles when Teaching

Research Paper Assignment Rubric

Final papers must be 5-7 double-spaced pages with a maximum 12-point font.

In addition to the following rubric below, the following list identifies points associated

to the major elements of the research paper:

20 points 1. Topic is important for adult educators

2. Research question/problem statement is clear

3. Ideas flow smoothly from paragraph to paragraph

4. Conclusions are drawn appropriately

5. Recommendations are clear, appropriate, and feasible

6. APA style used correctly within text and on Reference List (Please see APA

Formatting and Style Guide for guidance.)

7. A minimum of 4 scholarly resources (Note: Wikipedia is not acceptable.) are

included as in-text citations.

8. Properly APA formatted reference list

9. Little to no misspelled words or grammatical errors

Points will be deducted for each, if deficient: 1. Topic is not a relevant issue for adult educators

2. The research question/problem statement is not clear

3. Ideas are unorganized and do not flow smoothly

4. Ideas are not related to the topic

5. Conclusions are not consistent with the discussion

6. Recommendations are incongruent

7. APA style is used incorrectly

8. Less than four resources are utilized

9. In-text citations are missing

10. Reference list is missing

11. Multiple misspelled words and/or grammatical errors exist (more than 3)

12. Papers longer than 7 pages (The Reference List and cover page are not

considered part of the 5-7 page length of the paper.)



Research Grading Rubric: Learners who submit essays will be equally assessed based

on the following grading rubric. Please consult the instructor if you need clarification of

assignment instruction.

20% will be deducted for: Late submission



WED 486 – Adult Learning

Due: Weekend 4

Reflection Questions

5 points each; maximum of two pages for each question

Question 4:

a. As an adult learner, describe how you have learned from mentors or how you

have learned as a mentor in a personal or professional context.

b. Please find an academic article on mentoring and include content in the response.

Question 5:

a. As an adult educator, what challenges do you foresee in dealing with adults with

learning disabilities?

b. How do you see yourself handling a teaching-learning scenario where there are

individuals with learning disabilities in a mixed group?

c. Please find an academic article on learning disabilities and include content in the


Adult Learning Research Paper (topics) Presentation

10 points

a. Create a Power Point presentation (with Speaker Notes) that captures the main

points of your Research paper

b. Deliver a 5-8 minute presentation using your Power Point slides and any other

visual aid(s).

c. Issue a copy of the presentation (with Speaker Notes) to the Professor prior to




d. Student Information Form

Name Printed

Occupation &


Program Advisor

Southern Illinois University – Carbondale


Phone: Cell:

( )


( )

CAREER GOAL - What do you see yourself doing in the next 5 years – next 10 years?

EXPERIENCE - Describe any teaching activities involving adults that you participate in or

have participated in (other than the WED program).

What topics would you especially like to have covered or what types of information would

you like from this course?

3 Choices for Research Paper (select from the list-pg.10 of syllabus):

top related