taking tamil sovereignty through sri lankan presidential elections

Post on 22-Nov-2015






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Taking Tamil Sovereignty Through Sri Lankan Presidential Elections

Part I|by A.R.Arudpragasam(October 12, 2014, London UK, Sri Lanka Guardian)The presidential elections provide a golden opportunity to put forward a program that could reach all the people of Sri Lanka and the Tamil side has not utilized this opportunity in the past to tell the Sinhalese people their position on the ethnic issue. It gives agolden opportunity to tell the Sinhalese people s to what is the Tamil aspiration and explain them the settlement we seek and how it will lead to a peaceful and prosperous Sri Lanka. It is not necessary that Tamil people should support a Sinhalese candidate just because a Tamil cannot win. It provides the opportunity to demonstrate that Sri Lanka is a nation of divided sovereignty and seek a solution that accommodates this reality.Tamils supporting a common candidate.

The Sri Lankan Tamils for whom the North East is their homeland are not a minority among Sinhalese. By virtue of their historical tile to self-rule and territory over their homeland are a nation with a right to statehood over their homeland. It is the Sinhalese and Muslims who have taken refuge and illegally settled within the Tamil homeland are minorities in the Tamil homeland. Tamil people who ruled this country for many centuries before it was transferred to the colonial powers who still hold the native sovereign title right over all of Sri Lanka are not going to be so easily subjugated as a minority by interloper and collaborator families who have usurped power in Sri Lanka masquerading as Sinhalese and who consider to be their yeoman duty to defend the gains of British colonialism.

If the Tamil people are going to vote for any Sinhalese candidate, in the name of a common candidate or otherwise, he should be one who supports the principle, Tamileelam belongs to Tamil people, Sinhala Ratta belongs to Sinhala people and Sri Lanka belong to all Sri Lankans. A common candidate to whom Tamil people vote should be a person who can comprehend the political realities and contours whose recognition is important to realise the objective of democratic and effective governance of Tamil people and Sri Lanka.

The common candidate should realise the two civilizational processes and the need for differing governing traditions and constitutional arrangements to keep the two people in one country. He should be a person who supports the creation of two equal parliaments one for Sinhala Ratta and the other for Tamileelam and a national assembly for a united Sri Lanka.

He will agree to sharing powers in a mutually exclusive arrangement between the President and the two parliaments and the powers of the executive President limited to central government powers and to which he shall be answerable to the National assembly.

If no Sinhalescandidate would support this, then Tamil people should put forward their Tamil candidate and use the opportunity of a presidential election to campaign for the above solution among the people of Sri Lanka and demonstrate that Sri Lanka is a nation of divided sovereignty and a constitution should be restructured accordingly for it to be a untied country.

Utilizing the opportunity to lay the foundation to transform Sri Lanka

At this juncture I can think of only one Southern politician who could be agreeable to a programme of radical constitutional transformation and could play a constructive role in rearticulating Sri Lanka as a union of Tamileelam and Sinhala Ratta on the basis, Tamileelam belongs to Tamil people, Sinhala Ratta belongs to Sinhala people and Sri Lanka belongs to all Sri Lankans and end the siege of Okkama Appe ( everything is ours) mindset of the Sinhala race.

It does not matter if the Tamil candidate wins the election but it will be a milestone in the march towards a peaceful Sri Lanka through a process of mindset dismantling and restructuring and an opportunity for the Sinhalese people to prove to the world they are not the thugs and insensitive chauvinist animals, an image earned to them by their power hungry politicians. By and large, the Sinhalese people remain a very civilised people but unable to break out of the hold of scheming chauvinists and rouge monks.

After taking such a programme through the Presidential election and demonstrate that Sri Lanka is a nation of divided sovereignty, negotiate with the new President for the constitutional change and if he refuses to come forward to restructure Sri Lanka accordingly, it should pave the way for separation in a peaceful way with the support of the international community.

Tamil people have been shifting from one ruinous situation to another through the elections of independent Sri Lanka. Tamil leadership should never take instructions from the Indian or American embassies on such matters as Tamil sovereignty. A culture of barbaric incomprehension and natural aversion to upholding such civilizational values as self - rule and homeland rights of people which distinguishes the thinking of these two nations on the Tamil issue. As it is firmly embedded in the subconscious mind of global barbarism that Tamils are coolies and do not deserve something dignified as statehood, their policies will be guided along the line of anti Tamil national interestsIn light of the fierce international competition that exists for taking possession of the island, the Sinhalese will continue advance the chauvinist agenda by trading the rights of Tamil people as it has happened during the last five hundred years. Offering territories of Tamil people by deceiving foreign powers expecting them to liberate it for them has gone on for last five hundred years. The last one to fall in this trap is India.

As USA ,China and India want to take control of whole of the island and especially Trincomalee they have enormous problem seeing eye to eye with the Tamil people and Tamil aspiration as they see it as a major obstruction but something that can be better be achieved by colluding with a Sinhala chauvinism. Sri Lanka has to be restructured as union f two nations for her to be peaceful and these three nations should support such restructuring without promoting a path of genocide in Sri Lanka. The right perception of Tamil people originate from their historical rights.

Civilisations are set on these rights whose recognition is important in any settlement to the ethnic conflict.

A regime change is a risky exercise as far as the Tamil people are concerned. As the election will be a contest between various Sinhalese candidates as to who is the better champion of Sinhala chauvinism, it will only harden the chauvinist position and consolidate and further the criminal mission to swallow the whole island through the abuse of the democratic process as it has happened in the past. Neither Ranil nor Chandrika can be trusted either abolish the executive Precedency or resolve the ethnic problem.

Sri Lanka has to be rearticulated as a union of Sinhala Ratta and Tamileealm and has to be reborn as a new nation. If any Sinhalese leader comes forward to assure the people he will embark on restructuring Sri Lanka accordingly Tamil people can support such a candidate. The international community should keep its self-interests and hidden agendas behind and pave the way for the facilitation and the emergence of a new nation as union of Sinhala Ratta and Tamileelam.Posted byThavam

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