target audience feedback

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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Target Audience Feedback

After watching our opening sequence, we asked our target audience their opinions of what they saw and here are a few quotes of

what was said

“I really enjoyed it, will you be making the whole film, I’m intrigued what happens!”

“my favourite part was the wedding scene at the beginning, the actress looked really nice in the dress and I hope she ends up with him ( Robert Pattison) in the end”

“ I found it hilarious that she had all those posters on her wall, I remember being like that when I was younger, just not fixated with one person”

Positive feedback

“I feel that it will be quite a predictable storyline”

“the wedding scene at the beginning wasn’t romantic, is it meant to be?”

“the filling in the forms in the middle was too long, it should have been shorter in my opinion”

Negative feedback

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