talk by philip illsley -

Post on 15-Oct-2021






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Talk By Philip Illsley ( This talk was first given in Feb 2013 and then up dated for a talk in 2014 )

Our Lady the Queen of Prophets from Garabandal in Spain 1961 – 1965 .

Picture shows Our Lady of Garabandal with the Infant Jesus and the Archangels Michael and Gabriel either side of Her :

The purpose of This Talk is to inform everyone about the Major Events Foretold by Our Lady the Queen of Prophets : at San Sebastian De Garabandal: in Northen Spain .

Apparitions there between 1961 and 1965 .

San Sebastian De Garabandal in Northen Spain: Even though several million people from all over the world have read or heard something about ; the happenings in Garabandal , At one time or another most who are alive today are not aware that the Time is now very close at hand For the unfolding of these events foretold by Our Lady over 53 years ago. I would like to point out that the events in Garabandal ; are still under the Churches Investigation with no final judgement having been made. However all Catholics; are permitted by Canon Law to be informed, or read accounts of what happened there . This is the purpose of my talk today. I want to make you all aware of ;the approaching events and their consequences for all mankind today . Many people, are far from God, and many people, today are completely oblivious; to the coming events at Garabandal . This tiny village of Garabandal in 1961 had 60 to 70 stone houses. The 300 inhabitants there Had no electricity , no TV, no running water, no cars , no paved streets, no roads, and only one

telephone. In the cold winter heat came from fireplaces stoves and from the farm animals stabled next too, or beneath the living area of their homes. These generally pious and contented people were mostly farmers shepherds or cattle raisers. These events in Garabandal ; began in the late afternoon of Sunday 18th June 1961 The more mature village children gathered on Sunday afternoons in an open area by the Church.

The Church in Garabandal. Twelve year old Conchita Gonzalez ; had an idea to go and pick apples in the school Teachers Yard, and whispered this to her eleven year old friend Mary Cruz Gonzalez to join her. They were also joined by twelve year olds Mari Loli Mazon and Jancinta Gonzalez who also wanted to go with them. When they realised that the school teacher was home, and he seemed to notice what was going on in the apple tree.(they were pinching his apples )

The four girls climbed over a low part of the wall that separated the teachers yard from a stony path that led up to the mountain. They began to move up this path some way then sat down and began to eat their stolen apples. Suddenly they were startled by a loud noise like a clap of thunder, which really frightened them. Then all four girls felt; a pang of conscience because they had taken the apples without permission. Suddenly Conchita, was heard to be making a strange sound with an unusual look on her face the other girls, turned to run to the village for help but as they turned in the direction that Conchita, was staring ; they too froze, because they were seeing the same think Conchita was seeing . What they saw was strikingly beautiful, with a shining brilliance that; did not dazzle their eyes. It was an angel who looked at them, but did not say a word, and after a while the angel disappeared. Finally the angel on the 1st July spoke to them for the very first time and this was his ninth appearance to them. I have come to announce to you ; a visit by the Virgin under the title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

The Archangel St Michael Who will appear to you tomorrow Sunday 2nd July 1961. The four girls began to speak to the angel and he was willing to speak to them at length; this lasted about two hours, then the angels last words were ; I will, come tomorrow with the Virgin. The mother of Jesus arrives from Heaven.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel of Garabandal Wearing, The Brown Scapular . Her visitation begins on the Catholic Feast day of the ; biblical Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth The Mother of John the Baptist. On this day

Mary Had an Angel on each side; and she told the girls that one of these was St Michael the Archangel, the girls realised that this was the angel who they first saw on Sunday 18th June 1961

The four visionaries in later life ; top right Conchita, top left Jancinta, bottom right Loli and bottom left; Maria Cruz . Some years later Jancita said ; she was sure that the other angel on that day was St Gabriel. Something of Importance to note in this first apparition is this; A Little into this first apparition ; Conchita , was heard to say ; O what an eye .

The All Seeing Eye of God .

To the right of one of the Angles and about the height of the Virgin ; The Girls saw an eye of Great size. It was within a triangle, the triangle itself was within ; A square of Flames of Fire this scene represented ; The All Seeing Eye of God ! During her Visitations at Garabandal ; The Virgin Mary, appeared over; 2000 Times and Her Last Visit was on November 13th 1965. She was only visible to the four girls and one priest. She had things of great and grave importance to tell all humanity. She let us know the; Sequence of Events , and she told us what MUST be done , She new that the Fate of all mankind is at stake , just as in the days of Noah At this stage I want to tell you something from the Old and the New Testaments; Concerning St Michael the Archangel ; this one from the Book of Daniel ( Chapter 12 verse 1 )

St Michael The archangel .

At this time shall arise Michael, The Great Prince who has charge over your people. And there shall be a time; Of Trouble such as never been seen since there was a nation. Till that time, But at that time your people shall be delivered , everyone whose name shall be found written in the Book .

Then from Mathew ( Chapter 24 verse 21-22 ) 2 For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now. No and never will be, and if those days had not been shortened No human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days were shortened. Four Major Events at Garabandal ; Foretold by Our Lady the Queen of Prophets : That Await all of Mankind and Every Passing Year brings them closer to their Time. The 1st Prophecy of Our Lady at Garabandal ; The coming of The Great Tribulation of Communism led by Russia. This is the first trial for all mankind ; Named by Our Blessed Lady ; As The Tribulation . WHAT Does Mathew’s Gospel Say ; For then there will be a great tribulation such as the world has not seen from the beginning of the world until now. This Tribulation will be an all out attempt by Russia and it allies to turn the

world into a confederacy of Communist states. This will result in major bloodshed and be a time of grave persecution, for the Church. Russia would gain domination Over the whole world ; The Church would seem to disappear priest’s, would be in hiding the Sacraments would not be available . It would be so horrible that mankind would arrive at the point of loosing all hope. When the situation had reached its worse point; God, Himself would Intervene ! . The Visionaries at Garabandal ; Were shown by Our blessed lady ; A very difficult , brief period of Time in Europe . Quickly it would seem that Europe would be Overrun by Communism. Italy, France, Spain , would be Over Run the Holy Father would have to Flee Rome . Their would be; Great Persecution of The Church . LOOK at what is happening in Europe . When I was first writing this in early; 2013 Italy , France , Spain , Could Go Bankrupt Tomorrow ! If The EURO Fails Then many countries would be Bankrupt this would lead to Massive Unemployment Everywhere many people would loose their jobs, their homes, all of this would lead to social disorder on a scale never witnessed before since the great depression

in the 1930’s . This would result in the

complete collapse of capitalism due to the

greed bankers. We are witnessing this Now in Greece ; and other parts of Europe, where people there have Lost everything !!

WHEN ; I was altering this talk for another talk in early March 2014 we are all witnessing the events with Russia in the Ukraine and in Crimea WE are all seeing a return of the Old Soviet Union and Communism. ( In 2015 we are also witnessing massive strain on the Euro and Greece likely to vote to come out of Europe) OUR LADY Told Conchita; Communism Would Come Back ! Conchita Gonzales

When people loose hope at a time when many in the world are far from God; Their Only hope will be atheistic Communism ; Russia will see this in Greece and Other parts of Europe and ACT ! Russia ; is still a very mighty military power and Russia has not changed. The Western world and most of the world has been Duped’ Into thinking it has changed ; but Russia is still run by an Ex KGB Officer who has ; Rigged his last election ; and it still has

many communists leaders in control there. Russia; is still a very corrupt country and one that Inwardly has not changed. REMEMBER ; Our Blessed lady’s Words to Conchita; Communism Would Come Back .

The Revolution is Imminent ; When the Pope Visits Moskow ; as soon as he returns to the Vatican ; All hell would be let loose. Hostilities would break out in different parts of Europe.

Mr Putin The Russia Leader . He wants back all that his predecessors have Given away , That means Ukraine, Estonia Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Romania and then the whole of Europe France , Italy, Spain, they all come into being as Our Lady Foretold . ARMAGEDDON is at Hand if the USA and Russia DO NOT improve their relationship And look at the drop in oil prices this is so important to the Russian Economy .

Will Mr Putin try to distract the [population in Russia; with another military adventure ? He knows this will increase global tension, this tension always leads to increases in OIL Prices so essential to the Russian economy; which is now in free fall and economic collapse threatens in Russia .

This Picture really say it all ! regarding the Relationship; between the USA and Russia.

Mr Mikhail Gorbachev the former Soviet Leader he said in Moscow ; In Late December 2014 That there is a Threat of Armageddon Unless relations between Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin Improve ! He Went on to say that ; The EU He said Must end The New Cold War triggered by the Ukraine crisis; Diplomats from

the East and West seemed to be prepared for Confrontation . Conchita’s Aunt Antonia in Garabandal :; Has Testified to the Church ; that she heard the girls in Ecstasy say : That if we do not mend our ways Russia will take possession of the whole world. BUT no one Today expects the Great Tribulation to be Communism ; The Whole world has been Duped into believing that Communism has died, due to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the former Soviet Union. The entire world leadership is Oblivious to the fate that is awaiting us all ; Our greatest potential enemies ; are Russia, China, and North Korea as a confederacy of communist States. But you know in reality it is ourselves who are our greatest enemies --- WHY--- because this TRIBULATION that is to come on all Mankind is Because of all of our SINS ! and, the SINS of the whole world . OUR LADY told Sr Lucia at Fatima ; That Russia will be the instrument of Chastisement for all mankind chosen by Heaven to Punish the world for its Sins! This is why ; The Tribulation will come Because of OUR SINS and the SINS of the whole world.

And because Most people have Today Turned their Back on God – And this is why we are in; Big trouble today . Our Own Sins – And the Sins of the whole world Is Why the Tribulation is going to happen. Sins of , Abortion, Birth control, Impurity, Divorce, Euthanasia, Same sex Marriages, And so many other sins, and because many people today have lost their sense of SINNING ! . No wonder Our Blessed Mother tells us Our sins today are far worse than the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorra. And why she told us in Medjugorje in 1981 ; That this Generation is the Most Sinful generation in the history of the world. THIS was in 1981 ; and she has said That our Sins are getting more hideous day by day . Whatever happens in the future will come because, of all of our sins and the sins of the whole world. There are not enough good people in the world today praying and making reparation for all the sins; That are being committed in the whole world today . Too Many people are far from God Today and there is to, much EVIL in the world. When we think of the sins of abortion how many countless millions of children have been murdered in their Mothers womb; This, is one

of the reasons that God MUST act to preserve the good. This is why God will Act , In His time and, With His will, and with all His Might . This world needs Purification and it will come by Fire ! We all need to look out for this; If Pope Francis 1st goes to Russia.

Our Lady said : The pope will go to Moscow and on his return all Hell would be let loose: Let us all pray for Pope Francis . The 2nd Prophecy of Our Lady at Garabandal is THE Great worldwide UNIVERSAL WARNING !

This is the Illumination of all of our consciences THIS will STOP the Communist Tribulation and will correct the conscience of the whole world. The Communist Tribulation would be, very Intense, but not for a long Duration. Because

Our Lady said; When all hope seems lost ! God himself will bring it all to an end; with The Great Universal Warning ! Where everyone ; over the age of seven Will see the State of his or Her Soul as it exists before God. This warning will be given to the whole world; In order for the world to change and to return to God. It will come directly from God, and, no one, will be able to Escape It ! We will all feel this bodily and interiorly ; and this will draw the Good closer to God, and Warn the Wicked That they have to return to God Or Else!

JESUS, will send this Warning to; Purify us all and His desire that we may all of us see the consequences of the sins we have Committed.

This Warning will Purify us all !!

This warning comes because, of His Love for all of us .This is the Greatest act of Divine Mercy ever ! Because we only ever see the state of our Immortal soul when we leave this earth in Death ; Then it is to Late for us to change our ways ; This warning gives us all the opportunity to change our Lives and to return to God --- This is Divine Mercy in our Souls and Divine Mercy in action.

So that all of us May better appreciate the Great Miracle that will come after the Warning This warning will last for a very; Short time but for us ; it will Seem a long time Because, of its Effect within Us All . We will all of us see the Good we have failed to do. And The Bad we have ; All Done. We will All of us feel ; A Great Love towards our heavenly parents ; And ask for Forgiveness for all of our offenses.

This will ; draw us all closer to God and increase Our Faith in God. We should all of us Prepare for this Day and Not await it with fear We prepare for this day by Keeping close to God and His Blessed Mother, we do this by daily Prayer and being Faithful to the seven Sacraments of the Holy Church. AND ; by Keeping the 10 Commandments given to us by God ; This was the Message to the world on Christmas day; in 2012 in Medjugorje.

Mary & the Baby Jesus on Christmas Day ; in Medjugorje. And The Message for the world on this day Came from the mouth; Of The Baby Jesus in Marys arms ; “ I am Your Peace Keep My Commandments “ . The Purification of the Great Universal Warning Will be necessary for all of us to face; The

Great Miracle ; which comes after the Warning Otherwise we might not be able to sustain the marvellous experience of the Miracle. Perhaps this is why ; Fr Luis Andreu, Who saw the Great Miracle in 1961. But Had not seen the Warning ; This could explain his sudden death from Joy , soon after seeing The Great miracle.

The 3rd PROPHECY of Our Lady at Garabandal

Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Garabandal The Greatest Miracle the world has ever seen This will happen within 12 months of the Great Universal Warning . And this will happen above the pines at San Sebastian Garabandal .

San Sebastian De Garabandal

Conchita, the eldest visionary

She knows the date of the Great Miracle and will release this to the whole world 8 Days Beforehand !! .

In 1966 conchita was called to Rome by Cardinal Ottaviani – Pope Paul V1 Conchita; went to Rome with her mother because she was only seventeen . Conchita and her Mother ; were in a private audience with Pope Paul 6th And Cardinal Ottavavani; and we know that Conchita Told them the date of the Great Miracle ; So future popes also know this date like Pope Benedict and Pope Francis 1st . Pope Paul V1; Also told Conchita this; Garabandal he said ; It is the most beautiful story of humanity since the day of Christ; It is like a second life of the Virgin; on this earth and we can never be grateful enough for it ! I Bless you Conchita ; and with me the whole Church Blesses You.

The Great Miracle at Garabandal ; this will coincide with a happy event in the Church ; The Feast day of a Saint who is a Eucharist Martyr ! ( Please ALL Look at the end of this Talk about Blessed Imelda Lambertini this could be the Saint of the Eucharist )

The Great Miracle This will take place at 8.30pm on a Thursday and Night . Between, the 8th the 16th of March, April or May this will be the Greatest Miracle that Jesus has ever performed for the world. It will be Visible to all who are in Garabandal and the surrounding Mountains. Our Blessed lady said; That all present in Garabandal : at the time of the Miracle . The sick will be Cured And All Unbelievers will Believe, and all Sinners will be converted. During The Great Miracle ; We will all see if we are there the Glory of God and Live . We will Not Die, we will all be given a Special Grace prevent us from Dying ! Remember Fr Luis

Andreu SJ, He saw The Great Miracle in Aug 1961 . He said it was the Happiest Day of his life And he died in a state of quiet Joy soon after. Immediately after the Great Miracle God will place a Sign from Heaven; Above the Pines at Garabandal ; this sign will be visible, photographable, But cannot be touched or Moved . And will remain there until the end of the world.

The 4th PROPHCEY of Our Lady : is The Great Chastisement of Fire from Heaven if Mankind does not change and return to God. The Great Chastisement of Fire will come . But, Only if humanity does revert to its former ways of Evil ON the 2nd Night of Screams on June 20th 1962 in Garabandal . The four girls were shown the Great Chastisement of Fire. The people who had gathered in Garabandal ; That night heard their cries and screams . Many people testified on that night in Garabandal ; That the girls screams terrified them and even made their knees buckle and many shook with Fear!. All The People heard the Girls cry out ; Oh Don’t Let This Happen ! Please Don’t Let this Happen --- May everyone go to Confession – Please forgive us – Please Don’t Let this Happen !

Some people questioned the Girls afterwards and they said ; We Have seen The Great Chastisement of Fire ; We have seen something worse than if we were being burnt alive. It is going to be horrible; they felt the great need for the repentance of all their sins; and Great sorrow for their Sins; And an irresistible desire for The Mercy of God . Our Blessed Mother Tells us ; That she is weeping because in great numbers the souls of my children are being Lost and are going to hell; I am weeping because to few are those who accede to my requests to Pray, To Suffer, to make reparation and to offer, I am weeping because I have spoken to you, and have NOT been listened to. When will we all start listening to Our Mothers words from Heaven.

OVER the last 200 years God has sent His Blessed Mother to warn us all of Imminent and serious events and their consequences for all of Mankind. Unfortunately Many Cardinals Bishops, and Priests and many Catholics, have NOT listened , believed, or in some cases

ridiculed these concerns from our Blessed Mother. THIS is why this very important message was given at; Garabandal this second and Serious Formal Message for The World Was Given by; St Michael The Archangel

He Gave this message ; On BEHALF of OUR Blessed Lady .Because the Message was to Sorrowful for Her To give Herself because, of what had to be said Of Her Beloved Priests .

THIS IS THIS SERIOUS AND SORROWFUL MESSAGE in FULL AS MY Message of October 18th 1961; has not been complied with And has not been made known to the world. I am, advising YOU that this is the last one. Before, the cup was filling up; Now, it is flowing over. . Many Cardinals Bishops and Priests ; are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls

with them. Less and Less importance; is being given, to the Eucharist . You should turn the, wrath of God ; away from yourselves by your efforts. If You ask for His forgiveness with sincere hearts. He will pardon You. I Your Mother through the intersession of St Michael the Archangel, ask you to amend your lives. You Are now receiving the last warnings. I love you very much and do not want your condemnation . Pray to us sincerely and we will grant your requests; You, should make more sacrifices .Think more about the Passion of Jesus.

I am weeping because; Humanity is Not accepting My Motherly Love.

A Chastisement; worse than the Flood is about to come on this poor perverted

humanity. Fire will descend from Heaven, and this will be the sign that the Justice of God, has as of now fixed the hour of His Great Manifestation. None; of this my friends do any of us to Fear from All we need to do is be Prepared ; By Being loyal followers of Our Lord and His Blessed Mother; and Making sure we are all in a state of Grace. This is the purpose of My Talk to prepare us all and not to await these times with Fear; To dwell to much on the Chastisement is not healthy, and everything happens within the providence of God : If the Glory of God in the world is on the verge of being over- taken by Evil , God will intervene . We Must all STAY close to Jesus and His Blessed Mother and PRAY ! This is what she tells us, Pray to us with sincerity and we will grant your requests, Make more sacrifices and think about the Passion of Jesus

Our Lord and his blessed Mother Needs TODAY Prayer Warriors; and through Our Prayers we can transform this world.

Its all To obvious Today, That this world of ours is quite Opposite to the one we are all Journeying to; The Blessed Homeland of Heaven . On our way we will come across many traps Temptations, evil, and, much suffering, which can affect us all and weaken us. But at the same time if we all keep close to Jesus and His Blessed Mother, By Daily Prayer, Then despite all the pain or the suffering. Despite the fierceness of the opposition, by doing what Our Blessed Mother says: GIVE; all your problems and difficulties to My Son Jesus. And Pray. With Jesus and Mary our Mother as our guide : HOW can we go wrong.

Because PRAYER is Our Strength and; the Weakness of God. Before the Child, the Man, the Woman, who PRAYS --- The Father is touched, He pardons, He Grants, and He withdraws His hand which menaces the world TODAY and He TAKES PITY

Daily PRAYER is a search for God. Daily PRAYER is a dialogue with God. Daily PRAYER means Understanding God. Daily PRAYER is necessary because after it Everything becomes Clear !.


In The Name of the Father who created me and made me His Son, In the name of the son who Redeemed me and made me His brother, In the name of the Holy spirit who Sanctified me and made me His Temple , Amen Fiat.

Father, I love You and I give myself to You My Life is in Your Hands, You Know all my needs fears and anxieties, You love me and will provide for me, I Trust in You, I hand over to You all my worries and fears, by Your Holy spirit

fill my mind my heart with the gift of wisdom and understanding to carry out Your Holy and Divine Will

every day of my life, I further Ask You Father to have mercy on all Your children past, present, and future to bring Peace to the world and to gather all Your children to Yourself And that Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven . Amen Fiat Pray ; with the HEART not just with WORDS One Prayer in the Divine will: Is Worth more than a lifetime of PRAYER in the human Will. ONE who lives and Prays in the Divine Will is the echo of the Voice of GOD ! ---Therefore I want to show you How to Pray in the Divine Will at THIS TIME in the world of headlong rush into the Tribulation . ---- Remember, Jesus said ; A SINGLE act of this prayer is worth More that a lifetime of Prayer in the Human Will. THIS is why it is VITAL at this present moment of time; That we ALL of us Pray in the Divine

Will. We can then All of us become Luminous Points Upon the Earth and citizens of Heaven . A Short DAILY EXERCISE of Prayer in the Divine Will with these three specific Intentions: If we Pray ; The Rosary, The Chaplet of Divine Mercy, The Seven Sorrows of Mary, OR Whatever Prayer you may choose ; DO IT This way in The Divine Will.

Pray; For these THREE SPECIFIC Intentions DAILY ;

1) Pray for Pope Francis 1st That he will be the Pope who will Consecrate Russia to The Immaculate Heart of Mary as she specified at Fatima.

2) Pray for all of Our Blessed Lady’s Intentions that all of her Plans will come to fruition.

3) Pray for all the poor sinners in the world, all who are far from God, and all who do not believe God exists.

START ; In the name of The Father who created me and made me His Son, In the name of the Son who redeemed me and made me His brother, In the name of the Holy Spirit who sanctified me and made me His Temple , Amen Fiat .

It is Jesus who wants to Pray and I pray together with Him in an act in the Divine will, Lord Jesus entered inside you taking that which I find in you transformed in you making myself one with you I desire to say ( THE Rosary say the intentions ) In the Divine Will and in the name of everyone to diffuse it in all creatures as at a single point in an act in the Divine Will bilocated main actor in my soul AMEN Fiat .

YOU have, now said the Rosary with the three intentions in THE DIVINE WILL ! ( Please, NOTE if you want to say the Chaplet , or the seven sorrows Rosary, OR whatever prayer You like JUST add that plus the three intentions and YOUR praying in the Divine Will . ONE OTHER IMPORTANT; Prayer I would like you all to say DAILY ! It is for all THE Unbelievers in this world who are far from God Come Holy Spirit – Creator come prayer

For all, the Unbelievers of this world. Come Holy Spirit as you came to the apostles open our minds to see the hidden things of God . Send love in our hearts like a flame of fire that our lives may be changed by the power of your Spirit to do God’s work on earth and bring many souls with us to Heaven.

Holy Spirit inspire us Love of God consume us along the right path guide us Mary our Mother look down upon us from all harm all illusion all danger all evil preserve us Fill us now O Lord with the gift of Your Holy Spirit to carry your most Holy Word to sinners who we must help to Save in Your name Help us to

cover them in our prayers with Your Precious Blood so that they can all be drawn back to Your Sacred Heart so that all these poor souls can return to their Fathers House before the coming tribulation the warning the miracle and the possible chastisement foretold by your Blessed mother The Queen of prophets at Garabandal in Spain in 1961 . Amen Fiat

Just Outside the village of Garabandal I have been giving TALKS about Garabandal for many years now and I feel a GREAT need to go there Which is why I have organised this Pilgrimage in May 2015 . My 1st Pilgrimage there from 10th Till the 14th May 2015 ----BELOW you will see why I want to be there if Possible between THESE important dates in 2016 – I ASK You all to READ and to REFLECT on what I have written below and make your own mind up . BLESSED IMELDA LAMBERTINI – 1322—1333. The Patron Saint of first Holy Communicants . I believe that The Great miracle could be on her Feast day Thursday 12th May 2016. ---- Written by Philip Illsley July 2104.

Imelda was beatified by Leo xii in 1862 and Pope Pius x named her Protectress of First Holy Communicants , during the movement to have her canonized in 1900 her body was exhumed . Imelda’s body was found to be incorrupt , meaning that without any ointment or preservative her body hasn’t decayed at all since the 1300’s . Blessed Imelda’s beautifully incorrupt body can be seen in the Church of St Sigismund at Bologna Italy. Since Sunday 29th June 2014 I have personally been praying in The Divine Will Daily for Blessed Imelda Lambertini to receive her Accidental Glory : Jesus told Luisa : That the Saints in Heaven do not contain all their Accidental Glory That the good acts of the Saints have been in the most part forgotten . But they are present within the immensity of the Divine Will . And so by finding them and making them our own and offering them to Jesus we can continue to Glorify the Father with their good acts and also give to these Saints more accidential Glory by offering up the Divine version of their good acts which re-doubles their Glory in Heaven . And their intersession on our behalf is more powerful .

Other Saints I would like us all to pray for : Blessed Imelda Lambertini : Blessed Sr Mariam of Jesus Crucified : Blessed John Henry Newman : Blessed Antonio Rosmini : But you add any saint you choose and pray for them in this way : It is Jesus who wants to pray and I pray together with Him , in an act in The Divine Will. Lord Jesus entered inside you taking that which I find in you transformed in you and making myself one with you , I desire to find in Jesus all the good acts that Blessed Imelda Lambertini has done . I place my I Love you and I Bless you in them make them my own and offer them to Jesus in with and through Mary , and together with Luisa , as Jesus has done the Divine Version of Blessed Imelda Lambertini ‘s good acts and together with Jesus I offer them up for the Glory of the Eternal Father and for the Accidential Glory of Blessed Imelda Lambertini. I desire to pray this in the Divine Will and to diffuse it in all creatures as at a single point in an act in the Divine Will bilocated main actor in my soul . Amen Fiat . I was so deeply moved upon reading the story of Blessed Imelda how she died in a loving state of ecstasy upon receiving her first Holy Communion . In reality Imelda’s heart was not the only one that burned with an increasing intensity for Union . As her soul became more increasingly beautiful to God . His own desire to BE ONE With her became increasingly more difficult to restrain . Finally He could wait no longer and on May 12th 1333 the priest gave the Blessed Eucharist to the long awaited girl this happy child closed her eyes and breathed forth her Pure Soul to make endless thanksgiving in heaven . She

Died of love and her happy soul was with Jesus for ever . WILL THIS BE THE DATE of THE GREAT MIRACLE at Garabandal : WHO KNOWS ! WILL it BE : on her Feast Day – Thursday 12th MAY 2016 Feast day of Blessed Imelda Lambertini . Patron Saint of First Holy Communicants . THIS Great Eucharistic Miracle at Garabandal :

This picture of The Sun like a HOST was taken by a friend of mine in medjugorje in 2009. I believe that The Great Miracle at Garabandal will take the form of a HUGE EUCHARIST HOST in many ways like this picture a huge pulsating EUCHARISTIC HOST -- The Real Presence of GOD .

The Real Presence of God : That touched a Dead man into Life. The Real Presence of God : That Touched water into wine : The Real presence of God : That Touched the unseeing eyes of the blind man to see again . The Real Presence of God : That calmed a raging sea and drew the whole world to Himself . The Real Presence of God : Here in the Eucharist Burns the FIRE OF LOVE That can melt the hardest hearts and bind the Human race into one GREAT FAMILY AGAIN where all our problems and difficulties will disappear and our hearts will know true Joy And Peace such as this world cannot give. LOVE IN THE HOLY EUCHARIST . And what better day can this great Miracle take place than on the Feast day of a young girl so full of love, Joy , happiness , purity and innocence , that she Yearned to receive Jesus in Holy Communion , and upon receiving The Blessed Eucharist , she breathed forth her pure soul and died of Love and her happy soul was with Jesus in Heaven forever . I know it can be foolish to speculate and give dates of future events but I think also that we must READ THE SIGNS of the Times that God in His Providence gives us and all I ask is that you all read and PRAY and consider and reflect on what you have read . Yours in the Peace of Christ . Philip Illsley. E Mail : Web site :

A Day with Our Lady , Saturday the 12th October 2013 . A Talk by Philip Illsley. Apparitions of the Last Century . : Fatima : Garabandal : Medjugorje :

This Talk Today is about Fatima, Garabandal, and Medjugorje. We want you all to go away from here today fully informed as to what Our Blessed mother has said: To Pass, on the Truth to you all. I want, to thank you All for coming to this Day with Our Lady. I know we have some People here from Southampton, Swindon, Liverpool, and Taunton, as well as Cardiff, Bristol and the South Wales Valleys, You are all Most welcome This Day is all about the Apparitions of our Blessed Lady these last 100 years or so.

At 10.00 am Now I Want to start by Looking At Fatima and Garabandal and this should take us up to about 10.40 am . At 10.40 am . I want to show you the DVD we have called Angles and Demons Revealed This DVD is all about The Masons and the Secret Lluminaiti and how Russia is implemented in controlling the world and the Vatican. This is a very, Powerful DVD This should take us up to about 11.55 am. And at 12.00 We Have Mass. After Mass we will have our Lunch in the hall from 1.00 pm until about 1.45 pm I want to start my second Talk which should be around about 1.45 pm and this is about Medjugorje and the Importance of Keeping our Faith in this world Today where many are loosing their Faith. Our Faith is enriched with Daily Prayer and Prayer is the Key it helps us all to Stay Awake and to be Prepared for whatever comes. Daily Prayer and a Prayerful Life helps,us read the signs of the times. I have a number of Prayers to give you all today at 1.45pm. These Are : 1) A Rule of Life : 6 ways to help us all Keep Our faith. 2) An Act Of Consecration : To The Immaculate Heart Of Mary and other Prayers and intentions which will come to Light as we go

through the Day. At 3.00 pm we start the Rosary and Eucharist Adoration. We look to finish the day at about 4.00PM. This Talk : May upset and shock some of you particularly the DVD Angles and Demons Revealed This is Not Our intention Our intention is for you all To go away Informed as to what Our Blessed Lady has said in Her Messages and To Pass onto you all The Truth.

John Paul 2nd said : That there is a Silent Apostasy in Our Time ! That, is because there is a lack of the Love of Truth. ! The Messages of Fatima were from May13th 1917 till Oct 13th 1917 and Our Lady appeared on the 13th of the Month from May till Oct . 1917. The general Message of Fatima is not complicated its requests are for Prayer,

Reparation, Repentance, and Sacrifice, and the abandonment of Sin our lives. Before Our Lady appeared to the three children: Lucia , Francisco , and Jacinta. The Angel of Peace visited them.

The Angel prepared them to receive the Blessed Virgin and his instructions are an important, aspect of the message that is often overlooked today, The Angel demonstrated to the three children the fervent attentive and composed manner in which we should all Pray ! and the reverence we should all show toward God in daily Prayer. He also showed them the great importance of praying and making sacrifice’s in reparation for the offenses committed against God . In his 3rd and final apparition the Angel gave them Holy Communion and demonstrated the proper way to receive Our Lord in the Eucharist

The children at Fatima first : Jacanta, Francisco, and Lucia. All three children Knelt , they did not stand , to receive Holy Communion and Lucia was given the Host on the tongue and Not in the hand and the Angel shared the Blood of the Chalice between Francisco and Jacanta . This important aspect of Reverence on how to receive the Holy Eucharist is sadly overlooked today. Our Lady stressed the importance of praying the rosary asking the children to pray every day for peace and to sacrifice themselves for Sinners . In order to save them from going to hell, the children were briefly shown a vision of hell and Our Lady said : You have seen Hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them God wishes to establish in the world devotion to ; “ My Immaculate Heart “ She said if people did not stop offending God , He would punish the world severely by means of war, Famine, Persecution of the Church and persecution of the Holy Father .

To prevent these “ Chastisements “ Our Lady gives us the remedy : She would return to ask for the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart and the communion of reparation on the first 5 Saturdays . If Her Requests : Were heeded there would be peace . If Not Russia’s errors would spread throughout the world causing wars and persecutions against the Church, the Holy Father would suffer much and martyrdom of the good and the annihilation of various nations.

Sr Lucia of Fatima In 1929 when Sr Lucia : Questioned Jesus as to why He would Not convert Russia without the solemn public consecration of that nation Specifically . Jesus answered : Because I want My Whole Church to acknowledge that consecration as a TRIUMPH of The Immaculate Heart of Mary , so that it may extend its homage later on and put the devotion

to this Immaculate Heart beside the devotion to My Sacred Heart. Thus we can All See that the conversion of Russia cannot take place Unless and until the Pope and all his bishops consecrate specifically Russia to “The Immaculate Heart Of Mary” . Because God has reserved, this Grace this Very Special Grace to this special act of honour and reparation to the Immaculate heart of Mary.

Image of : The Holy Trinity and Mary and Sr Lucia. In 1929 Sr Lucia had a vision representing The Holy Trinity with the Virgin Mary, Mary said The time has come in which God asks the Holy Father ( The Pope ) in union with all the Bishops of the world to make the consecration of Russia to My immaculate Heart promising to save it by this means. This was a TEST for the leaders of the Church and tragically “ They Have Failed “ Later Popes have made consecrations of Sorts

But None have done it Properly by naming Russia ! And, Only consecrating the world and Not, Russia to The Immaculate Heart Of Mary. History is showing us that Russia will not be converted, and will remain a threat Until the consecration is Achieved. If The Consecration had been done as Our Blessed Lady asked – We would have had Peace in the world and Russia would have been converted . Have we ever had “ Peace “ in This world Is Russia, Converted : The answer to both these questions Is No ! We Have Not had Peace in this world and Russia is Not converted !

Pope John Paul 2nd said : That there is a silent apostasy in our time and that is because there is a lack of the love of Truth. Sacred Scripture tells us : That the Great Apostasy must come before the Antichrist comes . But before you have the Great

Apostasy “You Must have “ the Loss of the Love of Truth !. What does this; Have to do with My Talk Today It Has, everything to do with my talk today Our Lady came to Fatima, and Garabandal and Gave us The Truth ! We have not past The Truth On ! We have; Not Loved the Truth and Passed it On ! There are many Catholics in the world today who have : No Idea about what happened in Fatima and especially Garabandal when I say we have not passed it On ! I’m not talking about you good people here today : I’m Talking about what the Church has done and the Leaders of the Church. Our Blessed Mother Tells us : I am weeping because the Church is continuing along the road of Division, of Loss of Faith. Even now that which I predicted at Fatima, and which I revealed in the 3rd Secret is now in the process Of being accomplished .

Sr Lucia of Fatima.

These warnings and serious messages given at Fatima and Garabandal : They have been largely ignored and basically swept under the carpet by parties within the Catholic Church to whom these messages and events were directed the Cardinals, the Bishops, and the priests They have been prone to ignoring or denying their reality ! Pope John Paul 2nd said : “ Can the Mother of God , who with all the force of love that She fosters in The Holy Spirit “ and who desires everyone’s salvation can She remain silent when She sees the very basis of Her Children’s salvation undermined “ The Pope answers his own question NO She cannot remain Silent !

Many Catholics Today : have either Lost their Faith or Their Faith hangs by a thread Because of the Lack of the Love for the Truth The Key for us all today is to keep our Faith To defend our Faith we must all Love our Faith because our Faith the one true Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Faith was founded By Christ, And this is what we Must all strive to Keep!

I think That the Fatima Message which calls for the Consecration of Russia, and for the release of the full Third secret of Fatima Is to seek the Truth and to insist upon the Truth. The More we Love Our Lady the more we; Will Love the Truth ! Everyone of the modern day Popes have discerned and judged and recognized that the Fatima message and prophecy are indeed from God . Thus establishing, the obligation to obey Our Lady and to fulfil the demands she Made at Fatima. So Why do they Make her await the fulfilment of the Mother of God’s Request, to Consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart . Nearly, a Century has passed : and, it still has not been done as Our Blessed Lady Requested. Why, do they make her wait, When it is She who holds in Her hands the Power to Save, the whole world. Much has been written about The threats that hang over the whole world; as long as Our Lady’s Fatima Message Remains Un – Fulfilled . Russia will spread her errors throughout the world fomenting wars and persecutions of the Church the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer and various

nations will be annihilated. These are “The Fatima Warnings “ and they can fill the mind with the most frightening images of what the world will experience if it does Not obey Our Lady. In The End she said: My Immaculate Heart will Triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me and it will be converted and a period of peace will be given to the world.

Antonio Ruffini : The Italian Stigmatist Antonio Ruffini: A Lay person who had the Stigmata: This saintly Man who from an early age prayed with his Heart . He had a first vision of Jesus and Mary when he was 17 years old . He went to Africa as a Lay missionary and he was known In Africa as The Healer .He had the stigmata in his hands for over 40 years. And in 1990 in his home he was asked Is John PauI 2nd The Pope who is going to Consecrate Russia. He Said : No Its Not John Paul 2nd It will Not be his immediate successor either . But the

one after That --- He is the one who will Consecrate Russia. This is our present Pope Francis 1st – He is the One who will consecrate Russia to The Immaculate Heart of Mary .

All of us Must Pray : That Pope Francis 1st is indeed the Pope who will consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart Of Mary. Many people today Do Not believe that the True Version of the 3rd secret of Fatima Has been released . Bishop Joao Vencancio 1904 –1985 of Leira Portugal, He is the bishop who handed over the famous Third secret of Fatima to the Papal Legate in 1957. Bishop Venancio said That Garabandal was the continuation of Fatima. He described the Third Secret of Fatima as 20 to 24 lines handwritten on a single sheet of paper. The Vatican’s disclosure of The Third Secret of Fatima in the year 2000. This was Taken from 4 sheets of paper Not one sheet creating Much mystery !

It Seems, there were two versions or two separate versions, two separate parts of the secret. One was kept in a special office adjoining the Vatican. The other single sheet was kept in a desk in the popes bedroom . We do have some idea of what is in: The third secret That has Not been released : The First Attack : is on our Faith on our souls – The attack on the dogma of the faith. The Second Attack : is on the Catholic Priesthood including the Bishops and priests. This Dire Outline has been amplified by the testimony of individuals who have read the suppressed “ TEXT” of the 3rd secret and who had access to Sr Lucia and her writings . How do we Know This -- Well we can thank Pope John Paul 2nd Again for that explanation .

John Paul 2nd and Our Lady of Fatima.

He Tells Us : quite openly on May 13th 2000 . That the Fatima Message and secrets : Are addressed to all Mankind. Not to follow the third of the stars that are dragged down by the tail of the Dragon to the earth. This is all about : The BOOK of revelation The Woman and the Dragon ( revelation 12 ) The first sign in Revelation is that of The Woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars. Our Lady says : I am the woman clothed with the sun who has the Task of fighting against the Red dragon Satan and his powerful army .

The second sign in revelation : is that of the Red dragon Satan and today this represents the Tribulation of Communism Led By Russia foretold by Our Lady at Garabandal .

Our Lady says : Russia, It seeks to destroy the work of The Son of God which is the Catholic Church by spreading error and infidelity in her like a cancer. The 2nd Sign of revelation : was a huge red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and on its head were seven diadems and its “ TAIL dragged a third of the stars to the earth” . (revelation 12.3 ) Many People Today Believe THIS is the third secret of Fatima That has Not been released . Pope John Paul 2nd tell us : Not to follow : The third of the Stars from heaven who are dragged by the dragons tail to the earth. Because; The Stars of Heaven who are the Catholic clergy and one third of them are at the service of the Devil. John Paul 2nd Tell us all; that this is a warning to people of this generation to take that verse to heart because it applies “ To Our Time “ This is Why This : “ The True “ 3rd secret has not been released ! We Know the attack is on our Faith and on our souls, Therefore Our Souls Eternal Salvation depends on us all “ Keeping “ Our one true Faith The Holy Roman Catholic Faith founded by Jesus Christ. I would like to “ Outline “ for you all today A Rule of Life that will help us all Keep our Faith SIX Ways to Keep our Faith !

1) Our Faith is Enriched : by Daily Prayer

So Invoke constantly the assistance of God in your daily prayers if you wish to vanquish and overcome all the difficulties which present themselves to you in Life and which come between Him and you. Always, direct to Him Your thoughts Your actions Your Words, so that all is in conformity with His Holy and Divine Will.

2) Watch Over Yourself ; Over your mind Your Heart, Your tongue , so that nothing takes place in your life that is not pleasing to God.

3) Sanctify Your Life; Go to the sacraments

of the Church as often as you can The

Holy Mass, Confession , and Eucharist Devotions offering all of this to the glory of God and for the good of everyone .

4) Respect Everyone ; Judge no one , not one of is authorised to Judge others . If you want Him who must judge you to be indulgent towards you at your judgment.

5) Be Just With Everyone ; By giving each

one what is his due. Love truth and justice, gifts which make you dear to God and men.

6) Accomplish Your Daily Duties ; With Joy

fidelity and love uniting yourself to God who dwells in You. Here briefly is a Rule of Life SIX important things which will help us all simplify our problems and life and we will be a good example for all; and we will all reach Holiness so much desired by God and keep our Faith !!

Also Love Our blessed mother Very much She is the Queen Of Victories; He who entrusts himself to her does Not Perish ! To Love Her is to imitate Her To understand Her and to make Her Known and Loved .

The Father is the KEY to Her TRIUMPH ! God the Father Cannot Say No to MARY . The Moment Our Blessed Mother Pleads with The Father ! Father Please Bring Your Children Home God the Father will act and He will set in Motion : The TRIUMPH of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ! It Is Vital Today my friends; That each and everyone of us “ PRAY “ for these 3 Very special Intentions. Every Day without Fail

1) We All Need ; To pray for Our Holy Father Pope Francis 1st That filled with Gods Holy Spirit he and all his Bishops will renew the

Church. That He and all his Bishops will consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary , as She Specified at Fatima.

2) We Need To; Pray for all Our Blessed Lady’s Intentions And That all of Her Plans will come to Fruition .

3) We Need to; Pray for all Our Priest’s and We Must always remember that Our Priests are Sacred and are priests forever and all of them have been chosen by Jesus Himself. SAY This Prayer Daily ; In Trust Jesus and in Love I offer My daily life to You as my daily sacrifice of Prayer for all your priests . But especially for all the priest’s who are not living up to the ministry they have received Bless them all Lord and all Your priests Use me to help them and love them Lord in Any good way I can . Be near them Now and always Blessed Trinity – Amen.

Mother Mary Queen of Priests Pray for them . When we see our Parish Priest ; We should all say This . There is the One who has made me a Child of God, The One who has cleansed me from My

Sins, The One who gives me nourishment for my immortal soul; Our Priests are under Massive attack from the Evil one Today ; – pray for them – Help them—support them – Love Them !

At Fatima Mary : Spoke about Russia and Communism and all the Evil that would ensure . She said that Russia would be the instrument of Chastisement chosen by Heaven to punish the whole world.

She also gave us the remedies for preventing this Horrendous Evil ; But these remedies Have failed to be administered sufficiently and properly within the Church and the world. At Garabandal : She spoke many times about communism : That it would come back that it would be led by Russia and cause a very great Tribulation and that Russia would gain Dominion of the whole world. To speak of

Communism coming back today seems almost “ Laughable “ To most people, Communism is a thing of the Past They say ! “ Not ” According to What Our Blessed Mother has Told the Visionaries at Garabandal :

Our Lady Said : Communism Would Come Back !!! There Her Words ! Communism would Come Back ! .. Communism will again be a force to be reckoned with: In One final attempt at world domination.

It Seems, also that : Very little consideration has also been given to the fact that an: Evil Force Has deliberately infiltrated the Church with the intent of destroying IT !

When, The Church : Suffers confusion it’s the people who are going to suffer. And Priests who are Communists will Create such confusion the people will Not know right from wrong ! . Fr Walter Ciszek S.J. : A Priest who spent 15 years in Soviet prisons and in Siberian Labour camps in his book ( With God in Russia)

He talks at great length how the communists tried to “ Recruit Him “ promising him all kinds of benefits if he would work as: “Their ” agent in the Church and join their Network that was already in Place ! .

In Late December 2014 whilst I am up dating this Talk , I am reading about the recent Synod at the Vatican : At which Pope Francis was attempting to “ Change the Direction of the Church and some of its Outdated Policy “ He has “ Met “ with some astonishing opposition from Cardinals “ Who “ praised President Vladimir Putin the Russian Leader for championing “ Family Values “ . What “ A Massive Job “ Pope Francis 1st has on his hands and what sort of state the Vatican is in when you have Princes of the Church “ Backing President Putin an Ex KGB soviet secret service officer who has just “ Taken Over “ the Crimea and is trying to do the same in the Ukraine. Fr Walter Ciszerk S.J. Is “ Right “ when he says The Soviet Network is already in Place in the Vatican and in The Church “ These Cardinals “ are “ Proof “ of what is Happening Now within the Church . WHAT Did John Paul 2nd Tell Us : Not to follow the third of the stars of Heaven that are dragged down by the tail of the dragon .

The Stars of Heaven : Who are Catholic clergy and one Third of them are at the service of the Devil ! . POPE John Paul 2nd Tell us : To Take this verse to Heart : Because It Applies to Our Time ! . THE GREAT TRIBULATION of Communism Led by Russia : THIS is the 1st Prophecy of Our lady of Garabandal : Who appeared there as Our Lady of Mount Carmel with the Brown Scapular

The Visionaries at Garabandal : 4 young Peasant girls at the time in 1962. They were shown a Very difficult brief period of time in Europe . Quickly it would seem that Communism would overrun Parts of Europe The Great Tribulation of

Communism Led By Russia. Italy France and Spain would be Over- run ! . There would be persecution of the Church and the Holy Father would have to Flee Rome. Our Lady said : The Pope would visit Russia . On His return All Hell would be let loose !.

A KEY MARKER for us all is this : When the Pope Visits Moscow . “ THIS “ is the start of the persecution and The Great Tribulation No Pope has ever visited Moscow this has never happened in the history of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. And when the Pope returns to the Vatican after a visit to Moscow : Hostilities will break out in Europe ! Hostilities signalling a Communist persecution against the church . Russian Prime Minister Medvedev had a private audience with Benedict 16th in Feb 2011 after Russia and the Vatican established full diplomatic ties. LOOK OUT : If Pope Francis goes to Moscow ! This is a Sign for us all to look out for.

The Second Prophecy of Our Lady of Garabandal is this; The Great UNIVERSAL WARNING ! Otherwise known as the Illumination of all of our Conscience’s . “ This Stops “ The Communist Tribulation and corrects the conscience of the world. Our Lady of Mount Carmel of Garabandal : Assures us that this Great Universal Warning will bring to every single person over the age of seven A Truly Mega Gift from Heaven . This Mega Grace will take the form of a Brilliant Illumination of all of our Conscience’s . This will enable everyone of the 8 to 9 Billion people On this earth to see our sinful selves as we stand before God !. It will be Pentecost 2 !! A Purification and the revelation of all of our sins . And after this we can expect a large scale return to God and his Church Then within 12 Months of this Great Universal Warning : Will come the 3rd Prophecy of Our lady THE GREATEST MIRACLE of All TIME !

We Know that ; The Greatest Miracle of all time will take place above the pines at Garabandal At 8.30 pm on a Thursday Between the 8th and the 16th of March, April, or May . Only Those in Garabandal : At this time will witness the Great Miracle . And Our Lady told Conchita that the sick who are in Garabandal at this time will be cured and the un believers will believe. Conchita, Knows the date and will release this date to the world 8 day before it happens. Connected with the Great Miracle and which is due to follow after it : Is The Permanent Sign Which will appear above the pines at Garabandal and remain there until the end of the world. Our Blessed Lady : Has also told the Visionaries at Medjugorje that when the apparitions finish there Not Only will she Not come to this earth again But she will also leave The Permanent Sign on the hill of apparitions so all will believe. If MANKIND does not change and RETURN to GOD ! After, the Great Universal Warning and The Great Miracle . Then God Will Send ; THE CHASTISEMENT of FIRE ! This conditional Chastisement will be: To Punish our sinful and ungrateful world , But only if Mankind : responds inadequately to The great graces flowing from the Warning and The Miracle.

From Philip Illsley ; 18th Dec 2014

WITH THE RUSSIAN ROUBLE IN MELTDOWN !! AND PANIC IN MOSCOW . Could THIS be THE START of The 1st TRIAL for all of Mankind foretold by Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Garabandal 53 Years Ago .

The TRIBULATION of Communism led By Russia

Mr Putin The Russian Leader . This Crisis with the Rouble in Russia could just be the kind of excuse Mr Putin has been waiting for; to escalate the conflict in Ukraine. Will he Try to distract the population in Russia with another, Military adventure . He knows this will increase global tension – This Tension always, leads to Increases in Oil Prices so

essential to the Russian Economy which is now in Free Fall and economic collapse threatens Russia.

For Russia’s nervous neighbours there is a very Real belief That He will Lash Out ! Just Look at this map .

Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Poland, Then Italy France and Spain : Then all of Europe come into being . Our Lady Told the Visionaries at Garabandal Communism would again appear and cause great suffering before its reign of terror would suddenly end. Our Lady describes the expansion of Communism as a Punishment resulting from the sins of Men. The visionaries were shown a brief and difficult period of Time in Europe. Suddenly it would seem that Italy France and Spain : Would be overrun by Communism . There would be persecution of the Church, the Holy Father would have to flee

Rome. Prior to this the Pope will visit Moscow, when he returns all hell would be let loose. The Tribulation would be an awesome time for the Church and priests would be in Hiding ! NEWSFLASH ; Jan 2015 The Former Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev he warned recently in Russia ; That Armageddon threatens Unless relations between America , Europe , and Russia Improves . Mr Gorbachev said ; The EU must end the NEW Cold War Triggered by the Ukraine crisis. He said : Diplomats from East & West Seemed to be prepared for confrontation which we may not “ Survive” . It is time to STOP ! When Nuclear Giants like the ; USA and Russia they carry a “ Special Responsibility “ and when they walk away from it, The whole world sees terrible consequences Saint Pio ; He had a great relationship with Conchita Gonzales ; The visionary from Garabandal, They exchanged letters in one letter: St Pio, told her They do not believe in your conversations with the Lady in white . They will believe when its to Late ! He went on to say That The Great Miracle of Garabandal to come would be Paid For by Oceans of Blood Europeans Blood ; and what he is referring to hear when he say’s Oceans of Blood Europeans Blood is The Tribulation of Communism led by Russia.

We Must be Prayerful My Friends : Pray to the HOLY SPIRIT to guide us and illuminate us.

We All of Us Need to say this prayer to the Holy Spirit : Come Holy Spirit , Creator Come Prayer This prayer to be said , For all the poor sinners of this world, who are far from God, and all who do not believe God Exists, That they will all return to their Fathers House before The Coming Tribulation, The Warning, The Miracle, and the possible Chastisement.: Foretold by Our blessed Lady the Queen of prophets at Garabandal in Spain in 1961 to 1965 .

Come Holy Spirit as you came to the apostles, open our minds to see the hidden things of God, send love our hearts like a flame of fire, that our lives maybe changed by the power of your Spirit to do God’s work on earth and bring many souls with us to Heaven. Holy Spirit inspire us, love of God consume us, along the right path guide us, Mary our Mother look down upon us , with Jesus Bless us, from all harm, all

illusion, all danger, all evil, preserve us. Fill us now O Lord with the Gift of Your Holy Spirit, to carry, Your most Holy word to sinners, who we must help to save in Your name. Help us to cover them in our prayers with Your Precious Blood , so that they can all be drawn back to Your Sacred Heart , give us the Gift of Your Holy Spirit, so all these poor souls can all return to their Fathers House before the coming Tribulation, the Warning, the Miracle, and the possible Chastisement . Amen Fiat. Our Blessed lady call us Daily to pray to the Holy Spirit , To illuminate us and to guide us we have all been given Powerful weapons from Heaven to Defeat Satan and all his evil , But we must use them .

Because as Our Mother Keep’s telling us. Without ; Your Prayers I can do Nothing ! Jesus, and Mary Save Souls. !!

WHO DO WE WANT To REIGN in This world Today ; --- The Queen of Heaven --- Or The Prince of Darkness.

THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN DAILY PRAYER is the way to defeat SATAN And all his evil ; But Divine Will Prayer.

THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN – Mary Our Mother She assures us all at Medjugorje; THAT This Century ; IS THE CENTURY of SATAN – It is the Prince of Darkness who reigns . But she also tells us a Medjugorje that when the secrets given to the visionaries come about HIS POWER WILL BE DESTROYED ; He is losing his power and this is WHY She keeps calling all her children TO DAILY PRAYER . God is Calling all of us today to LIVE according to His DIVINE WILL ; THIS is God’s greatest GIFT to us all to pray in THE DIVINE WILL and never in the course of human history has Jesus and His Blessed mother needed ; PRAYER WARRIORS --- DIVINE WILL --- PRAYER WARRIORS whose prayer takes on INFINITE Value and POWER because it is Jesus and all of Heaven who are praying with us . Remember Jesus said ; a single act of this Prayer in the Divine Will ; is worth more than a lifetime of prayer in the human will. This prayer in The Divine Will ; will bring many souls back to Jesus and His Eternal Father. This prayer is VITAL Today with so many people far from God and the Tribulation looming . John Paul 2nd said ; We cannot stop the Tribulation ; But we can lessen it by prayer And there is no more powerful prayer than praying in The Divine Will : and this is what I

want to show you all : How to Pray in the Divine Will. HOW TO PRAY IN THE DIVINE WILL

A short DAILY EXERCISE of Prayer in the Divine will ; To become an Luminous Point upon the earth and a citizen of heaven. START; It is Jesus who wants to pray and I pray together with Him in an act in the divine Will . In the name of the Father who created me and made me His Son In the name of the Son who redeemed me and made me His brother In the name of the Holy spirit who Sanctified me and made me His Temple Amen . Lord Jesus entered inside you taking that which I find in you transformed in you making

myself one with you I desire to say this exercise of prayer in the Divine Will ( Add in here whatever it is you want to pray ; The Rosary, The Chaplet, The seven sorrows Rosary, Whatever it is you want to pray ) I desire to say this exercise of prayer in the Divine Will with all of my intentions and in the name of everyone to diffuse it in all creatures as at a single point in an act in the Divine Will bilocated main actor in my soul . AMEN Fiat. My friends ; you have now completed this exercise of prayer in the Divine Will you are a prayer warrior of Jesus and Mary; Remember what Jesus said; My Will is the Sanctity of Sanctities ; therefore the soul that does My will according to the perfection that I teach you no matter how little, unknown or ignorant she may be ; She will surpass all the saints, despite their prodigies striking conversions and miracles. Be a prayer warrior of Jesus and Mary ; at a TIME when many people are far from God , so that Peace may reign in all hearts , in all families, in all countries ; THE PEACE of CHRIST ; The world cannot give . Philip Illsley .

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