tanam farsuda - jami

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Tanam Farsooda Jaan Para Ze Hijraan Ya Rasool Allah

Tanam Farsooda jaa para Ze Hijra, Ya RasulallahDillam Paz Murda Aawara Ze Isyaa, Ya Rasulallah!

My body is dissolving in your separation And my soul is breaking into pieces, Ya Rasulallah!Due to my sins, My heart is weak and becoming enticed, Ya Rasulallah!

Choon Soo’e Mun Guzar Aari Manne Miskeen Zanaa DaariFida-E-Naqsh-E-Nalainat Kunam Ja, Ya Rasulallah!

When you pass by me Then even in my immense poverty, ecstatically,I must sacrifice my soul on the impression of your Blessed Sandal, Ya Rasulallah!

Ze Jaame Hubb To Mustam Ba Zanjeere To Dil BustamNu’mi Goyam Ke Mun Hustum Sukhun Daan, Ya Rasulallah!

I am drowned in the taste of your love And the chain of your love binds my heart.Yet I don’t say that I know this language (of love), Ya Rasulallah!

Ze Kharda Khaish Hairaanam Siyaa Shud Roze IsyaanamPashemaanam, Pashemaanam, Pashemaanam, Ya Rasulallah!

I am worried due to my misdeeds; And I feel that my sins have blackened my heart, Ya Rasulallah!I am in distress! I am in distress! I am in distress! Ya Rasulallah!

Choon Baazoo’e Shafaa’at Raa Khushaa’I Bar GunaagaraMakun Mahruume Jaami Raa Daraa Aan, Ya Rasulallah!

Ya Rasulallah! When you raise your hands to intercede for the sinners,Then do not deprive Jami of your exalted intercession.

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