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Syntax Tree Diagram in Ainu Language : Analysis of UWEPEKER (Folktale) (1) 1-60 by KAWAKAMI Matsuko

アイヌ語の文の樹形図 「川上まつ子さんの民話 (1)」1-60 の分析


Tokyo University of Technology Department of Liberal Arts

酒井優子 東京工科大学

教養学環 6 December, 2016


Contents 目次



I. Grammatical Points of Ainu Language アイヌ語文法の要点……………………………………………4

II. Points of Ainu Pronunciation アイヌ語発音の要点…………………………………………………….5

III. Syntax Tree Diagram of Text テキストの樹形図……………………………………………………..5




Preface はじめに This work aims to verify the deep structure of sentences as based on four-dimensional structure of cognition in some Ainu surface

structures of sentences. The syntax tree diagrams are based on Sakai (2006). When a sentence is an expression of cognition, its structure must be

restricted and limited by the structure of four-dimensional cognition. A thing occupies three-dimensional space and one-dimensional time.

One-dimensional time requires two things, a beginning and an end. Time is synonymous with change, in that a thing changes with time. When a thing changes there must be a third person, who enjoys the interest of the change for better or for worse.

We see this four-dimensional structure of cognition in the syntactic structures (FIGURE 1).

FIGURE 1. Four-dimensional structure of cognition

FIGURE 2. Deep structure of sentences based on four-dimensional structure of cognition (order not specified)

┌ S

├ V

├ O

└ I

When a thing consists of quality and quantity, and occupies space and time, a noun, which may express either a concrete or abstract thing, should consist of quality, quantity, and spatial and temporal location. Similarly a verb, which expresses a change in a thing, should consist of the change in quality, quantity, and spatial and temporal location. In addition, nominal and verbal modifiers, both adjectivals and adverbials, can be classified as QUALIFIERS, QUANTIFIERS, SPATIALS or TEMPORALS. In addition, on account of the paucity of lexical meaning in the verb ''be'' it requires a complement (C) as an adverbial modifier to express a static existence, which may be a noun or adjective or adverb regardless of the parts of speech.


of a Change

[Direct Object]



of a Change

[ Subject ]



Time or Change



a ball

to Peter.

Third Person

[Indirect Object]

I John


FIGURE 3. Adjectival Modifiers (order not specified)

┌(Qualifier Adjective) what (kind of)

├(Quantifier Adjective) how much/many

├(Temporal Adjective) of when

├(Spatial Adjective) of where


FIGURE 4. Adverbial Modifiers (order not specified)

Verb ├ C what/who /how/when/where/how much/many ├(Qualifier Adverb) how ├(Quantifier Adverb) how much ├(Temporal Adverb) when └(Spatial Adverb) where

Data for Analysis


KOTAN ( At the mouth of Yúpet river a densely-populated, a village big village) '', Ainu-go Onsei Siryou 10 (Phonetic Data in

Ainu Language 10 : Old tales and songs by KAWAKAMI Matsuko (in Penakori Village)), pp. 2-53, Recorded in August 6, 1976.

The Institute of Language Teaching, Waseda University.

* Dictated voice in ( ) means nothing.

*Japanese translation is based on Tamura-Tanaka (1997) with some modification trying not to change the parts of speech as much as




その樹形図は言語の本質である認識から始まる酒井 (2006) の言語理論に基づいている。つまり、言語が認識の表現であ







そして、変化の利害を生じる第三者が間接目的語(I)だといえる(図表1)。そして、文の深層構造は SVOI から成り、こ











KOTAN 湧別川の川口に、村人の多い、大きな村が」『アイヌ語音声資料 10 -川上まつ子さんの昔話と神謡』 pp. 2-53,

1976年8月6日録音 早稲田大学語学教育研究所

* ( ) 内の発話は言い間違いや発話意図のないものである。

*日本語訳は上記の田村・田中 (1997) を基にしているが、一部変更した箇所もある。なお、アイヌ語の品詞は極力変えな


I. Grammatical Points of Ainu Language アイヌ語文法の要点

1. The basic word order is SOV and all adjectivals precede nouns.

2. Pronominal subjects and objects of the first, second and indefinite person are affixed to verbs obligatorily.

3. The third persons are seldom or never pronouns but common or proper nouns.

4. The subject is not marked with particle and no pronominal direct and indirect objects are mainly distinguished by word order.

5. Verbs do not conjugate and the tense depends on context. But, the verbal suffix -pa means the plurality of the subject or object or act.

6. Many nouns and verbs include the components of sentence; e.g. aep(food) <a-e-p (one-eat-thing), cep(fish) <c(i)-e-p (we-eat-thing),

hawekoyki (shout at) <haw-e-ko-i-ki(voice-with-to-thing-do).

7. Most adjectivals are adjective clauses composed of be+adjective in an intransitive verb; cf. important =which imports.

8. Ending with the words such as ''… said a man/woman. '' Ainu folktales are indirect narration, in which ''I'' takes the form of indefinite

person ''one''.

9. For the abundancy of monosyllabic words, Ainu words and sentences tend to be complicated.

The same complicity is found also in Japanese sentences. For example, the following Japanese sentence contains three verbs ''be'', which

are agglomerated usually as a verb with auxiliary verbs ''なのである nanodearu (be [formal style]) '' ; ''私はwatashi-wa (I) 学生

gakusei(student) なna(be) のno(one/ thing[formal noun]) でde(be) あるaru(be) ''。

┌─ S (事態は jitai-wa)(fact)

│ ┌─ S (事態は jitai-wa)(fact)

│ │ ┌─ S 私は watashi-wa (I)

│ │ │┌ nC 学生gakusei (student)

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V なna(<だda) (be)

│ │┌ nC の no(<mono(thing)) (one/thing)

│┌ avC └┴ av<V でde(<だda) (be)

└┴ V あるaru(be)。

1. 基本的な語順はSOVであり、形容詞は名詞の前にくる。

2. 一人称、二人称、不定人称の主語と直接・間接目的語代名詞は、必ず動詞の接辞で表される。

3. 三人称は代名詞ではなく、普通名詞か固有名詞で表されるのが常である。

4. 主語を示す「が」に当たる助詞はなく、代名詞以外の直接・間接目的語も主として語順で区別される。

5. 動詞は活用せず、時制は文脈に依っている。ただし、動詞接尾辞 -paは、主語や目的語が複数であることまたは、動作


6. 名詞や動詞の多くは文の構成要素を含んでいる;例、aep (食べ物) <a-e-p (人が-食べる-もの), cep (魚) <c(i)-e-p (私たちが-

食べる-もの), hawekoyki (怒鳴りつける) <haw-e-ko-i-ki (声-で-に対して-ものを-する)

7. 形容詞類は大部分が「形容詞(く/で)+ある」という自動詞の形容詞節である;参考、important (重要な)=which imports

(重要である) 。


8. アイヌ民話は「~と男/女が言った。」といった言葉で終わる間接話法で表され、「私」は不定人称の「人」の形をとる。

9. 単音節語が多いので、アイヌ語では語や文が複雑化する傾向がある。


されているが、その構造をよく見ると存在動詞 (be) を三つ含んでいる;「私は(I) 学生(student) な(be) の(one/ thing [formal

noun]) で(be) ある(be) 」。

II. Points of Ainu Pronunciation アイヌ語発音の要点 1. All vowel and consonant letters are pronounced.

2. The pronunciation of ''c'' is [ʧ] ; ''ca'' [ʧa], ''ce''[ʧe], ''ci'' [ʧi], ''co'' [ʧo], ''cu'' [ʧu].

3. The ''r'' in the ending of a syllable accompanies the antecedent vowel weakly, for example; ''pirka''(be good) [pirika], ''yúcar''(epic)


4. The consonant letters ''b, d, g'' are only for loan words from Japanese, but they are pronounced as vocalization of the letters ''p, t, k''.

The consonant letters ''f, j, q, v, x, z'' are not used in Ainu text.

Frequency of vowel and consonants letters in this text is in FIGURE5-6.

1. 表記された文字は母音も子音もすべて発音する。

2. ''c''は[ʧ] と発音する; ''ca'' [ʧa], ''ce''[ʧe], ''ci'' [ʧi], ''co'' [ʧo], ''cu'' [ʧu].

3. 語末の''r''字は先行する母音を弱く伴う。例えば ''kor''(持つ)は [koro]、''yúcar''(英雄叙事詩)は[yúkara]と発音する。

4. 子音字 ''b, d, g'' は日本語からの借用語だけ用いられるが、子音字 ''p, t, k'' の有声音として発音されることもある。

そして、''f, j, q, v, x, z''の子音字は用いられない。


FIGURE 5.「湧別川の川口に」母音字頻度 FIGURE 6.「湧別川の川口に」子音字頻度

III. Syntax Tree Diagram of Text テキストの樹形図

1 Yúpet putuhu ta inne kotan poro kotan, an wa,

At the mouth of Yupet river there was a big densly-populated village and,























┌(Av-P) Yúpet putuhu ta (Yupet river-mouth at) 湧別川の川口に

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) inne (which was densely-populated) 村人の多くある

┌┼ S kotan (village) 村が

││ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) poro (which was big) 大きくある

││ └ (Aps) kotan, 村が、

└┴ V an (was) あっ wa (and), て、

2 kotankes un kotanpa un a=tusáha(etu) etupsike a=ekúykuy kor apkas-apkas=an kor án=an wa eun eyaytomuskarun hekaci a=ne wa,

When I was conscious of myself, I was a boy who was walking up and down the village chewing always the tip of my sleeve and,

私は、ものごころついたときには、村の下手し も て

へ村の上手か み て


┌─(Av-P) kotan-kes un (village-down to) 村の下手へ

│ kotan-pa un (village-up to) 村の上手へ

│ ┌(Aj-Pro) a= (my) 私の

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) tusáha (sleeve) 袖の

│ ┌ O e-tupsike (whose-tip) 先を

│ ├ S a= (I) 私は

├(Av-Ql)└ V e-kúy-kuy (which-chew-chew) kor (-ing)

│ 噛み噛みしながら

┌┴ V apkas-apkas (walk-walk) 歩き歩き

┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an (I) 私は kor (-ing) しながら

┌┴ V án (was ) いた

┌(Av-T) └─ S =an (I) 私が wa (and) て eun (toward) ときに (<ところへ)

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) e-yay-tomuskarun (of-myself-notice) そのことに気づいた

├ C hekaci (boy) 男の子 ┌┼ S a= ( I ) 私は └┴ V ne (was) でし wa (and), て、

3 orano kotankes un kotanpa un apkas-apkas=an kor, (ire) i=e-ram-poki-wen wa oka utar sine ancikar tu ancikar i=rewsire, kor kusu

keraypo, (yo) aynu (ae) aep a=e,

Then, when I was wandering up and down the village, those who pitied me made me stay one night or two nights, thanks to that I could eat

human food,



┌(Av-T) or-wa-no (there-from-to=after that) それから

├(Av-P) kotan-kes un (village-down to) 村の下手へ

│ kotan-pa un (village-up to) 村の上手へ

┌┴ V apkas-apkas (wander about) 放浪し

┌(Av-Ql)└ ─ S =an (I) 私は kor (-ing), ていると、

│ ┌ O i= (me) 私を

│ ┌(Av-Ql) └ V e-ram-poki-wen (for which-heart-below-be bad


│ │ =pity) かわいそうに思っ wa (and) て

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) V oka (were )いた

┌┼ S utar (people) 人々が

│├(Av-T) sine ancikar tu ancikar (one night two night) 一晩二晩

├┼ I i= (me) 私に

┌(Av-Ql) └┴ V rewsi-re (stay-make), 泊まらせて、kor (then) すると kusu (for that) その

│ keraypo (thanks to) , おかげで

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) aynu (human) 人間の ┌┼ O a-e-p(one-eat-thing=food) 食べ物を

├┼ S a= (I) 私は

└┴ V e (eat) 食べ

4 a=ekíronnu kor a=esánpesituri kor apkas=an kor án=an ayne,

When I was full, I felt good and I was wandering about, but finally


┌ S a= (I) 私は

┌(Av-Ql)└ V e-kíron(<kir(bone)-or(in))-nu (of-power-have

│ =became full) 満腹する kor (as) と

┌┼ S a= (I) 私は

┌(Av-Ql) └┴ V e-sánpe-situri(for which-heart-stretch=feel good) いい気分になっ kor (and) て

┌┴ V apkas (wander about) 放浪し

┌(Av-Ql) └─ S =an (I) 私は kor (-ing) ながら

┌┴ V án (was) いた

└─ S =an (I) 私は ayne (finally), したあげく、

4 tane (already),

5 nina (e) ka (e) eyayenitan(kuni) pakno poro=an orano nína=an wa,

When I grew up already to be able to gather firewood by myself , I gathered firewood and,


┌(Av-Ql) tane (already), もう、

┌┼ O ní-na (wood-take=to gather firewood) たきぎとりka (also) も

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V e-yay-e-nitan (of which-myself-by-be rapid=can do rapid by myself) 自分でできる

│ pakno (till) ほど

┌┴ V poro (became big) 大きくなって

┌(Av-Ql) └─ S =an (I) 私は orano (after that) からは

┌┴ V nína (gathered firewood) たきぎとりをし

└─ S =an (I) 私は wa (and), て、

6 niske=an wa kotan-opes=an kor, sine ancikar a=i=réwsire tu ancikar a=i=réwsire.

Carrying the firewood on my back I walked along the village, and someone let me stay one night and other let me stay two nights.





┌ V ni-sike(wood-carry on my back) たきぎを背負っ

┌(Av-Ql) └ S =an (I) 私が wa (and) て

┌┴ V kotan-o-pes(village-where-run=walk along the village) 村に沿って歩い

┌(Av-Ql) └─ S =an (I) 私は kor (and) ては

├(Av-T) sine ancikar (one night) 一晩

┌┼ S a=(one) 人が

├┼ I i= (me) 私に

┌(Av-T)└┴ V réwsi-re (let-make) 泊まらせて

├(Av-T) tu ancikar (two nights) 二晩

┌┼ S a=(one) 人が

├┼ I i= (me) 私に

└┴ V réwsi-re (let-make). 泊まらせた。

7 kasi ta ipe=an kor, án=an ayne a=kopóro.

Eating and living in that way, I grew up.


┌(Av-Ql) kasi(the up) ta(on) (=thus) そうやって

┌┴ V ipe (eat ) 食べ

┌(Av-Ql) └─ S =an (I) 私が kor (and), て、

┌┴ V án (was) い

┌(Av-Ql) └─ S =an (I) 私が ayne (finally), て、

┌┼ S a= ( I ) 私は

└┴ V kopóro (became big). 大きくなった。

8 poro hekaci a=ne hi ora,a=utarihi ene iki pa wa a=nukár hi ne kusu, cisenikar=an wa pon cise a=kar wa oro ta án=an wa,

Having grown up I made the lumber for a house following the way the villagers did, I built a little house and I lived there, and



┌(Aj-Ql) poro (been big)

│ 大きくある

┌ C hekaci (boy) 少年に

┌┼ S a= (I) 私が

┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V an (became) なった

┌(Av-T) hi (fact) こと ora, (<oro-wa time-from) 以来、

│ ┌(Aj-Pro) a= (my) 私の │ ┌ S utarihi (villagers) 村人たちが

┌┼ O └ n<V ene (as)ように i-ki (thing-do)する

││ pa (many times) 何回も

├┼ S a= (I) 私は

┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V nukar (see)見る

┌ O hi (thing) ことを


┌(Av-Ql)└ V ne(did) した kusu (because), ので、

┌┼ O cise-ni (house-wood) 家の材木を

├┴ V kar (made) 作って

┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an ( I ) 私は wa(and) て

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) pon (been little) 小さくある ┌┼ O cise(house) 家を

├┼ S an= ( I ) 私は

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V kar (made) 作って wa (and) て

├(Av-P) oro (there) そこ ta (in) に

┌┼ V án(was) 住ん

└┴ S =an ( I ) 私は wa (and), で、

9 kim péka iki=an kor,a=utárutari kúwari ne ya nen nen iki pa siri a=núkar wa, a=eyúkar wa yuk-kúwari kamuy-kúwari(a) a=kar kor,

When I went around the mountain I set some trap bow for deer and bears watching and following the way the villagers did, and



┌(Av-P) kim (mountain) 山 péka (around) あたりで

┌┼ O i-(thing)

├┴ V ki(do =walk) 歩く

┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an (I) 私は kor (and)て

│ ┌(Aj-Pro) a= (my) 私の

│ ┌ S utárutari (villagers) 村人たちが │ ├ O kúw- (trap bow) 仕掛け弓を

│ └ V ari (put) 置く ne (or) とか ya(or)とか

│ ┌(Av-Ql) nen nen (variously)いろいろと

│ ┌┼ O i-(thing) ことを

│ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ n<V ki (did) する pa (many times) 何回も

┌┼ O siri(manner) 様子を

├┼ S a= (I) 私は

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V eyúkar (follow)まね wa(and) て

┌┼ O yuk-kúwari(deer-trap bow) 鹿の仕掛け弓やkamuy-kúwari(bear-trap bow) 熊の仕掛け弓を

├┼ S a= (I) 私は

└┴ V kar (made) 作っ kor (and), て、

10 kamuy i=erampokiwen pe sóne kusu, yuk ne ya kamuy ne ya a=oskoni (ayyay)

As the god really pitied me, I could get some deer and bears.


┌ S kamuy(god) 神が

├ O i=(me) 私を

┌(Aj-Ql)└ V e-ram-poki-wen(for which-heart-below-be bad =pity) あわれむ

┌─ S pe (thing) ことが

│┌ nC só- (true) 本当


┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V ne (is) である kusu (because), ので

┌┼ O yuk ne ya kamuy ne (deer or bear) 鹿やら熊やらを

├┼ S a= (I) 私は

└┴ V oskoni (catch) 獲った

10 a=eyáykopuntek kor,

11 a=kotánu ta earkinne i=erampokiwen okkaypo sinep an pe ne kus kamuy a=oskoni kor ene a=ri kuni ene a=hopúnire kuni i=epakasnu

wa néno iki=an.

There was a young man who really sympathized with me in my village and he taught me, while I was pleased, how to skin and to send

off the spirit of bears to the land of the gods when I caught bears, and I did as he taught me.

私が喜んでいると、 村に、私にとても同情してくれ ている若い男の人が-人いたので、 私が熊をとると、その人が皮の


ぎ方や盆送りのやり方を教えてくれて、私はそのとおりにしまし た。

┌─ S (the fact) 事態は

│ ┌ S a= (I) 私が

│ ┌(Av-Ql)└ V e-yáy-kopuntek(of which-myself-console with pleasure=be glad about)

│ │ 喜ん kor (and), でいると

│ │ ┌(Aj-Pro) a=(my) 私の

│ ├(Av-P) kotánu (village) 村 ta (in) に

│ │ ┌(Av-Qt) earkinne (very much) とても

│ │ ┌┼ O i=(me) 私を

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V e-ram-poki-wen (for which-heart-below-be bad =pity) あわれむ

│ ┌┼ S okkaypo (man) 男が

│ │├(Av-Qt) sinep (one as a counter) ひとつ

│ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V an (was) いた

│┌ nC pe (fact) こと

┌(Av-Ql) └┴ V ne (was) である kus (because) ので


│ ┌ O kamuy (bear) 熊を

│ ├ S a= (I) 私が

├(Av-Ql)└ V oskoni (catch) 獲る kor (while)と

│ ┌(Av-Pro) ene

│ ┌ S a= (one) 人が │

│ └ V ri (skin) 皮を剥ぐ│

│ └───(Av-Pro) kuni (how to)どのようにか

│ ┌(Av-Pro) ene

│ ┌ S a= (one) 人が │

┌┼ O └ V hopúnire (end off│(the spirit of a sacrificed animal) to the land of the gods) 盆送りする

││ └───(Av-Pro) kuni (how to)どのようにかを

├┼ I i= (me) 私に

┌(Av-Ql) └┴ V e-pakasnu (about-teach=taught) 教えてくれ wa (and)て

├(Av-Ql) néno (in that way) そのように

┌┼ O i-(thing) ものごとを


├┴ V ki (did) していた

└─ S =an ( I ). 私は

12 ''yuk ne yakka néno, (e)tap néno tap néno a=kar wa a=satsatu ka ki, a=e ka ki p ne na''

13 sekor hawe an kor i=epakasnu wa néno iki=an kor an=án,

As he taught me the way saying, ''we dry and eat even the deer in the same way'', I did as he taught me.



┌─ S '' (generality) (通常は)

│ ┌─ S (game) (獲物が)

│ │┌ nC yuknen (deer) 鹿

│ ┌(Av-Ql) └┴ V ne (is) であって yakka (even) も

│ ├(Av-Ql) néno (in that way), 同じように

│ ├(Av-Ql) tap (this) néno (way)このように

│ │ tap (this) néno (way)このように

│ ┌┼ S a=(one) 人が

│ ┌(Av-Ql) └┴ O kar (do) し wa (and) て

│ ┌┼ S a=(one) 人が

│ ├┼ O sat-sat-u (dry-dry-make=dry) 干し ka (or) も │ ┌(Av-Ql) └┴ V ki (do),したり、

│ ┌┼ S a=(one) 人が

│ ├┼ O e (eat) 食べka (or) も │ ┌(Aj-Ql) └┴ V ki (do)する

│┌ nC pe (fact) もの

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V ne (is) である na '' (, indeed ) よ sekor (conj.that) と


┌┼ S (okkaipo) (man) (男は)

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ av<V hawe-an(voice-be=say)言い kor (ing) ながら

┌┼ O (the way) やり方を

├┼ I i=(me) 私に

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V e-pakasnu (about-teach=taught) 教えてくれる wa (because) ので

├(Av-Ql) néno (thus) そのように

┌┼ O i-(thing) ものごとを ├┴ V ki(do) し

┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an ( I ) 私は kor (and) て

┌┼ S an= ( I ) 私は

└┴ V án (was), いており、

14 wa cihoki (uwekarpa, ahu, u, u) a=uwékarire kor, ora (néa ok) ne okkaypo sine sintoko tu sintoko póka (réra a) tasare wa i=kore (wa)

kor, a=eyáykopuntek kor,

And, when I gathered some trade products, the young man changed them for one or two 'shintokos' (lacquerware containers) , then I

became happy, and,




wa (and) そして、 ┌ O ci-hok-(h)i (passive-buy-thing=trade products) 交易商品を

├ S an (I) 私が

┌(Av-Ql)└ V u-w-é-kari-r(e)(mutual-(w)-ly-gather-make=gather) 集めkor (and) て

├(Av-T) or-(w)a (there/then-from) すると

│ ┌(Aj-Pro) ne (that) その

┌┼ S okkaypo (man) 男が ├┼ O (cihoki) (trade products) (交易商品を)

││ ┌(Aj-Qt) sine (one) 一つの ┌(Aj-Qt) sine (two) 二つの

│├(Av-Ql) sintoko (lacquerware container) シントコ sintoko シントコと póka (somehow or other) でも

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V tasa-re (excgange-make=exchange) 交換し wa (and) て

┌┼ I i=(me) 私に

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V kor-e (have-make=give) くれ kor (and), て、

┌┼ S a= (I) 私は

└┴ V e-yáy-kopuntek (of which-myself-console with pleasure=be glad about) うれしくなっ kor (and), て

15 pon cise or ta, a=sopakehe ta, a=anú wa a=nukár kor a=eyáykopuntek kor án=an kor,

I set them on the seat of honor in my little house and I was happy to look at them, then,


┌(Aj-Ql) pon (be little) 小さくある

┌(Aj-Ql) cise(house) 家の

┌(Av-P) or (place) ta (in), ところで

│ ┌(Aj-Pro) a=(my) 私の

├(Av-P) sopakehe(the seat of honor) 上座 ta (at), に

┌┼ O (sontoko) ( lacquerware container) (シントコを)

├┼ S a=( I ) 私は

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V anú (put down) 置い wa (and) て

┌┼ O (sontoko) ( lacquerware container) (シントコを)

├┼ S a=( I ) 私は

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V nukár (look at) ながめ kor (and) て

┌┼ S a=( I ) 私は

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V e-yáy-kopuntek (of which-myself-consolar with pleasure=be happy with) 喜ん kor (and) で

┌┴ V án( be ) いる

└─ S =an ( I ) 私が kor (and), と、

16 a=kotánu un utar mákan oka utar, weysanpekor pa p

17 ''ta, e=onaha ta a=eyáysukupka p an a kusu,e=unuhu ta a=eyáysukupka p an a kusu''

18 sekor haweoka kor a=kor sintoko i=kokerkeri wa isam.

The wicked villagers, what a people, said, "as your father owes me, as your mother owes me," and with that, they had taken me away all

the 'shintokos' (lacquerware containers).




┌(Aj-Pro) a=(my) 私の

┌(Av-P) kotánu (village) 村に

┌(Aj-P) aj<V un (be) いる

┌─ S utar (people)人たちが

│ │ ┌(Av-Pro) mákan (how) どのように

│ │ ┌(Aj-P) aj<V oka (be) 暮らしている

│ ├(Aps) utar (people), 人たちか

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) aj<V weysanpekor (<wen-sanpe-kor (bad-hear-have)=wicked) 悪い心を持った

│ │ │ pa (pl. S marker) 複数主語標

│ └(Aps) p (guys) やつら

│ ┌─ S (fact) (事態は)

│ │ ┌(Aps) ''ta (here), ここに、

│ │ │┌(Aj-Pro) e= (your) おまえの

│ │ ┌ I onaha (father) 父親 ta に

│ │ ├ S a=(I) 私は

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql)└ aj<V e-yáy-sukup-ka (by-oneself-live-make=feel bad on remembering)貸しがある

│ │┌ nC p (thing) もの

│ ┌(Av-Ql) └┴ V an(be) だった a (,indeed) なぁ kusu (because), なのであり

│ │ ┌─ S (fact) (事態は)

│ │ │ ┌(Aj-Pro) e= (your) おまえの

│ │ │ ┌ I unuhu (mother) 母親 ta に

│ │ │ ├ S a=(I) 私は

│ │ │ ┌(Aj-Ql)└ aj<V e-yáy-sukup-ka (by-oneself-live-make=feel bad on remembering)貸しがある

│ │ │┌ nC p(thing) もの

│ ├(Av-Ql) └┴ V an(be) だった a (,indeed) なぁ kusu(because) なので

│ └───────────┐

│ ┌┼ S (our act) (我々の行動は)

│ │├ nC (natural thing) (当然のこと)

│ ┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V (be) (である) '' sekor (conj.that) と

│ ┌┼ S (they) (彼らは)

│┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V haweoka (say) 言いっ kor (and) て

││ ┌ S a= (I) 私が

││ ┌(Aj-Ql)└ V kor (have) 持つ

├┼ O sintoko (lacquerware container) シントコを ├┼ I i=(me) 私から

└┴ V ko-kerkeri (of-take away) かっさらっwa (and) て isam (perfect aspect). しまった。

18 kor ora cís=an a an a kor,

19 ''ona ne manu p unu ne manu p a=kor pe ne hike makanak iki=an wa ene, sinen a=ne wa, yayeramu ka sitne=an kor án=an ayne,

20 a=kopóro p ora ene a=i=ékeske siri ene an? ''

21 sekor yaynu=an kor cis patek a=ki kor ne (hikeka ora suy,

Then I thought crying, ''if I had a father, if I had a mother, while I have lived my life alone with all kind of hardships and now I’m grown

up, why do they envy and hate me so much?'' and I did nothing but cry.





kor (and) そして

┌─ S (fact)(事態は)

│ ┌(Av-T) or-(w)a (then-from) それから

│ ┌┼ V1 cís (cry) 泣き

│ ├┼ S an= (I) 私は

│┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V2 a (Aux. keep) (cís(cry)=)an (I) a (Aux. keep) kor (-ing), (泣き) に泣きながら

││ ┌─ S (I) (私が)

││ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) ''ona (father) ne (be) manu (so-called) 父親と呼ばれる

││ │ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) unu (mother) ne (be) manu(so-called) 母親と呼ばれる

││ │ ┌ O p (person) もの p (person) ものを

││ │ ├ S a= (I) 私が

││ │ ┌(Aj-Ql)└ V kor (have) 持つ

││ │┌ nC p (fact) もの

││ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V ne (be) である

││ └─────────────────────────┐

││ ┌(Av-Ql) hi-ke (fact-if) ことなら

││ ├(Av-Pro) makanak (how) どう

││ ┌┼ O i- (thing) ことを

││ ├┴ V ki (do) し

││ ┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an (I) 私は wa (and) て

││ ├(Av-Pro) ene (thus), このように

││ ├(Av-Qt) sine-n (one-person) 一人で

││ ┌┼ S a=( I) 私は ││ ┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V ne(be) い wa(and), て

││ │ ┌(Av-Ql) ka(also) も

││ ┌┴ V yayeramu-sitne (suffer a sickness) 苦労しながら生き kor (and) て ││ ┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an ( I) 私は

││ ┌┴ V án (be) いた

││ ┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an (I) 私は ayne (finally), あげく

││ └─────────────────────┐

││ ┌┼ S (fact) (事態は) ││ ││ ┌ S a=( I) 私が ││ ││ ┌(Aj-Ql) └ V ko-póro (became big) 大きくなった

││ │├ nC p (fact)もの

││ ┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V (ne) (be) (であり)

││ ├(Av-T) or-(w)a (then-from) それから

││ ├(Av-Ql) ene(thus) このように

││ ┌┼ S a= (one) 人が

││ ├┼ O i= (me) 私を

││ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V é-keske (of-envy and hate) ねたみ憎む


││ ┌ S siri (state) 様子が

││ ├(Av-Ql) ene (thus) このように

│├(Av-Ql) └ V an? '' (be) あるのか sekor (conj.that) と


│ ┌┴ V yay-nu (oneself-listen=think)思っ kor (and) て │ ┌(Av-Ql) └─ S =a (I) 私は │ ┌┼ O cis (to cry) 泣くことを

│ │├(Av-Ql) patek (only)ばかり

│ ├┼ S a=( I) 私は

│┌ avC └┴ av<V =ki (do) し kor (-ing) つつ

└┴ V ne (be), であった。

21 (kim,kimun=an) ekimne=an kor,

22 kamuy(kocinas)kocikasnukar a=ki wa, yuk ne ciki kamuy ne ciki etakasure a=emónipirka.

Even so, I could get more deer or bears than others in the mountain helped by the god.


hikeka (even so) それでも ┌(Av-T) or-(w)a (then-from) それから

├(Av-T) suy (again) 再び

┌ V e-kim-ne (heat-mountain-be=go to the mountain to hunt) 山に行く

┌(Av-Ql) └ S =an( I) 私が kor(and), と

│ ┌ O n<V kamuy- ko-ci-kas(i)-nukar (god-by-passive-top-see=to be seen on by god )

│ │ 神様に見てもらうことを

│ ├ S a=( I) 私は

├(Av-Ql) └ V ki (do) し wa (and), て、

┌┼ O yuk(deer) ne ciki (also) kamuy (bear) ne ciki (also) 鹿でも熊でも

│ ├(Av-Ql) e-ta-kasu-re (of-?-exceed-make=more than others) ほかの人よりたくさん

├┼ S a= (I) 私は

└┴ V e-móni-pirka(of-work-be good=gain much of ). よく獲れた。

23 pe ne kusu iruka ne kor suy cihoki toska a=uwékarpare kor,néa okkaypo usa okay pe(ta) tasare.

So that, after a while, I gathered a lot of trade products. Then, the young man exchanged them for various things.



┌─ S (state) (事態は)

│┌ nC pe (fact) こと

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V ne (be) であった kusu (because) ので

│ ┌ S iruka (a little while) 少しの時間

├(Av-T) └ V ne (be) kor (and) がたつと

├(Av-T) suy (again) 再び

┌┼ O ci-hok-(h)i (passive-buy-thing=trade products) 交易商品を

│├(Av-Qt) toska (a mountain like quantity) 山のように

├┼ S an= (I) 私が uwékarpare


┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V u-w-é-kari-r(e)(mutual-(w)-ly-gather-make=gather) 集める kor (and), と、

│ ┌(Aj-Pro) néa (the) 例の

┌┼ S okkaypo (man) 男が

││ ┌(Av-Ql) usa (variously) いろいろに

││ ┌ aj<V okay (be) ある

│├(Av-Ql) pe (thing) ものと

├┼ O (ci-hok-(h)i (passive-buy-thing=trade products)) (交易商品を)

└┴ V tasa-re (exchange make=exchange). 交換してくれた。

23 imi otta aep otta,usa coypep ne ciki,(i) i=tura wa i=kotcake ne wa tasare wa i=kore kor, iyoykir pon iyoykir a=kar wa a=eyaykopuntek


The man accompanied me and he exchanged the products instead of me for some clothes, food, various dishes tableware laid out at the

seat of honor, and I was pleased to make a little set of table ware.

着物やら食べ物やら、いろいろ宝器類など、私を連れて行って、 私の代わりに交換してくれると、私は宝壇、小さな宝


┌ S (th i-mi(thing-put on=wear) otta (<or-ta(place on)=or) a-e-p (one-eat-thing=food) otta (or),

│ 着物やら食べ物やら、usa (various) いろいろな c(i)-o-y(<i)pe-p(we-from-eat-thing

│ =dishes tableware laid out at the seat of honor) 宝器類が

┌(Av-Ql) └ V ne (be) あるciki (if), なら、

│ ┌ S (the man) (その男が)

│ ├ O i- (me) 私を

├(Av-Ql) └ V tura(accompany) 連れて行っ wa(and) て

│ ┌─ S (the man) (その男が)

│ │ ┌(Aj-Pro) i= (my) 私の

│ │ ┌(Av-P) kotcake (in front of) 前に

├(Av-Ql) └┴ V ne (be) い wa (and) て (=istead of me) (私の代わりに)

┌┼ S (the man) (その男が)

│├ O (ci-hok-(h)i (passive-buy-thing=trade products)) (交易商品を)

┌(Aj-Ql) └┴ V tasare (exchange) 交換してくれ wa(and) て


┌┼ S (the man) (その男が)

├┼ O (usa coypep ne ciki) (various table ware) (宝器類などを)

├┼ I i=(me) 私に

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V kor-e(have-make=give) くれる kor(and), と

┌┼ O i-y-o-ikir(thing-(y)-met-set=set of table ware) 宝壇を

││ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) pon (be small) 小さくある

││ └(Aps) iyoykir(set of table ware) 宝壇を

├┼ S a=( I ) 私は

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V kar (make) 作っ wa (and) て

┌┼ S a=( I) 私は

└┴ V e-yay-kopuntek(of-oneself-with-be pleased=be pleased)喜ん kor (and) で

23 nani suy,


24 ''tapne ta tapne ta ne''

25 sekor haw as kor a=i=kókerkeri wa isam.

And then, soon they said, "the fact is that…" and they had taken me away entirely again.


┌(Av-T) nani (soon) すぐに

├(Av-T) suy (again), また

│ ┌─ S '' (fact) (事態は)

│ │┌ avC tap-ne(this-like) ta(just) まさにこのように

│ ││ tap-ne(this-like) ta (just) まさにこのように

│ ┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V ne'' (be) である sekor(conj.that) という

┌┼ S haw (voice) 声が ┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V as (arise) し kor(and) て

┌┼ S a=(one) 人が ├┼ I i=(of me) 私から

└┴ V kó-kerkeri (of-take away) かっさらっwa (and)て isam (perfect tense).しまった。

26 patek ki kor án=an ayne tane okkaypo sirpo a=uwósmare hi ora yaykosiramsuypa=an hike,

I was living in that way, and now that I had grown up as a man, I thought as follows,


┌(Av-Ql) patek (only) もっぱら

┌┴ V ki(do)し kor(-ing)ながらán (be)いた ┌(Av-Ql) pate └─ S =an (I) 私は ayne (finally) あげく

├(Av-T) tane (now that) 今や

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) okkaipo (of man) 男らしい ┌┼ O sirpo (aspect) 姿を ├┼ S a=(I) 私が

┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V u-w-ósma-re(mutually-(w)-enter-make=get) 整えた

┌(Av-T) hi (time)とき or-(w)a (time-from=from then) から

┌┴ V yay-ko-si-ram-suy(e)-pa (oneself-to-oneself-heart-swing-many times=consider) 熟考し

└─ S =an (I) 私は hike (and), て、

27 ''ney ta pakno tan kotan ta án=an yakka, ene a=i=késke sir an pe,

28 makanak iki=an wa(ya) yayetuytak kuni p a=ne p an?

''If I remain in this village, how can I live so hated? It may be impossible.

「いつまでもこの村にいても、このように憎まれているのだから、 どうすれば身を立てていけるだろうか、いけるはずが


┌(Av-T) ''ney (when) ta (at) pakno (till) =forever「いつまでも

│ ┌(Aj-Pro) tan(this) この ├(Av-P) kotan(village)村 ta(in)に

┌┴ V án (be) い ┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an (I) 私が yakka (though), ても、


│ ┌(Av-Pro) ene(thus) このように

│ ┌┼ S a=(one) 人が │ ├┼ O i=(me) 私を

│ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V késke (envy and hate) ねたみ憎む

│ ┌ S sir(aspect) 様子が ├(Av-Ql)└ V an (be) ある pe (but), のに

├(Av-Pro) makanak (how) どのように

┌┼ O i-(thing) ことを

├┴ V ki (do) し

┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an (I) 私が wa(and) て

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) yayetuytak (live as a man) kuni (should) 一人前の男として立派に生活する

│ ┌ nC p (one) もの

│ ┌┼ S a=(I) 私が

│ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V an(be) である

┌┼ S p (thing) ことが └┴ V an(be) ? あるか [rhetorical question 反語]

29 nen ka(yayiekesu wa) yayikesuyre=an wa ne yak, oya kotan ta arpa=an ciki somo ikan?

If I leave here somehow for other village, I'll be able to work it.


┌(Av-Ql) ne(u)n ka (somehow) なんとか

┌┴ V yay-ikesuy-re (oneself-leave) 出 ┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an (I) 私が wa (and)て ne(as) とし yak (if), て、

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) oya (another)よその

├(Av-P) kotan(village) ta(to) 村に

┌┴ V arpa (go) 行っ ┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an (I) 私が ciki (if) たら

├(Av-Qt) somo (not) ない

┌┼ O i-(thing) ことを ├┴ V k(i) (do) する

└─ S -an? (I) 私が [rhetorical question 反語]

30 okkayo a=ne kusu nen póka yayepuriwen=an wa, ene okkaypo utar sukup pa sir néno iki=an easkay pe''

31 sekor yaynu=an hikusu ora sine ancikar, yayetokoyki=an wa, (yayikesuye) ikesuye=an wa pet turasi arpa=an ayne, an epitta pet turasi

arpa=an ayne,(si)sirkopeker=an.

As I am a man, I can live like other young men do with a struggle, '' I thought. So, one night I equipped myself, I left the village and went

up along the river. While I walked up the river all night, I dawned.




┌ nC okkay (man) 男

┌┼ S a=(I) 私は


┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V an(be) である kusu(because)から

├(Av-Ql) ne(u)n (somehow) どのように póka (even) でも

┌┴ V yay-e-puri-wen (oneself-with-act-bad=do one’s best) がんばっ

┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an (I) 私はwa, (and) て

├(Av-Ql) ene(thus) そのように

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) okkay-po (man-diminutive=youth) 若い男の

┌┼ S utar (people) 人々が ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V sukup (grow) 成長するpa (pl. S marker) 複数主語標


┌(Av-Ql) sir(aspect) 様子né-no (be-adverbial derivation=the same as)と同様に

┌┼ O i-(thing) ことを ├┴ V ki (do) する

┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an (I) 私が e-askay (of-do well=can)できるpe(but)'' のに」sekor (conj.that) と

┌┴ V yaynu (oneself-listen=think) 思った ┌(Av-Ql)└─ S an=(I) 私は hi-kusu (fact-because=therefore) そのため

├(Av-T) ora or-(w) a (time-from=from then) それから

│ ┌(Aj-Qt) sine(one) ある

├(Av-T) ancikar (night), 夜

┌┴ V yay-etok-oyki(oneself-front-=prepare) 身支度をし ┌(Av-Ql)└─ S an=(I) 私は wa (and), て、

├(Av-P) pet (river) 川の turasi(along) 上流に沿って


┌┴ V arpa (go) 行った ┌(Av-Ql)└─ S an=(I) 私は ayne (finally), あげく、

├(Av-T) an (night) 夜 epitta (throughout) どおし

├(Av-P) pet (river) 川の turasi(along) 上流に沿って

┌┴ V arpa (go) 行った ┌(Av-Ql)└─ S an=(I) 私は ayne (finally), あげく、

┌┴ V sir-ko-peker (land-to-brighten=stay up all night) 徹夜した。 └─ S =an(I). 私は

32 sirpeker(hi) hi ora ka, somo setak apkas=an ayne, tane(sit)(cup) nupuri ka cup rari kane kor inne kotan poro kotan a=kosírepa.

I kept walking considerably even after it dawned and now that the Sun was setting, I arrived at a big densely populated village. Then,



┌ S sir-(land) あたりが

┌(Aj-Ql)└ V peker(brighten) 明るくなった

┌(Av-T) hi (time) とき or-(w)a (from) から ka, (also) も

│ ┌(Ad-Av-Qt) somo(not)ない

├(Av-T) setak(in a short time) 短時間に =for a long time 長時間に

┌┴ V apkas (walk) 歩いた

┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an (I) 私はayne (finally), あげく、

│ ┌(Av-T) tane(now) 今は


│ │ ┌(Aj-P) nupuri(mountain)山の

│ ┌┼ O ka(top of)上を

│ ├┼ S cup(the Sun) 太陽が

├(Av-Ql)└┴ V rari(press down on) 押さえつけるkane(like) ように kor(-ing) しており

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) in(<r)-ne(colony-be= densely-populated) 集落の

│ ┌(Aps) kotan(village) 村

│ │┌(Aj-Ql) poro(be big) 大きくある

├(Av-P) kotan(village) 村 (に)

┌┼ S a= (I) 私は └┴ V ko-sír-e-pa (to-land-to-go=at arrive). に着いた。

32 hikusu

33 ''úse kur cise or tahenoye=an (hi)hi pirka p he an? kotankorkur oro ta henoye=an ciki he pirka p an?''

34 sekor (yay) yaynu=an kusu,emakaas emakaas a=ki a korka yaykosiramsuypa=an hike

Therefore, I wondered ''which is better to drop in an ordinary villager’s house or in the village mayor’s?'' so, I hesitated and walked again

and again. And I considered.




┌(Aj-Ql) ''úse(ordinary)ふつうの

┌(Aj-Ql) kur(person)人の

┌(Aj-Ql) cise(house)家

┌(Av-P) or(place of)のところ ta(in) に

┌┴ V he-noy-e(head-twist-make=drop in)立ち寄る ┌(Aj-Ql)└─ S a= (I) 私が

┌ S hi(thing) ことが ┌(Aj-Ql)└ V pirka(be good) 良くある

┌ S p (thing) こと └ V he(interrogative particle)か an? (be) がある

┌(Aj-Ql) kotan-kor-kur(village-have-person

│ =village mayor) 村おさの

┌(Av-P) oro(place of) ところ ta(in) に

┌┴ V he-noy-e(head-twist-make=drop in) 立ち寄る

┌(Aj-Ql)└─ S a= (I) 私がciki(if do)したら

┌ S hi(thing) ことが ┌(Aj-Ql)└ V he(interrogative particle)かpirka(be good) 良くある

┌ S p (thing) こと ┌(Av-Ql)└ V an? '' (be) がある sekor(conj.that) と

┌┴ V yay-nu(oneself-hear=think)思う ┌(Av-Ql)└─ S a= (I) 私は kusu (because), ので、

┌┼ O e-maka-as(the head-back-stand=to stop by chance) 立ち止まりemakaas(to stop by chance) 立ち止まりを

├┼ S a= (I) 私は ┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V ki(do)し a(perfect tense) たkor-ka(-ing-but=but) が


┌┴ V yay-ko-si-ram-suy(e)-pa (oneself-to-oneself-heart-swing-many times=consider) よく考え

└─ S a= (I) 私は hike(and) て

35 ''kotankorkur oro ta henoye=an ciki somo ikan? ''

36 sekor yaynu=an hikusu ora kotankorkur cise soyke ta sir-kikkik=an akusu,

I thought, '' if I drop in on the village mayor, it will be going to be all right, isn’t it? '' So that, I made noise beating at the entrance of the

village mayor’s house (in order not to disturb them by calling nor knocking loud [Ainu custom] ). Then,


たてました [訪問先の邪魔をしないように配慮するアイヌの習慣]、すると、

┌(Aj-Ql) ''kotan-kor-kur(village-have-person=village mayor) 村おさの

┌(Av-P) oro(place of) ところ ta(in) に

┌┴ V he-noy-e(head-twist-make=drop in on) 立ち寄る

┌(Av-Ql)└─ S a= (I) 私がciki(if do)したら

├(Av-Qt) somo (not) ない

┌┼ O i-(thing) ことを ├┴ V k(i) (do) し

┌(Av-Ql)└─ S -an? '' (I) 私が [rhetorical question 反語] sekor(conj.that)と

┌┴ V yay-nu(oneself-hear=think)思う

┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an(I)私が hi-kusu(fact-because=therefore) そのためor-(w)a (from)から

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) kotan-kor-kur (village-have-person=village mayor) 村おさの

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) cise (house) 家の

├(Av-P) soy-ke (outside-place=entrance) 門口 ta (at)で

┌┴ V sir-kik-kik(surrounding things-beat-beat=make noise beating things) あたりの物をたたいて音を立てる

└─ S =an (I)私が akusu (then), すると

37 aynu soyne humi as híne a=nukár hike, neyke huyke itak kus ruwe isam no an pirka wa okere katkemat,(rup)rupnemat soyne híne,

I heard someone coming out. I found a so perfectly beautiful old lady that leaves nothing to be desired coming out,



┌ S aynu (man)人が

┌(Aj-Ql)└ V soy-(e)-ne (outside-to-be =go outside)外に出る

┌ S humi (sound)音が ┌(Av-Ql)└ V as (v. sound)し híne (then)て

┌┼ S a=(I)私が

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V nukár(see)見る hike (and),と、

│ ┌(Av-P) neyke(where)どこも

│ │ hu(nak)-yke(where-rhyming suffix) どこも

│ │ ┌ S itak (words)言葉が

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql)└ V kus (pass through) を通る

│ ┌┼ S ruwe (trace)跡が

│ ┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V isam (not exist)存在しない no (to that extent) ほど

│ ┌┼ S (state)(事態が)


│ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V an(be)? ある

│ │ │ └(Aps)pirka(be beautiful)美しくあっwa(and)て okere(finish=perfect tense) 終わる

│ │ └(=so perfectly beautiful that no one can deny it) どこもかしこも申し分のないほど美しい

┌┼ S kat-ke-mat ((good)appearance-make(=respectable)-woman), 立派な女性

│ │ └(Aps) rup-ne-mat(ice-be(=old<big)-woman) 年配の女性が

└┴ V soy-(e)ne(outside-to-be=go outside) 外に出 híne (then),て、

38 mákan síno a=katúhu an wa ne siri ne ya, tekkakipo rauyruke rikuyruke, ramno kane oripak wa i=nukar wa an ayne,

How did I shine beautifully reflecting light? The lady, humbled herself, was looking at me for a while by putting high and low her hands

over her eyes without raising her eyes. Then,



┌─ S (a=katúhu)(my appearance)(私の恰好が)

│ ┌(Av-Ql) mákan(how)どのように

│ ├(Av-Ql) síno(really)本当に

│ │ ┌(Aj-Pro) a=(my)私の

│ ┌┼ S katúhu(appearance) 恰好が │ ┌ avC └┴ V an(be)あっ wa(and)て

│ ┌┼ S (a=katúhu)(my appearance)(私の恰好が) │ ┌(Aj-Ql) └┴ V ne(be)ある

│┌ nC siri(aspect) 様子

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V ne(be)である ya (interrogative particle), か、

│ ┌ S (katkemat) (respectable woman) (その立派な女性は) │ ├ O tek-kaki-po(hand-fence-affix) 目の上にかざした手を

├(Av-Ql) └ V ra-uyru-ke(low place-be-make)下げたり

│ rik-uyru-ke (high place-be-make), 上げたり、

│ ┌─ S (katkemat)(respectable woman)(その立派な女性は)

│ │ ┌(Av-Ql) ramno(low) 低く ├(Av-Ql) └┴ V kane (emphatic particle)なんと oripak (humble oneself)かしこまっwa (and)て

┌┼ S (katkemat)(respectable woman)(その立派な女性は) ├┼ O i=(me)私を

└┴ V nukar(see)見 wa(and)てan(be)いた ayne (finally), あげく、

39 horkano hosipi híne, (uy)cise or un hakakne itak ne korka,a=kisár(puy)puyehe cúninpare hawe ene an hi,

(The lady) came back and I heard the following words in a low voice from the house


┌─ S (fact) (事態は)

│ ┌─ S (katkemat)(respectable woman) (その立派な女性は) │ │ ┌(Av-P) horkano(in reverse) 逆方向に │ ┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V ho-sipi(down-?=return)戻っ híne (and), て、

│ ├(Av-P) cise(house)家 or(place of)のところ un(from)から

│ ├(Av-Ql) hakak-ne(low voice-in)小声での itak(words)言葉 ne(be)である kor-ka (-ing-but=but), が、

│ ├(Av-P) a=(my)私のkisár(ear)耳 puyehe(cavity of)の穴に


│ ┌┼ S c(i)- (we-) 私達 (>人(不定人称)) が

│ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V únin-pa-re(v. sound-plural marker-make) 何度も響かせた =can be heardちゃんと聞こえた

│ └─────────┐

│ ┌─ S haw-e(voice-suffix) 話が

│ │ ┌(Av-Ql) ene(like that)このように │ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V an(be) あるという

│┌ nC hi (thing), こと、

└┴ V (be) (である)

40 ''ney ta sukup pe okkaypo nispa ne ruwe ne ya, kamuy ne ruwe ne ya aynu ne ruwe ne ya a=erámiskari no,imeru kusu a=nukár ka ewen,

kamuy okkaypo soy ta ek wa an ruwe ne na. ''

41 sekor hawe an hawe as akusu,onnekur itak hawe as.

I heard a voice saying, ''at the entrance there is a so divine and shining young rich man that we cannot see and distinguish if he is a man

or a god, not knowing where he has grown up,'' and I heard an old man talking.



┌─ S ''(fact) (事態は)

│ ┌─ S (fact) (事態は)

│ │ ┌─ S (the man) (その人が)

│ │ │ ┌(Av-P) ney(where)

│ │ │ │ どこ ta(in)で │ │ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) V sukup(grow up)育った │ │ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) pe(person)人で │ │ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) okkay-po(man-diminutive │ │ │ │ =young man) 若い人の │ │ │┌ nC nispa(rich man)裕福な人

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V ne(be)である

│ │ ┌ nC ruwe(trace=result) の

│ └┴ V ne(be)である ya (interrogative particle), か、

│ ┌─ S (fact) (事態は)

│ │ ┌─ S (the man) (その人が)

│ │ │┌ nC kamuy(god) 神

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V ne(be)である

│ │ ┌ nC ruwe(trace=result) の

│ ┌ O └┴ V ne(be)である ya (interrogative particle), かを、

│ ├ S a=(I) 私が │┌(Av-Ql)└ V erámiskari(not know) わからないno(to that extent)ほど


│ ┌┼ S (the man) (その人は)

│ ┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V i-meru(thing-flash)きらめいている

│ │ kusu (because)ので

│ ┌┼ S a=(I) 私が

│ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V nukár(see)見 ka(even)


│ │ e-wen, (by-be bad=be difficult to do) られない

│ ├(Aj-Ql) kamuy(god) 神の

│ ┌─ S okkay-po(man-diminutive=young man) 若者が

│ │┌(Av-P) soy(outside) 外 ta(to)に

│ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V ek(come) 来 wa(and)て an(be)いる

│ ┌ nC ruwe(trace=result) の

┌(Av-Ql) └┴ V ne(be)である na (,indeed) .'' なぁ sekor (conj.that)と


┌┼ S (old man) (老人が)

┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V hawe-an(voice-be=say)言う

┌ S hawe(voice) 声が

┌(Av-Ql)└ V as(v. sound) し akusu,(then)て

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) onne-kur(be old-man)老人の

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) itak(words) 話の

┌┼ S hawe(voice) 声が

└┴ V as (v. sound). した。

41 iruska kor,

42 ''ene poo iyomommomo somo ki no ka, ahup rusuy kusu (cise) cisesoy ta arki p anakne a=ahúnke p ne hike, hinta hawe as hi ene okay pe

ne wa menoko utar iyomommomo (mo) pa hawe ene oka''

43 sekor, onnekur iruska hawe as akusu ora, nunnupa wa sóanu humi as híne ora,

I heard the voice of the old man resenting in an irate manner, "one shouldn’t explain so much in detail, one should receive those who

came to enter in our house, what kind of words the women say in detail! " and,



┌ S (old man)(老人が)

├ O i-(thing) ものごとに

┌(Av-Ql)└ V ruska(resent) 憤慨し kor (-ing), ながら、

│ ┌(Av-Ql) ''ene(thus)「そんなに、

│ ├(Av-Qt) poo(still more)さらに

│ ┌┼ S (one) (人が)

│ ││ ┌ S (one) (人が)

│ ││ ├ O i-y-(thing-(epenthesis)-)ものごとを

│ ├┼ O └ n<V omommomo(explain in detail) こまごまと言うことを

│ │├(Av-Qt) somo(not) ない

│ ┌Av-Qt) └┴ V ki(do)しno(to that extent)ほど ka (even), でも、

│ │ ┌─ S (generality) (通常は)

│ │ │ ┌(Av-Ql) ahup(enter pl.S)入り rusuy(want aux.)たくkusu (because)て

│ │ │ ├(Av-P) cise-soy(house-outside) 家の外 ta(at)に

│ │ │ └───────────────────┐

│ │ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) V arki(come pl.S)来た

│ │ │ ┌ O p(person)人 an-(y)akne(be-if=as for)は

│ │ │ ├ S a=(one)誰もが


│ │ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) └ V ahún-ke(enter-make)入れる

│ │ │ ┌ nC p(thing)もの

│ ├(Av-Ql) └┴ V ne(be)であっ hike (and), て、

│ │ ┌─ S (fact) (事態は)

│ │ │ ┌(Aj-Pro) hinta(<hemanta

│ │ │ │ what)何の

│ │ │ ┌ S hawe (voice) 声が

│ │ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) └ V as (v. sound) する

│ │ │ ┌─ S hi (thing)ことが

│ │ │ │┌(Av-Pro) ene (thus)このように

│ │ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) └┴ V okay (be pl.S)ある

│ │ │ ┌ nC pe (thing)の

│ ├(Av-Ql) └┴ V ne (be)であっ wa (and)て

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) menoko (woman) 女の

│ │ ┌ S utar (people)人たちが

│ │ ├ O i-y-(thing-(epenthesis)-)ものごとを

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql)└ V omommomo (explain in detail) こまごまと言うpa (pl. S marker)

│ │ │ 複数主語標

│ ┌┼ S hawe( voice) 声が

│ │├(Av-Pro) ene (thus)このように

├(Av-Ql) └┴ V oka''(be pl.S)ある」sekor (conj. that), と、

┌┼ S onne-kur (be old-man)老人が

├┼ O i-(thing)ものごとを

┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V ruska (resent)憤慨する

┌ S hawe (voice) 声が

└ V as(sound)し akusu(then)てor-(w)a (from), から、

43 nunnupa wa sóanu humi as híne ora,

44 hetopo ramno kane apatara wa i=ahunke kunak i=ye kusu,

45 os reye kane sinu kane ahun=an híne,cise onnay a=oshaye.

After the old man had swept, I heard the sound of putting a mat, and the old man came back and said to me to come in the house lifting

low the entrance blind (made of torreya). So that, creeping and crawling I entered in the house after him.

掃き掃除をし、敷物を敷く音がして、それから引き返して来て、戸口の (カヤの) すだれを低く持ち上げて、私に入るよ

うに言いました。ですから、 私はそのあとから、はうようにしてひざでずるようにして入っ行って、家の中に入りました。

┌ S (old man)(老人が)

┌(Av-Ql)└ V nun(<mun)-nupa (dust-sweep) 掃き掃除をし wa(and) て

│ ┌ S (old man)(老人が)

│ ├ O só- (mat-) 敷物を

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) └ V an-u(be-make=put) 敷く

│ ┌ S humi (sound)音が

├(Av-T)└ V as(v.sound)しhíne(then)て or-(w)a (from), それから、

│ ┌─ S (old man) (老人が)

│ │┌(Av-Ql) hetopo (av. coming back) 引き返して来て


│ │├(Av-Ql) ramno (low)低く kane (and)て

│ ├┼ O a-pa-(?-mouse=entrance (made of torreya blind))戸口を

├(Av-Ql) └┴ V tara-ra (-lift-keep-ing) 持ち上げwa (and)て

┌┼ S (old man)(老人が)

│ │ ┌ S (old man)(老人が)

││ ├ O i=(me)私を

├┼ O └ V ahun-ke(enter-make)入れるkun-(y)ak(should-that)べきであることを

├┼ I i=(me)私に

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V ye(say)言ったkusu (because), ので、

│ ┌(Av-T) os(after)後から

│ ├(Av-Ql) reye (creep)這う kane( like)ように

│ ├(Av-Ql) sinu (crawl)ひざでずる kane (like)ように

│ ┌┴ V ahun (enter)入っ

├(Av-Ql) └─ S =an(I)私は híne (then), て、

├(Av-P) cise (house)家の onnay (inside)中に

┌┼ S a=(I) 私は

└┴ V o-sí-raye (there-oneself-make go=enter). 入った。

46 inkar=an hike ineap ta nispa horari ruwe a=eráyap kor,reyereye=an wa arpa=an wa,

Admiring, at sight, at the rich man's way of living, I went creeping.


┌ O i-(thing)ものを

├ V n(u)kar(thing-see)見る

┌(Av-Ql) └ S =an(I)私がhike(and)と

├(Av-Ql) ine-a-p(how be-(perfect aspect)-thing) なんということ ta(at) に =what!

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) nispa(rich man) 長者の

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) ho-rari(bottom-press down=live)住まい

├(Av-P) ruwe(trace=way)方(に)

┌┼ S a=(I) 私は

┌(Av-Ql) └┴ V e-ráyap(at-admire) に感心し kor (and), て、

┌┴ V reye-reye(creep-creep) 這い這いし

┌(Av-Ql) └─ S =an(I) 私はwa(and)て

┌┴ V arpa(go) 行っ

└─ S =an(I) 私は wa (and), て、

47 onnekur osisoun wa an,(a,a)arsoke ta móno á=an akusu,i=erankarap.

There was an old man in the right side seat. When I sat in the opposite side, he greeted to me.



┌─ S onne-kur(be old-man)老人が

│┌(Av-P) o-si-so-un(down-main-seat-toward=right/north side seat)右座 wa(on)に

┌(Av-Ql) └┴ V wa(on) に an (be), いて、


├(Av-P) ar-so-ke(opposite-seat-place) その向かい側 ta (on)に

┌┴ V móno á(sit)座る

┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an(I) 私がakusu (then), と、

┌┼ S (old man) (老人が)

├┼ I i=(me)私 (に)

└┴ V e-rankarap (to-greet). に挨拶した。

48 rankarap itak takup ne yakka ineap ta pawetokkor wa hawean ya ka a=erámiskari.

I have never heard such rich words uttered so magnificently even only in the salutation.


┌─ S (words) (言葉が)

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) rankarap(greet) 挨拶する

│┌ C itak(words)言葉 takup(only) だけ

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V ne(be)である yakka(even) にしても

├(Av-Ql) ine-a-p(how be-(perfect aspect)-thing) なんということ ta(at) に =what!

┌┼ S (old man) (老人が)

├┼ O pa-w-e-tok-((mouse-(epenthesis)-of-ahead)=eloquence) 雄弁さを

┌(Av-Ql) └┴ V kor(have) 持っ wa(and)て

┌┼ S (old man) (老人が)

┌ O └┴ V hawe-an(voice-be=say) 言うことya(interrogative particle)か ka(even)さえ

├ S a=(I)私は

└ V erámiskari (not know). 聞いたことがない。

49(ae) a=eráyap kor,

50 ''néno hawean onnekur ta turano án=an wa,nen nen usa isoytak ne ciki, upaskuma ne ciki,i=epakasnu wa i=kore somo ki p he an? ''

51 sekor(ka) kewtum or ta yaynu=an kor, onkami=an a an a kor án=an rápok

While I kept worshipping thinking with admiration in my mind, "why doesn't the old man, who talks in this way, tell me various stories or

folktales living with me?"



┌ S a=(I) 私は

┌(Av-Ql) └ V e-ráyap (at-admire) それに感心し kor (and) , て、

│ ┌─ S ''(fact) (事態は)

│ │ ┌(Av-Ql) né-no(be-(adverbial derivation) = like this)このように

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) V hawe-an(voice-be=say)言う

│ │ └───────────────────────────┐

│ │ ┌(Av-Ql) onne-kur(be old-man)老人と ta

│ │ │ (just)こそ turano(togather)一緒に

│ │ ┌┴ V án(be)い

│ │ ┌( (Av-Ql) └─ S =an(I) 私がwa (and), て、

│ │ │ ┌(Av-Ql) ne(u)n(how) ne(u)n(how)

│ │ │ │ (=variously)いろいろと


│ │ │ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) usa(various)

│ │ │ │ │ いろいろな

│ │ │ ┌┼ S isoytak(stories) 物語が

│ │ ├(Av-Ql) └┴ V ne (be) あるciki, (if) なら

│ │ │ ┌ S u-paskuma (mutually-tell =folktale)

│ │ │ │ 言い伝えが

│ │ ├(Av-Ql) └ V ne (be) あるciki (if), なら、

│ │ ┌┼ S (old man) (老人が)

│ │ ├┼ I i=(me)私に

│ │ ┌(Av-Ql) └┴ V e-pakasnu (about-teach=teach) 教え

│ │ │ wa(and)て

│ │ ┌┼ S (old man) (老人が)

│ │ ├┼ I i=(me)私に

│ │ ┌─ O └┴ V kore(give)くれることを

│ │ ├─ S (old man) (老人が)

│ │ │┌(Av-Qt) somo(not)ない

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V ki(do)し

│ │┌ C p(thing)ものhe(interrogative particle)か

├(Aj-Ql) └┴ V an? ''(be)であろう」sekor(conj.that)と

├(Av-P) kew-tum(body-inside) or(place of) ta(in) =in mind心の中で

┌┴ V yay-nu(oneself-hear=think)思い

┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an (I) 私は kor(-ing), ながら、


┌┴ V onkami (worship)礼拝し

┌(Av-Ql)└─ S =an (I) 私はkor (-ing),ながらa (Aux. keep) 続けて

│ (onkami (worship)=) an (I)私は (礼拝し) a (Aux. keep) 続け kor (-ing)て

┌┴ V án (be)いる

└─ S =an (I) 私が rápok (at the time of ) 間に

52 niske osura humi as akusu,

53 néa rupnemat soyne híne,án=an hi(yep) ye kotom an akusu ora pon menoko soy-osipita.

I heard the sound of throwing down a cordwood, and the old woman came out, it seemed as if she was saying that I was there, then the

young woman took off her coat out of the house.



┌ S (fact)事態は

│ ┌ O ni-s(i)ke(firewood-carry)

│ │ たきぎの背負い荷を

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) └ V osura(throw down) おろす

│ ┌ S humi(sound)音が

│ ┌(Av-Ql) └ V as(v.sound)するakusu (then), と、

│ │ ┌(Aj-Pro) éa(the)その

│ ┌┼ S rup-ne-mat(ice-be(=old<big)-woman)年配の女性が


│ ┌(Av-Ql) └┴ V soy-(e-)ne(outside-(toward)-be=go outside) 外へ出híne (then), て、

│ ┌┼ S (old woman) 年配の女性が

│ ││ ┌ V án(be)いる

│ ││ ┌(Aj-Ql)└ S =an(I)私が

│ ├┼ O hi (thing)ことを

│ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V ye (say)言っている

│ ┌ nC kotom (aspect) 様子

┌(Av-Q)└┴ V an (be)であ akusu (then) り

├(Av-T) or-(w)a (from)それから

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) pon (be young) 若い

┌┼ S menoko (woman)女の人が

└┴ V soy-o-si-pita (outside-at-oneself-take off clothes(=coat)). 外で外套を脱いだ。

53Toykooripak hine ahun.

(The young woman) came into the house humbled herself greatly.


┌─ S (young woman) (若い女の人が)

│ ┌(Av-Ql) Toyko-oripak(greatly-humble oneself)すっかりかしこまっhíne (then)て

└┴ V ahun (enter). 入ってきた。

54 akusu onne kur ene hawean hi,

Then, the old man said as follows,



┌─ S (fact) (事態は)

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) onne(old) 年配の

│ ┌─ S kur (man)人が

│ │┌(Av-Pro) ene (thus)このように

│ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V hawe-an (voice-be=say) 言ったという

│┌ nC hi, (thing)こと、

└┴ V (be) (である)

55 ''kamuyyantokor=an tanukuran ki oasi na, pirkano yaske wa pirka suke ekamuyyantokor pe ne ruwe ne na''

56 sekor matnepo ye akusu ineap ta itaknu wa iki ya ka a=erámiskari.

''As we have a guest like a god tonight, you have to wash your hands, cook a delicious dish and receive him'', the old man said to her

daughter. Then, she did it so obediently to his words that I had never seen.



┌ S (fact)事態は

│ ┌ S (fact)事態は

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) ''kamuy-(god-)


│ │ │ 神の

│ │ ┌ O yanto- (<yado Jap. inn)

│ │ │ guest-泊り客を

│ │ ┌─ O └ V kor- (have) 持つことを

│ │ ├─ S =an(I) 私が

│ │ │ ┌(Aj-Pro) tan-(this-) 今

│ │ │┌(Av-T) ukuran(evening) 晩

│ │ ┌ O └┴ V ki(do)することを

│ │ ├ S (I) 私が

│ │ ┌(Av-Ql) └ V o-asi(bottom-stand=begin)始める

│ │ │ na, (because)から、

│ │ │ ┌(Av-Ql) pirkano(cleanly)きれいに

│ │ │ ┌┼ S (you) おまえが

│ │ ├(Av-Ql)└┴ V yaske(wash hands(to cook))手洗いしwa (and)て

│ │ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) pirka(be good)おいしいくある

│ │ ├(Av-Ql) su-ke(pot-make)鍋づくり e-(with)でもって

│ │ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) -kamuy-(-god-) 神の

│ │ ┌┼ O yanto- (<yado Jap. inn) guest-泊り客を

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) └┴ V kor- (have) 持つという

│ │ ┌ nC pe(thing)こと

│ ┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V ne(be)である

│ ┌ nC ruwe(result)の

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V ne(be)である na(,indeed)よ'' sekor(that)と

┌┼ S (the old man) (その年配の男が)

││ ┌ C mat-(woman) 女

││ ┌(Av-Ql) V ne-(be)である

├┼ I po (child) 子に

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V ye(say)言う akusu(then)と

│ ┌(Av-Ql) V ine-a-( how be-(perfect aspect)-)どんなであった

├(Av-Ql) p ta(at) こと ta(at) に


│ ┌ O itak-(words-)言うことを

├(Av-Ql) └ V nu (hear)聞いwa(and)て

┌┼ O i-( thing)ものごとを

┌ O └┴ V ki (do)行う ya(interrogative particle)なんて ka(even)さえ

├ S a=(I) 私は

└ V erámiskari. (not know) 聞いたことがない。

57 yaske a yaske a su (ne e) ne yakka pirkano huraye wa pirka suke suketomte siri a=eráyap kor a=nukár kor án=an rápok,

58 yuk se utar iwak pa humi as híne,ikokamahupte néa pon menoko ki kor án=an hi ye kotom an akusu,

While I was seeing her admired washing many times her hands, washing up clean the pan and cooking a delicious dish, I heard the men

with deer on their back came back, and the daughter seemed to tell them that I was there receiving the game through the window. Then,





┌ S (fact)事態は

│ ┌(Av-Ql) yaske (wash hands(to cook))手洗いしa (perfect aspect)て

│ ├(Av-Ql) yaske (wash hands(to cook))手洗いし a(perfect aspect)て

│ │ ┌ C su (pot) 鍋

│ │ ┌─ O V ne (be)であるものを yakka(even)さえも

│ │ │┌(Av-Ql) pirkano(cleanly)きれいに

│ ├(Av-Ql)└┴ V huraye(wash)洗っ wa(and)て

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) pirka(be good)おいしいくある

│ │ ┌(Aps) su-ke(pot-make)鍋づくり

│ ┌┼ O su-ke- (pot-make-) 鍋づくりを

│ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V tom-te (shine-make) 輝かせる

│ ┌(Av-Ql) siri(aspect) 様子(に)

│ ┌┼ S a=(I) 私が

│ ┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V e-ráyap(at-admire) に感心し kor(-ing)ながら

│ └────────────────────────────────────┐

│ ┌┼ S a=(I) 私が

│ ┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V nukár(see)見 kor(-ing)つつ

│ ┌┴ S án(be)いる

│ ┌(Av-T) └─ V =an(I)私が rápok, (while) 間

│ │ ┌ O yuk(deer)鹿を

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql)└ V se(carry on the back)背負った

│ ┌┼ S utar(people)人々が

│ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V iwak(return from work) 帰宅するpa(pl. S marker)

│ │ 複数主語標

│ ┌ S humi(sound)音が

│ ┌(Av-Ql)└ V as(v. sound)しhíne,(then)て

│ ┌┼ I i-ko-(man-for)人-に協力して

│ ├┼ O kam-(meat)肉を

│ ┌ O └┴ V ahup- (enter)入ら te(make)せることを= while for a man to pass the meat

│ │ of a hunt through the eastern window to someone (his wife) in the house

│ │ ┌(Aj-Pro) néa(the)件の

│ │ ├(Aj-Ql) pon(be little) 小さくある

│ ├ S menoko(woman) 女が

│ ┌(Av-Ql)└ V ki(do) し kor(-ing)て

│ │ ┌ V án(be)いる

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql)└ S =an(I) 私が

│ ┌┼ O hi(thing)ことを

│ ┌ avC └┴ V = ye(say) 言うkotom(as if to do) ようで

└┴ V an(be) あるakusu,(then) すると、

59 soy-osipita utar (tu) tu irwak utura wa ahup pa wa,(s) kiyanne kur apeetok ta móno a, otutanu kur i=rorkehe ta móno a wa,kiyanne kur


onaha eun ene hawean hi,

The two brothers took off the coat outside and came in togather, the elder sat straight on the main seat on the east side, the younger sat

straight on our east side, and the elder said to the father as follows.



┌ S (fact)事態は

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) soy-o-(outside-at) 外で

│ ┌┼ O si- (oneself) 自分を

│ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V pita (untie) ほどいた

│ │ =take off clothes(=coat) 外套を取り去った

│ ┌ S utar (people)人たち

│ │ │ ┌(Aj-Qt) tu(two) 二人の

│ │ └(Aps) irwak (brother)兄弟が

│ ├ O u- (each other) 互いを

│ ┌(Av-Ql)└ V tura(accompany) 連れだっwa(and)て

│ └───────────┐

│ ┌┼ S (the people) (その人たちが)

│ ┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V ahup(enter pl.S) 入って来

│ │ pa(pl.S marker) 複数主標語wa,(and)て、

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) kiyanne(be older)年上の

│ ┌┼ S kur(man)人が

│ │┌(Av-P) ape-etok(fire-tip>the seat on the eastern-side of the hearth of

│ ││ a house) 横座 ta(at) に

│ │├(Av-Ql) móno (quietly>straight (not cross-legged) ) 正-

│ ┌(Av--Ql)└┴ V a (sit) 座しwa, (and) て、

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) otutanu(next)次の

│ ┌┼ S kur(man)人が

│ ││ ┌(Aj-Pro) i=(our)私たちの

│ │├(Av-P) ror-kehe(the seat of honour-place(=eastern side))上座 (東の方) ta(on)に

│ │├(Av-Ql) móno (quietly>straight (not cross-legged) ) 正-

│ ┌(Av--Ql)└┴ V a,(sit) 座しwa, (and) て、

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) kiyanne(be older)年上の

│ ┌┼ S kur(man)人が

│ ├┼ I onaha(father (of)) 父親にeun(toward) 向かって

│ │├(Av-Pro) ene(like this) こう

│ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V hawe-an (voice-be=say) 言ったという

│┌ nC hi, (thing) こと、

└┴ V (be) (である)

60 "ney wa omanan pe okkaypo nispa ne ruwe an? a=onáha uwepekennu ruwe he an? "

61 sekor hawe an.

"Where is the young man from? Has he talked to you, father?" he asked.



┌ S " (fact)事態は

│ ┌(Av-P) ney(where) どこwa(from) から

│ ┌(Aj-Ql) V oman-an(go-be=travel) 旅した

│ ┌ C pe(person)もので

│ │ ┌(Aj-Ql) okkay-po (man-diminutive=youth) 若い男の

│ ┌┼ S nispa(rich man)裕福な人 が

│ ┌(Aj-Ql)└┴ V ne(be) ある

│┌ nC ruwe (trace=result) の

┌(Av-Ql)└┴ V an?(be)であるか。

│ ┌(Aj-Pro) a=(my) 私の

│ ┌ I onáha(father) 父に

│ ├ O uwepeken(<r)- (story) 話を

│ ┌ S └ V nu(hear) 聞いた he(interrogative particle) か

├(Av-Ql)└ V an(be)? " sekor(that) という

┌┼ S hawe (voice) 声が

└┴ V an. (be) した。


Conclusion おわりに

Generally Ainu sentence is very long composed of many subordinary sentences because of the shortness of wards. Nevertheless, none of them are out of the components SVIO no matter how complicated they may be. Every sentence is restricted and limited by the structure of four-dimensional cognition.

Therefore, from what we have seen here, we can conclude that language is to express cognition.





References 参考文献

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(2008) “Universal Sentence Structure - A Realization in Spanish -”

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(2013) “Syntax Tree Diagram in Japanese:From Deep Structure to Japanese Surface Structure.”

(2016) “Universal Sentence Strucuture: Syntax Tree Diagram in English.”

佐藤知己 (2008)『アイヌ語文法の基礎』大学書林

柴谷方良 (1992)「アイヌ語の抱合と語形成理論」宮岡伯人編『北の言語:類型と歴史』三省堂

田村すず子 (1988)「アイヌ語」亀井孝他編『言語学大事典』第1巻

―― (1996)『アイヌ語沙流方言辞典』草風館

知里真志保 (1936)「アイヌ語法概説」『知里真志保著作集』4 平凡社 1974

富田隆 (2013) 「アイヌ語電子辞書」

中川裕 (1995)『アイヌ語千歳方言辞典』草風館

Bugaeva, Anna (2004) Grammar and Folklore Texts of the Chitose Dialect of Ainu (Idiolect of Ito Oda) Endangered Languages of the

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村崎恭子 (1979)『カラフトアイヌ語文法篇』国書刊行会

HP Contents

Syntax Tree Diagram in Ainu Language: Analysis of UWEPEKER (Folktale) (1) 1-60 by KAWAKAMI Matsuko

アイヌ語の文の樹形図「川上まつ子さんの民話 (1)」1-60 の分析

Universal Sentence Structure:Syntax Tree Diagram in English


Syntax Tree Diagram in Japanese:From Deep Structure to Japanese Surface Structure

Syntax Tree Diagram in Spanish:From Deep Structure to Spanish Surface Structure

Universal Sentence Structure -A Realization in Spanish-

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