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School Newsletter - Issue 09 - September 20th 2019

Please be aware our email addresses and URL have changed. Email is the ideal way to contact teachers and you can stay up-to-date by using our website news and events calendar.

From the Principal’s Desk

Dear Families,As I look back on Term 3, our school has much to celebrate. All of our Year 12s are on track for a successful graduation and our Year 11s, the first on the New QCE (Queensland Certificate of Education), are performing very well.

Teachers and Heads of Department have been very

busy with submitting 68 subjects for endorsement in the new system, which is a remarkable feat.

I’ve had the pleasure to view an amazing arrangement of student performances and accomplishments in a wide range of areas which has accentuated to me the opportunities that are available at Cleveland

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• School Newsletter - Issue 09 - September 20th 2019

• From the Principal’s Desk

• Spring School Holidays

• Multicultural Day

• ICARE at Cleveland District State High School

• R U OK Day

• 2019 Ubuntu

• Junior Secondary School News – 2019 Global Leadership Team

• Year 9 Venture Day

• YES! Young Entrepreneur Summit

• Ignite - Brisbane Writers Festival

• STEM - Aurecon Bridge Building Competition

• Volleyball Cluster Day

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District State High School. This newsletter highlights many of these achievements in our school and I encourage you to take the take time to read in order to appreciate and celebrate the successes of our students and staff. I wish students a very safe and refreshing break.Leonard McKeownDipT BEd GradDipMgt MEd(Res) MACEL MAICD

Spring School Holidays

Today is the last day of Term 3, 2019. During the holiday break two groups of CDSHS students and teachers will travel on school tours. We wish all those on the 2019 Snow Trip and Sydney Dance and Drama Tour wonderful experiences and terrific fun.

We wish all CDSHS students and their families a safe and happy holiday. School will resume for Term 4 on Tuesday, 8th October.

Multicultural Day

As this newsletter is published our annual Multicultural Festival is underway! This day is one of the highlights of our school calendar and includes an Eat Street style food market along with a wide range of activities, games and stalls. The festivities commenced with our

Senior School News - QCS Testing

• Global Goals Youth Forum 2019

• Senior Study Skills (SSS)

• Holiday training opportunity - RSA

• Creative Arts News

• 2019 Redfest Decem Performance

• Mallet and Drum Kit Workshop

• Redland City Council “Koala Project” Exhibition

• Showcase Events 2019 - F.A.M.E.D

• Dance Fusion

• Music Showcase

• CDSHS Alumni – Dylan Reavey, Class of 2014

• Guitar Lessons

• South East Region Music Office

• Sports News – Vote Now!

• Our victorious teams!

• Cleveland District SHS Touch Football Development Program

• Cleveland District SHS Football Development Program – Ubuntu Football Award

• Individual Sporting Achievements

• Hwarangdo Taekwondo

• Show Team - Redfest

• International Program News – Cairns Tour

• Could you host an international student?

• Student Council News

• School Accounts

• P&C News

• News from our Guidance Officers

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Parade of Nations and throughout the day students will be able to enjoy performances from cultural groups, our school’s dance teams and choirs as well as the Cleveland’s Got Talent competition. Incredible prizes are also up for grabs during the day as well as the Golden Ticket Raffle. It’s a day not to be missed!

One of the highlights today will be Kitch Culture, who will be performing at 12pm. Kitch Culture is a unique musical experience combining cultural arts and storytelling with music technology. Presented by award-winning artist, performer, mentor and Samoan Toa (warrior), Taituuga Kitch Wesche, this performance uncovers the power of knowing your history, your culture and your village. Kitch Culture takes you on an interactive journey of discovery as Kitch follows his roots of his family tree, from the rich history of Samoa to the shared cultural history of his children who are proudly Samoan and Indigenous Australians. Using fascinating ancient storytelling and exciting modern music, Kitch Culture highlights the power of storytime: sparking curiosity in different cultures and encouraging students to find their own inner spark.

ICARE at Cleveland District State High School

LAE Volunteers Needed

• Community News - JDRF Redlands Diabetes One Walk

• Brisbane Bayside Hwa Rang Do/ Taekwondo

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Cleveland District State High School is an established school, with caring staff who are devoted to the creation of a safe, supportive environment where all students are valued, individual differences are respected and international students are welcomed. We aim to build positive, meaningful relationships within our school and the wider community.

Our Pedagogical Model is linked to the School Philosophy, our Pedagogical Framework and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. It identifies how we support students in their pursuit of success. A critical element of this model, is the link to the ICARE classroom philosophy, identifying the key behaviours required in achieving a climate of success, where optimal learning can take place.

Throughout Term 4 we will be delving deeper into the ICARE philosophy and what this means to student and staff at Cleveland District SHS. Filming is well underway and we cannot wait to share this with you!

Above is the ICARE poster that appears in the classroom, this poster is to encourage our students to achieve their personal best in all areas of learning. These skills are transferrable skills and we believe it will assist our students in preparing for the future.

Stay tuned the School Newsletter and to our School Facebook page during Term 4 for a deeper look into ICARE at Cleveland District SHS.

R U OK Day

On 12th September Cleveland DSHS recognised R U OK? Day. Our awesome student volunteers were out and about handing out conversation cards and chatting with their peers. The question "R U OK?" may not seem like much but connecting regularly and meaningfully is one thing everyone can do to make a difference to someone who might be struggling. This day was an incredible success with significant numbers of students engaging in helpful conversations and seeking help where needed.

Many thanks to our fantastic Guidance Officers, Mr Hepburn and Ms Schultz for organising and coordinating the R U OK? activities.

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Across the school we asked "R U OK?"

2019 Ubuntu

Ubuntu (our school magazine) is an amazing keepsake! It highlights the many school activities and events that take place during the school year, including Year 12 formal, Swimming Carnival, Athletics Carnival, Creative Generation, Japan Tour, Music Showcase and class photos … to name just a few! At $12.50 per copy it is well worth ordering.

Order your copy of the 2019 Ubuntu using Flexischools. This is the only way to secure a copy; only the number of magazines that are ordered are printed. Registering and using Flexischools is quick and easy; for more information visit the website. Orders close on Thursday, 24th October. Don’t miss out! Year 12 Graduating Students: you do not need to order a copy of Ubuntu as this will be included in your Graduation gift from Cleveland District SHS.

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Junior Secondary School News – 2019 Global Leadership Team

Over the past few months, a committed group of 28 students in Year 9 have bonded together to form the Global Leadership Team. These students have been working to analyse the most prevalent issues in their student community to find a way to improve our school. They have worked as a team as they studied some major issues that recur within the school community, ranging from bullying to exclusion and everything in between. As time progressed, they narrowed their focus to littering in the school and its negative impact, which many students know about. Whilst being a part of the Global Leadership program, the students have been working hard to improve their skills as leaders as well as becoming active members of the school community.

As the program went on, they teamed up with the Unleashing Personal Potential Team and their Year Level HOD’S to find an effective way to get their message out to the school community. The Global Leadership team will be hosting a stall on Multicultural Day welcoming other students to come and participate in a small game promoting waste awareness and rubbish sorting.Moving forward, the team’s project will continue to focus on awareness of waste disposal at the school. This will occur through introducing waste stations that will allow students to dispose of waste correctly including recycling of paper and refundable containers and the use of stencils and signage around the school and drains to raise awareness about this critical issue.

Year 9 Venture Day

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Our Year 9 Business classes recently participated in “Venture Day”, putting what they have learned into practice by creating, marketing and making a product, then selling it to make a profit. All profits were then donated to charity. Two students of our students, Jemma and Ashleigh, share their reflections on this project below.

Venture day was a valuable experience which my business class enjoyed participating in. It was a fun and fast paced day in which my team got together and had a taste of the professional world in a fairly stress-free way. During the event, we set up and made profits from our own business, “Shrek Sundaes”. We sold nearly 50 sundaes and made over $100 dollars in profit, which we donated to a local charity to help the community. This was a huge success for our first experience with owning a business. - Jemma Griffith

This term, both Grade 9 Business classes held their annual Sundae and Spider Venture Day. Both classes successfully raised over $400 for the Buy a Bale charity, which supports Australian Farmers. As I have never experienced anything like this, it was a very exciting and stressful day, having to set up and be ready to sell. I really enjoyed being part of this event and 100% want to be part of this again or something similar to it. My favourite part of the venture was the positive reactions we received after our customers got their product.

- Ashleigh Masani

YES! Young Entrepreneur Summit

On Friday 13th September four of our outstanding business students had the opportunity to attend YES: The Young Entrepreneurs Summit held at RPAC. This was the Asia Pacific’s largest youth

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entrepreneurship summit and students were able to hear keynote speakers and panel discussions around the future of technology, innovation, creativity, business and education. Our students learned skills of being an entrepreneur, listened to some motivating speakers and finished the day listening as teams of young entrepreneurs pitched their big ideas.

Our photo above shows our students with Harvee Pene, one of the standout speakers from the day.

Ignite - Brisbane Writers Festival

On 5th September, students from Ignite participated in the Brisbane Writers Festival which was held at the State Library of Queensland in South Brisbane. The students were able to see two amazing authors. The first author was Jenna Guillaume, who wrote the novel ‘What I Like About Me’ and shared the main details of the main characters and events within the novel. Students took in that ‘confidence’ is the key to success.

The second author was Anisa Nandaula, focusing on the power of slam poetry. They experienced how powerful and convincing slam poetry is and how the poems can make such a big impact on the world itself. Everybody at the Brisbane’s Writers Festival took something from this special experience. A big thanks to Ms Humphries, Ms Hutton and Mr Burley for sacrificing their time and organising such a wonderful day, with a fantastic learning opportunity for the Ignite students. - Written by Ivan Lai and William Suters, Year 7

STEM - Aurecon Bridge Building Competition

Some of our outstanding STEM students in Years 8 and 9 travelled to Stuartholme School to represent CDSHS in the Aurecon Bridge

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Building Competition yesterday. They competed in 3 teams and enjoyed their day watching bridges being destroyed, learned about tension and compression, and witnessed a balsa wood bridge withstand over 90kg of force.

The students got to speak to representatives from the University of Queensland and structural engineers. They also competed in mini wind turbine competition which both Reece Taylor and Olivier Thorne won prizes for coming in the top 6 students.

We look forward to entering the competition again next year and applying our knowledge to build stronger bridges.

Volleyball Cluster Day

Yesterday CDSHS welcomed over 500 students from our Primary feeder schools for our annual Cluster Volleyball day. They faced a hugh day of competition, battling it out to claim the title of Champion school. There were over 200 games played and we are so proud of our CDSHS Senior students who assisted by refereeing games, collecting scores and encouraging the Year 6 students to play to their best. You can view a portion of the competition here.

Big thanks must go to Mr Merson, Mrs Host and Mr Rodger for the amazing job they did organising the Cluster Volleyball Day.

In the end it was a Cleveland SS v Ormiston SS Final with Ormiston SS taking out the win by 3 points. Congratulations to all students on a terrific day of competition and fun.

Senior School News - QCS Testing

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Our Year 12 students took part in the last ever QCS test earlier this term, an historical event really as all future Year 12 students will sit the new QCE external assessment.

Students started their morning with an amazing BBQ breakfast provided by our Junior Student Council. Nerves were largely under control and our students were commended by the QCAA external reviewer on their exceptional dedication to completing the test. We wish to thank Mrs Przewloka, Mrs Abraham, Ms Edwards and all teaching staff who have worked, over many years, to create a culture of importance around the test to give our students the best opportunity to succeed.

With Term 3 exam block now complete for our senior school, we wish these students a restorative holiday break, ready for the final countdown to the Class of 2019 graduation on 15th November.

Global Goals Youth Forum 2019

On Friday the 6th of September, Cleveland was proud to have a group of six students travel to Indooroopilly State High School to participate in the 2019 Global Goals Youth Forum. Year 10 International

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Baccalaureate (IB) students Ben Mason and Olivia Chissell, Year 11 IB students Habin Son, Yilin Zheng and Samantha Gibson and Year 11 ATAR Japanese studying student Hannah Villani, along with Languages Head of Department Ms Kylie Venamore, represented CDSHS as they worked to explore global issues and propose innovative solutions to achieve positive change using design thinking.

Representing individual developing countries, the students split into teams of six to focus on creating a public space, program, product or service in order to achieve Global Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals, which focused on achieving Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. The students enjoyed their time there immensely and learned a lot both about world issues and creating solutions in local communities to contribute to the sustainable development of society. The Cleveland team captured the audience with the delivery of their ‘Big Idea’ and represented the school with pride.

“The Global Goals Youth Forum was a great opportunity for me to engage in real-life problems from a global perspective and discussing from various nations’ views, but as well as coming up with solutions to try and solve these issues. It was a very eye-opening experience for me and would definitely love to come back again next year.” said Habin Son.

“I found it really interesting to learn about other countries’ issues and to engage with other students from different areas of the region to try to come up with new and different solutions to contribute to assisting in the fight to create a sustainable environment.” commented Hannah Villani. “It’s always fascinating to see what people can create from team effort and combining ideas which I think we did well during the event; I hope to continue this teamwork with fellow students in the future.”

Senior Study Skills (SSS)

Our Senior Study Skills program is a varied program for all Year 10 students that focuses on the world of work and assisting students with work / life readiness as they move towards the senior phase of learning or life after school. Students are presented with a wide range of practical information and skills during their weekly SSS classes. Most recently students have had the opportunity to learn basic First Aid and

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CPR skills. A big thank you must go to Mr Ingersole for teaching our entire Year 10 cohort these valuable life skills.

Holiday training opportunity - RSA

For further details click here.

Creative Arts News

Creative Arts has had a busy Term 3 with success in the Redlands Eisteddfod for our music ensembles, a week of Open Concerts and many other performance activities, including Decem performing at Redfest, a Mallet and Drum Kit collaborative workshop and Senior Drama students performing in the regional finals of Shake & Stir’s “Shakefest 2019”.

Shakefest is a state wide Shakespeare festival run through theatre company "Shake & Stir". CDSHS students were entered in 3 categories in the regional finals this year: Monologue, Duologue and Scene. We are thrilled to announce that our ‘Scene group’ consisting of Julian, Liam, Sam, Phoenix, Daniel, Tainika, Riley, Aniesha and Georgia as Student Director have made it through to the State Finals! Congratulations to all students involved as many hours of rehearsal have taken place to achieve this goal.

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All of these students are members of the Senior Actors Extension Program which is held on Monday afternoons 3-5pm with Mrs Strand. Students in Years 10 to 12 take part in Creative Arts Showcase, Queensland Theatre’s ‘The Scene Project’, Shakefest, throughout the school year which allows them to extend and refine their performance skills.

New members are welcome in the coming new year as we prepare for Creative Arts Showcase 2020, no experience or auditions are necessary. We hope to see some new fresh enthusiastic members in the new year! Congratulations again to all participants of this year’s Shakefest!

2019 Redfest Decem Performance

We were incredibly proud when our Senior jazz ensemble, Decem Sextet, were asked to kick start 2019 Redfest on the main stage. Their performance was outstanding and it was a treat to hear Mr Purnell get behind a trumpet instead of a baton, even if just for a short while! Well done to all of these students who showcased our Music program, and our school, so admirably.

Mallet and Drum Kit Workshop

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On Sunday, 8th September Iona College invited our percussionists to visit and work with their students in a Mallet and Drum Kit workshop facilitated by both school's percussion teachers.

Following the workshop ensembles from each school performed and CDSHS School Captain, Riley, impressed the audience with a marimba solo. It was a spectacular show that culminated in a 31 person performance of Danger Line. It was a fantastic afternoon of collaboration, learning and pushing ourselves outside our comfort zones. We are looking forward to further collaboration in the future.

We would like to thank the students and staff of Iona College for hosting us.

Redland City Council “Koala Project” Exhibition

Our Art students have impressed with their artworks submitted to the Redlands City Council “Koala Project” exhibition. The public are invited to visit and celebrate the work of emerging young artists at this special exhibition, being held during Save the Koala Month. The exhibition is open from 14th September to 31st October at RPAC (Gallery Level 2).

A number of our students created art pieces inspired by the ‘Koala in Design Challenge’, whereby students were asked to create pieces that would be ‘inspired by koala conservation and/or show value of the species to the community”. Well done to our students on excellent work and thank you to Gayle Price for her guidance and mentorship. The piece pictured here is by Year 12 student Emily Scott.

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Showcase Events 2019 - F.A.M.E.D

Dance Fusion

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Click here to book your Dance Fusion tickets online.

Music Showcase

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Click here to book your Music Showcase tickets online.

CDSHS Alumni – Dylan Reavey, Class of 2014

Dylan Reavey graduated from CDSHS in 2014 after making his mark on our music program during his senior years. We are so proud of Dylan going on to graduate from the Queensland Conservatorium of Music with a Bachelor of Jazz Guitar in 2018 and now competing at an international level at the London Guitar Show.

Dylan has a guitar style all of his own and we are confident he is a real contender for the 2019 Guitarist of the Year award. All the very best Dylan, we will be cheering you on!

Guitar Lessons

Why not consider guitar lessons for your student during Term 4? Group or Solo Lessons are available and enrolments are welcome at any stage throughout the year and for any ability level.

Group lessons cost $12 each payable per term (in advance) directly to the guitar tutor. Lessons are conducted during school hours and are arranged on a rotational basis so students are not missing the same subject each week.

Solo lessons are held weekly during school on Wednesdays and after school on Mondays and Thursdays throughout the school term. Lessons cost $30 for a half hour lesson, one on one with the guitar tutor.

To join the Guitar Program, please contact Aaron Andrews

South East Region Music Office

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South East Region Music Office is the ‘Hub’ that supports 105 instrumental music teachers and 155 classroom music teachers across the South East Region. The Regional Music Coordinator and leadership team support teachers with coordination of workshops, camps, performances, wellbeing, corporate support, publicity and media coverage for our region’s music students, curriculum and pedagogical support and instrumental teacher placement.

The Instrumental Teachers in the region are allocated to schools to implement the instrumental music curriculum through lessons and ensembles. The overarching purpose of the instrumental music program is to provide students with the opportunity to become musicians and experience the expressive qualities of music through learning to play a band or orchestral instrument. Engagement in the program will improve the quality of perception and self-expression by fostering the acquisition of music skills, thereby increasing aesthetic sensibility, cultural awareness and social – emotional engagement. Through the lens of music, students are empowered to make sense of their world. - South East Region Music, Department of Education

Sports News – Vote Now!

As we approach our Sports Awards ceremony, which is on Tuesday 29th October, our CDSHS community has the opportunity to vote on what you believe is our Top Sport Story for 2019. With over 30 wonderful achievements to choose from, head to Survey Monkey and vote for your favourite sporting achievement for 2019. Voting will close at the end of September.

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After voting closes, the Sport Stories ranked 10th to 4th will be revealed in the week leading up to our Sports Awards night, with the Top 3 announced on the night. Good luck to all!

Our victorious teams!

Congratulations to our Year 10 Girls Basketball team who won their Metropolitan Grand Final!

Also a massive congratulations to our Year 7 Girls Netball team, who finished second in their Metropolitan finals.

Congratulations to our Year 10 Girls Volleyball team, who have also been crowned Metropolitan Champions! The Girls won both of their matches 3-0, 3-0, and this win confirms their standing as one of the top teams in Queensland.

The Year 8 Girls Football team had an exceptional run to the Metropolitan finals scoring 18 goals in total and only conceding 4 goals throughout the finals series. What an amazing effort by the girls! They faced off against MacGregor State High School in the Grand Final, the girls were unfortunate to have 2 early goals scored against them. The girls fought hard to the entire match, all the way to the end whistle. Unfortunately the girls went down 2-0! Congratulations to all members of the Year 8 team on an amazing Football Tournament! Bring on 2020 – The girls will be back!

The Open Boys Football team also had an amazing run to the finals

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with a few close games. The Open Boys stepped up in their semi show casing quality football and securing them a spot in the Grand Final. The Boys competed against Redbank Plains SHS in a physical contest and have walked away with a 2-0 victory, securing the title of Metro Winners! Congratulations Boys!All of our representative teams have trained hard and been outstanding representatives of CDSHS and our sports program. They have shown excellent sportsmanship, resilience and persistence. Well done!

Cleveland District SHS Touch Football Development Program

We recently welcomed the Queensland U/18 Boys Touch Football team to CDSHS to train with our Touch Development students, both boys and girls in Years 7, 8 and 9. This fantastic experience also afforded the our students an opportunity to participate in some Q&A workshops. We thank Mr Pryde for organising this specialist training event.

We wish the Queensland boys team, and in particular team member Drew Price (CDSHS Year 12 student), all the very best of luck as they attempt back-to-back wins at the National Youth Championships!

Cleveland District SHS Football Development Program – Ubuntu Football Award

Our Football program encourages students to achieve their personal best through the three school drivers of Ubuntu, Neoteny and Kaizen. Our football

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students had the opportunity to nominate one of their football peers for an Ubuntu Football Award - Ubuntu means “humanity to others, putting others and the community first”. The winning student wins a PARK Football and Cleveland DSHS Football Program will donate a PARK Football through the Pass-A-Ball Project.

Congratulations to our second winner, Carter in Year 8.

Carter was nominated as a student and player who displays the Ubuntu message both on the field and in class. He is always helping his peers to further their knowledge in the football world to ensure everyone feels included and accepted. Congratulations Carter on winning a PARK Ball! The Football Program is lucky to have such a great student representing the Football Program

Individual Sporting Achievements

The school is proud to be fielding CDSHS Football Development Program member, Ashton, in the Queensland U16 National School Boys Football Team. This team will compete at the National Championships in Brisbane and is coached by our own Mr Curtis. We wish Aston, Mr Curtis and the entire all the very best of luck for a terrific competition.

Hwarangdo Taekwondo

Congratulations to Elijah Purnell and Coach/instructor Shane Purnell for successfully competing at last weekend's Australian Hwarangdo Taekwondo tournament in Sydney. Both Shane and Elijah are instructors with the Bayside Hwarangdo Academy, which offers training here at the school.

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During the Sydney tournament Elijah prevailed against his opponents and took out the Senior Male 56-70kg sparring event. Elijah also won the prestigious "Best of the Best" Male for the event. This is an outstanding achievement and we congratulate Elijah.

Show Team - Redfest

The Show Team wrapped up a busy year with their final event – 2019 Redfest Animal Nursery. They walked an array of animals from the Ag Farm to our Redfest enclosure (which was quite a spectacle!) and invited the public to mix with our sheep, lambs, horses, chickens and chicks, ducks and guinea pigs. With only a gold coin donation to receive a bag of feed, our stall was popular and busy for the whole weekend. Our students were excellent ambassadors for our school and our animals were very well received.

Many thanks to Ms Price, Mrs Lawrence and our parent helpers Dave and Sandy without whom this program would not be possible.

International Program News – Cairns Tour

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Our International program continues to thrive with international students visiting us for both short term study tours and study abroad programs, right through to long term Graduate Programs at CDSHS. We do our very best to ensure our international students get a taste of some uniquely Australian experiences. Most recently , this included taking a group of 13 International Students, representing 3 different countries, on a 4 day Taste of Cairns Trip.

The students had an amazing trip, visiting Kuranda and riding the Skyrail down to the Tjapukai Cultural Centre. They enjoyed a day visiting the Great Barrier Reef as well as Port Douglas, Hartley's Crocodile Farm and many other points of interest ‘up north’. We hope they created lasting memories to share with family and friends when they return home.

Our international students bring a wealth of experiences and talent to our school, enriching the lives of all students. Of late, they have also achieved impressive sporting achievements. Congratulations to the following students who are representing CDSHS at elite levels in their chosen sport:Yudai Kato – representing the school at an elite level in baseball;Ui Fujimaki - representing the school at an elite level in volleyball; Lorenzo Zorzi and Danial Sadri representing the school at an elite level in football.

Finally, it is time to farewell 11 of our international students who will return home at the end of term. These students commemorated their time here with their CDSHS friends and staff over farewell lunch of pizza and cake last Tuesday and, as they travel to Germany, Italy, Austria and Japan we wish them safe travel and happy memories. In Term 4 we will welcome 3 new international students from South Korea, China and Germany.

The International Student farewell lunch was also significant as we said farewell to Mrs Jan Laing - our International Student Program Manager. Jan is taking leave in Term 4, and we wish her all the best during her time away. Jan is one of our longest serving staff members and has managed the International Student Program for over 15 years, during this time there has been incredible growth in the size of our international program.

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We are grateful to Mrs Sharon Hendy-Moman for stepping up to replace Jan and coordinate our program for Term 4.

Could you host an international student?

Student Council News

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Our Sports themed Gold Coin Day on Friday, the 6th of September was a terrific success! There were sport jerseys everywhere and lots of support for students’ favourite sporting teams and personalities. This student council fundraiser was held in support of ‘Livin’, an Australian organisation that strives to break mental health stigma, and our sister school in Vanuatu, Pango.

Even our teachers joined in to show their 'true colours' for our

"Sport" themed fundraiser!

School Accounts

Term 3 statements have been posted home and we ask that outstanding accounts be settled, in preparation for the 2020 Student Resource Scheme. The annual Student Resource Scheme for the following school year is invoiced to your student/s account at the beginning of Term 4 each year.

Remember, QParents is a valuable tool for parents, particularly for financial information. You are able to access details of all your student accounts, as well as make payments through the BPOINT portal. Please contact the office to request your email invitation.

The BPOINT portal can also be accessed 24 hrs on 1300 631 073. You will require your CRN and invoice number located on your statement, and/or invoice, when accessing this payment method.

When making payments via BPay, BPOINT or internet banking, please send an email to with full details of your payment.

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Due to the large volume of payments we receive, we are unable to reply to emails. This also applies to requests for receipts to be emailed/mailed. If you require proof of payment, please send your student to the payment window to collect a receipt.


Tuesday to Friday: 8.00am to 10.45am and 12.45pm to 3.15pm

P&C News

As Term 3 comes to an end, the P&C executive wishes all students, school staff, P&C members and the school community a safe and enjoyable holiday break.

CHOICE ScholarshipNominations are open for the CHOICE Scholarship. The CHOICE Scholarship is proudly supported by the P&C and offers $1500 to a student who has enriched the school community through their activities, contributions or undertakings. Nominations can be submitted by the student themselves, other students, school administration or teaching staff. Nomination forms are available on the CDSHS website, under the P&C tab or in hard copy from the Uniform Shop or Administration Office. Nomination forms must be submitted by 18th October 2019. The Choice Scholarship will be awarded on Presentation night.

Student Support and Enrichment Fund (SS&EF)The Student Support and Enrichment Fund (SS&EF) remains active and any individual applications for 2019 will still be accepted and backdated should they be successful. The new application forms with updated information are available on the CDSHS website, under the ‘P&C’ section.

Uniform ShopPlanning is well underway for the end of year busy period and the start of the 2020 school year. All uniforms will be fully stocked and P&C staff on hand ready to help fit out new and returning students with the focus on positive customer experience and efficiency. A booking system will again be introduced for the two weeks prior to Term 1 2020 so stay tuned for more information in this later in Term 4.

This year we are offering an EARLY BIRD special – come in between Orientation Day (18th November) and end of Term 4 (13th December) and spend over $200 to receive a 10% DISCOUNT off total uniform costs. Please note this special does not apply to second-hand uniform purchases.

Day Polos are now on sale so come instore or buy online through Flexischools to grab a bargain for your 2020 Year 9 student while stocks last.

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Seeking second-hand uniforms! Check the cupboards for any spare or outgrown uniforms that are current (no Day Polos) with no marks or tears and bring them in! There’s money to be made as we will buy back these items less a 30% fee on behalf of our P&C Association which goes back into the school to benefit our students.

LAYBY is available in store only for a minimum order of $40, a 20% deposit, $3 service fee with an 8 to 10-week term, NOW is the perfect time to organise the uniforms you will require for next year.

If you wish to volunteer some of your time please come in and see Mel in the Uniform shop or email your details through to

TuckshopRemember Flexischools online ordering is the best option to ensure your student receives exactly what they want and as quickly as possible. Place their order before the cut-off time 8.45 am. Please also note that orders can NOT be accepted over the phone after 9.30am should you forget to make a Flexischools order for your student before 8.45am.

Students must also remember to bring their own cutlery for meals bought from home. The Tuckshop can no longer provide cutlery unless it is provided with a tuckshop meal, as new eco-friendly cutlery is being introduced and has a significant cost increase as compared to the current plastic cutlery used.

Next P&C MeetingThe next scheduled general P&C meeting is on Tuesday, 26th November at 7pm in the usual meeting place (the Innovation Centre F9 - F10 located behind the language block. Entry is via Russell Street).

News from our Guidance Officers

Blended or stepfamilies, come in all shapes and sizes. The blended family is the fastest growing family dynamic in the world with one in five families now being a ‘step’ or ‘blended’ family. However, when families “blend,” it rarely progresses smoothly. Some children resist change, and parents become frustrated when the new family doesn’t function in the same way as the previous one.

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For many step-parents the greatest challenge lies in determining what their role is within the family. The process can be both rewarding and challenging. Children affected by the union of a new couple may not be excited at the prospect of becoming part of a new family.

Although blending families requires adjustment and patience from everyone involved, in this edition of SchoolTV, parents will be given some guidelines of real expectations that can help their new family work through the growing pains. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback.

If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to this month's edition

LAE Volunteers Needed

The Learning and Enrichment Unit needs volunteers to assist students in reading, maths and assignments.

If you have any spare time, or know of anyone who would like to work as a volunteer in

the Learning and Enrichment Unit, we would love to hear from you. The students really appreciate and respond well to volunteers. Please contact Denise Sung on 38249220.

Community News - JDRF Redlands Diabetes One Walk

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We would like to invite CDSHS students, staff and families to attend the 7th Annual JDRF Redlands Diabetes One Walk. With your help, we CAN make a difference. Will you help us find a cure?

We would like to invite CDSHS to join in supporting our Local Redlands JDRF Diabetes One Walk, a community event to raise money to support research into Type 1 Diabetes. The main event of the day is a 3 kilometre walk along the banks of Waterloo Bay, where more than 300 participants each year help to turn Type 1 into Type None. This is also is a great family day out with a free concert, games, jumping castle, face painting, food and drink stalls and expo stalls from local businesses.

Each year more than 2,400 Aussie kids are diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes – a lifelong autoimmune disease that must be carefully managed through insulin injections and infusions, and one which can lead to other serious health complications including kidney failure, blindness, nerve damage, amputation, heart attack and stroke. Junior Diabetes Research Foundation JDRF is committed to finding a cure and making day to day living easier for those living with Type 1.

Brisbane Bayside Hwa Rang Do/ Taekwondo

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