syndicating your content for seo benefits and 5 seo myths

Post on 15-May-2015






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With all the 2013 Google updates, the biggest challenge faced by online business owners is to have good Page Ranks. How can you achieve that? By having a good content marketing strategy and by being able to distinguish between white hat link building and SEO myths


0:14 – Does your content have a clear call to action?

1:37 – Spreading the news about your content using Social Media

5:08 – Let the world know: bookmarking your content with Onlywire

5:49 – Building relationships with market leaders within your niche

6:20 – Top 5 myths about SEO

Hi, Fiona Lewis here from Super Savvy Business with this week’s SEO and Traffic news update.

0:14 – Does your content have a clear call to action?

What I’d like to focus on today is your content on your site, specifically your news or your blog content that you add on a regular basis. Are you really thinking about how you can utilise this to best serve the purposes of your site – in other words, create conversions?

One thing that I do see on many websites is they have this great content but at the end of it, there is no call to action, there is nothing clear or succinct about what you want the reader to do next. For instance, on Super Savvy Business there is a clear call to action for people to subscribe to my e-mail list so they can receive this weekly news video updates on a regular basis. That, of course for me, is beneficial because it is growing my database.


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Syndicating Your Content For SEO Benefits And 5 SEO Myths


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So have a clear think about what you want people to do once they have read your content:

Is it that you want them to request a quote?

Is it that you want them to pick up the phone and call you?

Or perhaps, like me, you simply want to add them to your database so that you can develop a relationship with them?

It’s very important that you think about this; it’s important that your website becomes a marketing tool and it’s not something that is sitting out in the cyberspace collecting dust.

1:37 – Spreading the news about your content using Social Media

Ok, so once you’ve got that clear in your head the next question I want to pose to you is: what do you do with your content once you have posted it and it’s gone live on your website? Is that the end of the story? Do you need to do more?

Well, yes you do!

There is no point just putting that content on your website and hoping that people are going to find it, that they are going to stumble across your site. You need to take some very simple yet effective steps to broadcast it to the world that you have new content on your site.

So, for example, are you using Social Media to broadcast and syndicate your content? It’s very easy to have your social sharing buttons on your site especially if you use WordPress websites like the ones we develop through Super Savvy Websites – you can have those social sharing buttons actually embedded on the page on your site. All you need to do then is click the ‘Like’ button. And then you have a pop up box which appears and in which you can write your comment to broadcast your blog post to your personal page.

But don’t stop there; you should also have a business page where you can actually log in to Facebook, go to your business page and add the link to this new content. Make sure you add a comment to it – make it a thoughtful comment; try to catch people’s imagination and their attention, you might want to be a little bit controversial, ask for people’s opinion or feedback on this new content that you have.

I do recommend that you avoid any type of automation when it comes to your social media. This is something that you really need to be doing manually and doing yourself rather than being outsourced.


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I also recommend that you use Google+ to broadcast your content and you can actually use a fairly long comment to go with your link; Google+ is a place where it is actually a nice idea to have a decent comment and then place your link.

Don’t forget LinkedIn as well, there are some great people around LinkedIn and great business owners, entrepreneurs… so even join a group. You can broadcast your new content to groups that you joined and where your target market are actually hanging out.

And of course there is Twitter. Twitter is something that I avoided using for quite some time because I just simply could not relate to it. But when I got over that and I started to utilize it as a regular part of my marketing campaign I was amazed at how much traffic I started to get through Twitter – so don’t be afraid to use it.

Of course, the other player in the field of social media is Pinterest. Many of you may have heard of it, but if you haven’t, Pinterest is a visual social media platform where people pin on pin boards images that they are interested in – hence the name, Pinterest.

Anyway, when it comes to your blog post, make sure you have a good quality image on your blog post. Now this could be something that you have taken with your iPhone, it could be a stock image or, like me, I now have an illustrator that works on part of my team and we create individual and unique images which can be shared on Pinterest – which are of course watermarked so if people share them then they see our branding.

5:08 – Let the world know: bookmarking your content with Onlywire

So that covers social media but there are plenty of other things that you can do to broadcast your message to the world that you have new content. For instance, there is bookmarking. You can use a service such as Onlywire to bookmark several places at a time to spread your content out. You can also use your database to e-mail them, alert them that you have new content.

But always come from a space of providing really good value to your database; you don’t want to abuse it and you don’t want to annoy people. So make sure that your content is something that is worthwhile them clicking on the link to go and check out; otherwise you will soon find that they will unsubscribe.

5:49 – Building relationships with market leaders within your niche

Finally, the only other thing which I’ll cover for today’s video is that you can perhaps connect with other people in your niche through social media and let them know that you have this great content, especially if you’ve mentioned their name in the content. But this is all about relationship building, you don’t just approach someone out of the blue and say ‘Hey, can you share my content?’.

If you had a really good strategy on Social Media you should be actually making connections with people within your niche and you share their content, they share yours.


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6:20 – Top 5 myths about SEO

The final thing I’d like to touch on in today’s video are some SEO myths. There have been a lot of changes with the search engines – in particular Google – this year, and there are some myths that really just aren’t true that you should be aware of.

First off, putting your keywords in your metatags. It really isn’t going to be helping you. You might want to put them in, but don’t put them in there under the illusion that they are going to help you.

The other myth that I’d like to cover is having the keyword in your page description. This doesn’t necessarily help you with your ranking. However, if you are ranking for a particular keyword and you have that keyword in your description, those words are going to be placed in bold, which is going to grab the attention of the person who has performed the search and alert them of the fact that your content is relevant to what they have searched for. So I still do recommend that although it doesn’t have a direct effect on the ranking of your site it can potentially help with your click-through rate for people who are performing searches.

The next myth I’d like to cover on is the idea that having keywords in your domain name is going to help you rank. Well, yes, that might have been the case once upon a time but exact match domains really aren’t going to help you with the ranking, you must still have really good quality content on your site that is relevant to your keywords. So don’t think you can just rest on having an exact match domain. Matt Cutts came out recently and there was a big change and he stated categorically that exact match domains are not going to help you with your ranking.

The next myth I’d like to cover on is the idea that you can stuff your keyword through your content on your page and that is going to help you to rank. Well in fact, that is going to go against you and in fact damage your site. So please be careful: do not try and stuff your keyword many times into your page; or worse still, do not think that stuffing 10 different keywords into your page is going to help you rank. It’s better to have one page of highly relevant good quality content that is really geared towards one keyword rather than having 10 keywords stuffed on the page. Create 10 different pages with one keyword per page. It is a much better way to go.


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Finally for our video today and the last myth I am going to cover is the idea that you need to have as many links as possible pointing to your content. Let’s look at it this way: it’s better to have a smaller amount of good quality links than hundreds or thousands of poor quality spammy links coming from sites that really don’t have any authority or value in the search engine’s eyes.

So we need to step away from some of these old thinking and really start to focus on the idea that it’s all about quality, quality, quality: quality content, quality links. Please get that into your head.

My name is Fiona Lewis, this has been the Super Savvy Business SEO and Traffic news update. We will see you again next week!

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