taller de redacción inglesa

Post on 08-Dec-2015






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ingles escritura y redaccion


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Finding the Ideal JobOVERVIEW

Theme: Work.

Prewriting: Listing.

Organizing: Understanding paragraphs and topic sentences.

Revising: Supporting the topic sentence.

Using adjectives to give more detail.

Editing: Formatting a paragraph.


In this unit, you read about people who are working in their ideal jobs. What is

your ideal job? The assignment for this unit is to write a paragraph describing

your ideal job. You will write about why the job is ideal for you.

It often helps to make a list of your ideas before you begin to write. When you make a list, it is not necessary to write complete sentences.

Imagine you want to be a teacher. What are some reasons this may be an ideal job for you? Think about your skills, the job setting and the job rewards. Look at the list of reasons below. Add some of your own ideas.



1 Prewriting



Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Ideal JobTeacher

ReasonsLike childrenLike to work in a schoolCreativeFriendly co-workersInteresting workLike to help othersPatientHelpfulConvenient scheduleOther reasons: ___________________________



Think about your ideal job. Why would you like that job? Think about your skills, the job setting and job rewards. Make a list of all the reasons you can think of. It is not necessary to use complete sentences.

A paragraph is a group of sentences about one topic.

The first sentence is the topic sentence. It states the main idea of the paragraph. For this assignment, the topic sentence will give the name of the writer’s ideal job.

The other sentences are supporting sentences. They explain the main idea with specific details and examples. For this assignment, the supporting sentences will give reasons why the writer likes his or her ideal job.



2 Organizing


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Read the example paragraph and complete the tasks below.

1. Circle the topic sentence. What is the writer’s ideal job?

2. Underline the supporting sentences. What three reasons does the writer give for liking the job?

Read the paragraph and choose the best topic sentence from the list below. Write the sentence on the line. Remember that the topic sentence must give the name of the writer’s ideal job.

Topic SentencesSometimes I imagine I’m a veterinarian.I would like a job working with animals.A veterinarian helps people and animals feel better.


Use the information from the previous sections to write the first draft of your paragraph.



I would like to be a mountain climbing guide. I like this job for

several reasons. First of all, mountain climbing is very exciting. Mountain

climbing guides get to climb tall, dangerous mountains. Second, I enjoy

working outside. I like the fresh air much better than I like stuffy office.

Finally, I like to meet interesting people. Mountain climbing guides travel

to many different parts of the world and meet other adventurous people.


There are many reasons why I like this job. First, I like animals. Animals bring a lot of joy to our lives, but they do not ask for a lot in return. I also enjoy helping animals and their owners feel better. Pet owners are happy when their pets are well. Finally, veterinarians get to work with other people who like animals. They can even bring their pets to work!

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Begin your paragraph with a topic sentence, such as “Sometimes I imagine that I am a(n)…” or “I would like to be a(n)…”

Look at the list you wrote for Exercise 2 on page 2. Choose the three most important reasons you listed. Write a complete sentence for each reason.

Don’t worry too much about grammar. Just try to make your ideas clear.



When you finish your first draft, exchange papers with another student. Read your partner’s first draft and answer the questions below. Then discuss your answers with your partner.

Does the paragraph begin with a topic sentence?

Does the paragraph include at least three reasons why the writer likes his or her ideal job?

Are there any words or sentences that you don’t understand? Circle those parts that the writer should explain more clearly.

Discuss your partner’s reaction to your paragraph. Make a note of any parts you need to revise.

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa


The supporting sentences in your paragraph should all relate to the main idea. They should all support the topic sentence.

Read the paragraph. Cross out the sentences that don’t support the main idea.

Look at your first draft. Cross out sentences that don’t support the main idea. If necessary, write new sentences that support the main idea.


Descriptive adjectives give detail to your writing. They make your ideas clear to the reader.

Read the sentences. Underline the descriptive adjectives.

1. Good teachers are creative.

2. They teach interesting classes.

3. They are also patient and caring.

Write two or three sentences about people in the following professions. Use the descriptive adjectives below or think of other adjectives. When you have finished, share your sentences with the class.



3 Revising



Sometimes I imagine that I am a teacher. I like this job for several reasons. First, I love children. I like to help children learn and grow. Sometimes children are difficult to work with because they don’t always listen and follow directions. Second, teaching is a creative job. Artists are creative too, so I would also like to be an artist. Finally, the schedule is convenient for me. But I don’t like the salary, because teachers don’t make very much money.





Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Artists Corporate CEO’sComputer Programmers Athletes

Descriptive AdjectivesBusy Rich IntelligentYoung Famous Well-educatedStrong Motivated InterestingPowerful Patient SuccessfulCreative Hardworking Independent

Look at your first draft. Did you use any descriptive adjectives? Add adjectives if they will help make your meaning clear.


Now you are ready to write your second draft. Look at all your notes from the previous sections to help you revise.

Include sentences that support the main idea. Add detail with descriptive adjectives to make your ideas clear to

the reader.

Look at the paragraph below. Read the rules for formatting a paragraph.



4 Editing


Leave a 1-inch (2,5-cm) margin on the right side.

My Ideal Job

I would like to be a mountain

climbing guide. I like this job for

several reasons. First of all,

mountain climbing is very exciting.

Mountain climbing guides get to

climb tall, dangerous mountains.

Second, I enjoy working outside. I

like the fresh air much better than I

like stuffy office. Finally, I like to

meet interesting people. Mountain

climbing guides travel to many

different parts of the world and meet

other adventurous people.

Write the title in the middle of the top line.

Begin each sentence after the previous sentence. Don’t start each sentence on a new line.

Write on every other line. Leave a blank between each line of writing.

Indent the first line of each paragraph.

Leave a 1-inch (2,5-cm) margin on the left side.

Begin each sentence with a capital letter.

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Country Life vs. City LifeOVERVIEW

Theme: The country and the city.

Prewriting: Using pictures.

Organizing: Grouping details.

Revising: Adding supporting details.

Writing about past events.

Editing: Using comas and periods.




Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

In this unit, you read about farm life versus city life. Have you ever been to a

farm or another area in the country? Did you enjoy it? Or do you prefer the city?

The assignment for this unit is to write a paragraph describing a farm, nature

area, or city you have visited. You will write about what this farm, nature area, or

city looked like, what you did there; and how you felt about the place.

Drawing a picture of a place can help you remember details.

Look at the picture. What kind of nature area is this? Is it in the country, in a city, in the suburbs, or on a farm? What do you see in the picture?


1 Prewriting



Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Work with a partner. Write the adjectives beside the things they describe. Then add some adjectives of your own.

AdjectivesActive Happy Large

Green Tall Relaxed

Popular Modern

Things in the pictureLake ____________________ People _____________________

Park ____________________ Trees _____________________

Buildings _________________ Animals ____________________

Think on a farm, nature area, or city that you have visited. The nature area can be a large place, such as a wildlife park or mountain, or it can be a small place, such as a city park or backyard garden. On a separate piece of paper, draw a picture of the place. Don’t worry about how good your drawing is. Just try to draw as many details as you can.

Look at your picture and, on a separate piece of paper, make a list of the things you see. Then write adjectives to describe them.






2 Organizing


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

When you describe a place, you should group similar details together. You can arrange the information in your paragraph into four parts:


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Where you went What you did there What you saw How you felt

Imagine you recently visited the park shown on page 8. Call it West Park. Use the words and phrases below to describe your visit. Write each word or phrase in the correct place in the chart.

The lake People walking and jogging

Happy Ducks and geese

People riding bikes Looked around

Buildings People fishing

Boats Relaxed

Walked People in-line skating

Jogged Squirrels

People boating Rode my bike

Where you went West Park

What you did there

What you saw

How you felt

Now look at your own picture and the lists you made in Exercise 4 on page 8. Draw a chart like the one above on a separate piece of paper. Fill in the chart with the information about the place.


Use the information from the previous sections to write the first draft of your paragraph.

Start you paragraph with a topic sentence. Include the name and location of the place you are describing. Begin the sentence: “Last (week, month, year) I went to…”




Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Group similar details together: what you did, what you saw, how you felt.

Use adjectives for description.

End your paragraph with a sentence like: “For all these reasons, I enjoyed going to…”

Don’t worry too much about grammar. Just try to make your ideas clear.




When you finish your first draft, exchange papers with another student. Read your partner’s first draft and answer the questions below. Then discuss your answers with your partner.

Does the paragraph give the name and location of the place your partner visited?

Does the paragraph tell what the writer did, saw and felt?

Does the writer use adjectives to describe the place? Underline anything the writer can describe with the adjectives.

Discuss your partner’s reaction to your paragraph. Make a note of any parts you need to revise.

3 Revising


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Details help the reader see a clear picture of the place you are describing. You can add supporting details by telling exactly where people and things are located, what they are doing, and what they look like.

Look at the topic sentences below. Check (√) the three details that best support the main idea.

a. Yesterday I went to a beautiful lake in our town.

_____ Sometimes I rent a boat at the boathouse there.

_____ There are lots of ducks living on the lake.

_____ There are trails around the lake for walking and jogging.

_____ I don’t have a lot of time to visit the lake.

b. I enjoyed going to my parents’ home in the mountains.

_____ I always felt very relaxed there.

_____ I enjoyed shopping at the mall.

_____ The mountains were so quiet, and life seemed so slow.

_____ The fresh air made me feel healthy.

c. The city park is a wonderful place to visit.

_____ You can see many beautiful flowers and trees.

_____ The birds are always a pleasure to watch.

_____ The park was built in 1962.

_____ It’s fun to watch people walking, jogging, or riding their


Look at your first draft. Underline some places where you could add more supporting details. Write some new sentences to add to your paragraph.


In your paragraph, you are describing what you did and saw in the past. To describe an event in the past, you need to use the simple past tense.

Complete the paragraph, using the simple past form of the verbs.






Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Last summer, I visited my cousin’s farm in Montana. I __________

(1.Stay) with my cousin’s family in their house. It’s a beautiful old

farmhouse. During the day, we __________ (2.Help) my uncle work on

the farm. We __________ (3.Feed) the animals and __________

(4.Water) the vegetables. In the afternoons, we __________ (5.Take)

the horses out for a ride. We __________ (6.Ride) through the

mountains near their farm. From the top of the mountain, we ________

(7.See) the farm. I live in the city, so visiting the farm __________

(8.Be) different for me. It was a lot of hard work, but it was fun too. I

__________ (9.Feel) very tired at the end of every day, but I was happy

to work so hard. I love farm work. I think I could really get used to life on

a farm.

Look at your first draft. Did you use the simple past tense to describe events that happened in the past? Underline the verbs and make sure you used the correct form.


Now you are ready to write your second draft. Look at all your notes from the previous sections to help you revise.

Add supporting details about the place you visited.

Use the simple past tense to describe past events.

Use commas to separate items in a list.

I like to go hiking, swimming, and bird-watching.

Use a period at the end of a sentence.

There are many reasons why I enjoy going to the mountains.

Read the paragraph. Write the correct punctuation in each space. Use commas and periods.



4 Editing



Last Saturday, I went to a park in my neighborhood_____ It was a

beautiful day_____ The park was very crowded. It was full of children_____

adults_____ and dogs_____ My friend and I rode our bikes to the park_____

played some Frisbee_____ and had a picnic lunch_____ Then we went

home_____ It was a fun afternoon.

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Look at your second draft and edit the punctuation. Do you see commas and periods in the correct places?


Carefully edit your second draft. Use the checklist below as a guide. Then neatly write or type your paragraph with the corrections.



Do you include the name and location of the area you visited?

Do you group the details according to where you went, what you did there, what you saw, and how you felt?

Do you use the adjectives and supporting details?

Do you use the simple past tense to describe past events?

Do you use commas and periods correctly?


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

The Winter BluesOVERVIEW

Theme: Health.

Prewriting: Describing pictures.

Organizing: Describing a process.

Revising: Adding descriptive details using nouns and adjectives.

Using should and shouldn’t for advice.

Editing: Punctuating direct speech.




Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

In this unit, you read about SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and different

ways to treat it. What are some other ways to treat health problems? The

assignment for this unit is to think of another health problem and invent your own

health product to treat it. You will draw a picture of the product and write an

advertisement describing it and telling how to use it.

Drawing pictures can help you think of details about your health product and how to use it.

Work with a partner. Look at the pictures and answer these questions.

1. What is the man doing in each picture?2. How does he feel?3. What is the health treatment he’s using?4. How do you think it works?


1 Prewriting



Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Look at the pictures again. Write the descriptions from the box on the correct lines.

The man’s problem: ________________________________________

Product name: ____________________________________________

What the product does: _____________________________________

What it’s made of: _________________________________________

What it’s like (description): ___________________________________

How you use it: ___________________________________________

Comment from a happy customer: ____________________________

Answer the following questions and draw some pictures to help you think of details about your own product. Don’t worry about how good your drawings are. Just try to include the information you need.

1. On a separate sheet of paper, draw a picture of a person who needs

this product.

2. What health problem does your product treat?_________________



It tastes sweet and delicious; it smells like oranges and lemons.

All natural tea and herbs.

“It’s terrific. It really works! I lost weight and now I feel great!”Put it in boiling water. Drink it two times a day until you lose all

the weight you want.

Thin fast Diet Tea.

He’s overweight.

It helps you to lose weight, even when you eat a lot.


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

3. What’s the name of the product? ___________________________

4. What does it do? _______________________________________

5. Describe your product. What does it look, smell, taste, or feel like?

What is it made of? ________________________________


6. How do you use the product? _____________________________


7. What does the customer think about the product? _____________


8. On a separate sheet of paper, draw a picture of a person using the


In your ad, you will need to explain the process of using your product. When you describe a process, you describe things in time order – what to do first, second, third, and so on.

Read the following sentences. Number the sentences in the correct order, from 1 to 4.

_____ Thin-Fast is fast and easy to use.

_____ Continue to drink Thin-Fast until you lose all the weight you want. In the end, you’ll look and feel great.

_____ First, boil some water.

_____ Then put the Thin-Fast Diet Tea in the water for five minutes.

Now write sentences to explain how to use your product. Write the process in the correct order.

1. _____________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________


2 Organizing




Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

4. _____________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________


Use the information from the previous sections to write the first draft of your ad. In the first paragraph:

Give the name of the health product and explain what it can do.

Describe the health product. What does it look, smell, taste, or feel


In the second paragraph:

Explain how to use the health product.

Give a comment from a happy customer.




When you finish your draft, exchange papers with another student. Read your partner’s first draft and answer the questions below. Then discuss your answers with your partner.

Does the writer give the name of the product and describe it? Is there any more information you would like to know about the product?

Does the writer explain how to use the product? Are there any steps missing? Are all the steps clear? If not underline the part that are not clear.

Does the writer include a comment from a customer?

Is the ad convincing? (Does it make you want to buy the product? If not, what could the writer say to make the ad more convincing?

Discuss your partner’s reaction to your paragraph. Make a note of any parts you need to revise.

3 Revising


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Details about the color, size, shape, smell, taste, and feel of your health product are important. Here are some ways you can talk about these descriptive details:


It smells delicious. It smells like lemons.It tastes delicious. It tastes like lemons.

Use the adjectives and nouns below to write descriptive sentences with is, looks, smells, tastes, and feels.

ExampleSoft and smooth __It feels soft and smooth______________________

1. Chocolate _____________________________________________

2. Fast and easy to use ____________________________________

3. Spring flowers _________________________________________

4. A tiny pill ______________________________________________

5. Convenient ____________________________________________

6. Terrific _______________________________________________

Look at the first draft of your ad. Where appropriate, add descriptive details with nouns and adjectives.


In your ad, you need to give advice about using your health product. To give advice, use should and shouldn’t.




It smells adjective





It smells + like + noun






Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Read the ad for Thin-Fast Diet Tea. Rewrite the underlined sentences using should or shouldn’t.

1. _____________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________

Look at the first draft of your ad. Did you use should and shouldn’t to give advice? Underline some sentences where you can use should and shouldn’t and write some new sentences to put in your ad.


Now you are ready to write your second draft. Look at your notes from the previous sections to help you revise. Use nouns and adjectives to describe your health product in detail. Use should and shouldn’t to give advice about using your health




Thin-Fast Diet Tea is a fantastic new weight-loss product. It helps you to lose weight quickly. It’s made of all-natural herbs and plants, so it’s safe to use. It smells like lemons and oranges, and it tastes sweet and delicious.

Thin-Fast is fast and easy to use. First, boil some water. Then put the Thing-Fast Diet Tea in the water for five minutes. (1) Drink Thin-Fast twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. (2) Continue to drink Thin-Fast every day until you lose all the weight you want. In the end, you’ll look and feel great. This happy customer says “Thin-Fast is terrific! It really works! I lost 65 pounds in only three months. Now I feel thin, happy, and full of energy. (3) Don’t spend another day dieting and exercising. You can eat all the food you want and still lose weight with Thin-Fast. (4) Buy some today!”


4 Editing



Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Read the following sentences and correct the punctuation errors for direct speech.

1. One customer said “Thin-Fast changed my life!”

2. I feel happy and full of energy, Mary Ann said.

3. Customers who use Thin-Fast say, “It’s terrific!” “It really works!”

4. I asked “What do you think of Think-Fast?”

Look at the quote from a happy customer in your second draft. Correct any errors in using direct speech.


Carefully edit your second draft. Use the checklist below as a guide. Then neatly write or type your ad with the corrections.



Do you give the name of the health product and explain what it can do?

Do you use nouns and adjectives to describe the health product?

Do you explain how to use the health product?

Do you include a comment from a happy customer and use direct speech correctly?

Do you use should and shouldn’t to give advice about using your health product?


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Describing Processes



Look at the pictures from a Tropicana® plant. Then number the steps below in the correct order.



1 Getting Started



Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

____ a. Then the juice is put into containers.

____ b. When the fruit is received at our plant, it is washed and sorted.

____ c. Next, the oranges are put into machines that remove the juice.

____ d. Finally, our juice is distributed all over the world.

Listen and check your answers.

Describe four steps in the hiring process. Combine the words in the box and describe the steps.

ExampleFirst, the job position is advertised.

Read the article.



First… the top candidates are reviewed.

Next… the best person is advertised.

Then… the job position is offered the job.

Finally… the résumés are interviewed.

2 Reading


1BusinessCulture T

he Internet is changing the way business is done worldwide. Everyone

from property developers in Hong Kong to banks in Argentina is doing business online. In business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce, companies use the Internet to conduct business with each other. This offers tremendous opportunities for all types of business.

For smaller manufacturers and exporters, the Internet is an equalizer. It allows them to compete with much bigger business for buyers anywhere in the world, just for the cost of setting up and maintaining a website.

Today, most banks provide online services to business as well as to individual customers.

Business can now complete bank transactions, such as collection and payments on the Web. This avoids an endless paper trail of invoices and receipts.

The Internet also gives manufacturers and suppliers greater access to each other. At TSMC, Taiwan’s integrated circuit chip manufacturing schedules, inform the company when they need supplies, and follow the order process through the manufacturing cycle. At TSMC, the company can share important information with its suppliers, transmit orders, and even notify their salespeople on their pagers when an order is ready.

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Circle the ONE advantage of the Internet that is NOT mentioned in the article.

a. Small companies can sell their products worldwide.b. Businesses can do banking transactions online.c. Buyers can check manufacturing schedules online.d. Large retailers can sell directly to the customer.e. Buyers can check the status of their orders online.

How does your company (or a company that you know) use the Internet? For example, consider the following uses:

Internal communication. Communication with offices in other countries. A website with company information. A website with goods to purchase. Research.

Read the following e-mails.




3 Writing



To: poliveira@metrosystems.com.brDate: Monday, February 28, 2001Subject: Order 3076-01

Ms. Oliveira:

We have received shipment on our order 3076-01 and it is incomplete. The order included 750 Type 3 cylinders. These are missing from the shipment.

Please let us know the status of the cylinders.

Thank you.

YW Lee

To: ywlee@kortek.com.krDate: Monday, February 28, 2001Subject: Order 3076-01

Dear Mr. Lee:

I checked the status of your order (#3076-01). The order was not complete because item 27780005X (750 Type 3 cylinders) was out of stock at the time your order was received.

The cylinders were shipped on Feb 25 and will arrive in Pusan on March 14.Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions.

Paula Oliveira

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Read the e-mail below and write a reply.



To: manager@suppliesplus.comDate: Monday, March 29, 2001Subject: Order 30002-7764

In our order of March 7, # 300027764, the following items were not delivered:

Item # 9773: Steel frames (Quantity: 250)Item # 8650: Sockets (Quantity: 2000)

Please let us know when we can expect delivery. Thank you.

Jonathan Koh

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Making MoneyOVERVIEW

Theme: Money.

Prewriting: Making a chart.

Organizing: Comparing and contrasting.

Revising: Giving explanations.

Making comparisons with adjectives.

Editing: Punctuating transition words of addition and contrast.


In this unit, you read about counterfeit money. What other products can be

illegally counterfeited? How can you tell the difference between a real and a

counterfeit product? The assignment for this unit is to write a paragraph

comparing a real product to a counterfeit product. You will explain how the two

products are different.



1 Prewriting


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

A chart can help you see the differences between a counterfeit product and a real product.

Look at the chart below. It contrasts counterfeit money and real money. Complete the chart with the following information from the readings in the Student Book.

Color-changing ink

Regular computer paper


Product: Money



1. Paper Special paper

2. Ink Regular ink

3. Printing process

No microprint Microprint

4. Laws Illegal

5. Security XXXXXXEquipment to check for counterfeit money

With the class, think of other products the people counterfeit. Make a list of products on the board. Possible products include designer




Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

clothing, watches, audio – or videotapes, music CD’s, software, and computers.

Choose one product that you want to write about. Make a list of things that you can compare, such as material, design, and color.

Contrast the counterfeit product to the real product. Think about the differences between the counterfeit product and the real product. Fill in the chart below with as many differences as you can. Add more rows if you need them.

Product: _____________________________








A comparison and contrast paragraph describes how two things are similar or different. This assignment focuses on the differences between




2 Organizing


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

a real product and a counterfeit product. It is important to organize your paragraph so that the differences are clear to the reader.

Describe each difference one by one.

Use the transition words however and in contrast to introduce an opposite idea.

Use the transition words in addition, also, and too to add a similar idea.

Read the paragraph and complete the tasks below.

1. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph? Underline it.

2. What three differences are explained in the paragraph? Circle them.

3. Check the transition words of addition and contrast. What idea does each transition word introduce?

Look at the ideas in your chart on page 28. Which differences are the most important or interesting? Choose three differences to write about in your paragraph. Write the information about the differences on a separate piece of paper.


Product: __Money_________________________Difference: ___Paper_______________________Real Product: ___Special Paper_______________



There are several important differences between real money

and counterfeit money. First, the paper is different. Real money

uses special paper. In contrast, counterfeit money uses regular

computer paper. In addition, the ink is different. Real money

uses color-changing ink. However, counterfeit money uses

regular ink. The printing methods are also different. Real money

has microprint. In contrast, counterfeit money doesn’t have

microprint. By looking for these features, you can see the

differences between real money and counterfeit money.


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Counterfeit product: _Regular computer paper____


Use the information from the previous sections to write the first draft of your paragraph.

Write a topic sentence that names the product you are writing about. Describe three differences between the real and counterfeit


Use transition words of addition and contrast. Don’t worry too much about grammar. Just try to make your ideas clear.


When you finish your first draft, exchange papers with another student. Read your partner’s first draft and answer the questions below. Then discuss your answers with your partner.

What does the partner compare?

What differences does the writer mention?

Can you think of more features the writer can write about?

Does the writer use transition words of addition and contrast? Circle the transition words.

Discuss your partner’s reaction to your paragraph. Make a note of any parts you need to revise.


You need to clearly explain the differences between the real and counterfeit product. To do so, you must explain any important ideas or words you used to describe the differences. A reader might ask these questions about the paragraph on counterfeit money on page 29.

What is microprint?

What is color-changing ink?


3 Revising


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Why is the paper special?

Add more explanation to the paragraph using information from the readings. Decide where the following explanations should go in the paragraph. Then write them in the spaces.


Looks yellow from one angle and green from anotherIs the use of small words hidden in the designHas red and blue silk in it

Work in pairs. With your partner, look at the first draft of your paragraph. Find any important ideas or words that you need to explain to your reader and list them on a separate piece of paper. Then write an explanation for each one and add the explanations to your paragraph.


You can use comparative adjectives to talk about the differences between a real product and a counterfeit product.

Complete the sentences with comparative adjectives. Choose the most appropriate adjective in parentheses.



There are several important differences between real money

and counterfeit money. First, the paper is different. Real money

uses special paper. The special paper _______________________

_________________________________. In contrast, counterfeit

money uses regular computer paper. In addition, the ink is different.

Real money uses color-changing ink. Color-changing ink ________

____________________________________. However, counterfeit

money uses regular ink. The printing methods are also different.

Real money has microprint. Microprint _______________________

___________________________________. In contrast, counterfeit

money doesn’t have microprint. By looking for these features, you

can see the differences between real money and counterfeit money.




Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

1. Real money is made on special paper. The paper has red and blue silk in it. The silk makes the paper rough. However, counterfeit money uses regular paper without silk. The paper is smooth. The paper for real money is _______________ (Rough / Smooth) than the paper for counterfeit money.

2. Store owners can buy equipment to test counterfeit money. Stores have currency validator pens and electronic cash scanners to find counterfeit money. This makes it difficult to spend counterfeit money. It is _______________ (Difficult / Easy) to spend real money than counterfeit money.

Look at your first draft. Did you see any comparative adjectives? If you did, are they used correctly? If you did not, find one or two places where you can add a comparison using comparative adjectives.


Now you are ready to write your second draft. Look at all your notes from the previous sections to help you revise.

Explain any important ideas or words that the reader needs to understand.

Use comparative adjectives to make comparisons.

Transition words of addition and contrast can be used to connect sentences when you compare two things.

The four transition words of addition and contrast in this paragraph need punctuation. First, underline the transition words. Then add a comma if necessary.



4 Editing


1 There are several important differences between real money and

counterfeit money. First, the paper is different. Real money uses

special paper. The special paper has red and blue silk in it. In addition

it has a line that you can see with an ultraviolet light. In contrast,

counterfeit money uses regular computer paper. The regular paper is

smoother than the paper with silk in it. Second, the ink is different. Real

money uses color-changing ink. Color-changing ink looks yellow from

one angle and green from another. However, counterfeit money uses

regular ink. Finally, the printing methods are different. Real money has

microprint. Microprint is the use of small words hidden in the design. It

is more difficult to copy money with microprint than money without

microprint. In contrast, counterfeit money doesn’t have microprint. By

looking for these features, you can see the differences between real

money and counterfeit money.

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Look at your second draft. Is the punctuation with transition words of addition and contrast correct? Make corrections.


Carefully edit your second draft. Use the checklist below as a guide. Then neatly write or type your paragraph with the corrections.


Do you describe three differences between the counterfeit product and the real product?

Do you explain any important words that the reader needs to know?

Do you use transition words of addition and contrast?

Are the comparative adjectives used correctly?



Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Describing and comparing products

Look at the pictures and read the product descriptions.



1 Getting Started



Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Write the number of the product described.

_____ a. Provides better quality sound and vision than airline movies

_____ b. Is not much heavier than a regular watch.

_____ c. Is one of the most compact on the market.

Work with a partner. Describe a product that you are familiar with. Use some of the phrases from the box.

Read the article.




It’s faster / smaller / cheaper / easier to use than…

It’s more useful / compact / stylish than…

It has more power / memory / features than…

It’s one of the fastest / most useful / most convenient ____ on the market.

2 Reading



BusinessCulture I

n more than 40 years as a salesperson, Jacques Werth has accomplished at least

two things: He’s made a lot of money and learned a lot about sales, enough to write a book entitled High Probability Selling. Werth’s view of selling is simple but unusual: just to be honest. The following is from an interview with Werth.Q: What is the biggest mistake that

salespeople make?A: Most people think that it’s

important to be aggressive in sales, but the opposite is true. Aggressive people are too pushy. They try to persuade people – to convince them to buy.

Q: Why? Aren’t salespeople supposed to persuade people?

A: Most people dislike being persuaded. It’s much better to find consumers who want to buy your product and arrive at an agreement that makes everybody happy.

Q: How do you do that?A: You find out quickly who

isn’t going to buy your product and move on. People may be interested, but they’re not necessarily going to buy. They just waste your time.

Q: So what kind of person makes the best salesperson?

A: Honest people who will listen to the customer and tell the truth.

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Check (√ ) yes or no according to the advice in the article.

a. Be aggressive.b. Persuade the customer that he/she needs

the product.c. Quickly identify the customers who are

ready to buy.d. Spend time with people who are interested

in your product.e. Listen to the customers.

Discuss the questions.

a. What do you think of the advice in the article? In sales, is honesty always the best policy?

b. What do salespeople do to persuade people to buy their products? Are they effective?

c. What advice would you give to a salesperson who wants to succeed in your country or in your industry?

Look at the memo.




3 Writing



To: Sales PersonnelFrom: Rob WhiteDate: April 4, 2001

Subject: GYX 24 launch

In response to customer demand, we are introducing the GYX 24, our biggest flat-panel computer monitor, next month.

The GYX 24: A completely flat 24-inch screen: no

distortion The lightest monitor on the market

Please emphasize these features to our customers.

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Write a memo to your sales staff about the digital camera below. Read the notes, choose two important features, and describe them.



Pocketpix II Digital CameraLaunch date: May

FeaturesCompact: fits in a pocketUses a standard floppy disk4X zoom lens: the most powerful on the marketLonger battery life than most camerasWeights only 8.8 oz

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Résumés, Letters of Applicationand the Interview Questions

When you want to get a job or change your present job, the first step in most cases is looking at the job advertisements in the employment section of a major newspaper.

In this chapter we will look at the procedure to follow once you have found an ad that interests you.





Is looking for personnel for its new branch in the Middle East. If you are qualified as an accountant, a computer operator, a bilingual secretary, an electrical engineer, we are interested in you.

Send résumé, recent photograph and salary requirements to Mary Ann Stewart, 58 Lincoln St., Southville, Florida 60176.


Is looking for personnel for its new branch in the Middle East. If you are qualified as an accountant, a computer operator, a bilingual secretary, an electrical engineer, we are interested in you.

Send résumé, recent photograph and salary requirements to Mary Ann Stewart, 58 Lincoln St., Southville, Florida 60176.


Part-time Sales Assistants required to work in Fashion Department. Three days per week including Sundays. Excellent hourly rate.

Clothing concessions and store discount. Write to Molly Bridges, Top Fashion Department, Melrose of York Ave., London, W1.


Part-time Sales Assistants required to work in Fashion Department. Three days per week including Sundays. Excellent hourly rate.

Clothing concessions and store discount. Write to Molly Bridges, Top Fashion Department, Melrose of York Ave., London, W1.


Multinational seeks secre-taries, male or female, to assist top executives working in the Central and South American area.

Applicants should be English-Spanish bilingual, with excellent writing skills in both languages. Must be able to work with computers and willing to travel most of the time.

Excellent salary and fringe benefits.

Send CV and recent photograph to BilSecr. 5386 Prune Blvd., San Diego, CA 92115, USA.


Multinational seeks secre-taries, male or female, to assist top executives working in the Central and South American area.

Applicants should be English-Spanish bilingual, with excellent writing skills in both languages. Must be able to work with computers and willing to travel most of the time.

Excellent salary and fringe benefits.

Send CV and recent photograph to BilSecr. 5386 Prune Blvd., San Diego, CA 92115, USA.

1 Job Adverts

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Pair Work.

1. Look at the advertisements on the previous page. Which of the job advertised is more appealing to you in terms of schedule, salary and place of work? Explain.

2. Do you have any experience, studies or special skills that fit these job descriptions?

3. Once you have found the job you would like to get, what do you do next? Explain the different steps to follow.

Group Work.

1. Think of two positions you would like to have. Write adverts for them stating candidates’ requirements, place and conditions of work, fringe benefits, etc. compare with your partner’s.

2. Choose the two best adverts. Discuss advantages and disadvantages.

The Curriculum Vitae is a written account of a person’s education and employment history. The information contained must be brief but as complete as possible.

The different parts of a CV are usually organized as follows:




2 Résumés or Curriculum Vitae (CV)


NAME : Marina ContiADDRESS : 1833 Cruise RoadTELEPHONE NUMBER : 222 3452MARITAL STATUS : SingleNATIONALITY : MexicanBIRTH DATE : January 28th., 1972

1993 : Italian Institute1991-1992 : Interior Design School Graduate1990 : Saint Rose School Graduate

1996 : Designer at André & Annette Inc.1995 : Designer Julie’s Department Store1994 : European Fashion

Fashion at the Design Department

LANGUAGES : Fluent in Spanish, Italian, EnglishINTERESTS : Painting and travelingREFERENCES : Mrs. Mary Anne Jones (212 8776)

Mr. Richard Burns (232 5564)





NameAddress, Phone No., Fax No.OptionalOther Personal Information: Marital Status, Nationality, Birth date.

Studies, Degrees, Courses, including dates (most recent first)

Information about jobs: titles, duties, dates (most recent first)

OptionalSpecial skills, Languages, Interests and hobbies, References.

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Read the résumé below. Refer back to the adverts on Page 38 and choose the best position for this person. Explain your reasons.

Complete the CV below using the following information. Add any missing data. What position is best for this person?

- Speaks Spanish and a little German.- 233 East Street, London.- Full time Sales Repre-sentative at Denise Clothing Company.- Fashion Design Course.- 481 78 87- Married, two children.- Patricia Newby- 26- Sales Training Course at Benson’s Institute.- Shop Assistant at MC’s Department Store.- Johnson’s High School.






PERSONALName : Joel D. HarrisAddress : 325 Malcolm, London, UKTelephone : 44 81 363 4544Age : 23Marital Status : Single


Computing Course for the Advanced Learner.

1993 : Computer Course: DOS

1992 : Windows for IBM.

Accounting.1991 : Clark


Administration and Office Work.

WORK EXPERIENCE1993/4 : Secretary

to the Export Department Manager in Lester & Lester Inc. I had to deal with correspondence, transport, insurance services, etc. to Latin American countries. Direct contact with Latin American customers. Performed a turn-around of the South American operation.

1992 : Typist at a computer terminal for an International Communication Enterprise in San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Spanish. Secondary School in Santiago, Chile.


PERSONALName :Address :Telephone :Age :Marital Status :




Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Write a CV for Faride Sapag who’s applying for the position of Bilingual Secretary. Choose the most suitable information.

Compare your résumés with a classmate’s. Have you included similar information? What information differs?




PERSONALName : Faride SapagAddress :Telephone :Age :Marital Status :








Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

The Letter of Application, as the name states, is the letter you have to write when applying for a job. It is addressed to the prospective employer in order to get an interview.

Letters of Application may be presented in two ways:

A letter stating your purpose and enclosing a Curriculum Vitae (CV) or résumé.

A letter containing information about your qualifications and expertise (less common).

Guidelines for writing a letter of application.

IntroductionState how you learned of the post (saw it in the newspaper, or other), and specify clearly the job you are applying for.

Personal InformationFull name, age, marital status, main interests.

EducationSchools, Institutes, Colleges, University Degrees and Courses.

Work ExperienceIdentify post, enterprise, period of time, responsibilities.

ReferencesIf requested.

Model application letter.



2 June 17th, 1995.

Mr. Dean RogersPersonnel ManagerCanberra

Dear Sir,I read your advertisement in THE PRIME NEWS on

August 12th for the position of secretary in your Sales Department and I am interested in applying for the post.

I am twenty-three years old and single. I am good at languages. I speak Italian, Spanish and a little German and practice sports.

After I left school I studied for two years at the International Academy for Secretaries and obtained my diploma.

Four years ago, I got my first job at Burns and Jackson where I gained experience in office work and attending customers. I enjoy my work, but I do not use foreign languages and feel that the possibilities of making progress in my career are limited.

I believe that the line of business in your company offers perspectives that better match my training and expectations.

I hope you will consider me for an interview.

Yours faithfully,

Mary Davis Mary Davis






Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa


Frequent Used Expressions

Opening Sentences I saw your advertisement in … I have heard your advertisement in the Sunday … I am interested in the vacancy you are advertising in … Please consider my application for …

Closing Sentences I look forward to an interview. I hope you will grant me an interview. I would like to have an appointment at your earliest

convenience. Hoping to hear from you soon.

Add an opening sentence and a closing sentence to this Application Letter for one of the adverts on Page 37.



1September 29th, 1995.

BILSECR5386 Prune Blvd..San Diego, CA.



I am twenty-one years old and single. I am English-Spanish bilingual. Since my parents work for an International organization I lived in Chile and in Venezuela during my school years.

After graduation I studied for two semesters in a British Academy for Bilingual Secretaries. I improved my writing skills in English and in Spanish and I also took two Japanese Courses.

I worked as a part-time secretary in a Canadian enterprise and as an interpreter in some seminars and conferences.

Attached you will find my photograph and résumé. References will be available on request.


Yours truly,


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Choose from the sentences in the Focus on Language Box on page 42 and write an Application Letter for one of the other two positions advertised.

Read the letter below and fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.









1 September 12th, 1995.

Dear Professor Jones:I ……….…….… (See) an

advertisement in the Washington Post five days ago for an Assistant Director in the International Student Department.

I …………………….………….… (Apply) and (Send) details of my education and experience immediately. I …………..…... (Write) your name as one of my references. I hope you don’t mind. It’s very likely they will call you during the week.

My best regards to the other Professors in the Department.

Sincerely yours,

Irregular Verbs Get Got

Write WroteRead ReadSpeak SpokeFind FoundHear Heard

Regular VerbsOffer OfferedWork WorkedGraduate Graduated

InterrogativeDid you write to him?Did he speak to you?

NegativeI Did not write to him

He didn’t speak to me


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs in the box.

1. I ……………at Macy’s Department Store for about two years. The pay …………… (not) good, but I …………... (not) on Sundays.

2. I …………… several Letters of Application last week. I hope I’ll get an interview.

3. My boss …………… for El Cairo this morning. He won’t be back until next week.

4. The woman who …………… at the meeting interviewed me last week.

5. Last week my brother …………… me to work part-time in his enterprise. I’m thinking it over.

6. He …………… from a very well-known School of Business.7. I ……………… a seminar on Marketing Research last week. It

…………… very interesting.8. Early this morning I …………… the letter I was waiting for.

Write a suitable question for these answers.

Example: At what time did Peterson phone?Peterson phoned at 3 o’clock

1. How …………………………………………………………..?I heard of this vacancy through the newspaper.

2. Where …………………………………………………………?She studied at the Windsor Language School.

3. When ………………………………………………………….?Mr. Smith arrived this week.

4. Why ……………………………………………………………?They went to the airport to meet the manager.

5. How long ……………………………………………………...?The trip to the Bahamas took two hours.


2Offer Work Get Speak

Write Leave LikeGraduate Attend Be Send



Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Describe actions (not) performed at a specific time in the past. Use the Simple Past Tense and expressions such as the following:

Ago, yesterday, last Tuesday / week / month / year, in 1994.

Example:I read the newspaper yesterday morning.

1. ………………………………………………………………………2. ………………………………………………………………………3. ……………………………………………………………………… (not)4. ………………………………………………………………………5. ……………………………………………………………………… (not)

Write an advert for the following letter.

Look at the following ad and follow the instructions below






January, 29th, 1995

Bill BarristerWhitfield 2220Los Angeles, CA 90272USA

Dear Sir,I am very interested in the

receptionist position you advertised in The Guardian two days ago.

I am working part-time as a shop assistant now, but I need a full time job. I speak Spanish and a little German, so I think I couls be suitable for the position at your fine Hotel.

I am enclosing a résumé with the references and a recent photograph. If possible, I would like to have an interview with you at your earliest convenience.

Truly Yours,

Gary Holmes



Overseas Marketing Manager required for an international bank. We are looking for an experienced person to coordinate our overseas sales. The successful applicant will be fluent in at least two of the following languages: Spanish, Italian, German, French. Good salary. Welfare and pension scheme.

Apply to:The Marketing Manager

Chicago International BankChicago, Illinois, ILL 33111

PAIR WORK1. In your opinion, what

studies should the Manager have?

2. What personal qualities are necessary to deal with people at an international level?

3. What responsibilities do you think the position of Overseas Marketing Manager involves?

4. Write a CV in reply to the advert.

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Write a Letter of Application in answer to the advert below.

Analyze the following Letters of Application. Choose the best one. Explain why. Choose the letter you consider the least well-written and rewrite it.




The candidate should have ability to deal with customers, sense of humour, be willing to work long hours and assist the Marketing Director. Permanent position. M.B.A. ideally. Good writing skills and fluent in Spanish a must.Salary $ 98,000/year. Experience required.Write to: The Sales Director

198 Queen’s CityNorth Carolina, NC, 21400

Use the following

1. I saw …2. I’m interested in…

because…3. I studied …4. My work experience …5. I speak …6. Looking forward to …


Dear Mrs. Simms,

I’m writing about the advert in The Sunday newspaper.

I graduated from Benson’s College last year and I am sure I am qualified for the job you are offering.

I expect to earn $80,000, plus extra bonuses and other fringe benefits.

My proficiency in foreign languages (Portuguese, Japanese and Russian) is excellent.

Next week would be fine for an interview, provided it is after 5:00 pm.

I am available at 880 2349.

Truly yours,

Michael Lane

Michael Lane

December 17th, 1995

Miss Loretta Miller,

This morning Professor John Hustin, Dean of Washington State University, told me you needed a reliable receptionist for the information desk at the Student Affair Office.

Will you please consider my application for the position?

I want to have this job in order to save money for my mother’s surgery.

I appreciate the attention to this letter, and I hope to hear from you in the near future.

Margaret Donaldson

Margaret Donaldson

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa


February, 27th, 1995.

Mr. Robert RademacherSalt Lake City

Dear Sir,

In reply to your ad in The Sun, January 21st, I am interested in the clerk position to the Credit Department you are offering.

In the enclosed CV you will see that I have experience in that area. I am also accustomed to working with computers and doing office work in general. References will be available on request.

I would really appreciate your considering my application.Looking forward to an interview.

Very truly yours,

Andrew McKormickAndrew McKormick



The concept of time is an important cultural aspect that is worth noting to avoid misunderstandings when people from different cultural backgrounds deal together.

The attitude of English speakers towards time schedules is usually one of respect. Time schedules are kept, so if there is a meeting, an interview, or a social event, they expect it to begin and end at the scheduled time. No matter how much time in advance they have been fixed, they are supposed to be kept. Consequently it is not necessary to confirm a meeting or a deadline previously set. Other cultures are far more flexible is this respect.

English speakers plan their activities carefully and duly in advance, so they also expect appointments to be kept. Therefore, a last minute put off is “unthinkable”.

1. How punctual are you for a) appointments b) dates c) school d) work. Why?

2. Is it acceptable in your country to arrive late? In what circumstances? Is it the same in business and personal appointments? How late is acceptable?

3. Are appointments set in advance usually kept in your country?4. What is your attitude with respect to deadlines?

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Why should we hire you?Here’s the chance to really sell yourself. You need to briefly and succinctly lay out

your strengths, qualifications and what you can bring to the table. Be careful not to answer this question too generically, however. Nearly everyone says they are hardworking and motivated. Set yourself apart by telling the interviewer about qualities that are unique to you.

Why do you want to work here? This is one tool interviewers use to see if you have done your homework. You should

never attend an interview unless you know about the company, its direction and the industry in which it plays. If you have done your research, this question gives you an opportunity to show initiative and demonstrate how your experience and qualifications match the company’s need.


A job interview is the result of an effective résumé. However, landing a job is typically the result of a successful interview. Brad Fredericks from RésuméDoctor.com explains, “Many job seekers bit a brick wall when it comes to offering meaningful responses during the interview. You must be careful not to put your foot in your mouth when answering open-ended questions. ‘Tell me about yourself’ is not the queue to begin your life story”.

The top 15 interview questions, in descending order, are:

1. Describe your ideal job and/or boss.2. Why are you looking for a job? Why are you leaving your current position?3. What unique experience or qualifications separate you from other candidates?4. Tell me about yourself.5. What are your strengths and weaknesses?6. Describe some of your most important career accomplishments.7. What are your short-term/long-term goals?8. Describe a time when you were faced with a challenging situation and how you

handled it.9. What are your salary requirements?10. Why are you interested in this position? Our company?11. What would your former boss/colleagues say about you?12. What are the best and worst aspects of your previous job?13. What do you know about our company?14. What motivates you? How do you motivate others?

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

What are your greatest weaknesses?The secret to answering this question is being honest about weakness, but

demonstrating how you have turned it into a strength. For example, if you had a problem with organization in the past, demonstrate the steps you took to more effectively keep yourself on track. This will show that you have the ability to recognize aspects of yourself that need improvement, and the initiative to make yourself better.

Why did you leave your last job?Even if your last job ended badly, be careful about being negative in answering

this question. Be as diplomatic as possible. If you do point out negative aspects of your last job, find some positives to mention as well. Complaining endlessly about your last company will not say much for your attitude.

Describe a problem situation and how you solved it.Sometimes it is hard to come up with a response to this request, particularly if you

are coming straight from college and do not have professional experience. Interviewers want to see that you can think critically and develop solutions, regardless of what kind of issue you faced. Even if your problem was not having enough time to study, describe the steps you took to prioritize your schedule. This will demonstrate that you are responsible and can think through situations on your own.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?The secret to this question is being specific and selecting an accomplishment that

relates to the position. Even if your greatest accomplishment is being on a championship high school basketball team, opt for a more professionally relevant accomplishment. Think of the qualities the company is looking for and develop an example that demonstrates how you can meet the company’s needs.


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Writing ResourceA

A company memo

An informal e-mail exchange

Look at this schedule for a building project.

STAGES J F M A M J J A S O N D1. Complete walls X2. Put on roof X X3. Install doors and windows X X4. Install electricity and computer networks


5. Paint inside of building X X6. Install furniture X X7. Move in ?



Why do things usually take longer than we think they will? What are some typical causes of stress at work?

Why do things usually take longer than we think they will? What are some typical causes of stress at work?



1 to 3 – very cold weather.4 – technical problems.5 – strike by painters’ union.

6 – wrong furniture ordered: it had to be sent back to suppliers.

X= planned = actual



Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Now complete the memo using the information in the schedule. Give reasons for the delays.

Look at the ways to begin and end an e-mail.

Read this e-mail from Tom Frost to a friend.

You are Ray Lindsay. Write a reply to Tom Frost.


MemoFROM: Tom Frost TO: All department managersDATE: 30th November 2000 SUBJECT: Move to new building

We have not been able to move into our new office building in October as planned. The builders wanted to complete the walls by the end of January and the roof by the end of March, but, as you remember, there was very cold weather in the first three months of the year and they only completed these stages in May. The installation of the electricity and the computer network happened in…

Following these problems, we now hope to move into our new office in December. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.


E-mail exchange


OpeningsIf you don’t know the person very well, you can start as in a letter.

Dear Mr.…, or Dear Ms…,If you know them better, you can start with their first name.

Dear Ray / Dear Jane,If you know them even better, you can write Hello or Hi.

Hi, Ray,

EndingsMore formal Less formalRegards, Best regards, All best wishes, Best wishes, All the best, Best.


Hi, Ray,Thanks again for lunch last week. You remember I told you about the delayed move to our new office building? Well, there’s another delay! My boss and all the other managers are going crazy – they’re blaming me, when they should blame the builders and all the other people responsible.I feel so stressed! I can’t sleep at night and I can’t concentrate on my work during the day. You said you know a good stress counselor. Please can you send me her details?All the best,Tom

3Hi, Tom,I’m sorry to hear about the delayed move. I can understand why you’re feeling so stressed! (Give me some advice) You could….. (Give me some advice) Why not…(Give Tom the name and e-mail address of the stress counselor – Sarah Connell: s.connell@libserve.com) The name of the…(Say you are attaching an article about her from Business Month magazine) Please find attached…(Say you hope that he likes the article) I hope…Good luck!All the best,Ray

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Now write Tom’s reply to Ray.


A letter of complaint. A reply to a letter of complaint. A company memo.

Look at the ways to begin and end a letter.



Ray hi, Sorry not to get back to you earlier. I contacted Sarah Connell and I had my first session with her on Friday. She’s very good – I’m already feeling better!(Say you couldn’t open the attachment with the article about Sarah Connell. Ask Ray to send it again) Unfortunately I couldn’t … Would it be possible…(Say you will be in touch again soon) I’ll be…All the best,Tom


What are some typical causes of complaints to companies? How should companies react to complaints?

What are some typical causes of complaints to companies? How should companies react to complaints?



OpeningsIf you know the name of the person you’re writing to, you can say

Dear Mr. Johnson / Dear Ms Brown,If you know don’t know their name, you can say:

Dear Sir / Dear Madam,

EndingsIf you know the name of the person, you can say:

Yours sincerely (UK) Sincerely / Sincerely yours, (USA)If you don’t know the name of the person, you can say:

Yours faithfully, (UK) Sincerely / Sincerely yours, (USA)

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Read the beginning of this letter of complaint. Then put the rest of the letter in the correct order.




e) d)


Choose one the following gadgets. Write a letter to the supplier to complain that it does not work properly and to ask for a replacement. (Invent the make and model)



348 Henbury HillBristol BS49 2YUTel 017 892 341

Gizmo electronicsAttn. Customer Experience ManagerForsoken Industrial EstateCroydon CR45 2EG31st March 2000

Re: Defective CD player

Dear Sir or Madam,I have had series of problems with…

to the wrong address. When I finally got it, the CD’s jumped when I tried to play them. I sent

Yours Faithfully,

Brian Johnson

the CD player that I bought last November. I spoke to someone at your call centre and they told me to write to you. First it was delivered

the machine back for repair, and you kept it for two months. I got it back yesterday, but the machine still doesn’t work properly. I’m writing now

to ask for a complete refund, plus an extra amount to cover the inconvenience that I have experienced.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

A washing machine that stops in the middle of the cycle for no


An oven that doesn’t heat up to the right temperature.

A toaster that burns toast after only a few second.

Complete the reply to the letter in exercise B with the words a – e.

a) replacement b) packaging c) guarantee d) invoice e) refund

Mr Brian Johnson348 Henbury HillBristol BS49 2YU

10th April 2000

Re: Defective CD Player

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Thank you for your letter of 31st March detailing the problems that you have experienced with your CD player. Unfortunately, we cannot consider your request for a 1__________: under the terms of the 2__________, we can only offer you a 3__________ machine.

Please return your CD player in its original 4__________, along with a copy of the 5__________, and we will send you a new machine to replace it.

Yours sincerely,

James Stevens Customer Experience Manager

Read this company memo.





Forsoken Industrial EstateCroydon CR45 2EG

Tel/Fax 020 9872 8333www.gizmo-electronics.com


MemoFrom: James Stevens, Customer Experience ManagerTo: All call centre staffDate: 12th April 2000

Re: Anderson 400 CD players

Over the past three months I have received a lot of complaints from customers about problems with the Anderson 400 CD player. I have been in touch with the manufacturers, and they know about the problem. They are replacing all the defective machines at no cost to us.If you have calls from customers about this model of CD player, just tell them to return the machine and we will replace it free of charge.Please do everything you can to stop customers writing to me about this model – I have spent too much time on this recently.


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Think of something that might cause a lot of wasted time in your company, school or organization.

For example: Unreliable products sold by your company but made by another


People who phone one number when they should phone another number.

People who phone to ask about products or services that the organization does not provide.

Write an internal memo.Say:

What the problems is.

How it can be solved.


Sending, accepting and declining invitations.

Jennifer Powell, the human resources director for Global Credit Bank in Singapore, visits different health clubs to talk about membership for her




Does your organization (school, company, etc.) have any events to which it invites people? If so, what are they?

Does your organization (school, company, etc.) have any events to which it invites people? If so, what are they?



Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

employees (unit 9). Read the invitation that she receives from Elan Health Clubs.

Now read the letter that came with the invitation. In each of the lines 1–10 there is one wrong word. Cross out the wrong word and write the correct word in the space at the end of the line.

Read Jennifer Powell’s reply to Erica Fox’s invitation and letter. In most of the lines 1-7 there is one word that does not fit. Write the word in the space at the end of the line. If a line is correct, put a tick (√) in the space.



Global Credit Bank, SingaporeAttn: Jennifer Powell, Human Resources Director934 North Bridge RoadSingapore 179098

15th March 2000

Dear Ms Powell,

Thank you for coming to visit our facilities last week, I hope you find your visituseful. I have some very good new! I wasn’t able to talk about this last week as theplans were still confident, but we have now finalized details of a new health clubthat will open next month in the same block of your bank! I don’t know if youhave made your decide about the health club that your company will use,but the location of the new health new club will be ideal for your employs. We are having the open of the health club on 2nd April at 6:30 pm – pleasesee the attach invitation.I hope you will be able to come to see the new club for your. Please couldYou allow me know if you will be able to attend?Many thanks.

Looking forward to hearing from you,Best wishes,

Erica FoxErica Fox, Manager, Elan Health Clubs



C LU B SS I N G A P O R E55 HARPER ROADSINGAPORE 369677TEL +9382 2310FAX +9382 2312


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Read about these invitations that you have received, all for the same evening.

A seminar about latest developments in your profession or industry.

An open evening at a supplier’s with a guided tour of their new manufacturing plant.

A talk by a business expert about how to increase employees’ motivation and productivity.

The opening of an exhibition of paintings by your favorite artist. (Your boss has asked you to buy some paintings for your office building and you think this artist might be a good choice.)

Write an e-mail to the organizers of the event you want to go to, thanking them and accepting the invitation.

Now write an e-mail to the organizers of another of the events in 4, explaining that no one from your organization can attend, but asking the organizers to inform you of similar events in the future.


1 Thank you for a very useful meeting last week. I enjoyed visiting your facilities very much. __√__2 I was very to impressed. ______3 Thank you for of the invitation to the opening of your new health club. Unfortunately, I will ______4 be on holiday that week. Please can you send an invitation to my assistant, Samuel Tang - ______5 I am sure he will want to attend. We haven’t made a decision about the club we are at going ______6 to use. Samuel will give me a full report about your new facilities, no doubt! We will be in ______7 the touch later about our decision after we have discussed things further. ______

Best regards,

Jennifer Powell, HRD, Global Credit Bank, Singapore



Thank you for the invitation to your event on 15th April. This is to confirm that…(Ask if you can bring a colleague) Would it be possible to…?(Give the name of your colleague)(Ask for directions on how to get to the event)(Ask what time the event ends)


Thank you for your invitation to …

Unfortunately …

I’d be grateful if …

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa


A fax exchange

Clara Rios has developed an energy drink and is now looking for agents to sell it in different countries. Read the fax that she writes to a possible agent in Japan.

This is the reply. Put the words in each line in the correct order.



Do you send faxes, or do you only use e-mail? When are faxes useful?

Do you send faxes, or do you only use e-mail? When are faxes useful?


Re: Import agent for Amajuice

Dear Mr. Kato,The Japanese Consulate here in Sao Paulo gave me your name.I have developed an energy drink called Amajuice, with secret ingredients from the Amazon jungle. I am looking for an agent to import and distribute the drinks in Japan. I am visiting various countries in Asia next month, and I hope to be in Tokyo the week of 10th September. If you would like to meet to discuss the possibilities, please let me know.I look forward to hearing from you.Best regards,

Clara RiosClara Rios (Ms.)

Clara Rios S.A.

Date: 14th August 2000Fax Nº: +81 42 926 1241Nº of pages inc. this one: 1

From: Clara RiosTo: All-Nippon Food Imports, TokyoAttn: Mr. Masahiko Kato

Rua Mamore 905Sao Paulo, BrazilTel. +55 25 39 1598,Fax +55 25 39 1599

2Re: Import agents for Amajuice

Rios Ms. Dear,Thanks Many for fax your, are We one biggest of the importers food Japan into of, drink sounds Your interesting very energy, would I like much very to meet to you when come Japan month next, about How coming to office my Tuesday on 11th 3pm at?, look I forward discussing to you with the possibilities, could Please confirm you that date this suitable is?

Regards Best

Date: 16th August 2000Fax Nº: +55 25 39 1599Nº of pages inc. this one: 1

From: Masahiko KatoTo: Clara Rios SA, Sao PauloAttn: Clara Rios


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Read the fax Masahiko Kato sent after the meeting. In each of the lines 1-8 there is one wrong word. Cross out the wrong word and write the correct word in the space at the end of the line.

Complete Clara Rios’s reply. Choose the correct alternative for each space.



Re: Agency agreement

Dear Ms Rios,1 Thank you very much for come to see me in Tokyo last week and for the very 2 interesting discuss that we had. This is to summarize what we agreed. For three ______ 3 years, starting on January 1st last year, we will import 500,000 cans of Amajuice a ______4 year for sale in Japan at a retail prize of about US$1.50. We will pay you 85 US cents ______5 per can. Shipping costs and import tax are to be paying by your organization. ______6 We will re-negotiate this agreement after three years. We talked on the possibility ______7 of manufacturing Amajuice under license in Japan if the sell quantities justify this. ______8 This will of course be subject to a new agree. But we will cross this bridge when ______

We come to it!I’m sending you our standard agreement by DHL courier today. Please sign and return it as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Date: 17th September 2000Fax Nº: +55 25 39 1599Nº of pages inc. this one: 1

From: Masahiko KatoTo: Clara Rios SA, Sao PauloAttn: Clara Rios

9-8-1 Atago, Minato-ku, TokyoTel 81 42 926 1340, Fax 81 42 926 1341


4Agency AgreementDear Mr Kato,Thank you very much for your fax of 17th September, and the Agency Agreement, which arrived this morning. I have asked my lawyers to check the agreement and will 1 b it next week. Meanwhile, I will 2 ______ the arrangements for transport of the 3

______ of Amajuice to Tokyo, starting in January next year. We are looking at 4 ______ of 40,000 to 50,000 cans per month, depending on 5 ______. We will probably 6 ______ the goods via Porto Alegre in southern Brazil, using our normal shipping agents. (They have been very 7 ______ in the past in shipping our goods to other export markets.) We will 8 ______ these arrangements in the 9 ______ months.Best regards,

Clara Rios

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

1 a) re-send b) return c) refund d) reply2 a) control b) convert c) check d) combine3 a) containment b) continents c) continuations d)consignments4 a) quantities b) masses c) groups d) bunches5 a) asking b) questions c) queries d) demand6 a) shape b) ship c) shop d) shout7 a) hopeful b) reliable c) likable d) notable8 a) consent b) content c) confirm d) conform9 a) coming b) came c) come d) comes


A company memo An e-mail exchange

Complete this memo from the chief partner (owner) of a firm of architects. The missing words are related to the words in brackets.



Some organizations have one “no e-mail day” every week. Would this be possible in your organization?

Some organizations have one “no e-mail day” every week. Would this be possible in your organization?



From: Lucy RogersonTo: All employeesDate: 7th July 2002Subject: Remote working

As you know, our offices here in 1 central (centre) London are extremely 2________ (expense).

The main cost is rent – this has 3________ (double) in the past six years. We have considered moving to an out-of-town site, but it is 4________ (importance)for the partners to be near the government offices because, as you know, we do a lot of work with them.

We have therefore 5________ (decide) to move to a 6________ (small) office, where the partners and some employees will 7________ (continue) to

work. However, other employees will work from home, meeting colleagues and clients at the office when necessary. We are therefore 8________ (look) for employees who are willing to work from home – we will, of course, provide all necessary 9________ (equip) and support.

Please let me know by next Monday if you are willing to work from home, or if you prefer to continue to work at the central office.

Rogerson & Partners

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

An employee at Rogerson and Partners writes an e-mail to Lucy Rogerson. Look at the handwritten notes and complete the e-mail.

Another employee at Rogerson and Partners writes an e-mail to Lucy Rogerson. Look at the handwritten notes and complete the e-mail.



E-mail exchanging

From: alex.gooding@rogersonandpartners.co.ukTo: lucy.rogerson@rogersonandpartners.co.ukDate: 9 July 2000Subject:Remote working

Thank you for your memo of 7th July. I’ve carefully considered the possibility of working from home but I do not think that’s a good idea in my case because:(often need meet clients central London office – at least once a week) I often need to meet clients at our office in central London.(need talk colleagues about projects) _________________________(need systems, equipment at head office) ______________________(no space at home for computer equipment) _____________________(want keep home /work separate) _____________________________(hope she understands) _____________________________________


From: brian.neal@rogersonandpartners.co.ukTo: lucy.rogerson@rogersonandpartners.co.ukDate: 10 July 2000Subject:Remote working

Thank you for your memo of 7th July. I’ve carefully considered the possibility of working from home and I’d like to take the offer.(my type work – not often need meet clients) I don’t often need to meet clients in my type of work.(work faster without interruptions colleagues) _____________________(already have computer at home) ______________________________(new arrangements – spend more time family) ____________________(can come to office one day a week)____________________________(hope she will allow me to work from home) ______________________

Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Complete Lucy’s reply to Alex’s e-mail. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

Write Lucy’s e-mail in reply to Brian’s e-mail in exercise 2. include the following points:

Thank Brian for his e-mail and for agreeing to work from home. Many thanks for your reply to my memo. Thank you for agreeing to work from home.

Tell him that he will start working from home on 1st August.



From: lucy.rogerson@rogersonandpartners.co.ukTo: alex.gooding@rogersonandpartners.co.ukDate: 9 July 2000Subject:RE: Remote working

Thanks for your reply to my memo, in which you say you wish to continue 1 working (work) at the office. You claim that you often need 2____ ____ (see)clients, but I 3____ ____ (look) at your job description and 4________ (speak) to Bob, your manager, and I 5________ (see) that in fact you have very little client contact. You say that you 6_______ (need) to talk to colleagues about projects, but if you work from home, you can do this on the phone.With regard to space at home for computer equipment, all you need is space on a table for a laptop computer – we 7_____ ______ (provide) the laptop for you.I 8_____ ______ (decide) that you should work from home, starting on 1st August. Please see your manager re the laptop computer that we 9_____ ______ (supply).


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

Say that as he already has a computer, he will receive a special

payment of £1000. if he prefers not to use his own computer, he can get a laptop computer from the organization.

Ask him to discuss arrangements for homeworking with Caroline, his manager.

End suitably.


A text message An informal e-mail A postcard

Look at the ways to make messages shorter in mobile phone text messages (and personal e-mails).

“Translate” the exchange of text messages between Samantha and her friend Anna into ordinary English.



When you’re on holiday, do you send text messages to your friends instead of postcards? Why / why not?

When you’re on holiday, do you send text messages to your friends instead of postcards? Why / why not?

Text message


Abbreviations:GTG = got to go WKND = weekend

Unusual spellings:EVRY = every GONNA = going to

Letters used for words:B = be OIC = Oh I see Y = why

Numbers used for words or in words:2 = to, too B4 = before EVRY1 = everyone


1.- 2.- 3.-




Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

You can use emoticons in personal e-mail and text messages. Match the emoticons to their meanings.

1. :-) a) shouting2. :-( b) crying3. :-D c) happy4. :-() d) I can’t say anything5. :’-( e) having a cold6. :-~) f) laughing




4.- 5.-

7.- 8.-







Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

7. :-x g) sad8. : @ h) shocked

Read the e-mail that Samantha sends to a friend from an Internet café, while she is on her world trip. She uses some of the emoticons. Put them in the correct places.

Read the postcard from Anna to a friend.



From: Samantha.wilson@lightningmail.comTo: jane.andrews@pigeonmail.comDate: 15 August 2000Subject:Various

Hi, Jane,The trip is going well – we’re having a great time. 1 :-) Anna is a great person to travel with, we laugh a lot together. 2_____ We left a café yesterday and, by accident we forgot to pay – the waiter came running after us – he was angry! 3_____ We were very surprised 4____ - we didn’t know what we’d done wrong!The only problem is that I have a cold – we’ve just come down from the Himalayas, where I caught it! 5____. I can’t tell you where we’re going next – we haven’t decided. 6____ But we must go back to Australia in two weeks to start university – I don’t want to go back. 7_____.

See you soon, Sam



Hi, Chris. We’re having a great time in India! It’s so hot, but we’re enjoying the sights and sounds of this incredible country. And the food is amazing!I’m not looking forward to starting university – I want to stay here forever!Wish you were here with us,


Chris Newman

123 Goulburn


Sydney 2000


Facultad de Ciencias AdministrativasTítulo: Taller de Redacción Inglesa

You are on holiday. Write a postcard to a friend. Say that you don’t to go back home and give a reason.



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